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We the People of 

America: Revolt 
Cause and Effect 
The American Revolution started 
as a struggle for independence 
from oppressive British Rule. 
The American Revolution aimed 
to keep the existing liberties 
of the colonies instead of 
creating new ones, because of 
this it was a fairly 
conservative revolution, but 
did mark political change. The 
American Revolution accelerated the existing democratic rule in the colonies. 
Political authority was still reflected in elites who led the revolution. Political 
participation was increased as voting requirements were lowered.   
Change and Continuity 
During and after the American revolution, it created many changes. A major change was 
the joining of 13 formerly separate colonies, and gaining independence from the 
oppressive rule of Great Britain. Another great change in politics was very prevalent, 
although they preserved the existing liberties. On the other hand, the aspects that 
continued after the revolution was the practice of democratic tendencies, although 
the revolution accelerated those practices. Another continuity was the land and 
slaves were still owned by the upper class men. The American revolution was very 
successfully in the name of politics, but was very conservative in the social aspect. In 
other words, slavery was still strongly practiced and women we not considered equal. 

Revolutionary Document 
Title:​ IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776-The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen 
States of America 
Author:​ Thomas Jefferson et. al. 

Key Quote: ​“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that 
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these 
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 

Revolution and Revolution Extent 
Revolution (n.): 

an attempt to overthrow against an established and controversial political, 

social, or economic system in favor of a new order, whether that is through a new 
nation, hierarchy, new rights, etc. 

The American Revolution was overall a huge SUCCESS for the revolutionists. The 
United States became separated from British law, and the goal of self-governance was 
achieved. America became unrestricted from foreign power, and the nation became a 
Democracy in an effort to use a system different than the British. The only reason that 
the Revolution wouldn’t have been a success is because some aspects of the declaracion 
and aren’t fully fulfilled in the everyday lives of Americans. Incarceration, Poverty, 
Inequality, Starvation, and Depression are always possibilities in the United States, 
which shows that we are a flawed nation. 

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