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Ephraim John C. Castro

Innovation, is what defines the dynamic movement of man’s capability of modernization translated into
being. Innovation is the ensuing of notions and ideas, or even culture, to the proceeding generation so that it can be
passed and preserved. Improvement of these ideas are done throughout that certain era, of which the preceding
generation had sought, to clarify and to state loopholes of what past faults and unanswered questions it may bring.
This construct of a cycle occurs through the civilizations, different processes of learning happen simultaneously as to
make these ideas better to relay clarity and improvement of sorts. Man creates idea, and man improves it. This is what
defines innovation.

To us, innovation is a recurring process of improvement. But the center of work in this procedure, is what
runs the whole operation—Research, is to rethink, to revaluate, or to revive. These are examples of concepts which
research lies into definition. But research is not clearly stated as merely the rethinking of ideas, whether to prove a
standpoint or to answer a question. It is also another aspect of learning. Learning is passed on, and given value when
it exists during the course of time. When adaptation and the accumulation of these ideas occur, there is learning. The
importance of research is then manifested into the entirety of learning due to many things, an example of this is the
rational thinking of the human mind.

Learning is embodied through many things or aspects. Which is classified and categorized into research,
acculturation, accumulation and discovery.

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