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Desire Espinoza

Senior English


20 February 2019

The Truth of Macbeths Downfall

In William Shakespeare he tends to write about love, tragedy, and comedy. In “The

Tragedy of Macbeth” he focuses on all three topics. For example, the main character Macbeth

was highly influenced by his wife, Lady Macbeth whom was introduced as a very manipulating

person. In this very known “Shakespearean tragedy”, nothing is as it seems. Once one problem

occurs more problem arises between all characters. Lady Macbeth is one of these characters

whom is toxic, once she starts a plan, she keeps on elaborating onto it. Lady Macbeth is

responsible for Macbeths down fall, which is illustrated by her plotting the murder of King

Duncan and manipulating her husband.

To begin with, Lady Macbeth is very manipulative to her husband Macbeth by getting

into his mind about him being next in line to become King of Scotland. Lady Macbeth believed

he was soon to be King because of the “Weird Witches” who told her their future, once she heard

it, she liked what she heard. She seen it as a chance to make it a reality. She started to plot how it

was possible to make her husband King of Scotland. Her horrifying plan had to do with

Duncan’s murder, this quote proves it, “But screw your courage to the ticking place. And we’ll

not fail. When Duncan is asleep…” (Shakespeare 1.7.60-61). She wanted him to kill Duncan

while he was asleep and unguarded. Lady Macbeth was ruthless when doing her planning. In

addition, part of her plan was to drug Duncan’s guards so it would be easier to kill him. This

quote proves that she is ruthless and heartless, “I have drugged their possets that death and nature
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do contend about them. Whether they live or die.” (2.2.6-8). She does not care who is killed or

affected, Lady Macbeth rather not let anyone know about her dirty secret that she manipulated

Macbeth to kill the two guards. She is ruthless and unstoppable she will go to any extent to make

her husband King and does not care about the consequences or those who have died, just for

Macbeth to be named king of Scotland.

Furthermore. after hearing what the witches had to say about their future, she decided to

manipulate her husband Macbeth, she decided to manipulate him by calling him a coward and

bringing him down because he was not yet king, that he was just not “man” enough. It is proven

by her saying, “Who was it thus cried? Why, worthy thane, you do unbend your noble strength to

think…” (2.2.42-43). She starts to question him how and why is he not man enough, and why is

he such a weak and fragile human being. Lady Macbeth wants him to have low self esteem so

she can easily control him. She slowly brings him down, then she hypes him so he is encouraged

to do of what is asked. Macbeth slowly starts to overthink of the consequences that Lady

Macbeth had to do some lifting for herself. For example, “Infirm of purpose! Give me the

daggers.” (2.2.51-52). She had to get the daggers and plant them herself because Macbeth was

too much of a coward to do it himself.

Macbeth was not at fault for Lady Macbeths plans and manipulation, his downfall would

have not occurred if not for his wife. She was the main influencer for his downfall, she had did

everything in big gestures. Macbeth would have been king the right way. Without them both

forcing it to happen. You can ever know a person just from their words, but their actions prove

who they really are. Now they will both live knowingly of what they did to the innocent.
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Work Cited

Shakespeare, William. Macbeth (Shakespeare). Outline Co., 1606.

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