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Philosophy of Classroom Management

In all the classes I’ve been in growing up, there have been different ways of

managing the classroom that i have seen to be successful, and some not so successful.

Being a teacher is not a duty you should carry on lightly. Teachers should think through

every important concept before determining how the will manage their classrooms. In

setting up a philosophy and a plan for your classroom, you need to come up with ways

to be both in control, but to also give your students an effective learning experience.

Building a relationship with your students is the most important thing in giving the

students in your classroom an effective learning environment. When I become a

teacher, I will make sure that I form a relationship and understanding with my students.

To start, I will incorporate interactions during my lessons by calling on and asking

questions to my students that will make them feel engaged. On the first day of class I

will want to get to know my students and have them get to know about me. I will go over

the rules and regulations of the classroom and also have them listed around the room to

set reminders. When I become a teacher, I will want my students to feel respected by

me and all of their peers. I will set up rules about mean comments and anything that will

bring the other students down or in bullying other students. Growing up in school, I have

found I can learn easier in a classroom where I know I am free to express myself

knowing that bullying is not something that would happen in the classroom.
When setting up rules and regulations, I will make sure I am firm on my rules so I

don’t feel like I’m getting pushed around by my students. I think often times in having a

comfortable environment, some students might take advantage of it and break your

rules so you need to be firm and set up your own rules and consequences for those


Being a teacher is a big responsibility, although rewarding. Sitting down before a

school year and planning out my classroom management each year will be the most

important step oh how I will interact with the children and how I will give them the best

learning experience they deserve.

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