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":f ~'~i 'RlD WAR II


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5. THE T-34 74







The Soviet tank arm was based on
British and French built tanks
captured from White Russian
forces and technology from secret
overseas purchases. However
many of those responsible for
creating this new force
disappeared during Stalin's purge
of the army in the 1930s.
On 25 April 1945 the powerful First, Second, Third and Fourth
Guards tank armies of the Red Army consolidated the iron grip they
had thrown around Berlin, capital of Adolf Hitler's Thousand Year
Reich. Ten days previously, these Soviet armoured forces, totalling
4000 tanks and self-propelled guns (out of a total 6250 available for
the assault on Berlin), had broken out of their bridgeheads across the
River Oder, 80-144km (50-90 miles) east of the German capital. The
First and Second Guards tank armies of Marshal G.K. Zhukov's 1st
Byelorussian Front battered their vvay slowly forwards, at great cost,
towards the outskirts of Berlin through the prepared German defence
lines. In stark contrast, the Third Guards and Fourth tank arn1.ies of

LEFT: The French Renault FT-17 was the first tank to have a centrally mounted
turret armed with a 37mm (1.46in) gun or machine gun. Large numbers were built
for service in World War I and those sent to Russia to assist the White Russians
were eventually captured by the Red Army.


ABOVE: A British Royal Marshal I.V Konev's 1st Ukrainian Front, adapt to the requirements of urban war-
Artillery sergeant passes a striking from further south, encountered fare. Direct support for the infantry
French Renault FT-17 on less resistance and rapidly sliced through generally came from the well-armoured
the Western Front near the German positions racing their rivals to and well-gunned KV-1-s and IS-2 heavy
close of World War I. Over Berlin. However, despite the desire to tanks as well as a range of self-propelled
3 000 were built during the beat each other into Berlin by 26 April, guns. The most powerful of the SP guns
war, and the FT-17 was still all four elite tank armies - supported by was the ISU-152, whose large 152mm
in use in the French Army in 464,000 troops and 12,700 artillery (5.9in) gun proved devastating in clearing
World War II - captured pieces - were actually in position for the houses at short range, quite often by
tanks were used by the final assault into the heart of Berlin. simply blowing whole floors out with a
German garrison in the single shell.
street- fighting in Paris in VICTORY OF THE ARMOURED GUARDS As Soviet armour pushed into the
1944. The tank was built to Under the cover of the massed fires of centre of Berlin, Red Army officers
be used en masse, and little the Soviet artillery corps ringing Berlin, demonstrated their ability to adapt their
thought had gone into repair the forces of the 1st Byelorussian and 2nd forces and tactics to the peculiarities of
and maintenance of the Ukrainian fronts moved against the last fighting in built-up areas. The most seri-
vehicle, a feature that would lines of German resistance in a gruelling ous threat came not from German
serve to make them very battle of attrition among the shattered armour, but from the hand-held infantry
unreliable in action. buildings. Operating in narrow streets antitank weapon, the Panzeifaust. To
where close-quarters battle dominated counter this threat, Soviet tank officers
the style of fighting, Soviet tanks could broke down their large combat units,
move forwards only with infantry and such as brigades, into small combat
engineer support. The Red Army utilized groups of three tanks. As one tank moved
a variety of tanks in the Battle of Berlin. along the left-hand side of the street,
Most prominent in the Soviet inventory another secured the right, whilst the
was the T-34/85 medium tanks designed third, slightly to the rear, moved down
for high-speed mobile operations in the centre. The tank on the left fired at
open terrain, but still flexible enough to targets - or suspected targets - to its


right, whilst that on the right engaged

the left-hand side of the street: both were
covered by the centre tank. Behind this
advance guard were usually 10 other
vehicles acting as a reserve to replace
losses amongst the front three vehicles.
Supported by tanks operating in this
manner, by 5 May forward infantry ele-
ments of General VI. Chuikov's Eighth
Guards Army successfully assaulted the
Reichstag, the German Parliament.
Although the fighting in Berlin contin-
ued for several more days, and the war
did not officially end until 9 May 1945,
hoisting the Red Flag over the Reichstag
on the Communist May Day holiday
symbolized the Red Army's defeat of
Nazi Germany and its finest hour. At the
forefront of victory were the tanks, offi-
cers and men of the Armoured and
Mechanized Forces of the Red Army.
In explaining the Red Army's victory
over Germany in what the Russians call
their Great Patriotic War, it is insufficient
to simply consider the number, type and
capabilities of Soviet tanks. Wars on the
scale of World War II are waged by the
mobilization of a state's entire human,
economic, technical and financial
resources in order to create massive
armies, equipped with high-quality
weapons, and trained to fight effectively.
It is the careful blending of these various
factors that bring victory in war. As the
Battle for Berlin clearly demonstrates,
Soviet forces in 1945 possessed not just
the numbers to win, but the blend of
weapons and tactics required. (Lenin), mounted a successful coup d'etat ABOVE: Vladimir Ilyich
It is arguable that by the end of the to seize power in the Russian capital Ulyanov (Lenin), who was
war, the Red Army had proved to be the Petrograd. The Bolsheviks were aided by smuggled by the intelligence
most proficient amongst all the combat- a number of disaffected army regiments services of Imperial
ants at conducting large-scale armoured and their own crudely armed and trained Germany from Switzerland
operations. Understanding the process by workers militia, which was rather grandly to St Petersburg during
which the Soviet Union developed the called the Red Guards. On 28 January World War I to ensure that
technical and economic base necessary 1918 these forces were re-named the revolution would neutralize
for the creation of powerful armoured Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and Russia. From 1919 to 1921,
formations, and the methods by which tasked with the role of defending the his Bolshevik Red Army
they were employed to achieve success in revolution from the right-wing anti- fought the White Army, a
combat (what is termed doctrine by pro- Bolshevik forces, which were now force which was backed by
fessional soldiers), will form the focus of known generally as the Whites. the USA, France and Britain,
the first two chapters of this book. During the course of the Civil War all of which had supplied it
(1919-21) on 4 July 1920 the Red Army with tanks, the new
ORIGINS OF THE ARMOURED FORCES fought its first tank action. This was a technology which had
The Red Army and its armoured forces combined action involving the 2nd Tank emerged during the last
were born out of the chaos and confusion Squadron, Armoured Train number 8 and years of World War I.
of the Russian Revolution. In November Armoured Car Squadron number 14.
191 7 the Bolshevik Party, under the iron The infant Soviet tank park was com-
leadership of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov prised of a modest number of British


Mark V and Medium B Whippet and Soviet state. These organizations were
French Renault FT tanks. These vehicles replaced in 1918 by the Revolutionary
had originally been supplied to the Military Council (RSVR) which took
Whites by the Western powers to aid practical steps to establish tank detach-
them against the Bolsheviks, who had ments. The first dedicated tank units were
managed to capture a number and turn formed in May 1920. Each consisted of
them against their former owners. three British-made Mk V tanks, with six
In the Civil War, tanks played only a lorries and three motorcycles.
minor role on both sides. The most obvi- As more types of vehicle were impro-
ous reason for this was lack of numbers. vised or captured, the armoured forces
The British and French are estimated to were re-organized into three main
have supplied the Whites with no more groupings, according" to the size of the
than 130 tanks, although it seems that a tank. The Mark Vs constituted Type B hol-
far larger number of armoured cars were ishie (large) units; Whippets were placed
sent. The tanks themselves were slow, in Type S srednie (Medium) units; and the
mechanically unreliable, and lacked spares, FT tanks in Type M maZie (light) units.
and fuel. Consequently, they were unsuit- This organization was more concerned
able for extensive use alongside the more with logistic matters and ease of coordi-
rapid cavalry units employed in the deep nating the tanks, rather than any
mobile operations that were a character- sophisticated ideas concerning the tacti-
istic of much of the fighting in the Civil cal role of different tank types. Yet, it is
War. Armoured trains had a greater worth noting that the division of
impact than tanks, possessing high mobil- armoured forces into groupings based on
ity coupled with substantial firepower, in the size and capabilities of tank types did
a conflict in which securing railheads was become a characteristic feature of Soviet
often a key feature of engagements. organization during the interwar years
At the same time, the Red Army did and World War II, and was strongly
devote much time and attention to its related to their use in combat.
punitive armoured forces. The Bolsheviks In the in1.mediate aftermath of
had formed a Provisional Armoured Bolshevik victory in tqe Russian Civil
Board as early as November 1917, with War, the Red Army continued to show
orders to oversee the Second All-Russian interest in armoured warfare, especially
Armoured Car Conference, which was to the creation of native means of produc-
discuss matters relating to the establish- tion to replace captured western vehicles.
ment of armoured forces for the new War Commissar Leon Trotsky, the man
often accredited with laying the founda-
tions of the Red Army, wrote that tank
factories should be created to supply the
RENAULT FT-17 Soviet Union's requirements. In fact, as
early as 1919, a team of technicians under
N. Kruhlev had set about reverse-engi-
neering the French Renault FT tank at
the AMO (Avtomobilnoye Moskovskoye
Ohshchestvo) Factory, which had been
newly nationalized. The decision to try
and reproduce the FT tank was taken on
the grounds that it was smaller and sim-
pler than the other types of vehicle that
had been captured. Although one vehicle
was produced, Soviet claims of 14 vehi-
SPEED: 8km/h (Smph) cles seem extreme, considering the
DIMENSIONS: Length: S.02m (16ft Sin); Width 1. 74m (Sft 9in); Height run-down state of Russian industry in
2.14m (6ft 7in); Weight 7000kg (6.88 tons) the immediate aftermath of the Civil
ARMOUR: 22mm (O.86in) War: it is more likely that these tanks
WEAPONRY: One 37mm (1.46in) gun or one MG were refurbished FTs, not new vehicles.
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 3Skm (22 miles) Lack of industrial resources and tech-
CREW: 2 nical skills also prevented the large
number of original Soviet tank designs


produced between 1919 and 1924 from the first large-scale production tank of ABOVE: A Medium Tank Mk
progressing beyond paper concepts. Tank the Red Army in 1926, called the MS-l A, widely known by the
development was also inhibited by the and subsequently known as theT-16/18. British as the Whippet, and a
designers' often fanciful and over-ambi- Mk V that appears to have
tious aims. A Red Arlny competition to THE MS-l / T-18 SOVIET TANK its gun sponson removed at
design an armoured fighting vehicle in The MS-lor T-18 had its origins in a a depot in France. Both
1919 was won by a team from the three-year plan drawn up in 1926 to pro- types of tank were sent to
Izhorskiy Factory whose Tyeplokhod Tipa duce a number of tanks to provide close Russia to assist in the
AM (Motor Vessel Type AM) was a 10.1 support to infantry whilst breaking fighting against the Reds,
tonne (10 ton) amphibious tank mount- through enemy defences. A number of and examples of both were
ing a 76.2mm (3in) gun. The foreign designs were considered by the captured. The drive to
over-complication of the design and Red Army in order to speed design and industrialize the newly-
insurmountable technical problems production. Initial studies favoured the formed USSR allowed
forced work to be suspended in 1923. adoption of the Italian FIAT-3000 over Soviet engineers to retro-
Despite these setbacks, the Soviets the French Renault FT, or its Soviet engineer captured tanks in
continued to set up organizations to con- modified variant the KS-l, because of its the new factories that were
ider the design, organization and use of lower weight and relatively high peed. being built, which
armoured forces. In 1923 the War The accuracy and weight of the FTKS encouraged the development .
Industry Main Directorate undertook the tanks was considered inadequate, and so of a Soviet tank industry.
first systematic study of tank design in too was the overall poor quality of
relation to the Red Army's requirements the workmanship.
in war. This analysis contained a survey of The first prototype was built by the
tank actions from 1916 to 1918, and Bolshevik Factory and was ready for
drew up outline proposals for training a trials in March 1927. Designated T-16, it
cadre of tank men. The push towards performed adequately, but a number of
acquiring a tank arm was furthered in improvements were recommended,
1925 with the establishment of a including the addition of another road
Technical Bureau for Tank Study. This wheel and alterations to the transmission.
body was largely responsible for directi g Final tests on the new model were con-
the efforts of a recovering Soviet indus- ducted in mid-1927, with the vehicle
trial base with the aim towards designing re-designated as Small Support Tank



SPEED: 8km/h (Smph) WEAPONRY: Two 6pdr (S7mm (2.24in»; four 7.7mm (O.303in)
DIMENSIONS: Length: 8.04m (26ft Sin); Width 4.11m (13ft 6in); MG; or six 7.7mm (O.303in) MG
Height 2.64m (8ft 8in); Weight 29,46Skg (29 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 40km (2S miles)
ARMOUR: lSmm (O.S9in) CREW: 8

Model 1927, or T-18. Lack of a gun led replacing the copied French Hotchkiss
to concentration on road tests, during 37mm (1.46in) gun with a new, high-
which the T-18 was judged to have per- velocity version, but nothing was done.
formed effectively and it was afterwards The turret was extensively re-designed in
recommended for service. The Red order to create space for a radio, although
Army ordered 108 vehicles to be built not all tanks received radio.
between 1928 and 1929, and the first 30 The most important changes involved
were available to take place in the 7 measures to increase the T-18 's speed and
November 1929 Moscow and Leningrad mobility. The engine's power was
parades celebrating the revolution. increased to 29kW (40bhp) and a new
However, production of the tanks had gearbox and cast wheel drive were intro-
been difficult because of lack of facilities duced. However, these measures failed to
at the Bolshevik Factory to manufacture significantly increase the tank's overall
certain components, such as ball-bearings performance, and later programmes to
and carburettors. Eventually the required update theT-18's running gear in 1933
parts had to be imported, but even then and in 1938 also failed to achieve any
the tanks delivered to the army were improvement in performance.
plagued with technical difficulties. Later
field tests in 1929 revealed that the T-18 MS-l /T-18 IN ACTION
had problems in crossing trenches. This Despite the unfavourable opinion
was rectified when the commander of expressed about the T-18 soon after its
the Leningrad Region Armoured Force acceptance by the Red Army, over 989
ordered the fitting of a second tail at the were produced between 1928 and 1931,
front. The appearance of the tank with its and they saw successful, if limited,
iron struts at the front earned it the nick- combat service, fulfilling their role of
name N050rog (Rhinoceros). direct support to the infantry. In 1929,
Although the T-18 remained in pro- nine T-18 tanks saw action in the Far East
duction until the end of 1931, as early as in border clashes with Chinese forces. In
July 1927 the Revolutionary Military one engagement, eight T-18s supported
Council had stated that it was unsuitable the attack of the 106th and 108th rifle
for the conditions of modern combat, regiments against Chinese forces dug in
and consequently it was to remain in ser- around Dzhalaynor Station. In one
vice only until a successor was available. attack, the infantry advanced behind the
In line with this, several modifications cover of the T-18s against Chinese posi-
were undertaken to the T-18 as a stop- tions. The tank crews operated with skill,
gap. There was some discussion about providing fire support with their guns as


well. A later attack was less successful to manufacture any type on a significant
because the tanks initially couldn't cross scale. The only tank factory in Russia had
an antitank ditch. Later several vehicles been set up during World War I by an
managed to get into the enemy lines, industrialist who had bought the rights
sweeping them \vith concentrated fire. to build Fiat light tanks, essentially a copy
By the time of the outbreak of war of the French FT. Little had come of this
with Germany in June 1941, few T-18s venture: the factory was ill-equipped and
were left in running order. In 1938 over the Revolution and Civil War soon
700 were ordered to be re-armed and plunged Russian industry into chaos,
used as mobile firing points in the forti- with disastrous effects for the long term.
fied regions along the borders with The evolution of the first generation
Poland and Romania. Some T-18s did see of Soviet tanks and the organization of
action during the opening days of the the Red Army's Armoured and
war with IX Mechanized Corps during Mechanized forces was reliant on more
the large tank battle in the Rovno- than just the direction which was
Broda-Lutsk area. However, these had afforded by the government departments
been deployed almost randomly in a des- who were in charge of industry. Three
perate attempt to replace the massive other factors played an important role in
losses suffered amongst the corps' more establishing the nature of Soviet tank
modern BT and T-26 tanks during the design and production: the development
previous weeks' fighting. of the Red Army; its ideas on the con-
duct of war; and international relations
WAR SCARE AND INDUSTRIALIZATION coupled with internal Soviet political
The initially small numbers of the T-18 struggles. Developments in each of these
produced and the reliance on imported individual areas eventually combined in
parts and designs was a reflection of the the late 1920s to create a Soviet indus-
critical problems facing the Red Army in trial-military organization which was
the early- and mid-1920s. Prior to World capable of equipping the Red Army with
War I, Russia had possessed only a lim- the largest armoured forces in the world
ited industrial base for developing and by the mid-1930s.
building modern, sophisticated weapons. The first factor to playa role in estab-
This had been reflected during World lishing the nature of Soviet tank design
War I by the fact that although the was the development of the Red Army.
Russians tried to develop numerous The organization of the Red Army and
designs of armoured vehicles, they failed its ideas on future war were largely


" ~ ::
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SPEED: 12km/h (8mph) WEAPONRY: Three or four 7.7mm (0.303in) MG

DIMENSIONS: Length 6.10m (20ft Oin); Width 2.62m (8ft 7in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 64km (40 miles)
Height 2.74m (9ft Oin); Weight 14,225kg (14 tons) CREW: 3
ARMOUR: 14mm (0.55in)


shaped between 1918 and 1927. The method of weapons design and procure-
most immediate problem for the ment, and to train troops who were
Bolsheviks on assuming power in 1917 capable of using these new, complex
had been the need to protect themselves weapons effectively in battle.
from immediate internal and external The second factor affecting the nature
threats. The creation of the Red Army on of Soviet tank design was the Red Army's
28 January 1918 was critical to achieving ideas on the conduct of war. By the
this aim by 1921. However, although the mid-1920s the Red Army had developed
Civil War had shown the value of a large the outline of a sophisticated tactical
standing Red Army, it did not guarantee doctrine called 'Deep Battle'. From
the retention of such a force in the after- studying the lessons ofWorld War I and
math of the Civil War, for economic and the Russian Civil War, Soviet military
ideological reasons. theorists argued that the key to breaking
For much of the 1920s, a significant through strong enemy front-line defences
portion of the Bolshevik Party, led by was the infliction of shock, through the
Trotsky, argued that the Soviet Union's use of con1.bined forces of infantry,
lack of economic resources meant that it artillery, engineers, tanks and aircraft.
could neither afford nor equip a regular By attacking the enemy defences
army with the advanced weapons needed throughout their depth with both fire
to oppose the technically superior capi- and assault troops, it would prove possible
talist forces. Coupled with this was the to breach the Front and then carry out a
belief that any invading force would be decisive manoeuvre in the enemy's r~ar.
crippled by partisan warfare and uprisings The strong emphasis on the all-arms tac-
by pro-Soviet workers in their own tical deep battle convinced a nun1.ber of
countries. The Trotskyite faction argued radical and increasingly influential
for the creation of a militia, rather than a thinkers in the Red Army, such as
standing army. Marshal M. Frunze, and generals VK.
Trotsky's defeat by his political and Triandafillov and M.N. Tukachevsky, of
military rivals at the Tenth Party the need to equip the Red Army with
Congress ensured that despite undergo- the most sophisticated new weapon,
ing a dramatic demobilization - from five especially including tanks, to assist in
million to 562,000 troops by the middle breaking the front and then proceeding
of the decade - the Red Army remained to drive rapidly in to the enemy's rear.
a standing professional force, not a mili- The third factor which affected Soviet
tia. This was vital to the ability of the tank design was international relations,
Soviet State and its armed forces to coupled with internal Soviet political
develop a centralized and effective struggles. During the Russian Civil War,

RIGHT: The Russkiy-Reno,

legkiy tank M (Light Tank
M: maliy - small) was
originally known more
dramatically as the Freedom
Fighter Lenin. These tanks
were re-builds of the
captured former French
Renault FT- 17 light tanks.
Fifteen of these vehicles
were used to form the 7th
Tank Unit in Moscow, which
was used for all the military
parades in Red Square.
Some of these tanks were
also used in armoured
manoeuvres around the
Moscow area.


the Whites had received support in the full-scale war were undertaken. It was ABOVE: Amidst a cloud of
form of arms and direct intervention this belief that had played a key role in exhaust fumes T-18 (also
with punitive military forces from rejecting a militia and the assistance of known as MS-1 Maliy
Britain, France, Japan, and the USA, external Communist movements in Soprovozhdyeniya-Pierviy: First
whilst in 1920 Poland had embarked favour of a standing Red Army which Small Support Vehicle) light
upon a brief and unsuccessful invasion of would defend the Soviet Union. tanks move through Red
the Ukraine. Ultimately, these actions had Consequently, it was increasingly Square during a May Day
not saved the Whites from defeat, but in argued in the 1920s that the Soviet mili- Parade. Production of this
the long term they had a profound tary had to become as well equipped and vehicle was plagued with
impact on the Bolshevik regime's inter- organized as its opponents if it was to technical problems, but
pretation of international politics. To win. This position was stated in the 1925 between 1928 and 1931
many in the Bolshevik Party and the mil- Provisional Field Regulations that some 960 T-18s were built.
itary, it became clear that there could stressed the role of new artillery guns, This was an altogether
never be permanent peace between the tanks and other advanced weapons in incredible achievement
Soviet Union and the capitalist powers. future cOlnbat. This position, however, considering that this total
At first sight, this appears to be some- created a paradox between the reality of a was churned out even
thing of a paradox, considering events in backward Soviet industrial base - espe- though production was
the early 1920s. The signing of the 1922 cially short of technical personnel and a halted to rectify serious
Anglo-Soviet Trade Treaty and military large, trained workforce - and the ability design flaws, including
and economic agreements with Germany to create the large, modern army which adding a turret bustle and a
enshrined in the 1924 Treaty of Rappallo had previously been envisaged. more powerful engine.
would appear to show the USSR as This position, which seemed to justify
living in harmony with its neighbours. some of Trotsky's views, spurred Soviet
Yet to many Bolsheviks, including Lenin, political and military leaders to recognize
peace was simply another phase in the the need to develop internal resources if
struggle between 'them and their ene- the Soviet Union was to be defended
mies, in which a variety of weapons from hostile powers. It became axiomatic
available to a state - diplomacy, economic to many leading political and military
sabotage - would be used against the figures that the only way to turn the Red
Soviet Union whilst the preparations for Army into such an effective and modern



SPEED: 16km/h (10mph) WEAPONRY: One 37mm (1.46in), one MG

DIMENSIONS: Length 3.S0m (11ft 6in);Width 1. 76m (Sft 9in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: SOkm (31 miles)
Height 2.12m (6ft l1in);Weight SSOOkg (S.41tons) CREW: 2
ARMOUR: 16mm (O.62in)

fighting force was through a radical Yet the reality is more difficult to sub-
policy of industrialization. The creation stantiate, since at that point no
of a strong domestic advanced industrial widespread mobilization of the Red
base would overcome shortcomings in Army took place. The War Scare may
Soviet weapons design and production, as have been more concerned with the
well as enabling the military to begin the internal political aims ofJosef Stalin, who
implementation of their increasingly used it to discredit the last n1.ain rivals to
advanced combat methods. his hold on power. Trotsky was expelled
The impetus for the creation of the from the party and later went into exile.
Soviet warfare state demanded by the It is, however, worth noting that substan-
political and military decisions of the tial changes were made to the military
mid-1920s came spectacularly in 1926 share of the new, ambitious Five Year Plan
and into 1927 in a series of apparently begun in 1929, to transform the Soviet
threatening international political inci- Union into a first-rate power. During the
dents that became known as the 'War course of the First- and following the
Scare'. In 1926 relations between the Second Five Year Plan, the Red Army
Soviet Union and Poland underwent a would be allocated a sizeable portion of
downturn when the right-wing Marshal Soviet industrial output and planning.
Pilsudski gathered power into his own
hands, establishing a strong military THE FIRST FIVE YEAR PLAN
regime which was unfavourable to the Soviet plans for the creation of a vast
Soviet Union. The situation was exacer- industrial base were ambitious. The gov-
bated when a Soviet minister was ernment issued orders for the creation of
assassinated in Poland. This chain of the enormous Gorki and Moscow Zavods
events was viewed with concern by (factories), with an intended combined
Moscow, where Poland was seen by the annual production of 125,000 vehicles.
Red Army High Command as the n1.ost Tractor and tank production was concen-
immediate and direct threat to the secu- trated at the Leningrad Putilov Works
rity of the Soviet Union. Security and the Stalingrad Tractor factory. At the
concerns increased further in 1927 when start of this titanic process, military pro-
the Soviet Embassy in China was sacked duction targets were set at modest levels
and diplomatic relations with Great in accordance with the limited resources
Britain were broken off after British available. The Red Army's production
police raids on Soviet offices in London. priorities were artillery, aircraft, tanks and
Panic gripped many Russians as war other motorized vehicles. In the earliest
seemed imminent. proposals of 1926-28, a total of 1025


tanks were ordered, but the rapid strides of labour that could be used in the new,
made in the creation of automotive and expanding industries. In the factories,
other heavy industries led to this total ineffective management was brutally
being increased to 3500 in May 1929. repressed and harsh punishments were
Soviet confidence reached new heights carried out on those who failed to meet
with the great tank programme of 1931, production targets. Enthusiastic for its
which called for the manufacture of new weapons, the Red Army was not
10,000 tanks in 1932 alone. This overly averse to using its soldiers to enforce the
optimistic total, like so many during the new policies in rural areas. Several of the
plan, was not achieved, but it was still an new military plants were in effect run as
outstanding feat on the part of Soviet slave-labour camps.
industry to turn out just under 3000 Vital to the process of industrialization
tanks. This gave the Soviet Union the was foreign expertise. Stalin and the
largest tank fleet in the world at this time, Revolutionary Military Council spent BELOW: A Red Army soldier
a position it would not lose until the cat- the Soviet Union's gold reserves on guards an MS-3 bogged
astrophic defeats suffered at the hands of acquiring American and German techni- during a training exercise.
the Germans in 1941. cal experts and machine tools in order to The Renault 'tail' has failed
The ability of the Soviet Union to circumvent existing deficiencies in Soviet to enable the crew to clear
expand her industrial, and consequently industry and, at the same time, hasten its the ditch. The MS had a
military, forces at such speed was the own build-up. American involvement in new transverse engine and
result of pragmatic, though at the time the Five Year Plan was notable for the fact transmission and sprung
harsh, policies. The creation of a large that at this time the US Government did suspension on seven small
workforce with rudimentary technical not officially recognize the Soviet Union. coil sprung roadwheels.
skills was accomplished through a series Yet only limited - and easily circum- N umbers of the MS-3 had
of policies introduced by Stalin. vented - measures were taken to prevent survived up to'1941 and
Agricultural reform termed collectiviza- technical cooperation and the purchase were hurriedly fitted with a
tion - involving the creation of large of US equipment. The first deal was 45mm (1. 77in) antitank gun,
state-run farms by dispossessing many made in 1929 with the Ford Motor but proved useless against
peasants of their land - created a surplus Company, which helped design and build more modern German tanks.


BOVE: A single British the vast Gorki automobile plant, licensed particular the Vickers Carden-Loyd Mk
soldier of the Royal Tank to build Ford trucks. This factory would VI tankette and Vickers-Armstrong E
Regiment mans a Vickers become one of the largest and most Tank provided the basis for several key
Carden-Loyd (otherwise im'portant production centres for the early Red Army tanks.
known as VCL) Tankette mechanization of the Red Army prior to One of the first designs to arrive was
during trials which were and during the World War II. The sheer the Vickers Carden-Loyd (VCL) Mk VI
carried out in Britain. scale of equipment purchases from the tankette. This had been purchased
Developed between 1925 United States is illustrated by the Soviet because Red Army Armoured
and 1929, these two- or Union spending $79 million alone in Regulations specified the need for a light
three man vehicles - which 1932, which included 64 per cent of all reconnaissance tank. Soviet design teams
were both light and open- machine tool exports for that year. had experimented with a number of
topped - were the brainchild One area in which the Soviets became their own ideas between 1927 and 1930.
of Sir John Carden. They particularly adept and where they had Based on the chassis of the T-16, they
would influence notable success - with long-term impli- evolved the T-17 and T-25, but these had
international armour design cations - was the purchase of actual remained mere paper projects. Only the
during the 1920s and 1930s foreign military vehicles as a basis for T-23 experimental tankette was built.
and were the basis of the developing native models. Tanks in par- The extensive time needed to correct
Bren Gun Carrier developed ticular were purchased from a wide defects in the T-23 led to the decision to
by the British before World variety of countries such as France, Italy buy the proven British design.
War II. Among the many and Czechoslovakia. The most important Soviet engineers weren't fully satisfied
armoured vehicles which foreign designs, however, came from with the Mk VI, and a team led by N.
were supplied to the USSR Britain, the USA and Germany. Korzyrev at Zavod Nr 37 in Moscow
by the United Kingdom made a number of changes to the hull.
during World War II were CARDEN-LOYD MK VI TANKETTE Performance was improved with a more
large numbers of British- The acquisition of British and American powerful engine, new clutch and larger
and Canadian-built Bren designs was undertaken in 1929 by a spe- drive sprockets. The T-27 was armed with
Gun Carriers. cial commission of the Directorate for a 7.62mm (0.3in) machine gun, but
Mechanization and Motorization lacked a radio, which meant that com-
(UMM) , led by the head of the Military munication with other vehicles had to be
Technical Board, General I.A. Khalepsky. conducted with flags, a standard Soviet
As the British were at this time seen as procedure at this time because of the
the leaders in tank design, Khalepsky paid primitive state of the electrical industry.
particular attention to acquiring vehicles Several attempts were made to up-gun
from the country's only tank manufac- the T-27 by fitting 37mm (1.46in)
turer, Vickers-Armstrong Ltd, in 1931. In Hotchkiss and 76.2mm (3in) Kt guns on


the chassis, but these attempts proved to It was, however, in America that
be largely abortive because of the inabil- Khalepsky, after long and complex nego-
ity of the chassis to cope with the extra tiations with the eccentric and irascible
weight, lack of stowage room for ammu- designer John Christie, was to make his
nition, and the instability and danger most important purchase. Christie had
inherent in firing a large-calibre gun developed a unique tank suspension
from such a small frame. system, called the M 1928. The Christie
In the field, the T-27 proved of mixed suspensions system of long, individual
value. Its simple construction required helicoil springs allowed for large road
low maintenance, but it struggled to tra- wheels, reducing the overall weight and
verse swamps and snow-covered terrain enabling a tank to traverse uneven
because of its narrow tracks. Lack of a ground with minimum vibrations. The
traversable turret and an amphibious design was far from perfect, but unlike
capability was also acknowledged and led the US Army, Khalepsky, along with the
to the creation of the T-37 amphibious British, saw its potential. In the end,
light tank. Even so, the T-27 was used Christie's modified design became the
extensively by the Red Army, which had basis for the T-34 medium tank which is
65 battalions each with 50 tankettes by considered one of the finest tanks ever
the end of 1932. They were successfully designed and was a bedrock of Soviet
used in operations in Central Asia to sup- victory between 1941 and 1945.
press the Basmachi uprising in the 1930s.
When war came with Germany in 1941, SOVIET-GERMAN COOPERATION
the T-27 had long been classed as obso- The most direct influences on the cre-
lete and removed from front-line service. ation of Soviet armaments came from
Some are reported to have seen active Germany. After World War I Germany,
service during 1941, but this was more like the Soviet Union, was something of
an expression of the desperation of Soviet an international pariah. Cooperation
armoured forces for replacement vehicles between these two isolated nations ger-
than reflective of the T-27's combat value minated from the peculiarities of each
Yet the decision to mass-produce the other's predicaments that closely inter-
Mk VI tankette as the T-27 in 1931 twined. In short, under the terms of the
marked the real start of the creation of Treaty of Versailles the 100,000-man
the large armoured forces envisaged by Reichswehr was permitted no planes or
Red Army commanders in the late 1920s tanks. To the German High Command,
When production ceased in 1941, over the Soviet Union, with its vast space and
12,000 vehicles had been built. closed borders, was the ideal place to


SPEED: 45km/h (28mph) WEAPONRY: One 7.7mm (0.303in) Vickers MG

DIMENSIONS: Length 2.46m (8ft lin); Width 1.70m (5ft 7in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 96km (60 miles)
Height 1.22mm (4ft); Weight 1525kg (1.5 tons) CREW: 2
ARMOUR: 9mm (0.35in)


secretly develop tanks and aircraft. To the important as military cooperation was
Soviets, the benefit of access to German the assistance received from German
technical and· military personnel and designers and technicians in many areas
ideas was obvious. This mutually benefi- of the Soviet armaments industry. The
cial relationship began briefly in 1924, exchange of ideas and acquiring of tech-
before several internal German political niques were, at times, quite close. In 1932
problems terminated the agreement. The a Soviet team which was headed by the
attractions for the armed forces of both German engineer Grotte, developed the
sides proved too great, however, and in TG-l Heavy Breakthrough tank as part
BELOW: Red Army fitters the late 1920s cooperation resumed, of the wider mechanizatio.n of the Red
check the tracks of a T-27 which was to last until Hitler came to Arn1.Y, and the Soviets also purchased and
Tankietka (tankette). It was power in January 1933. built under licence the Rheinmetall
based on the V CL design In 1927 the Germans established a 37mm (1.46in) antitank gun.
and included several tank development school in the Soviet The relationship between the
improvements, the most Union at Kazan, referred to as the Heavy Reichswehr and Red Army was also one
obvious of which were the Vehicle Experimental and Test Station. of distrust. Some senior Soviet officers
hinged hatches to give Despite the obvious advantages to both such as J.P. Uborevich studied at the
overhead protection. In sides, agreement was not achieved with- German War College, and a small
addition to this, the T-27A out some internal wranglings. Elements number of more junior officers did
had an extra set of wheel of the Soviet General Staff were opposed attend German training courses at Kazan.
bogies to improve mobility. for military and ideological reasons. In In general, Defence Commissar K.V.
The tankettes were useful 1928 the Kazan school was made opera- Voroshilov preferred to train Soviet tank
training vehicles, enabling tional with the arrival of 10 German officers at the Red Army Armour Centre
the Red Army to become prototypes, weighing 18.28 tonnes (18 at Voronezh. The importance of these
familiar with tracked tons) each, designed by Krupps and limited but invaluable exchanges on the
vehicles and the concept of Rheinmetall. German aircraft were also. development of each army's ideas on the
mechanized warfare. tested at Lipetsk, near Moscow. Equally as combat employment of tanks is difficult



SPEED: 42km/h (26mph) WEAPONRY: One 7.62mm (0.3in) MG

DIMENSIONS: Length 2.59m (8ft 6in); Width 1.83m (6ft); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 120km (75 miles)
Height 1.45m (4ft 9in); Weight 2700kg (2.65 tons) CREW: 2
ARMOUR: 10mm "(0.39in)

to assess. Both looked extensively to the reason that they are so manifestly logical
British Army's successful experience in that it would be fruitless to try and argue
World War I as well as its developments which nation's designers and engineers
during the post-war period. inspired the other.
As would be expected during any What can be said with some certainty
period of change in military affairs, about this period is that between 1920
German and Soviet military texts and and 1930, the Red Army was a vibrant
articles at this point were translated and and imaginative organization that was
studied closely by both sides. But so were busily engaged in developing its own
those of a wide number of other combat- unique ideas about the combat employ-
ive nations. Many of the conclusions ment of tanks. These ideas were not a
about tactics which were reached during pale imitation of Germany's, or of other
this era by the Reichswehr and the Red nations. In fact, in some areas, the Soviets
Army had strong parallels, but it stands to were to prove startlingly original.

LEFT: The T-27A saw action

on the outer edges of the
Soviet Empire when it was
used by NKVD security
troops in operations against
the Basmachi bandits of the
Karak desert on the borders
with Afghanistan. By the
time production ceased in
1933, some 2540 had been
built. The tankettes were still
in service in 1941, though
by this time they were no
longer used as machine gun
carriers, but rather as
tractors for pulling 37mm
(1.46in) and 45mm (1.77in)
antitank guns.


It is often assumed that Germany
was the first country to develop
and perfect deep penetration
armoured tactics. In fact, in the
USSR in the 1930s, armoured
theorists and vehicle engineers
were pioneering tactics and
tanks that would eventually win
the war with Nazi Germany.

The First Five Year Plan (1929-34) and its successors created a massive
industrial base that was vital to creating the massed tank forces being
envisaged in the late 1920s by senior Red Army ~fficers. In 1929 the
Red Army possessed just 340 tanks; this had risen to 7633 by 1935,
giving the Soviets the largest tailk fleet in the world. Massive losses
inflicted by the Germans between 1941 and 1942 cut the Soviet tank
park from a colossal 28,800 (these figures include replacement and
training vehicles) to just 1503. By 1945, the resilience of the Soviet
people and thorough industrial planning had restored the Red Army's
tank park to 16,200 operational, replacement and training vehicles.
The sheer weight of materiel undoubtedly made an enornlOUS
contribution to Soviet victory in World War II, but this factor must be
treated with some caution. Until the late 20th century, the prevailing
view of the Red Army was typified by the remarks of Colonel Albert

LEFT: 15-2 heavy tanks churn along a forest firebreak ..during the final months of
World War II. The 15-2, with its thick armour and 122mm (4.8in) gun, was the
most powerful tank of World War II. Its only drawback was the two-piece
ammunition that made loading the weapon slow.


RIGHT: KV-l tanks making

their way through
Leningrad. The Red Army's
attempts at up-armouring
the KV-l yielded only a
poor power-to-weight ratio
with the result that the
tank's performance was
severely reduced. This
decrease in effectiveness was
a high price to pay for a
tank that was protected by
the same type of armament
as the more agile T-34.
However, the chassis of the
KV-l was to provide the
design basis for the
successful Iosef Stalin (IS)
series of heavy tanks, as well
as some self-propelled guns
like the ISU-152.

Seaton, who wrote that the Soviet armed suffered in the first two years forced the
forces at that time (the interwar period) Soviet High Command (STAVKA) to
had no soldiers of genius and experience, commit troops as quickly as possible to
and the Red Army was an indifferent the fighting, a decision which denied
imitation of the German Army. Soviet them the time to train to the high tactical
victories during World War II were standards of the German Army. Although
explained as being the result of brute mass was a key factor in Soviet opera-
force and ignorance. Red Army opera- tions, STAVKA did not possess an
tions lacked sophistication in their inexhaustible supply of manpower. As
planing and execution, using sledge- early as 1943, it had anticipated increas-
hammer blows rather than the finesse and ing manpower shortages in the future. In
precision of the German rapier blows. 1945 Soviet rifle divisions had only one-
These arguments were not without quarter of their strength on paper, in a
substance. During the war, the Red Army force that stood at 2700 men.
mounted offensives that had all the hall- That the Soviets were able to com-
marks of a crude battering-ram, pensate for this deficiency can be
composed of vast amounts of men and attributed to the skillful planning and
equipment, and which incurred massive handling of their forces to create massive
casualties. At the same time, such an concentrations of tanks, infantry and
interpretation rests upon a number of guns at specific points along the front to
false premises about the conditions under conduct deep, armoured thrusts that
which the Red Army fought, and the overwhelmed German positions. More
peculiar nature of Soviet views on the significantly, the Red Army's success
conduct of armoured warfare. stemmed from the years 1925-41, when
Basically, at the outbreak of war, the it created an original and sophisticated
Red Army was ill trained and inappropri- doctrine and organization for its tank and
ately equipped. The massive casualties it mechanized forces. These ideas, with a


different emphasis on the methods of Careful study of these recent conflicts

fighting, make it is misleading to judge provided the basis for predicting the
Soviet conduct of operations by Western nature of the next major conflict involv-
standards. When viewed within the con- ing the Soviet Union, and the methods
text of Soviet society and military of fighting that would be needed to
thought, a totally different perspective achieve victory. Understanding these two
emerges on the Red Army, and its design issues enabled the Soviets to make bal-
and employment of tank forces. It was anced speculations about the potential
not ~n indifferent imitation; on the con- impact of future advances in technology
trary, it was boldly original. on the battlefield. This knowledge was
invaluable in creating the organization
THE INTERWAR RED ARMY and doctrine of the Red Army, and also
In the 1920s the Red Army was con- for focusing Soviet scientific research on
cerned with three major questions developing the weapons required to fight
regarding future war: first, the nature of and win a future war.
war between modern industrialized The Red Army's ability to solve its
states; second, the problems of overcom- problems in such a sophisticated manner
ing powerful enemy defences with was the product of an open and vibrant
frontal assaults in order to achieve deci- atmosphere of intellectual debate.
sive success; and third, the potential Marshal M.V Frunze organized a staff
impact of advanced technology on the consisting of Russian Civil War comman-
conduct of battle. The Red Army set ders, former Tsarist military specialists
about answering these questions through (voenspatsy) and radical Communist offi-
rigorous analysis of the two most recent cers. The result of this unique mix of
wars: World War I (1914-18) and the ideological, practical knowledge and the-
Russian CivilWar (1919-21). oretical thought was the creation of the

LEFT: ISU-152 Model 1944

SP guns on the move. The
ISU-152, armed with a
152mm (5.9in) ML-20S with
20 rounds of HE and APHE
ammunition, had a crew of
five. The big gun fired a
43.4kg (96Ib) shell to a
maximum range of about
10,000m (10,935yd) and was
more than capable of
destroying the largest
German tanks, as well as
providing close support to
infantry assaults against
German fortifications and
fixed positions.


concept of the 'Deep Battle' at the end of would come through an accumulation of
the 1920s, followed by the radical 'Deep victories. With millions of troops
Operations' idea in the mid-1930s. These engaged, the vast scale of the battlefield
two related concepts combined to estab- meant that numerous individual battles
lish the broad guidelines for the would occur. There was a real danger that
organization of Soviet tank forces and the these battles would become localized
types of tanks which would be required, events, leading to a random pattern of
as well as their roles in combat. success or failure in each one, which
Ultimately, the ideas created by two might ultimately lead to great loss, but
decades of openness and innovation were definitely no substantial gains.
crushed after 1937 by Stalin's ruthless To avoid this chaotic battlefield and to
BELOW: Tyazholy Tank IS purge of the officer corps, which killed make sure that resources were used effec-
Heavy Tank 'Iosef Stalin' IS- most of the originators of the Deep tively for maximum gain, Soviet officers
2 tanks of the 1st Ukrainian Battle and Deep Operation concepts, - amongst whom A.A. Svechin, M.N.
Front camouflaged in a while fear silenced the survivors. Only in Tukachevsky and V.K. Triandafillov were
concentration area in woods the desperation of defeat during the war the most influential - argued that it was
near Berlin in April 1945. did Stalin relent and allow the pre-w~r necessary to carefully coordinate multiple
The IS-2 was armed with a concepts to be re-introduced. individual tactical battles based on sound
122mm (4.8in) M1943 gun logistics, towards achieving a single aim,
with 28 rounds as well as a THE THEORY OF MODERN WAR which was known as the operation.
12.7mm (O.Sin) AA gun and Of central importance to the evolution The method by which a higher-level
three 7.62mm (O.303in) of Soviet military art was an appreciation commander prioritized and coordinated
machine guns. The IS-2 was of the conditions of modern war. Citing the tactical battles to achieve the opera-
the most powerfully armed evidence from World War I, Red Army tion's aim was known as operational art.
tank in World War II and its theorists concluded that the million-man Rather like the conductor of an orches-
improved fire-control meant armies created by modern industrialized tra, the operational commander's task was
that it could fight German states were too resilient and physically to blend numerous instruments, each
Tigers and Panthers on more large to be defeated in a single campaign. playing their own solos, within the
than equal terms. Strategic victory in future conflicts framework of one musical score. Alone, a
single operation would still be inadequate
for overcoming the enemy's vast
resources; rather, strategic victory would
stem from the sum of several operations,
planned and conducted one after the
other and interconnected in time.


Having established the idea that strategic
victory in future war would result from
an accumulation of operational successes,
each flowing from the ability to link
individual battles to a common aim, the
Red Army turned to the issue of achiev-
ing tactical success in battle. The Soviets
paid particular attention to the nature of
combat during World War I.
Given that the Red Army concluded
that tactical defence was based upon the
concept of a succession of fortified lines
in depth, it logically followed that the
attacker would need to structure his
forces in a similar fashion. Successive
echelons would be necessary in order to
retain sufficient force to overcome the
entire defence. A detailed analysis of
numerous battles in the war, most notable
of these being the British attack at
Amiens on 8 August 1918, involving over


400 tanks, emphasized the need for close

tactical cooperation between infantry,
artillery and other service arms. The
Russian 1916 offensive under General
Brusilov demonstrated that an attack on a
broad front would tie down enemy
forces, thereby creating the conditions for
a breakthrough with overwhelming force
at pre-selected points on the front line.
In 1929 two works outlined a coher-
ent doctrine incorporating Soviet
observations on combat, termed Deep
Battle; these were the 1929 Field
Regulations (PU-29) and, more signifi-
cantly, Lieutenant-General V K.
Triandafillov's book, The Nature of
Operations of Modern Armies. The aim of
Deep Battle was to penetrate all of the
enemy's tactical defences, to a depth of
approximately 10-15km (6.2-9.3 miles).
Partially echoing the Brusilov offensive,
Triandafillov argued that only a simulta-
neous attack across the front and entire
depth of the enemy's tactical position
could break the line and subsequently
restore mobility to operations.
On the main axes of attack, Deep
Battle was to be conducted simultane-
ously by long-range artillery and air
strikes against the enemy rear, and frontal
attacks by deeply echeloned all-arms for-
mations, in order to achieve a swift
breakthrough. These concentrations of battalion. In total the brigade had 60 ABOVE: Stalin watches an air
force were to be concealed from the MS-l tanks and 32 T-27 tankettes. By display over the Tuchino
enemy by maskirovka, a combination of 1932 four regiments of increased size had Aerodrome in Moscow in
deception, dis-information, security and been created at Smolensk, Leningrad, the summer of 1939.
camouflage, thereby creating conditions Kharkov and Moscow, while several ter- Watching with him were
of maximum surprise, and further weak- ritorial tank battalions also existed. These members of the Politburo
ening the enemy's ability to respond. new forces were partly a result of the and their wives, including
great tank programme of 1931, which Klimenti Voroshilov. Stalin
TACTICS FOR DEEP BATTLE had re-structured industrial production took an active part in the
The significance ofTriandafillov's work to create the massed tank forces which development of the tanks
went beyond the idea of Deep Battle were advocated by Triandafillov and that equipped the Red
because it outlined the conduct of an Marshal M.N. Tukachevsky. Army, and some designers
operation, not just the tactical means, A commission to determine the orga- would appeal directly to him
which was the focus ofPU-29. His book nization of tank and mechanized forces if they felt their design was
also established the potential impact of was established in 1932. On advice being compromised.
massed tank formations in future combat, received from this commission, the deci-
a subject largely ignored in the Field sion was taken to form the 11 th and 45th
Regulations. Triandafillov's book was Mechanized Corps in autumn 1932.
written on the eve of the First Five Year Each corps contained a mechanized
Plan which provided the Red Army with brigade ofT-26 tanks (three tank battal-
the tank forces he had outlined. ions, a rifle battalion, an artillery division,
In 1930 an experimental armoured an engineer battalion, and antiaircraft
brigade was created under the command machine-gun company); a second tank
of K.B. Kalinovsky. Initially, it consisted regiment with an identical order of battle
of a tank regiment, an infantry regiment, but equipped with BT tanks; a rifle
an artillery division, and a reconnaissance brigade, and units under corps command


RIGHT: Trailing clouds of

exhaust smoke, an ISU-152
Model 1944 SP gun grinds
up a hill on a summer day
in 1944. In post-war tank
designs, Soviet engineers
included the ability to
produce instant dense white
smoke-screens by injecting
unburned diesel fuel into the
exhaust. This was later
copied in the west with
tanks like the British
Challenger II.

BELOW: Infantry of the 1st

Ukrainian Front dash
forward supported by an
IS-2 heavy tank in the
summer of 1944 in the
Ukraine. The long 122mm
(4.8in) M1943 gun with its
distinctive overhang was an
extremely powerful weapon.
However, it fired two-part (reconnaissance, engineers, flame throw- In fact, K.B. Kalinovsky's experimental
ammunition, where normally ing battalions, antiaircraft artillery brigade played a vital role in testing
tanks had one part 'fixed' division, traffic-control company and a Triandafillov's idea about the tactical
ammunition, and so only 28 technical supply base).Worth emphasiz- employment of tanks in Deep Battle and
rounds could be carried. The ing is that in broad outline, this was close the types of tanks required to fulfil each
IS-2 was used in action for to German Panzer division organization, mission. There were three groups of
the first time in February but with one exception: the first Panzer armour: NPP (infantry support), DPP
1944 at Korsun Shevcherkov. division was not created until 1935. (long-range infantry support) and DD


(long-range action/ exploitation). The positions. If the tanks encountered obsta-

definitions of these groups was not cles, or defences that they were ill-suited
related to their range of action, but to the to tackle, then the infantry were to move
particular tactical task to be performed in forward and attack under covering fire
effecting a breakthrough of the entire from the tanks. Once the enemy was
depth of the enemy's defences. destroyed, or engineers had created pas-
NPP tanks were designed to clear a sages over or through the obstacles, the
path for the infantry through the enemy's NPP tanks were to resume their position
initial defences in order to effect a break- in the vanguard of the attack, once the
in. Their roles included crushing barbed artillery had resumed fire. These tactics BELOW: With the battered
wire left uncut by the artillery prepara- were first used to varying degrees of Brandenburg Gate in the
tion, and destroying enemy strongpoints effect during a series of border clashes background, a column of
and tanks. They were also to assist in with the Chinese in 1929. IS-2 tanks rumbles through
beating off enemy counterattacks. Trials Tanks in the DPP echelon were tasked Berlin following the
established that lS-16 NPP tanks were with supporting the second echelon of surrender of the German
required to successfully attack lkm (0.6 infantry in continuing the breakthrough capital in May 1945. The
miles) of the front line. The tanks were to of the enemy's positions in depth. They photograph shows clearly
advance at intervals of is-30m operated with infantry and artillery in the wide tracks that gave the
(16.4-32.8yd), following directly behind the same tactical pattern as the NPP tank good cross-country
the creeping artillery barrage. tanks. DPP tank groups were also tasked performance on snow and
Infantry were to follow in waves not to seek out and destroy enemy artillery mud, resulting from a low
more than 100m (91 yd) behind the tanks positions in depth ahead of the infantry, track-weight ratio and
in order to mop up surviving enemy and destroy enemy sub-units in reserve to good traction.


prevent them supporting units in more to armoured operations whose outline

forward positions.'The DD tanks would was sketched out in the early 1930s by
assist those forces carrying out the final Lieutenant-General VK. Triandafillov.
stages of the breakthrough Although Triandafillov died in an air
The T-26 light, T-28 medium and crash in July 1931, notes he had made
heavy T-35 tanks developed in the late earlier provided the basis for a series of
1920s were designed to carry out NPP posthumous lectures given in 1933
and DPP roles. By the outbreak of war, which was entitled 'Fundamentals of the
these vehicles had been replaced by the Deep Operation', in which Triandafillov,
BELOW: In what is probably stronger KV-1 and KV-2 heavy assault in conjunction with a number of other
a propaganda picture, a BT-S tanks. As the war progressed, the more theorists, pointed out that the Deep
fast tank advances with powerful KV-85, IS-1 and IS-2 tanks - as Battle 'was only the opening phase of an
supporting Soviet infantry - well as SU-122/152 and ISU-122/152 operation, and as such was designed to
the 'shell bursts' look a little self-propelled guns capable of withstand- breach the enemy's front by the applica-
too neat to be genuine. The ing improved antitank weapons - were tion of overwhelming force in order to
photograph was taken on introduced. The T-34 was used during all annihilate the enemy's forces.
22 July 1942 in the Crimea. phases of the assault, depending on the The next, and key, phase was to
Changes in tactical doctrine strength of enemy defences. exploit the attack into the enemy's rear to
following Stalin's purges of inflict a decisive blow over a wide area in
the 1930s had relegated the DEEP OPERATIONS order to gain time and space. This con-
BT tanks from deep- The ideas of Deep Battle were crystal- cept, termed the Deep Operation, was
penetration attacks to this lized in the 1936 Field Regulations based on Soviet realization that modern
infantry support role, for (PU-36). Although banned during mass armies were systems whose ability
which they were not ideal. Stalin's purges, the 1936 regulations were to function and carry out their missions
The BT was the most re-introduced during World War II as the was dependent upon effective interaction
important tank in the Soviet 1944 Field Regulations (PU-44), form- between the front and rear. If the fighting
order of battle from 1939 to ing the basis for successful Soviet military mass of the enemy at the front could be
1941, with theT-26 making operations in the latter stages of the war. separated from headquarters, supplies and
up 75 per cent of the Red However, Deep Battle was only one part reserves in its rear, it would cease to func-
Army's tank strength. of a more sophisticated Soviet approach tion and lay itself open to defeat. Unlike


Deep Battle, which emphasized encir- mum tactical and operational shock: the ABOVE: T-34/76B tanks
clement and physical destruction of holding force; the strike force; the devel- emerge from a tree line in
enemy forces in order to break through opment echelon; and the desanti Russia. The first appearance
the front line, the Deep Operation was echelon. The holding forces were to fix of these fast, well-armed and
concerned with disrupting, or paralysing, the enemy across the whole front, and in armoured tanks caused panic
an enemy's organization, command and the meantime the strike forces - with among German troops, who
control to great depth, an effect termed their NPP, DPP and DD tank groups - discovered that their 3.7cm
'operational shock'. It was concluded that were to smash a series of large holes (1.45in) PaK 35/36 antitank
an enemy force which was suffering from throughout the entire depth of the guns would not penetrate
the after-effects of operational shock enemy's tactical defences. the tank's armour. The 8.8cm
would be far easier to defeat in detail This was the Deep Battle, and its aim (3Ain) FlaK was pressed into
because it would not be capable of coor- was to create the conditions for the an antitank role, and its high
dinating a large-scale resistance. development and desanti echelons to velocity ammunition and the
The Deep Operations concept was implement the Deep Operation. The steady nerves of the crews
startlingly original. It should be empha- former was to be conducted by large were often essential to stop
sized that it was radically different to the tank, mechanized and cavalry formations the T-34s breaking through.
German Army's ideas for conducting driving at great speed into the opponent's
large-scale offensives, which would uti- deep rear. The desanti echelon involved
lize new technology to carry out their the landing of paratroops ahead of the
traditional method of encirclement and armoured formations in order to increase
then total annihilation of the enemy. the effect of the deep strike. Radically for
Beyond a tactical level, the Germans the time, the Soviets experimented with
would never emphasize disruption of the landing light tanks and vehicles from air-
enemy as the key to success. craft in order to increase the firepower,
In conducting the Deep Operation, mobility and consequently the shock-
the Red Army outlined the procedure effect of their airborne forces.
for the use of four echelons that were to A variety of techniques were envis-
interact simultaneously to generate maxi- aged for employing the armoured forces.


ABOVE: Tank riders of the The frontal blow was designed to slice up the infantry in an antitank role and to
Southern Front have the whole front and rear of the enemy spearhead local counterattacks. At the
dismounted from their T-34 into a series of isolated groupings. The operational level, large Soviet tank- and
steeds and are engaged in turning movement involved placing a mechanized forces were deployed as a
the unenviable process of large strike group of armoured forces in second echelon in the deep rear.
advancing against German the enemy's rear to threaten his line of The task of these forces was twofold.
positions in the Donbass retreat, or strike his front-line forces from The first was purely defensive; if the
Region. The year is 1942. behind. It was also designed to psycho- enemy managed to breach the main line
Out in the open, the tank logically disrupt the enemy by forcing of defence, then the second echelon
riders are vulnerable, but all him to deal with the equally unenviable armoured forces were to move up and
are armed with the robust choices of fighting to his front and rear, counterattack in order to restore the
and very effective PPSh 41 or risking a retreat with a powerful front line. The second was offensive. The
submachine gun. This Soviet armoured force along his exposed Red Army's primary aim in a defensive
weapon used simple flanks. A double envelopment of enemy operation was to grind the strength of
production techniques of forces by armoured groups was a possi- the enemy's main assault forces down in
stamping and brazing, bility, depending on the circumstances. its deep tactical defences. This would
weighed a total of 3.5 6kg Whichever of these techniques was create the opportunity for the use of the
(7. 8Ib), and was fitted with adopted, it was the interaction between second echelon tank and mechanized
a 71-round drum or 35- fighting across the front and the forces forces to deliver a counteroffensive. This
round box magazine. It fired manoeuvring at great depth that was blow was intended not simply to restore
at 900 rounds a minute. responsible for generating the operational the front line, but also to develop a major
shock, collapse and success which would attack beyond Soviet territory into the
come about during an offensive. enemy's rear in order to inflict a decisive
defeat on him.
SOVIET ARMOUR IN DEFENCE In this manner, the Red Army was
In defensive operations the Soviets envis- able to establish a close relationship
aged the use of armour in several ways. between defensive and offensive opera-
Forward tactical defences comprised tions, in which it first created the
strongly fortified and deeply echeloned conditions for a seamless shift to the
lines supported by massed artillery and latter. During World War II, it was the
antitank fire. Tanks were employed on fighting during the Battle of Kursk
likely avenues of enemy attack to support which demonstrated the Red Army's use


of a strong defence to wear down a However, despite the sophistication of ABOVE: The tank riders have
German attack before an offensive. Soviet theory and the skillful organiza- moved forward in front of
tion demonstrated during manoeuvres, their tanks in order to close
TESTING DEEP BATILE AND OPERATIONS the Red Army was not a fully effective with the enemy German
The principles of the Deep Battle and combat force. Deficiencies in tactical positions. This was a
the initial ideas about Deep Operation training and handling of troops were common Soviet tactic that
were extensively tested by the Soviets in starkly exposed in the Russo-Finnish required the infantry to
manoeuvres during the 1930s. The two War. The mobilization of manpower neutralize antitank positions
largest were those held in the Kiev reserves in the face of the threat from before their own tanks made
Byelorussian Military Districts in 1935 Germany between 1939 and 1941 pre- the breakthrough. However,
and 1936 respectively. The Kiev manoeu- vented and inhibited effective reform the grim reality was that
vres, which were supervised by Army because of lack of training resources and oncoming German machine-
Commander First Rank I.E. Yakir, instructors as the army numbers rose to a gun fire would often cut
involved VIII and XVII Rifle Corps, strength of over five million. down the Soviet infantry
XXXXV Mechanized Corps, II Cavalry When war with Germany broke out before they had even
Corps and 9th Cavalry Division. on 22 June 1941, the Red Army suffered reached their objectives.
The exercise involved the penetration a series of massive defeats because it was Accordingly, when tank
of a strong enemy defence and its caught unprepared, with troops and offi- support was not available,
exploitation by the cavalry, coordinated cers who were poorly trained and Soviet infantry were
with airborne landings deep in the equipped. In the opening months of the deliberately intoxicated with
enemy's rear by elements of a parachute war, damning after-action reports from vodka so that they could be
and two air-landed rifle regiments. In the officers of the armoured inspectorate sent forward cheering, with
summer of 1936 the Byelorussian revealed the dire state of the tank forces: arms linked, against the
Military District tested deep armoured over 30 per cent of tanks needed exten- German positions.
manoeuvres in conjunction with air- sive repairs. Command staffs were not
borne landings under the supervision of adequately trained, lacked radios and, in
the district com,mander, I.P. Uborevich. some cases, even went without maps.
The foreign military observers who were Logistic and maintenance support was
present at these trials were, on the whole, poorly appreciated and badly organized,
impressed by the sheer scale and sophisti- leading to 40-50 per cent of tanks being
cation of the Soviet forces they saw at lost through lack of fuel or mechanical
work out on the testing grounds. problems. Crews had not mastered the


new KV and T-34 tanks and had no forces in order to meet the requirements
training in field repairs. Some examples for large-scale offensive actions.
of the tactical handling of tanks was inept Principally this involved the concentra-
in the extreme. In one engagement when tion of tanks in large tank corps rather
the lead tank of a column of Soviet tanks than the mechanized corps. After August
was destroyed, rather than deploying into 1938, 4 tank corps were formed, each
a firing line, each remaining tank filed with 2 light tank regiments and 1 rifle
past the disabled vehicle. As the next regiment, 12,364 men and 660 tanks.
leading tank was disabled, the unit, still in Other units included 6 independent tank
column, side-stepped round again. In brigades and 6 tank regiments as well as
minutes, the whole unit was destroyed. 23 tankette battalions.
N either had the Soviets managed to The new organization of the Soviet
resolve all the issues concerning the use tank forces and the Deep Battle and
of armoured forces in Deep Operations. Operation techniques for employing
BELOW: Whitewashed Critically the question of whether to them received a severe reverse between
T-34/76D tanks of 1st commit the tank exploitation forces 1937 and 1940. In 1937 Stalin began a
Ukrainian Front pulled over during the last phase of the breakthrough ruthless purge of the Red Army's officer
on the side of the Zhitomir or after its completion was not answered. corps. In just under two years, 50 per
Shosse highway on the Neither was the distance between tank cent of all officers of the rank of brigade
outskirts of Kiev in forces operating in the enemy's rear. Pre- commander and above were shot, impris-
December 1943. A war work on resolving these issues had oned or removed from duty. M.N.
distinctive feature of these been cut short by Stalin's purges of the Tukachevsky and most other Deep Battle
and all Soviet tanks were the officers corps, which ended research into and Deep Operation theorists were exe-
wide tracks that spread the Deep Operations. These problems, as well cuted and their ideas banned, a great loss
weight over a larger area as the tactical and command skills to the Soviets in the early war years.
and allowed the tanks to required to implement Soviet theory, In conjunction with the purges, a
cross snow and soft ground. would have to be learned during the war, commission chaired by Deputy
The tanks have been and learned often at great cost. Commissar for Defence, G.I Kulik,
brought forward to repel an undertook a flawed analysis of tank oper-
attack by the well-equipped TANK FORCES' ORGANIZATION 1938-45 ations in the Far East and Spanish Civil
and experienced XLVIII The evolution of then Deep Operations War. This concluded that deep raids with
Panzer Corps that eventually concept led to a change in the organiza- tanks were increasingly impractical
forced them back. tion of Soviet armoured and mechanized because of new, more powerful antitank


guns. It was argued that the tank corps personnel, tanks, weapons, and vehicles. ABOVE: Soldiers sit on the
were too cumbersome to be controlled By mid-1 941, the great losses that had rear deck ofT-34/85s as
in battle. Despite the majority of the been suffered meant that the mechanized they advance over rough
commission voting in favour of retaining corps were disbanded. terrain towards a Soviet
the tank corps, in November 1939 the Tank regiments were nominally collective farm. Though the
Main Military Council agreed with the reduced from 93 to 67 tanks. Problems in men who were assigned to
minority position and ordered the corps the efficient handling of regiments in this role often suffered heavy
disbanded. Tanks were to be used in battle caused by the dual system of casualties, they were
groups no larger than brigade strength, brigade and regimental commanders invaluable for the tank
and for infantry support. were resolved by the dissolution of the crews, since they could fight
The experience of the disastrous latter in combat formations. The prefer- through infantry strongpoints
Russo-Finnish War (1939-40) and the ence for equipping tank brigades with a and antitank gun positions.
impressive performance of German mixture of heavy-, medium- and light Moreover, for Soviet
armoured forces during the campaigns in tanks in each battalion severely impaired infantry, riding into battle on
Poland (1939) and France (1940) their effectiveness because of the different the warm rear decks of
exposed the stupidity of this mistake. In capabilities of each tank type. This led to tanks was a much more
late 1940, orders were given to reform the establishment of a uniform organiza- appealing option than
the mechanized corps. At the start of the tion for all tank brigades in July 1942, slogging on foot through the
war, there were 29 mechanized corps in which was slightly modified at the end of dust, mud and snow of the
different stages of formation. These were 1943 to provide more appropriate sup- Russian landscape.
supposed to have three divisions, totalling port units for the new and formidable
more than 36,000 men and 1031 tanks, standard-issue T-34/85 tank.
including 256 BT-7, 17 T-37/T-38s, and The experience gained in the winter
546 KVs and T-34s. However, the forma- offensive of 1941-1942 validated the
tion of such a large number of corps basic principles of Deep Battle, but lack
proved impossible, given shortages in of large tank formations under Army


RIGHT: The crews of two

antitank guns, a 76.2mm
(3in) Model 1942 and a
45mm (1.77in) Model 1942,
wheel their guns across a
shallow river; in the
background T-34/76 tanks
carry infantry forward. This
is almost certainly a posed
photograph: the bunched
crews and the combination
of guns and tanks makes
little tactical sense. The
officer on the left seems to
be ambling up the riverbank.

BELOW: A parade by T-26

tanks shows clearly the
results of the mass-
production programme of
1931 and 1941 which
produced 12,000 T-26s of all Front headquarters control restricted and 100 tanks (20 heavy KV tanks, 40
marks. In the same period, exploitation beyond tactical depth to medium T-34 and 40 light T-60 or T-70).
French tank production was inflict operational shock. To implement These were unbalanced forces, having no
4000 and German a mere the Deep Operation, in March 1942 the artillery, engineer or reconnaissance
3400. In 1941 the Red Army commander of Red Army Tank and units. The mistake in allocating only a
had many obsolescent tanks Mechanized Forces, General Fedorenko, small group of officers to coordinate the
like the T-26 and BT series, began the formation of the first four tank brigades was demonstrated during fight-
and STAVKA lacked the corps. They consisted of 2, and later 3 ing around Voronezh in spring 1942,
operational skills to use tank brigades, and 1 motorized rifle where lack of tactical flexibility greatly
massed armour correctly. brigade, giving a strength of 5603 men hampered operations. The need for


greater autonomy of action from higher organization of an army was defined BELOW: A parade of SU-76
command was also noted. according to the orders for its formation. SP guns gives a dramatic
Formation of mechanized corps began In 32 out of the 64 offensive operations impression of the
in September of 1942. Based on the which involved tank armies, they had phenomenal rate of
experience gained with the tank corps, only 2, not 3, corps. Only the Third production of Soviet tank
the new formations included the special- Guards Tank Army had three corps factories. Without a complex
ized and auxiliary units right from the throughout World War II. traversing turret, the SU-76
start. Their were three types of organiza- The tank army's firepower, shock was quick and easy to
tion for the six mechanized corps formed strength, mobility and self-sufficiency in produce; by the end of
at the start of 1943. I and II Mechanised combat were steadily increased between World War II the GAZ
Corps had 175 tanks each and III and V 1943 and 1944 by regular changes to the factories had manufactured
had 224 tanks each, while the IV and VI structure and weapons of the tank and over 12,500. By 1945 many
had 204 tanks each. In due course, the mechanized corps. During January 1943 had been converted to
organization of the first two corps mechanized corps received a mixed self- ammunition carriers or
became the basis for the organization for propelled artillery regiment (8 SU-122s recovery vehicles.
all new mechanized corps. and 17 SU-76s) and a reserve of 40 tanks. Subsequently some were
At the same time as the creation of the In August 1943 the antitank artillery reg- transferred to China and
tank and mechanized corps, large opera- iment was replaced by a self-propelled North Korea and saw action
tional units termed tank armies started to artillery regiment of 21 SU-76s, and a in the Korean War.
be formed. The first two tank armies
(Third and Fifth) were formed in
May-June 1942. By the end ofJuly, the
First and Fourth tank armies were
formed under the Stalingrad Front,
before huge losses led to them being dis-
banded a month later.
In the beginning, the standard organi-
zation for tank armies depended on the
orders for their formation and thus
varied widely. The experience of the
using the Third Tank Army at Kozelsk
and the Fifth Tank Army in the
Stalingrad counteroffensive provided
insights about their fighting capabilities
and organizational structure. The varying
mobility and fighting power of the tank
army's complement of rifle divisions,
tank corps and cavalry corps created seri-
0us problems in terms of cooperation,
command and supply, making the 1942
establishment tank armies unwieldy, hard
to manoeuvre and difficult to control.
A special meeting of the Main
Defence Committee (GKO) was held in
January of 1943 to develop guidelines for
the organization of the tank armies.
Preliminary suggestions from several
prominent military commanders were
heard. It was decided to rid the tank
armies of any non-motorized rifle for-
mations and organizationally emphasize
their tank nucleus. Thus a tank army as a
rule would have consisted of two tank
and one mechanized corps, as well as an
AA division, a multiple missile launcher
'Katyusha', howitzer artillery, AT artillery
and motorcycle regiments, plus auxiliary
and support units. In reality, however, the


RIGHT: British officers

inspect a T-26S Model 1939.
It was part of the joint
Anglo-Soviet force that
occupied Persia in 1941 in
order to ensure the free flow
of oil and also to prevent a
possible Axis incursion via
Syria and Iraq. The T-26S as
shown here was an improved
version which had been
fitted with a drop-forged
front for the turret, as well
as a re-designed hull
superstructure protected by
sloping armour.

BELOW: An improved version

of the T-26 with Christie
suspension was built as the regiment of 15 SU-85s with a T-34 com- In 1944 self-propelled and light
T-46, seen here with a frame mand tank. In 1944 the mechanized artillery brigades were included in the
radio antenna. However, the brigade's tank regiment lost its remaining tank armies. To further increase success in
T-46 was too complex and light tanks, giving it a total of 35 T-34s. operations, they received additional rein-
expensive and production The tank corps' combat power was forcements of artillery, antitank brigades,
ceased after only 70 tanks improved in a similar manner in August and antitank regiments. At the end of the
had been built, these 1943 with the addition of two self-pro- war, a three-corps tank army usually had
vehicles seeing action with a pelled artillery regiments (SU-76 and more than 50,000 men, 850-920 tanks
Soviet armoured brigade SU-152).A year later a light regiment of and SP guns, about 800 field guns and
against the Finns in 1940. artillery was added. mortars, and more than 5000 trucks and


other vehicles. However, in reality, they renamed 'heavy tank regiments' with 21
rarely deployed their full complement of IS-2 tanks and support units. These regi-
personnel and equipment. ments were immediately given the
While the creation of the tank armies honorary status of ,Guard' upon forma-
provided the tools for implementing tion. Independent tank regiments were
Deep Operations, throughout the war also re-organized by removing light tanks
the Red Army enhanced its ability to and strengthening administration and
carry out the Deep Battle concept by the supply units. Independent Guards heavy
creation of independent tank and self- tank brigades with 65 heavy IS-2 tanks
propelled artillery regiments that could were created in December 1944.
be used to reinforce rifle formations
during the breakthrough of the enemy CONCLUSION BELOW: A Soviet tank crew
front line. This process began as early as The Red Army of the interwar years was pose in front of their
1942, when independent tank regiments a paradox. On the one hand, its gifted T-34/76. One of the reasons
were created in order to support rifle intellectual commanders developed one for the dramatic losses
formations during combat. of the most sophisticated doctrines for suffered by the tank arm in
In October 1942 this process was using armoured forces in the world. To the early part of the war was
developed further with the creation of implement its ideas, it created large tank the lack of proper training
independent breakthrough heavy tank formations equipped with some of the for crews. Until the German
regiment for use on the main axis of an most advanced tanks in the world. Yet advance was successfully
attack. These regiments consisted of four even before Stalin's crippling purges and stemmed in 1943, units were
companies, each of five KV-1 tanks. the Kulik commission, it had created rushed to the front and
These formations were initially formed forces deficient in many equipment areas, thrown into battle
by heavy tanks which had been with- and troops and officers inadequately unprepared for combat with
drawn from the mixed independent tank trained to carry out the new and com- the experienced German
battalions, and recently disbanded heavy plex tactical and operational ideas. Only crews. As the war
tank brigades. In February 1944 the in the brutal cauldron of war would the progressed, however, Soviet
heavy breakthrough regiments were con- Red Army finally master the techniques tankmen became more adept
verted to a new organization and for Deep Battle and Deep Operations. and tactically aware.


Light tanks were used as
reconnaissance vehicles, scouting
ahead of the main forces. In theory,
they used agility, speed and a low
silhouette to compensate for thin
armour and modest firepower, but
their crews on the Eastern Front
were extremely vulnerable and
suffered heavy losses.
The industrialization of the Soviet economy in the late 1920s and
throughout the 1930s was a daunting and complex challenge. The
speed at which the Soviets achieved their aim of converting Russia
into a first-rate industrial power was an impressive achievement, but
was not without errors and limitations. One of the most significant
restrictions on the development of industry was a lack of experienced
technical personnel, especially design engineers. This had a strong
impact on the Red Army's armaments programme at the start of the
First Five Year Plan. Designs and prototypes for heavy- and medium
tanks were rapidly developed, but the numbers delivered to the Red
Army were low, because the designs were too complex for the infant
Soviet industry. In contrast, the experience gained in light-tank design
such as the T-18, and the simplicity of their construction, meant that
they could be built in the vast numbers required by the Red Army's
mechanization programme. At the outbreak of war in 1941, light
tanks were the most numerous type in the Soviet inventory.

LEFT: Draped in the vestiges of camouflage, a T-60 light tank burns in a Soviet
street. As its turret is facing to the rear, it suggests the tank was fleeing from its
eventual destroyer. The T-60 had a high-velocity 20mm (0.78in) ShVAK aircraft
cannon as its main armament and a co-axial 7.62mm (0.3in) DT machine gun.


ABOVE: A T-26TU Model Like most Red Army weapons, the served as the inspiration for native
1931 fitted with a Model 28 design,. production and combat roles of models. By the start of the 1940s, this sit-
37mm (1.46in) gun in the light tank types underwent a variety of uation changed as a mature Soviet tank
left turret and a DT 7. 62mm changes between 1929 and 1945. The industry evolved original designs from
(0.3in) machine gun in the initial emphasis on light-tank construc- first-generation concepts.
right. It carried 180 rounds tion placed them at the forefront of the The experience of war between 1941
of main armament characteristic pattern of tank design that and 1945 led to a decline in light-tank
ammunition on board, had a emerged in the Soviet Union of the production. In the opening two years of
crew of three, and was 1930s. At the start, Soviet tank design the war, production remained high for
usually assigned to platoon relied on the purchase of foreign tanks, three reasons. First, the need to quickly
and company commanders. which were either directly copied, or replace the catastrophic losses suffered


between 1941 and 1942 (7000 tanks in was gradually reduced during the Great
the first year alone) forced the Soviets to Patriotic War (World War II) because of
continue manufacturing existing tank the increase in defending firepower,
types - despite their poor performance in which made it impossible, or suicidal, to
battle - rather than disrupt production extensively employ light tanks in an
with the introduction of improved infantry support role. In early 1944, light
models. Second, light tanks were simple tanks were removed from tank- and
and cheap to construct. Third, and per- mechanized brigades and regiments.
haps most significant, because they did Their infantry support role was com-
not require scarce armour plate and pow- pletely taken over by the superior T-34
erful engines, they could be medium tank and SU-76 self-propelled
manufactured in large numbers in smaller gun, which were available in abundance.
and less specialized factories. This was of The remaining examples of the T-60, T-70
vital importance between 1941 and and T-80 light tanks were used for recon-
1942, when the evacuation of large naissance (although armoured cars and
Soviet industrial plants to the east in British and American Lend-Lease tanks
order to avoid capture by the advancing were often preferred), as escorts to supply
Germans seriously disrupted production convoys, artillery tractors, command tanks,
of medium T-34 and heavy KV tanks. and in the role of protecting headquarters.
Once the relocation and expansion of
the armaments industry was completed PRE-WAR LIGHTTANKS:T-26
in 1942, light-tank manufacture was The 13 February 1931 order of the
diminished in preference of these heav- Revolutionary War Council (RVS) to
ier, more battleworthy types. Production begin mass production of the T-27 tan-
was terminated in late 1943. kette signalled the birth of the massive
The war also saw an increase in the armoured and mechanized formations
armour and firepower of tanks and anti- which were envisaged in the General
tank weapons, which reduced the Staff's Programme for the Armoured-
battlefield effectiveness of light tanks, Automobile supply to the Red Army.
drastically altering their role. Originally, But arguably it was the decision, taken on
interwar Soviet military thought had the same day, to manufacture the T-26
envisaged the use of light tanks for light infantry support tank that heralded
reconnaissance, and in direct support of the creation of an effective Red Army
infantry during the assault. This latter role armoured force. The T-27 was only


SPEED: 28km/h (17mph) WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in), two 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 4.80m (15ft 9in); Width 2.39m (7ft lOin); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 200km (125 miles)
Height 2.33m (7ft Bin); Weight 10,465kg (10.30 tons) CREW: 3
ARMOUR: 25mm (0.9in)


BELOW: T-26B-2 Model 1933 intended for the reconnaissance role, as it in the Soviet Union in 1930, but before
tanks on a May Day parade was the T-26 that was to carry out the production began, Soviet designers were
in Red Square. Initially first phase of the Red Army's concept of allowed to develop their own prototypes
armed with a new long- Deep Battle by providing direct support based on the British design. Two such
barrelled 37mm (1.46in) to infantry when breaking through prototypes, the TMM-1 and TMM-2,
gun, the T-26 was up-gunned enemy defences. The T-26 was central to were developed and underwent compar-
with a 45mm (1.77in) conducting future offensive operations. ative tests with the Vickers E at the
weapon. Though it was When production ended in 1941, over Kubinka testing ground near Moscow.
intended to fit all tanks with 12,000 variants had been manufactured. The superior British design was selected
radios, only a fraction The T-26 was based upon the British for production, under a licence agree-
received them; these, with Vickers-Armstrong 6 ton (6.09 tonne) E ment which was previously agreed with
their distinctive horseshoe- Light Tank, purchased by the Directorate V.ickers-Armstrong, and designated T-26.
shaped frame antenna, were of the Mechanization of the Red Army The first large-scale public display of the
reserved for platoon and (UMM) , led by I.A. Khalepsky, on 28 new tank took place in Red Square on 7
company commanders. May 1929. The Vickers E models arrived November 1931.



SPEED: 35km/h (21mph) WEAPONRY: One 7.62mm (O.3in) MG

DIMENSIONS: Length 3.75m (12ft 4in); Width 2.07m (6ft 7in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 185km (115 miles)
Height 1.82m (5ft llin); Weight 3200kg (3.15 tons) CREW: 2

ARMOUR: 10mm (O.39in)

T-26 designs between 1931 and 1933 had a tendency to fracture under' the
were distinguished by the diversity of more powerful gun's recoil. The solution
weapons installed on thenl, and most to the problem of mounting a larger gun
strikingly the use of twin turrets. The was solved by designing a stronger, pur-
standard T-26 support tank was initially pose-built turret. Designed by the
armed with two DT 7.62mm (0.3in) Bolshevik Leningrad factory and KhPZ
machine guns. A commander's variant Kharkov works, the larger turret could
was also manufactured with a 37mm mount the new 45mm (1.77in) Model
(1.46in) gun replacing the machine gun 1932 gun. After further refinements, both
in the right turret. An Armstrong- the turret and gun became the standard
Siddeley petrol engine (renamed GAZ production fit for the T-26 Model 1933,
T-26), also manufactured under licence, BT-5 and T-35 tank classes.
gave the T-26 a road speed of 32km/h The T-26 Model 1933 became the
(20mph) and an impressive road range of most numerous production model of the
140km (87 miles). The use of twin turrets class, with over 5000 manufactured up to
created some limitations in the tank's 1937. However, thin armour and an
combat effectiveness. The two gunner's underpowered engine meant that the
seats did not automatically rotate with tank was not universally liked by crews.
the turret's mechanism; instead, they had The riveted armour was dropped after
to be swung round manually. Locks were the border clashes with the Japanese in
fitted to the turrets, restricting their tra- Manchuria between 1934 and 1935
verse to 265 degrees in order to prevent revealed that machine-gun fire split the
them from fouling each other. rivet, sending the inner part careening
The use of multiple turrets remained a about the crew compartment, with lethal
distinctive feature of Soviet tank design results. After this, all Soviet tank armour
until the late 1930s, but as early as 1933 it was welded. Repeated modifications to
was discarded for the T-26 and subse- the engine design between 1931 and
quent light tanks in favour of a single 1941 made only modest improvements
turret. Initially the single turret variant from 90bhp (67kW) to 97bhp (72kW). It
was created by the crude technique of was intended to fit horseshoe radio
removing the right-hand turret. This antenna to all tanks, but resources proved
proved unsatisfactory because the inadequate. The large, exposed antenna
German Rheinmetall 37mm (1.46in) also proved vulnerable to artillery splin-
gun, which was selected for installation in ters and was later abandoned. The last
the remaining turret, was difficult to load models of the T-26 Model 1933 pro-
in the confined space. The turret ring also duced in 1936 received two more DT


ABOVE: In the snow, Finnish machine guns: one in the turret rear, the In Spain the T-26 was to suffer from
officers examine a couple of other on top for antiaircraft duties. lack of coordination with Republican
captured T-37 Model 1934, However, by the late 1930s, the limited infantry forces that often left the tanks
which would have been use of the T-26 in several conflicts raised exposed to enemy counterattacks or
classified by the Soviets as the question about its ability to survive artillery. With no influence over the tacti-
Small Amphibious Tanks. The against new direct-fire weapons. cal employment of Republican forces,
track has come off the there was relatively little Soviet comman-
vehicle in the foreground, T-26 LIGHT TANKS IN ACTION ders could do to improve cooperation
leaving its bare wheels The first combat tests of Soviet tanks with supporting forces. The T-26 itself
exposed, and has been came In the Spanish Civil War did perform effectively on a number of
draped over its rear deck. (1936-39), clashes in the Far East with occasions. During the attack on Sesena
The machine guns have Japan (1938-39), and the Russo-Finnish on 29 October 1936, T-26s of the 1st
been removed from the War (1939-40). The great contrasts in Battalion succeeded in penetrating
tanks, undoubtedly so that weather, terrain and nature of the oppo- Nationalist defences, and went on to
they could be used by the nents in these conflicts provided diverse shoot up their positions in the village,
Finns in the age-old practice lessons about the tactical employment of overrun an artillery battery, and destroy
of aiming captured weapons armour, and revealed both the strengths two CV 3/35 tankettes, for minimal loss.
at their former owners. and weaknesses of the T-26. Throughout the war the 45mm (1.77in)


gun on the T-26 gave it the edge against supported by rapid fire from the massed BELOW: Battalion and
Spanish Nationalist tanks and those of 4Smm (1.77in) guns of the T-26. company commanders lead
their German and Italian allies. It proved Yet serious weaknesses were also their battalion in a pre-war
so superior that the Nationalist Army revealed in Spain, the Far East and May Day Parade in 1937.
offered a bounty of 500 pesetas for any Finland. The weakness of the lSmm The vehicle in the front is
tank captured. The T-26 demonstrated a (0.S9in) frontal- and 6mm (0.23in) side the T-37 (V) commander's
similar superiority against Japanese armour to new antitank weapons and version, recognizable by the
armour at Lake Khasan (1938) and direct artillery fire led to heavy losses in frame antenna around the
Khalkin Gol (1939). Unlike Spain, terrain all three conflicts. Fighting on the Jarma hull. The T-37 was closely
and the all-Soviet nature of the forces River in Spain cost Soviet formations 40 derived from the Vickers
allowed the T-26 to be used en masse and per cent of their strength to 37mm Carden-Loyd amphibious
in coordination with supporting arms. (1.4Sin) antitank gunfire. Lack of artillery tank that had been
The result was that Japanese forward and infantry support led to heavy casual- purchased by the USSR
defences were overwhelmed by infantry ties in Finland, and even when this during 1931.


support was provided, as at Khalkin Gol, with gearboxes and clutch failures. Of
substantial losses occurred. The conclu- course, lack of crew training, inept com-
sion to be drawn was that by the late mand, fuel- and ammunition shortages,
1930s, the T-26 was already highly vul- and woeful repair facilities exacerbated
nerable in performing its direct-assault losses but, as the Soviets had already
role, and that the emergence of more acknowledged by halting production in
powerful antitank weapons in the near 1940, the T-26 was due for replacement.
future would make it obsolete. The first tank action of the war con-
firmed this view. Between 22 and 23
LATE T-26 MODEL June, a counterattack against the 18th
. In light of the T-26 combat experience, Panzer Division south-east of Brest
Soviet designers undertook a series of Litovsk by two brigades of General
modifications to upgrade and extend the Bogdanov's 30th Tank Division, com-
service life of the T-26. Fuel capacity was' posed chiefly of T-26 tanks, made no
increased and some models received appreciable progress, whilst suffering
searchlights for nightfighting. In 1937 the heavily at the hands of German antitank
re-designated T-26S received stronger gunfire and air attacks.
frontal armour (25mm/O.9in) and a
turret with thicker and sloping armour. T-26 ENGINEERING VEHICLES
Defensive improvements continued in The utility of the T-26 design was
1939 with sloping hull armour. In light exploited by Soviet designers to create a
of the Finnish War, plates were added to a number of variants to undertake special-
number of tanks to increase their armour ized combat roles. Based on the T-26
to 50mm (1. 9in). However, despite these Model 1931, the OT-26 had a
modifications, when the Germans flamethrower with a range of 25m (82ft)
attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, mounted in the right turret. The need to
the T-26 proved obsolete against modern increase space for larger fuel tanks led to
antitank weapons, although its 45mm the left-hand turret being omitted from
(1.77in) gun could destroy all German later versions. Even so, limitations on fuel
armoured vehicles it faced except the and difficulties in operating the
Panzerkampfwagen IV Many T-26s were flamethrower in the small turret led to
also lost because of technical problems the development of the OT-130, based
on the larger Model 1932 turret.
After 1937, the new OT-133
flamethrower, based on the more reliable
T-38 MODEL 1937 SMALL AMPHIBIOUS TANK and better-armoured T-26S, was intro-
duced. Both the OT-130 and OT-133
saw action in the Russo-Finnish war, but
their performance was poor because the
limited range of their armament forced
them to come within range of Finnish
defences which concentrated their fire
against these detested weapons. Lack of a
machine gun also made them defenceless
when they had expended their main
armament. This experience led to the
development of better-armoured KV and
T-34 flamethrowing tanks with improved
weapons, although the OT tanks were
SPEED: 40km/h (2Smph) still being used in 1941.
DIMENSIONS: Length 3.76m (12ft 4in);Width 1.9Sm (6ft Sin); Height 1.62m A bridge-carrying variant, the ST-26,
(Sft 4in); Weight 3332kg (3.28 tons) was developed and used between 1934
ARMOUR: 10mm (O.39in) and 1938. Its 7m (23ft) bridge was used
WEAPONRY: One 7.62mm (O.3in) MG for crossing narrow gaps or obstacles.
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 1S0km (93 miles) Other roles the T-26 was adapted for
CREW: 2 included towing tractors and forward-
observation vehicles for the artillery, and
as smoke- and chemical weapon tanks.



SPEED: 45km/h (28mph) WEAPONRY: One 12.7mm (0.5in) MG and one 7.62mm (0.3in)
DIMENSIONS: Length 4.43m (13ft 6in);Width 2.51m (8ft 3in); MG; or one 20mm (0·.78in) cannon and one 7.62mm (0.3in)
Height 2.12m (6ft 11in); Weight 5590kg (5.50 tons) MG EFFECTIVE RANGE: 350km (215 miles)
ARMOUR: 13mm (0.51in) CREW: 2

T-46 AND T-50 armour, and three times the armour of

The low mobility of the T-26 across the standard T-26 tanks. The 40-57
country compared to the BT Fast Tank, degree slope of the hull further enhanced
and its increasing vulnerability towards the tank's protection.
the end of the 1930s, caused the Soviets A weight of 13.7 tonnes (13.5 tons)
to design two prototypes to replace it: the combined with a torsion bar suspension
T-46 and the T-50. The T-46 was begun and V-4 diesel engine gave the T-50 a
in 1935 by an OKMO team in 1935.The remarkably low ground pressure and top
aim was to enhance the T-26's mobility road speed of 60km/h (37mph). It was
by adapting it to fit the BT American- armed with the standard 45mm (1.77in)
designed Christie suspension. A small gun and one co-axial 7.62mm (0.303in)
number of T-46 tanks were manufac- DT machine gun. In the end, the T-50
tured, but the complexity of design, the was manufactured in negligible numbers
cost and the basic fact that it was an for three reasons: first, the disruption
unnecessary, and inferior, rival to the BT caused to the tank industry by the out-
Fast Tank meant that mass production break of war; second, insurmountable
was never actually sanctioned by the difficulties in manufacturing the V-4
Soviet higher powers. engine; third, the British Lend-Lease
The T-50 development programme of Valentine tanks and the T-34 had proved
1939-41 was a seemingly more prag- themselves to be more than capable of
matic affair, being designed to supersede carrying out its envisaged roles.
the increasingly obsolescent T-26 and BT
tanks in their infantry support and LIGHT AMPHIBIOUS SCOUT TANKS
exploitation roles. Prototypes from the Another area in which British designs
Voroshilovsky and Kirovsky factories had a strong influence on early Soviet
were tested in 1940, the latter being tank types was the development of
accepted for production. Externally the amphibious light armoured vehicles. The
T-SO's sloping hull armour and welded series of tank types bought from Vickers-
turret gave it a strong resemblance to the Armstrong/Carden Loyd in 1929 had
T-34 medium tank, but internally it was included the innovative VCL Amphibian
closer to the layout of the T-26. The tank. A light 3.04 tonne (3 ton) vehicle
37mm (1.46in) frontal armour was actu- with a machine gun, it could cross small
ally inferior to that of the T-34, but it was waterways. The Amphibian inspired a
over twice the thickness of the B T-7 generation of Soviet amphibious tank


ABOVE: Soviet soldiers in designs, until the demands of war termi- The T-37 was a refinement of the ear-
snow camouflage move off nated production. lier models rather than a radically new
from a column of Lyokhy In 1931 a design team at Zavod Nr 47 design. A modified Horstmann spring
Tank T-70 light tanks. The near Moscow simultaneously developed coil suspension was adopted with
T-70 entered service in two prototype amphibious tanks which improved tracks and drive system for the
January 1942; it had a crew were based on the VCL design. The T-33 single propeller. The hull was strength-
of two and was armed with (originally designated the MT-33) had a ened and sheet-metal track guards
a 45mm (1.77in) gun and a crew of two and weighed 3.04 tonnes (3 encasing balsa-wood floats were added
7.62mm (O.3in) DT machine tons). The T-41 was similar in design and for extra buoyancy. These modifications
gun. It was made at the armament, carrying a single, turret- were dispensed with as the T-37 came to
Gorki Automobile Works mounted DT 7.62mm (0.3in) machine the end of its production run in 1936.
and when production ceased gun, with the main difference being in Waterproofing problems persisted
in 1943, the factory had the body, which was slightly larger for because of the hull's river construction,
built 8226 vehicles. Despite greater buoyancy when crossing a water- but this was on the whole overcome in
its narrow tracks, a weight of way. Unsatisfactory performances during 1935 by welding together and riveting
9960kg (9.8 tons) meant trials of the t.wo vehicles, and especially the tank's armour plates.
that drivers could move it problems with the T-41 's waterproofing The durability of the T-37 design was
across firm snow. and the unsuitability of the VCL suspen- shown during rigorous trials in 1933
sion, led to the development of a further when over 11 days, 7 T-37s travelled
alternative prototype. 1126km (700 miles), over 965km (600


miles) in water. Like most Soviet tank for use against enemy bunkers. An esti-
designs, dedicated command variants mated 1300 vehicles were manufactured
were constructed, which were termed T- between 1937 and 1939.
37TU. A production run of 1200 vehicles
was completed between 1933 and 1936. THET-40
They served in a reconnaissance role Common to many pre-war Soviet tank
with tank, mechanized and cavalry units designs, the T-37 and T-38 proved to be
in all Red Army operations up to 1942. too vulnerable to heavy machine-gun
fire and shell splinters. This problem had
THET-38 been foreseen as early as 1938, when a
Plans to modernize the T-37 in the special research department at Zavod N r
mid-1930s led to such extensive changes 37, led by chief engineer N.A. Astrov, was
by the Zavod Nr 37 team that it was instructed to design two variants of a
decided to designate it T-38. Improved new light scout tank, of which one was
hull design gave a lower profile and a to be amphibious. Several prototypes of
decrease in weight. Coupled with a new the amphibious vehicle (initially desig-
suspension, wider tracks and improved nated T-30A) were in trials between July
steering, the T-38 was easier to handle, and August 1939. Once orders to rectify
more manoeuvreable, and altogether a defects were complied with, the vehicle
better swimmer than the T-37 . was accepted for production and service
Armament, however, remained the same as the T-40 on 19 December 1939.
as the T-37, although a 20mm (0.78in) The vehicle had a torsion suspension
gun fitted in a low turret with the driver and, in the water, was driven by a single
was rejected because it restricted his abil- propeller and steered by two rudders at
ity to control the vehicle. the rear. A more powerful engine, her-
In addition to its reconnaissance role, metically sealed hatches and a
the T-38 underwent several experimental better-shaped front with a special water
combat roles. During the 1936 Kiev deflector enabled the T-40 to cross wider
Military District manoeuvres, a number rivers with strong currents, like the
ofT-38 and T-27 vehicles were air-landed Dniepr and Dnestr (although as a precau-
deep behind enemy lines in a radical test tion the crew were supplied with
of the potential of airborne forces. In lifebelts). Despite ambitious plans, pro-
1940, several T-38s were adapted for duction was low, and in 1940 the
radio control and fitted with explosives addition of extra armour and the need to


SPEED: 60km/h (36mph) WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in) L/46 and two 7.62mm
DIMENSIONS: Length 5.5m (18ft); Width 2.33m (7ft 8in); (0.3in) MGs
Height 2.29m (7ft 6in); Weight 9072kg (10.2 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 499km (310 miles)
ARMOUR: 15mm (0.59in) CREW: 3




SPEED: SOkm/h (31mph) WEAPONRY: One 4Smm (1.77in); two 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length S.18m (17ft); Width 2.48m (8ft lin); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 352km (220 miles)
Height 2m (6ft 8in); Weight 13,71Skg (13.Stons) CREW: 4
ARMOUR: 37mm (1.46in)

increase tank production led to the non- manufacture than the T-40's was also
amphibious T-30B prototype being given developed. The ineffective 12.7mm
priority, also as the T-40. (O.Sin) gun was retained with a co-axial
At 6.09 tonnes (6 tons), both T-40 DT 7.62mm (0.3in) machine gun.
variants weighed twice the weight of the
T-37 and T-38, but the cause of this THET-60
increase - welded thicker 14mm (O.Sin) The basic design was completed by the
bulletproof armour - did not make it any Zavod Nr 37 team in an amazing is
less vulnerable in battle to light weapons days. Having created the T-60 concept on
than they were. The inability of its his own initiative, Astrov, seconded by
12.7mm (O.Sin) DShK main gun, while Lieutenant-Colonel VP. Okunev, wrote
firing armour-piercing rounds, to pene- to Josef Stalin contrasting the advantages
trate armour 16mm (0.62in) above 300m of mass-producing the T-60 with the
(984ft) also restricted its combat worthi- more complex T-SO. The following
ness. Possibly if the T-40 had been used in inspection by a high-ranking minister
its reconnaissance role, its armour and resulted in two decisions. First, to replace
gun might just have proved sufficient, but the 12.7mm (O.Sin) machine gun with a
the tendency of Soviet commanders to 20mm (0.78in) ShVAK, an improvement
use them like regular tanks led to heavy over earlier light tanks, but still inade-
losses in 1940 and 1941. quate against the standard German
Panzer III and IV models that the T-60
LIGHT TANKS OF WORLD WAR II would have to engage whilst a shortage
Scepticism about the ability to manufac- of medium T-34 tanks persisted into
ture the proj ected T-SO light tank and 1942. Second, the Main Defence
poor performance of the T-40 led N.A. Committee (GKO) headed by Stalin
Astrov's Zavod N r 37 tean1. to develop a ordered production of 10,000 T-60s to
new light tank which would be capable commence immediately. Some sources
of rapid production in order to satisfy the claim that Stalin's interest in the T-60 was
Soviet Union's desperate need for tanks so great that he actually attended the
after catastrophic losses in summer 1941. vehicle's final trials in person.
They retained the suspension, chassis and Displacement of Soviet industry to the
engine of the T-40, but a new hull with east in 1941 disrupted production and
an improved silhouette and an increased further refinement of the T-60. In
armour protection of 2Smm (0.98in) Autumn Zavod Nr 37's move east saw
frontal was designed. A distinctive eight- work on the T-60 transferred to Zavod
sided conical turret that was cheaper to Nr 38 at Kirov and GAZ at Gorki. Soon



SPEED: 45km/h (38mph) WEAPONRY: One 20mm (0.78in) cannon; one 7.62mm
DIMENSIONS: Length 4.29m (14ft lin); Width 2.46m (8ft lin); (0.3in) MG
Height 1.89m (6ft 2in); Weight 5150kg (5.07 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 615km (380 miles)
ARMOUR: 20mm (0.78in) CREW: 2

afterwards, additional industrial evacua- Installation of the GAZ-203 engine BELOW: Soviet recruits hear
tion left GAZ as the sole developer. gave the T-60 theoretical speeds of a lecture on the transmission
Modifications made by that company in 44km/h (27.3mph) by road and 22km/h of the T-60A light tank; this
1942 included an increase in frontal (13.6mph) across country, but the latter tank seems to have had its
armour to 35mm (1.37in).The increased was difficult to achieve and sustain. armament removed for the
weight from the new armour exacer- Replacing the spoked roadwheels on the lesson. Firing its 20mm
bated the T-60's sluggish performance 1941 model with disc wheels, as well as (0.78in) ShVAK cannon, the
characteristics, most notably its inability the enforced adoption of an all-metal T-60 could penetrate the
to keep up with the T-34 on cross-coun- construction because of rubber shortages same armour as the 37mm
try operations. A series of modifications had no real impact. Mobility over (1.46in) gun which was
failed to remedy this shortfall. marshy- and snow-covered terrain was proposed for the T-60.


RIGHT: A wary-looking
German soldier has his
picture taken while seated
on a captured T-70. The
tank, which was mass-
produced at the Gorki
Automobile Works, was
given the same chassis as the
T-60, but with the drive
taken to the front, instead of
to the rear. It had a newly
designed turret and its
armament comprised a
45mm (1.77in) gun as well
as a co-axial 7. 62mm
(0.303in) DT machine gun.
The hull armour was given
better angles for protection
than previous tanks and the
driver was equipped with an
armoured visor.

enhanced by the development of remov- because the new T-70 light tank had
able track extensions, but again, they been accepted for service. When produc-
could not solve the difficulties of cooper- tion switched to the T-70 during
ating with T-34s. Similar attempts to February 1943, a total of 6022 T-60 light
up-gun the T-60 with the 37mm (1.46in) tanks had been manufactured.
ZiS-19 and 45mm (1.77in) ZiS-19BM
guns proved abortive because of the T-70 AND T-80
tank's small turret. By the time a re- N.A. Astrov's team developed the T-70
designed turret capable of mounting the with the intention of creating a light tank
45mm (1.77in) ZiS-19BM gun had with more robust armour, stronger arma-
passed its trials, the proj ect was cancelled ment and greater mobility than the T-60.


SPEED: 50km/h (31mph) WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in); one 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 4.66m (15ft 2in); Width 2.52m (7ft 8in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 450km (280 miles)
Height 2.10m (6ft 9in); Weight 9950kg (9.79 tons) CREW: 2
ARMOUR: 60mm (2.36in)


After modifications to the power system, Further problems in combat stemmed

re-designing the turret in flat armour from a having a two-man crew. This
plate rather than copying the T-40's con- forced the commander to double up as
struction, and placing it on the left of the gunner, greatly inhibiting his ability to
hull with the engines on the right for direct the driver and his fire accuracy
easier construction, the T-70 was when in contact with the enemy. The
accepted for production in March 1942. restrictions caused by a two-man crew
Despite the Astrov team's best endeav- were common to all Soviet light tanks,
ours, the T-70 was at best a modest other than the T-26.
improvement on its predecessor, and in The T-70 design's greatest shortfall was BELOW: A T-70A Model 1942
some areas, even worse. in its mobility. The T-70 chassis was a in the classic reconnaissance
At first glance, the T-70's 45mm copy of the T-60, modified to front- role. Using a building as
(1.77in) ZiS-19BM gun - which was rather than rear-wheel drive. Reliance on cover, the crew has moved
mounted in a turret on the left of the other existing technology to cut costs up into the outskirts of a
hull - and 45mm (1.77in) frontal armour and speed construction led to the village. The tank appears to
did increase its protection and firepower. unusual design of using two GAZ-202 have suffered some
However, at that time, German modifica- lorry engines side by side, each powering operational damage, since
tions to the guns and armour of their a single track. This was not a complete the left headlamp has been
medium Panzer III and IV tanks largely success in manufacturing terms; more knocked out of alignment. A
negated these armament developments critically, the T-70's speed was only spare roadwheel is bolted to
which had been made in the T-70M. slightly greater than the T-60's, and its the rear deck.


cross-country range of 180km (111.8 battle that confronted the T-60 and T-70.
miles) was 70km (43.5 miles) less, and Many of the functions of light scout- and
half that of the T-34 Model 1943. Clearly infantry-support tanks were also being
the T-70 was even less suited to taking undertaken either by the heavier British
part in the fast, deep-armoured opera- Valentine tanks provided through Lend-
tions envisaged by Soviet military Lease, or by the T-34. The introduction of
planners. The overall unsuitability of the the SU-76 self-propelled gun, with many
T-70 saw production end in 1943 after components of the T-60 and T-70 but
8226 vehicles had been built. with heavier firepower, was a better use
The T-80 appeared in late 1943 and of resources than light-tank production~
was again the result of work by the
Astrov team. Their main aim was to T-60 AND T-70 IN ACTION
BELow: A T-70 from the 21st install a larger turret with an electrical As mentioned earlier, the performance of
Army during the fighting traverse to accommodate a commander the T-60 and T-70 light tanks in combat
around Stalingrad in the and gunner, thereby improving the vehi- was far from satisfactory because of a
winter of 1942-43. Note the cle's performance in combat. The hull of combination of inferior armour and lack
spare roadwheel carried on the T-80 was identical to that of the T-70, of firepower. A noted critic of these two
the rear chassis of the the only other significant changes being a tank types was Major-General M.E.
vehicle, and the off-centre stronger suspension and wider tracks. Katukov. In a meeting with Stalin in
position of the turret. The Sound a design as it was, the T-80 did not autumn 1942, Katukov told him that his
vehicle in front is a T-3 4. alter the problems of survivability in crews did not like the T-60:


It has only a 20mm [0.78in] gun. In And now, in this fateful hour, when ABOVE: A Soviet SU-76M
serious combat with armoured forces the Germans had almost defeated us, light SP gun covers a
it just does not have it ... To attack in those 'ridiculous' tanks saved our posi- crossroads in Berlin in May
mud or snow is a deadly affair. In the tions. It was lucky that the rye in the 1945. With its open top and
battles around Moscow, we continually area was over a metre high, as the T- rear, the SU-76M was not
had to drag them in tow. 60s were almost hidden by it. Using popular with its four-man
this rye field, both of our T-60 tanks crews; however, with the
He was more cautious, however, about were able to infiltrate to the rear of the exception of the T-3 4, it was
the new T-70, but nonetheless noted, German infantry and then open fire. the most widely produced
somewhat sceptically, 'It has not shown us After several minutes of intensive fire, armoured vehicle in the
anything special.' the German attack was halted. USSR during World War II.
Katukov was right about the crews' Armed with a 76.2mm
intense dislike of the T-60: they nick- The T-70's most dramatic engagements (O.3in) ZiS-3 field gun, it
named them BM-2, meaning Bratskaya came in July 1943 at the Battle of Kursk, had a maximum speed of
Mogila na Dovoikh; quite literally, 'a the climax of the German summer offen- 45km/h (28mph).
brother's grave for two', referring to the sive. On 12 July, the Soviet Fifth Guards
tank's vulnerability to German antitank Tank Army and German II SS Panzer
fire. On the other hand, they were better and III Panzer Corps clashed on a 32km
than nothing during the dark days of (20 mile) front before the village of
1941 and 1942, and as commander of I Prokhorovka. In all, during the heavy
Tank Corps during fierce fighting earlier fighting, 429 German tanks and 870
in 1942, Katukov was forced to acknowl- Soviet· tanks were engaged, and this
edge the debt he owed them: number included 261 T-70 light tanks.


Although Soviet tank losses were signifi- could not see through the dust and
cantly greater than those of their smoke that there were German tanks
opponents (perhaps even as much as rolling along with them in the same
three times as high), the German advance direction. There were already 19 Russian
was contained and the battle subse- tanks standing burning on the battlefield
quently swung in favour of the Soviets. when the Abteilung [2nd Panzer
At the height of the battle on 12 July, the Regiment] opened fire for the first time
Red Army's 31 st Tank Brigade succeeded ... destroying 62 T-70s and T-34s in a
in penetrating the rear elements of the three hour long battle that could almost
BELOW: A pair ofT-70s are 1st SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Panzer- be termed hand-to-hand combat.
used as gun tractors by the grenadier Division. The 1st SS Divisional
crews of two M1942 ZIS-3 history recorded the sheer ferocity of the Soviet losses were inflated by the
76.2mm (3in) antitank guns tank action: Germans, but it seems clear that a large
to move their weapons up to number ofT-70s were lost. For the rest of
the front across the frozen the remaining three Panzers ... could fire the war, the T-60 and T-70 were gradually
ground. This photograph was at the Russians from a distance of 10 to removed from combat roles and used for
taken near Leningrad in 30 metres [30-90ft] and make every convoy duties, reconnaissance, training
February 1943. shell a direct hit because the Russians and defending headquarters.



In 1942 the Soviets initiated a number of SU-76M MODEL 1944 LIGHT SP GUN
proj ects to produce mechanized artillery
guns to support infantry and armoured
formations. The design of the light gun
was given to the Zavod Nr 38 team at
Kirov. They began by basing their design
on the existing T-60 chassis. The proto-
type OSU-76 had mounted a 76.2mm
(3in) ZiS-3 gun at the rear of the hull in
a crude casemate armour box. Problems
with the T-60 chassis mounting the gun's
weight led to the adoption of the longer,
more robustT-70 chassis. SPEED: 44km/h (27mph)

This vehicle, designated SU-12, was a DIMENSIONS: Length Sm (16ft Sin); Width 2.74m (9ft); Height 2.20m

joint project between the Zavod Nr 38 (7ft 3in); Weight 11,200kg (11.02 tons)

and the Zavod Nr 92 team from Gorki. ARMOUR: 3Smm (1.3in)

The GKO accepted the prototype for WEAPONRY: One 76.2mm (3in) gun M1942

production in December 1942 as the EFFECTIVE RANGE: 26Skm (165 miles)

SU-76.A major re-design of the forward CREW: 4

hull was undertaken by Astrov's team in

spring 1943, and engine performance
enhanced by replacing a side-by-side armour made the SU-76M vulnerable to
configuration for the GAZ-202 engines light weapons and small-arms fire, espe-
with an in-line set-up. This improved cially in built-up areas. It was unpopular
design was manufactured as the SU- with crews, earning it the nicknames
76M, and all earlier models withdrawn. Suka (bitch) and Golozhopil Ferdinant
The SU-76M appeared too late in the (Naked Ass Ferdinand, after its profile's
war to make an effective tank destroyer, similarity to the German Ferdinand).
but was valued in an infantry support Even so, the number produced in World
role. The open top and rear and thin War II was only surpassed by the T-34.

LEFT: Although despised by

its crews, the SU-76M was
an effective weapon which
used the T-70's chassis. The
vehicle was built in large
num)Jers by the Soviets, and
after the war continued to
serve with a number of
client states. In this
photograph a Republic of
Korea soldier inspects a
captured SU-76M near
Hayang in 1950, during the
Korean War.


The Red Army's experiments with
the BT series of fast tanks paved
the way for the development of
the T- 34, arguably the finest tank
of the last century. The German
invasion in 1941 led to the
rediscovery of the doctrines of
deep battle that had first been
tested with BT tanks in the 1930s.

The Soviet classification of Sredni (Mediun1.) tanks embraced the types

T-12, T-22, T-24, T-28, T-29, T-32 and also the superb T-34, covered
elsewhere, which was developed between 1930 and 1941. The BT, or
Bystrokhodnii, Tank series were Fast Tanks that used the suspension
developed by the irascible American inventor, J. Walter Christie. When
in the late summer and autumn of 1941 a total of 17,000 tanks -
which were largely BTs and T-26s - fell victim to Panzer divisions,
the Germans were convinced that they had broken the back of the
Soviet tank arm. This was understandable, since 75 per cent of the
Soviet tank strength at the time was BTs and T-26s.

Left: Finnish troops in training leap from a moving BT-S (V) captured early in 1940
- albeit without its frame antenna. To prevent destruction by 'friendly fire' they have
painted a bold swastika emblem (a Finnish identifying symbol, not a mark of
allegiance to the Nazi Party) on the tank's turret. .


ABOVE: Developed around However, the BT series and T-26s made to support them - there was a lack
1925, the T-12 had a 45mm were not the end-products of the 1930s of equally mobile infantry and artillery
(1.77in) gun with 100 tank-development programme. The capable of keeping up - and because the
rounds stowed on board. It USSR had learned valuable lessons about tanks' fuel supply broke down.
was initially fitted with the engines, armour, ballistic angles, track The changes to Soviet tank doctrine
distinctive 'tail' of the widths and firepower, and these were had also happened because many of the
Renault FT-17 light tank. now being incorporated into new and more innovative officers in the Soviet
The T-12 was given a more formidable designs. The appearance of Army had been been executed and
powerful engine and also the T-34 and KV tank models which had others imprisoned. However, after 1941,
had a bigger crew than the been built in new or relocated factories those who were languishing in Gulags
FT-1 7. The commander had beyond the Ural mountains came as an would return to lead the Red Army to
his own cupola with a ugly shock to the German tank crews victory in 1945.
machine gun. Although the after the first two years of the war in the
1930 budget had funds to east, when they enjoyed a tactical edge EARLY MEDIUM TANKS: THE T-22
develop 30 T-12s, the project over their Soviet adversaries. Developed by a German engineer named
was cancelled in favour of In the late 1930s, Soviet armoured Grotte, the T-22 was also known as the
the T-24. doctrine had changed, partly in the light TG-1, or Tank Grotte 1. It was the brain-
of experience in the Spanish Civil War. child of the OKMO bureau in
In Spain General Pavlov had attempted Leningrad, headed by N. Barykov, that
deep penetration tactics with his BTs and was also developing the T-28. In 1932 the
T-26s, notably with 50 tanks at Esquivas Grotte TG-1 was built as a prototype in
on 29 October 1936. In March 1937 he three variants. One was armed with a
launched an improvised counterattack 37mm (1.46in) gun and four machine
with a larger force against the Italians guns, one with a 76.2mm (3in) gun and
near Guadalajara in fighting near Madrid. four machine guns, and the third with a
However, his tank tactics failed because 76.2mm (3in) and a 37mm (1.46in) gun
inappropriate arrangements had been and one machine gun. Grotte also proposed


a heavier vehicle, the TG-3, that received speed of 12km/h (10mph) and a road
the designation T-29. range of 60km (38 miles).
The T-22 was a remarkably modern- The T-12, built around 1925, had a
looking vehicle for its time. It was large simple hull structure between two tracks
for the period - 7.5m (24ft 6in) long, 3m with small-bogie suspension. It had a
(9ft 8in) wide and 2. 8m (9ft 1in) high - cylindrical turret with a rounded com-
and had a crew of 11. Its M-5 engine mander's cupola and a crew of four. It
developed 186kW (250bhp), giving a weighed 17,236kg (19 tons) and was
maximum road speed of 35km/h (21 7.5m (24ft 6in) long, 3m (9ft 8in) wide
mph). Armour protection was between and 2.8m (9ft lin) high. Armed with a
8mm (0.31in) and 20mm (0.78in), and it Model 32 45mm (1.77in) gun with 100
weighed 2500kg (27.5 tons).TheTG-l/ rounds, it also had four DT machine
T-22 was not accepted for production guns. It was an unreliable design and was
due to its complexity and the problems soon replaced by the T-24.
this would pose for the tank industry. The T-24 was a good design but was
let down by poor mechanicals. The hull
T-24 was widened to overlap the tracks and
Built in the 1930s, the T-24 was derived the superstructure had a V-shaped front
from the T-12 that had been developed with the driver at the apex. The turret
from the MS series, which in turn was was roomy and had a cupola. However,
derived from the French Renault FT-l 7. after 25 were built, the drive train and
The MS was the first purely Russian suspension caused problems, and the pro-
design. The MS-l resembled the j ect was cancelled.
Renault and was soon given a more The tank had a crew of three and was
powerful engine as the MS-2 and finally armed with a Model 32 45mm (1.77in)
uprated to the MS-3. The MS-3, pro- gun and three machine guns. Maximum
duced in 1923, had a crew of two and armour was 25.4mm (lin) and the tank
was armed with a M1916 37mm weighed 18,500kg (18.20 tons). It was
(1.46in) gun and two machine guns. It 6.5m (21ft 3in) long, 3m (9ft 8in) wide
weighed 5500kg (5.41 tons) and was and 2.8m (9ft lin) high. Powered by an
3.5m (11ft 6in) long, 1.76m (5ft 9in) eight-cylinder 222kW (300bhp) petrol
wide, and 2.12m (5ft llin) high. It was engine, its road speed was 24km/h
powered by a six-cylinder 31 k W (15mph) and it had a road range of
(65bhp) petrol engine, and had a road 200km (125 miles).



. ,'
. .. . . . .
....... • 0·· .. , .

SPEED: n/a WEAPONRY: One 4Smm (1.77in); four 7.62mm (O.3in) MG

DIMENSIONS: Length 7.Sm (24ft Sin); Width 3m (9ft 8in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: n/a
Height 2.8m (9ft lin); Weight 19,800kg (21.8tons) CREW: 4
ARMOUR: 22mm (O.86in)


ABOVE: The T-28A, with the T-28 Grosstraktor design. The Soviet forces
short 76.2mm (3in) (L/16.5) Though a medium tank, with its three had seen this German vehicle when they
gun in the main central turrets the T-28 looked superficially like a were employed in field exercises at the
turret and two auxiliary heavy tank and could be mistaken for the Kazan training area in 1929. After trials
·turrets, looked formidable. multi-turreted T-35. The T-28 had been with the prototype, heavier armour and
Despite its shape and bulk, it developed in 1932 at the Leningrad more powerful armament were
was fast for the period and Kirov Plant or Bolshevik Factory as a requested, and the original Model 27 /32
up-armoured for its use in break-through tank, and it drew on the 45mm (1.77in) gun was replaced by a
Finland in 1940. British A6 medium and German NbFz 76.2mm (3in) gun. The first model was


SPEED: 37km/h (22mph) WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in) or one 76.2mm (3in); three
DIMENSIONS: Length 7.44m (24ft Sin); Width 2.86m (9ft 3in); 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
Height 2.86m (9ft 3in); Weight 32,000kg (31.50 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 220km (135 miles)
ARMOUR: 80mm (3.14in) CREW: 6


accepted for adoption by the Red Army of this suspension was covered by skirting
on 11 August 1933. with mud chutes.
The T-28 had a crew of six who When the decision was taken to
manned the central turret armed with a authorize production of the T-28, pro-
very effective dual-purpose 76.2mm duction was taken over by the Red
(3in) gun with three DT machine guns, a Putilov Factory in Leningrad, because by
co-axial DT, and two in two forward tur- now the Bolshevik Factory was fully
rets. During 1938, further modifications committed to manufacturing the T-26
saw the existing 16. 5-calibre gun being light tank. The first production batch of
replaced by a 26-calibre L-l0, and this 10 vehicles took part in the May Day
tank was designated the T-28 Ob.1938. parade in Moscow in 1933.
The T-28 carried 70 rounds of main The T-28 went through four modifi-
armament ammunition and 7938 for the cations during its production run from
DT machine guns. 1933 to 1940. The T-28A that appeared
The tank weighed 32,000kg (31.50 in 1933 had modified suspension that
tons), and it was 7.44m (24ft 5in) long, consisted of 12 bogie rollers with four BELOW: On a May Day
2.86m (9ft 3in) wide, and 2.86m (9ft 3in) return rollers. It had increased frontal Parade T-28s rumble across
high. It was powered by a M-17L V-12 armour. German intelligence designated Red Square. The multi-turret
372kW (500bhp) petrol engine that it the T-28V The T-28B was a further design was also popular in
developed 1400rpm. The maximum road modernization that the Germans desig- Britain, France and Germany
speed of 37km/h (22mph) was quite fast nated T-28M. Work for this was in the 1930s, but only the
for vehicles of this type, while cross- undertaken between 1938 and 1939. A Soviet Union saw its tanks
country it was 20km/h (12.41uph) and ball-mounted machine gun was fitted in go into action. The idea of a
the road range was 220km (135 miles). the turret rear and the main gun uprated. land-based battleship was
Maximum armour protection was 80mm By the time the Winter War against appealing but the vehicles
(3.14in) and minimum 20mm (0.79in). Finland had begun, there were two T-28 were easy targets for agile
The T-28 had multi-wheel suspension Brigades: these were the 10th and 20th German tanks with their
with a front idlers and rear drive; much Heavy Tank Brigades. Both suffered better command and control.


heavy losses from the small number of ceased, a total of some 7000 BT tanks
Finnish antitank gun crews, who nick- had been manufactured.
named the clumsy vehicles 'The Mail The significance ofJ.W Christie's sus-
Train'. In an attempt to improve the level pension, used in the BTs, cannot be
of protection, the T-28C was developed. over-emphasized. It transformed Soviet
The frontal armour on the hull and tank design and laid the foundations for a
turret was increased from 50mm (1.96in) large and successful line ofAFVs. Before
to 80mm (3.14in) and the rear and sides World War I, Christie's Front Drive
to 40mm (1.57in) by additional 'screened Motor Company had built tractors, a
armour' . The weight increased to racing car and fire engines, and in 1919 it
32,513kg (32 tons). The up-armoured designed and built a light tank.
tank performed extremely well in the With the promise of cash reward in
breakthrough attacks against the mind,. Christie had produced a new tank
Mannerheim Line in 1940. in 1928. It proved very unreliable in test-
The BT tank that was the mainstay of ing at Fort Benning and it had
the prewar tank forces was known to its inadequate engine cooling. Nevertheless,
crews as 'Betka' - (Beetle) - the affection- seven designated Medium Tank T3s or
ate girl's diminutive 'Betushka', or Combat Car T1s were ordered in June
'Tri- Tankista' (Three Tank Men). It had 1931 and they were produced by
originally been intended for an indepen- Christie's US Wheel Track Layer
dent mechanized cavalry role, Corporation. The T3 was armed with a
complemented by the T-28 that would 37mm (1.46in) M1916 Trench Cannon
provide infantry support. By the late and powered by a Liberty V-12 engine.
1930s, this distinction had disappeared The improved T3E2 had a completely
and all tanks, including the BTs, were rel- new two-man turret, five machine guns,
egated to infantry support. The thicker armour, a 324.6kW (435bhp)
designations given to this vast range of Curtis engine and higher speed:
light tanks differ in Western literature. In 56.3km/h (35mph) on tracks and
the 1930s when they were being devel- 96.6km/h (60mph) on wheels.
oped, the USSR was highly secretive, and In 1929 a US cavalry officer, C.C.
even the plants that built BTs were often Benson, had enthused in two US military
more interested in technical improve- journals about the vehicle that he called
ment than recording by date and 'The New Christie, Model 1940'
designation exactly when these changes because, he said, it was' easily ten years
were made. By the time production ahead of its time'. These articles had


SPEED: 113km/h (70mph) - wheels; 68km/h (42mph) - tracks WEAPONRY: Two MGs
DIMENSIONS: Length S.18m (17ft); Width 2.13m (7ft); Height EFFECTIVE RANGE: n/a
6ft (1.82m); Weight 8740kg (8.6 tons) CREW: 3
ARMOUR: 13mm (O.Slin)


attracted the interest of a Soviet officer, that enabled tanks to move at high-speed ABOVE: The preliminary test
Innokenti Andreyevich Khalepsky, who cross-country that was the lasting benefit of a Christie M1930, bought
was at that time head of the Red Army of the Christie system. The track-and- from the US designer, travels
Military Technical Board. wheel system was attractive, since it along the Leningrad road
The USSR had set up purchasing would allow a fast approach march on near the village of
organizations in the United Kingdom wheel along roads and then, after an Buzlanovo. The driver
and the USA to buy new technology. In operation that took about 30 minutes, glances at the photographer,
the UK the company was Arcos Ltd, and the crew would switch to tracks. In the having just taken the tank
it made considerable efforts to acquire 1930s all tank designs were plagued by across a shallow river in
tanks and technical intelligence from unreliable tracks whose performance was August 1931. This particular
Vickers-Armstrong. The British-based blighted by a short running life. vehicle does not have a
team bought commercially available Five T3E2s were built by fire-engine turret and armament, the
tanks, but the War Department put a bar maker La France, since Christie was too main factor which enabled
on the export of vehicles that were in busy with his next project. He was also Christie to export it out of
service with the British Army. Moscow too inclined to make changes in designs the USA to the USSR under
soon realized that their operation in the when they were already in production, the guise of being a 'tractor',
USA had found something far more such as improving the angle of the rather than a tank.
valuable. In the USA, that organization armour or turret design.
was the Amtorg Trading Company. On 29 April 1930, Christie signed a
The facility to operate with or with- contract with an Amtorg vice-president,
out tracks fascinated the Soviet A.V Petrov, for two improved models of
engineers; however, it was the suspension his tank. The ceremony was witnessed by


ABOVE: The trial production Khalepsky and Joseph Michael, Amtorg's neers were impressed by its speed and the
batches of the BT-2 Model resident attorney. Michael had drafted a suspension that gave it an enhanced
1932 had several minor tough contract. It would be effective for cross-country mobility, and these vehicles
changes introduced to them, 10 years, and in it Christie agreed not to were to form the basis of the BT-2,
such as the new concave 'transfer or otherwise dispose of his which would enter full production in
wheels, as well as a patent rights or interest in said tanks to September 1931.
simplified mantlet for the any third party'. In addition, he agreed At the same that Christie had signed
gun. There were two models 'not to assign [the] agreements to, any an exclusive contract with the USSR, he
of the BT-2, one which was third parties without the previous writ- had also entered into negotiations with
armed with a 37mm (1.46in) ten consent' of Amtorg. In addition, Poland, had contacted France and would
Model 1930 gun, and the Christie was expected to provide techni- eventually sign a separate contract with
other which was armed with cal aid, such as drawings, parts and the UK. The British used his suspension
DT 7.62mm (O.3in) machine instructions. In order to monitor the in a series of fast but poorly-armoured
guns. However, the machine- tanks' construction effectively, Khalepsky (and poorly-armed) so-called 'cruiser'
gun variant was not popular assigned an engineer to work with the tanks, like the Crusader and Covenantor.
with crews for its lack of US Wheel Track Layer Corporation. However, by the end of the war, the sus-
firepower, and all BT-2 Two turretless T3s were bought by the pension had matured into tanks like the
production was eventually to Soviet Union and shipped out in the Comet and Cromwell, the forebears of
turn entirely to the gun- guise of agricultural tractors. Lieutenant- the superb Centurion.
armed variant. Colonel J.K. Crain of the US War The Soviet Army, Andreyevich
Department and S.L. Parker from the Khalepsky and the Amtorg Trading
State Department's Division for Eastern Company had by now become increas-
European Affairs had attempted to halt ingly suspicious of Christie who, as his
the export to a country that the USA did company faced bankruptcy, was making
not recognize officially. By the time they increasingly unrealistic demands for pay-
began to question Christie, it was too ment in gold. Christie died during World
late: the 'tractors' had been shipped out of War II, still embroiled in lawsuits with
New York on 24 December. Soviet engi- the US Government.


BT-l (0.3in) DT machine gun. The 37mm gun

Developed in 1932, this may have been a had 96 rounds and the machine guns
straight copy of the T-3, even down to 4000. It entered service in 1932, and
the 166kW (350bhp) V-12 Liberty petrol some were still in armoured divisions in
engine with maximum road speed on 1941. The first three prototypes were
tracks of 6Skm/h (40mph) and on completed without armament, and they
wheels of 10Skm/h (65mph). Some took part in the November Revolution
assert that the BT-l was in fact the desig- Parade in Moscow in 1931.
nation for the original Christie vehicles. The more powerful armament raised
Whatever the truth, the tank had a crew the vehicle's weight to 11,OOOkg (10.82
of three, weighed 10,200kg (10 tons), was tons) but in all other respects it was iden-
5.49m (18ft) long, 2.23m (7ft 4in) wide tical to the BT-l. The BT-2 was capable
and 1.92m (6ft 4in) high. Maximum of 110km/h (68.4mph) on roads,
armour protection was 13mm (O.Slin) SOkm/h (31mph) cross-country and had
and minimum 6mm (0.24in). The arma- a road range of 300km (186 miles). Drive BELOW: Recruits watch as a
ment consisted of two machine guns. was on the rear sprockets and via a chain BT-2 clears a bank; the
Only a small number were built at the link to the rearmost road wheels when Christie suspension was well
Kharkov Locomotive Works (KhPZ Nr not running on tracks. It had clutch and capable of absorbing the
183) to evaluate the basic design. brake steering and mechanical brakes. shock of the landing. The
A machine-gun armed version of the 'flying tank' picture was
BT-2 BT-2 with three DT guns was not popu- widely circulated in the war
Using the same hull as the B T-l, Soviet lar with crews. The BT-3 was a further as a dramatic propaganda
engineers mounted a 37mm (1.46in) improvement on the BT-l with solid disc image; ironically, the tank
M1930 gun with a co-axial 7.62mm roadwheels in place of spoked, and a was by then obsolete.



SPEED: 112km/h (70mph) - wheels; 6Skm/h (40mph) - tracks WEAPONRY: One 37mm (1.46in); one 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 5.49m (18ft); Width 2.33m (7ft 4in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 90km (55 miles)
Height 2.21m (7ft 3in); Weight 92S3.3kg (10.2 tons) CREW: 3
ARMOUR: 13mm (O.Slin)

45mm (1.77in) gun in place of the the BT-1, but the height had increased to
37mm (1.46in). Only a few were built 2.21m (7ft 3in). The BT-6 or BT-5(V)
and, along with T-26s and T-28s, most was the commander's version. It had a
were later modified as bridgelayers. A radio in the turret bustle and a frame
small number were modified with a antenna which, when fully rigged,
flamethrower replacing the main arma- extended around the turret sides and rear.
ment. The BT-4 was a prototype with a Small numbers of BT-5 tanks were
twin DT machine-gun turret. used for trials and experiments. The BT-
5PKh was fitted with a snorkel and
BT-5 rubber sealing for crossing rivers under
This tank went into production at the water. The 4th Motorized Regiment,
end of 1932 in a new factory in Kharkov part of the 4th Don Cossack Division,
and brought together all the lessons tested BT-5PKh tanks in the 1936
learned so far in the programme. It summer manoeuvres in Byelorussia near
would be the backbone of the Soviet Slutsk. A flamethrower version had the
Army armoured force in the late 1930s. flame projector mounted in the hull,
About 50 BT-5s were sent to Spain to allowing the gun to be retained.
operate within the assembled However, the fighting compartment
Russo-Spanish Republican tank units. became so cramped that it was almost
The tank had a crew of three, a larger impossible to service the gun. BT-Ss saw
turret with a 45mm (1.77in) M1932 tank action in Finland, but the close woodland
gun, and a co-axial machine gun. It car- and the crews' tactics exposed them to
ried 72-115 rounds for the 45mm gun Finnish infantry tank-hunters.
and 2394 for the machine gun. It also BT-5s were used for trials as armoured
had a new and more powerful engine engineer vehicles carrying fascines for
and better vision equipment. The M-5 filling in antitank ditches and bridges.
aero engine, a V-12 petrol, was capable of The tracks were fitted with primitive
developing 260kW (350bhp), and on grousers, which were called'supplemen-
tracks the BT-5 was capable of 65km/h tary track', to assist movement across
(40mph), and on wheels a remarkable snow or soft ground.
112km/h (70mph) on roads.
The maximum armour protection was BT-7
now 13mm (0.51in) and minimum 6mm Experience in the Far East in combat in
(0.24in) and it included a riveted glacis 1934 and 1935 with the Japanese Army
plate. The tank weighed 11 ,500kg (11.31 of Manchuria had shown the vulnerabil-
tons). It was the same length and width as ity of riveted tank construction, and so


the decision was taken to produce a tank The later production types BT-7-2
with welded armour. It was in this were fitted with twin horn periscopes.
remote theatre that at Khalkin Gol in The BT-7 was powered by the new
1939 the unknown general Georgi M 17- TV-12 petrol engine that devel-
Zhukov demonstrated his brilliance as a oped 372kW (500bhp) at 1760rpm. It
tank commander. His skillful handling of was a copy of a German BMW engine
five armoured brigades expelled the that had originally been designed for air-
Japanese Sixth, or Kanto, Army from craft use, and gave a road speed of
positions they had captured on the 72km/h (45mph), a cross- country speed
Mongolian Manchurian border by the of 50km/h (31mph), and a road range of
Khalkin River. 430km (265 miles). The weight had risen
The Japanese commander who had to 13,900kg (13.68 tons), and the hull
disobeyed orders and invaded Soviet ter- was now 5.66m (18ft 7in), the width
ritory had air superiority, and had 2.29m (7ft 6in) and height 2.42m (7ft
assembled 3 infantry divisions, 180 tanks, llin). Maximum hull armour was
500 guns and 450 aircraft. The Russians increased to 22mm (0.86in), but mini-
had 100,000 infantry with 498 tanks, mum remained 6mm (0.24in). In 1939 it
strong artillery and 580 outclassed air- was the major Soviet fighting tank.
craft. Zhukov used his infantry to hold Variants included the BT-7A, a close
the Japanese front and then launched his support vehicle mounting the 76.2mm
armour in a pincer attack. The Soviet (3in) regimental howitzer in a larger
losses were about 10,000, but the shaken turret with 50 rounds and two DT
Japanese withdrew after suffering losses machine guns. It was intended to support
of about 18,000. cavalry tank formations, and carried 50
The new tank that grew out of this rounds of main ammunition and was
battlefield experience became the BT-7, slightly heavier than the BT-7. The OP-7
the next improvement to the BT family. was a flamethrower version that had the
It had a conical turret, thicker armour, fuel cell for the projector in an armoured
more fuel and ammunition capacity, a pannier on the right hull side. The BT-7
ball-mounted machine gun in the turret (V) or BT-7TU was the commander's
rear, and stronger transmission. The model with the turret of the BT-5(V)
Model 35 45mm (1.77in) gun on the with radio and frame antenna, though
BT-7 had 146 rounds, a marked improve- later models had a whip antenna that
ment on the BT-5 that had carried a made them less of an obvious target in
maximum of 115 rounds. tank-on-tank actions.


SPEED: 112km/h (70mph) - wheels; 65km/h (40mph) - tracks WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in); one 7.62mm (O.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 5.49m (18ft); Width 2.33m (7ft 4in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 90km (55 miles)
Height 2.21m (7ft 3in); Weight 11,500kg (11.31 tons) CREW: 3
ARMOUR: 13mm (O.51in)


tons), was 6.11m (20ft) long and 2.46m

(8ft) high and was powered by a V-12
liquid-cooled diesel engine based on a
Hispano-Suiza 12Y aircraft engine that
gave a top road speed of 86km/h
(53.4mph) and cross-country of 50km/h
(31 mph). Diesel conferred a number of
advantages: it increased the radius of
action by approximately one-third over
the petrol engine for the same amount of
fuel; it reduced the fire risk; and it simpli-
fied maintenance and production, as well
as simplifying logistics.
The BT-7M had a full-length sloping
glacis instead of the pointed 'prow' of the
earlier BT designs, though the armour
protection was the same as the BT-7. It
reverted to wheel-and-tracks, a system
that Mikhail Koshkin of the Kharkov
bureau saw as an added weight for no
operational benefit and which he fought
to exclude from the T-34. The BT-8 had
a 45mm (1.77in) Model 38 gun with 146
rounds, and two DT machine guns with
2394 rounds. It was with the BT-7s and
BT-8s that Zhukov went on to achieve
his victory at Khalkin Gol.

Developed in 1939, this single experi-
mental tank was the last of the BT series
and was in effect the BT-7M hull
improved by sloping the side armour in
the same way as the glacis plate. Though
the tank had a BT-7 turret with 45mm
(1.77in) gun, this was probably for trials
purposes only. It had a crew of three and
maximum armour protection of 30mm
ABOVE: The BT-S shown as a The B T-7 saw action in Finland and (1. 18in) . Its shape was a precursor of the
roadrunner without its tracks also during the Soviet invasion of eastern T-34. The tank weighed 15,600kg (15.35
and with the driver's and Poland in 1939. Its nemesis would come tons) and was 5.76m (18ft 11in) long, and
commanders hatches open. in 1941 with Operation Barbarossa, the 2.28m (7ft 6in) high and wide. The M17-
The wheels were linked by a German invasion of the USSR. Captured T-V-12 diesel produced 372kW
chain drive to the engine, tanks were employed by German forces, (500bhp) and gave a top road speed of
and running on wheels painted field grey and boldly marked 65km/h (40mph) and a road range of
offered two advantages: it with black crosses on all vertical surfaces 400km (250 miles).
not only was faster on roads as well as hatches. As with the practice of
but it also reduced track using captured T-34s, the necessity to PT-l
wear. Being capable of mark them clearly to avoid 'friendly fire' The BT provided many of the compo-
driving without wheels was, would often nullify any attempts made to nents for the prototype PT-1
however, a luxury that camouflage the tanks. (Plavayushchiy Tank-l, or Amphibious
would have been unnecess- Tank-1). Developed by a team which was
ary had the vehicle enjoyed BT-7M/BT-8 headed by N. Astrov and N. Tsiets in
a better track design. Though only about 700 of these tanks 1932, it had a larger hull. This wider hull
were built between 1939 and 1940, they was designed to give sufficient buoyancy
represent a transition vehicle that had in order to ensure that it would float. It
many of the characteristics of the early T- was propelled through the water by
34. The BT-7M weighed 14,650kg (14.4 means of a propeller fitted beneath the



SPEED: 72km/h (45mph) WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in); two 7.62mm (O.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 5.66m (18ft 7in); Width 2.29m (7ft 6in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 430km (265 miles)
Height 2.42m (7ft llin); Weight 13,900kg (13.68 tons) CREW: 3
ARMOUR: 22mm (O.86in)

hull and it had a rudder for underwater by STAVKA for mass production, due to
steering. During two years of trials, a new its design complexity, a small production
version, designated the PT-1A, was pro- run was authorized by the Directorate of
posed. It was designed with various Mechanization and Motorization and
modifications, including a shorter pitched RVS, in order that tactical trials could be
track. Even though it was not accepted made with amphibious vehicles.

LEFT: An inspection of a
Soviet BT-5 platoon; in the
foreground is a BT-5U with
its distinctive radio antenna.
The BT-5 was effectively a
BT-2 fitted with a 45mm
(1.77in) gun. The original
production batch had a very
small rear bustle on the
turret, while the production
model had a more ample
turret bustle. The tank went
into production at the end
of 1932 in a new factory in
Kharkov and was the Soviet
Army armoured force's
backbone in the late 1930s.
It had a crew of three, a
new and more powerful
engine, and better vision
equipment. On tracks it
could reach 65km/h
(40mph) and on wheels a
remarkable 112km/h
(70mph) on roads.


The T- 34 may have come as a

surprise to the Germans, but it
was the result of several years of
research and development as well
as battles by the engineers with
Soviet bureaucracy. The design
was, however, rugged and
versatile, and allowed the tank to
be up-gunned and improved
without breaks in production.

The head of the Directorate ofArmoured Forces (AB TU), General

Dmitri Pavlov, drew mixed conclusions from the performance of
Soviet tanks in the Spanish Civil War, but his assertion that massed
armour was ineffective would be disastrous for the Red Army's mech-
anized forces in 1941. Pavlov was heavily involved with the
re-evaluation of future Soviet tanks following the war in Spain. To his
credit was his proposal that the Red Army needed a new tank. This
vehicle would become the T-34.
The Soviet BT and T-26 tanks' vulnerability in Spain had shown
how much antitank weapons had improved. The Soviets therefore set
to work producing a so-called 'shellproof' tank, with greater surviv-
ability against small-arms fire, shell splinters, small-calibre artillery and
contemporary antitank weapons; and, more specifically, proof against a
hit from a 37mm (1.46in) gun at any range and a 76.2mm (3in) anti-
tank gun at ranges over 1000m (1100yd). Soviet tanks had shown an
alarming propensity to catch fire when hit, largely due to their petrol
engines, and this also stimulated a Soviet interest in diesel-powered
engines with a low flash point.

LEFT: A captured T-34 M1941 guards a road through a village as a Renault ADK
light truck drives past in December 1941. The Germans used a huge variety of
captured vehicles - particularly the excellent T-34, which was better than any
German tank currently in service - but this posed major logistical problems.


Pavlov wanted a replacement for the heavier than the BT. M.Tarshinov, who
BT, essentially an improved version of the was responsible for the armour, had
BT-IS. He tasked the design team at the worked on the BT-IS and the BT-SV test
Kharkov Locomotive, or Komintern, tanks at Kharkov under Koshkin's prede-
Factory in November 1937 with the pro- cessor, A. Firsov, and the BT-SV project
duction of a fast AFV using the had made ground-breaking use of 25mm
convertible wheel/track system and BT (1 in) sloping armour.
Christie suspension. The new 20.2 tonne The team presented a wooden model
(20 ton) tank, which was given the desig- of the A-20 to the Defence Council of
nation the A-20, was to have a 45mm the Soviet of People's Commissars
(1.77in) gun and 20mm (0.8in) armour. (Soviet N arodnykh Komissarov, or
It was not a particularly revolutionary SNAKE) in May 1938. However, they
design specification in itself, but Pavlov had doubts about the A-20 design speci-
evidently wanted to combine heavier fication, in particular the wheel/track
protection with the existing firepower feature. Koshkin argued that it added
and mobility of the BT series. The needless weight, and combat experience
Kharkov factory, however, eventually had shown it to be pointless.
delivered to the Director of Armoured The armour needed to be at least
Forces a superb fighting vehicle. 30mm (1.2in) thick to withstand existing
and future threats, and Koshkin consid-
THE KHARKOV DESIGN TEAM ered that the 45mm (1.77in) gun was a~so
In 1936, the head of the Kharkov bureau, inadequate and that a considerably larger
Mikhail Koshkin, who had been posted 76.2mm (3in) weapon was needed to
in to work on BT improvements, assem- defeat similarly-protected enemy tanks.
bled a talented and experienced team. He made these points strongly at a pre-
His deputy and old friend Alexsandr sentation at which Josef Stalin was
Morozov - who had already designed the present. Stalin was evidently impressed,
new V-2 diesel engine first used on the and the Main Military Council subse-
BT-8 and the Voroshilovets artillery trac- quently gave permission for the Kharkov
tor - was responsible for the power train. factory to build a prototype, both of the
The suspension team was led by Nikolai A-20 and also of a heavier up-armoured
Kucherenko and P. Vasihev, who had been and up-gunned version, which was given
part of the T-29-4 tank project which the designation A-30.
tested the Christie-type suspension on The wheel/ track issue still remained
medium tanks that were considerably unresolved. The unnecessary combina-
tion of tracks and road wheels was
unduly heavy, and the complex technol-
ogy involved increasingly convinced the
Kharkov design team that the system
would hamper mass production and if it
were produced, would cause difficulties
with maintenance. Simplicity had always
proven to be a virtue with equipment for
the Red Army soldier.
Therefore, on their own initiative,
Koshkin and Morozov designed a heav-
ier, purely-tracked medium tank, based
around the A-30, which incorporated the
suggestions that Koshkin had made to
SPEED: 65km/h (40mph) the Main Military Council. They submit-
DIMENSIONS: Length 5.7m (18ft 7in); Width 2.7m (8ft 8in); Height 204m (7ft ted drawings of a 19.2 tonne (19 ton)
8in); Weight 18,OOOkg (19.8 tons) tank, the A-32 (also called the T-32) , to a
ARMOUR: 20mm (O.8in) conference on medium tank design in
WEAPONRY: One 45mm (1.77in); two 7.62mm (O.3in) DT MG August 1938, with positive results. The
EFFECTIVE RANGE: nla Main Defence Committee and Stalin
CREW: 4 approved the project and demanded the
production and evaluation of a prototype
of the A-32 as soon as possible.

TH E T- 3 4

The process that led to the approval of The shape of the tank, however, was ABOVE: An A-20 drives up a
the A-32 illustrated the fickle but occa- more interesting, as it provided the first hill during trials, and it
sionally-inspired influence ofJosef Stalin. glimpse of the hull and turret shape that shows the classic shape of
The Main Military Council had criti- would later be adopted in the T-34. The the future T-34, with well-
cized the A-32 because it did not have A-20 had a new 2Smm (lin) rolled angled armour and low
the wheel/track feature, but Stalin saw armour plate turret. The A-20's wide, V- silhouette. The engineers had
the logic of Koshkin's argument that the shaped glacis plate was set at 60 degrees. a clear vision of the tank
weight saved by losing the wheel/track The hull overhung the tracks, and the they wanted to design, and
feature could be used to add extra pro- hull sides above track level were angled first presented it to the
tection, and so he backed the design of and 2Smm (lin) thick. This conformed Defence Council of the
the A-32. This meant that the Kharkov to the same specifications of another Soviet of People's
design team now had three projects: the attempt to produce a shell-proof tank: Commissars (SNAKE) in
A-20, A-30 and A-32. the T-46-S (or Izdeliye 111). This 32.3 May 1938. But they first had
tonne (32 ton) tank had reached the pro- to contend with political and
THE PROTOTYPES totype stage and but was cancelled. military interference, and
The prototype of the A-20 was further However, its armour protection schemes ironically it was only after a
advanced and stuck closely to ABTU had some influence on the A-20. presentation in front of
specification. The 18.2 tonne (18 ton) The attempt to up-gun the A-20 in Stalin, and his subsequent
design retained the wheel/track configu- the shape of the A-30 soon proved to be direct intervention, that the
ration of the BT series. Like its BT a dead end. The design team made an successful design was given
forebears, it ran on four pairs of road attempt to place the short-barrelled approval for development.
wheels powered by the new, compact and 76.2mm (3in) (L/30.S) gun used on the
powerful 373kW (SOObhp) V-2 diesel BTU in the A-20 turret. This failed com-
tank engine. The chassis was based on prehensively because the turret was far
that of the BT-7M. It was armed with too small for the larger weapon, making
the 45mm (1.77in) high-velocity gun, it extremely difficult to operate. More
like most of the BT series, as well a co- fundamentally, the turret ring could not
axial and hull-mounted machine gun. absorb the recoil of the 76.2mm (3in)


gun. Eventually, the basic impracticabil- Prototypes for both the A-20 and
ity of the project ensured that the A-30 A-32 were ready by July 1939 and were
was quietly dropped. sent to the Scientific Test Institute of
The A-32 was a far more promising Tank Technology (NIB) at Kubinka,
design and a major development on the where they both proved mechanically
BT. The wheel/track system was reliable and superior to all other models.
dropped, although the tank retained the The A-20's performance without tracks
Christie suspension system. As it did not was poor but, like the A-32, with tracks it
have to move on wheels, the weight was very satisfactory. On 1 September
saving was considerable, and the amount 1939 both the A-20 and A-32, along
of armour on the new hull shape could with the KV heavy tank and the expen-
be increased to 30-60mm (1.2-2.4in) sive and complex T-SO and T-40
without violating the weight limit. The amphibious tanks, appeared in a display
BELOW: A camouflaged and designers also gave the A-32 a new steer- of new Red Army vehicles which was
slogan-painted T-34/76B ing system that used the conventional held for the Main Military Council.
tank ofYakunin's subunit method of levers, rather than the steering The inclusion of the two tanks in the
drives through the town of wheel used in the BT and the A-20. They display indicated official satisfaction with
Izyum during an offensive had discovered on the B T series that the design, although there was no con-
near Kharkov in January while a steering wheel was certainly not sensus amongst the Main Military
1942. The large turret hatch the best method of steering a tracked Council. Koshkin was adamant that the
is open and shows clearly vehicle, it had proved impossible to steer A-32 was the superior model, and reck-
the problem that it posed for a wheeled vehicle with levers. The road oned it ought to be considered a
the commander, who had wheels were increased to five. Finally, universal tank to replace the variety of
either to sit high in the true to Koshkin's original proposal for a Soviet types and fulfil the roles of the BT,
turret to see forward, or to tank with a larger gun as well as thicker T-26 light and T-28 medium tank. Its dis-
drive closed up. armour, it was given a 76.2mm (3in) gun. advantage was that it was comparatively

TH E T- 34

expensive, and some of the council Koshkin told the committee that, after ABOVE: This photograph of a
expressed serious concern that the A-32 considering these developments, his team T-34 production line does
would cost three times as much as the T- had prepared estimates which demon- not show how grim the
26. Pavlov supported the A-20, which strated that the A-32 could be conditions in the factories in
was the ultimate product of his initial up-armoured even further without an the Urals were in reality. It
ABTU design specification. unacceptable loss of performance and was cold, noisy and dirty,
mobility. Koshkin produced drawings and with women, older men, and
THE UP-ARMOURED A-32 models to back up his case, and con- youngsters alike working
The issue was finally settled at a meeting vinced Stalin - who was chairing the 16-hour shifts by day and by
of the Defence Committee of the committee to approve the up- night. Although they were
SNAKE on 19 December 1939. The armoured version of the A-32 medium administered with meagre
debate turned to the latest reports from tank. In service, this medium tank would rations, their efforts proved
the fighting in Finland, which had been replace the BT and T-28. very effective, and they
invaded by the USSR in November With the outset of war in Europe in succeeded in manufacturing
1939. The experience appeared some- 1939, the committee ordered into pro- huge numbers ofT-34s: 3000
what similar to that in Spain and Khalkin duction a proj ect that Koshkin in 1941 alone.
Gol, stressing the vulnerability of Soviet emphasized was incomplete: a prototype
tanks to the small number of Finnish had not yet been built. Representatives of
antitank guns. In addition, their arma- the Committee for Medium Industry
ment - which was usually the standard were told that the High Command
45mm (1.77in) or short, low-velocity wanted 200 built in the following year.
76.2mm (3in) gun - proved inadequate All that remained now was to give the
against emplaced Finnish bunkers. tank a suitably resounding name.


ABOVE: A tank formation, THE FIRST T-34s The two prototypes were ready by
commanded by Major The heavy tank design bureau In January 1940, and Koshkin took them on
Baranov in a concentration Leningrad had reversed many years of a gruelling trial march to prove the har-
area near the Crimea in Soviet practice by naming their new tank diness of the design. He drove them from
October 1941. The smooth, the Klimenti Voroshilov, or K~ after the Kharkov to Moscow, and here the tank
well-angled glacis plate of egregious Defence Commissar. With was presented to the Red Army.
the T-34/76B can be seen, some courage, Koshkin told Voroshilov Following this presentation, they were
with only a machine gun that the new tank should not be named sent on to Finland for combat tests
and the driver's hatch after another hero of the Soviet Union; against the Mannerheim Line, but unfor-
breaking the integrity of its rather they should return to using the tunately they arrived too late to see any
armour protection. traditional designations. Koshkin sug- action. However, Koshkin and his team
gested the designation T-34 to were able to demonstrate the power of
commemorate the 1934 state decree the T-34's armament against captured
which ordered a massive expansion of the Finnish bunkers. There were further
Soviet armoured forces. It was also the firing trials in Minsk, and then it was on
year that Koshkin had had his first ideas to Kiev, and finally back to Kharkov. This
about the new tank. Accordingly, round trip had covered a distance of
Koshkin's proposal was accepted. 2880km (1800 miles) in the bitter
Once the team received official sanc- weather of February and March.
tion to build a purely tracked medium During June the drawings were com-
tank, they had returned to their original pleted and mass production began. The
design for the A-32. The T-34 required first production T-34 Model 1940 rolled
thicker armour, but it also needed to be out of Kharkov in September 1940.
equipped with more firepower as well as During the gruelling winter test-drive,
a reliable transmission. Morozov and the Koshkin had contracted pneumonia, and
transmission group devoted considerable he died on 26 September 1940.
time and effort to finding a solution to Morozov, now head of conceptual
these problems. design, took over the T-34 proj ect.

TH E T- 3 4

THE CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION rapid removal and replacement of track

The chassis, based on the Christie system, blocks, considerably easing and speeding
had five pairs of large road wheels with a up maintenance and repairs in the field.
gap between the second and third. Each The wide tracks provided a small specific
wheel's suspension was independently ground pressure not exceeding
mounted, and transversely swung on a O.7-0.75kg per cm (lO-lO.6Ib per in),
vertical coil spring inside the hull. The while that of British, German and
drive sprocket was mounted at the rear to American medium and heavy tanks was
reduce vulnerability. It was the same O.95-lkg per cm (13.l-l3.9Ib per in).
roller type used on the BTs. The drive Track guards covered the top of the sus-
sprockets drove wide, 483mm (19in) pension system and extended 25cm
skeleton-type cast-manganese steel tracks (9.8in) beyond the hull at the front and BELOW: The breach of the
with centre guide horns positioned on lOcm (3. 9in) at the rear. The suspension 76.2mm (3in) L-ll gun of a
alternate track links. permitted the T-34 to retain high speeds T-34 seen through the open
The system had an interesting and even when moving over rough terrain, turret hatch with ready use
ingenious method of retaining its track while the wide tracks on the tank, ammunition stowed to the
pins. The roundhead pins were inserted weighing only 28.3 tonnes (28 tons), right. The tank had 77
from the inside; there was no retaining meant that it could traverse muddy ter- rounds stowed on board and
device used on the track itself. Instead, a rain, as well as snow-covered ground. 4725 rounds of 7.62mm
curved wiper plate was welded to each (O.3in) ammunition for the
side of the hull at the rear, level with the THE HULL AND ARMOUR two DT machine guns.
top run of the track. Therefore, any loose The hull, which was designed by Nikolai When the hatch was open,
track pin passing the wiper plate in Kucherenko, overhung the tracks and had the crew was vulnerable to
motion was immediately knocked back sloped sides. It was of homogeneous shell airbursts or close-in
into place. The method also allowed the rolled-steel plate and electro-welded attack by infantry.


ABOVE: Fresh off the throughout using only three thickness of these could be removed if repairs on the
production line, T-34/76B armour plate: 45mm (1.77in) front and transmission or engine were ever to
tanks roll through a Russian sides; 40mm (1.57in) at the rear; and become necessary
town. In the field the tanks 20mm (0.78in) on the top. The standard
carried spare fuel in drums of welding was poor, but not so bad as to THE DRIVER AND HIS CONTROLS
which were attached to the allow weld failures. The glacis plate, set The driving compartment was separated
hull sides and rear, and they back at 60 degrees, was 45mm (1.77in) from the engine by the tank's single
also carried canvas to erect thick and was free of apertures, apart bulkhead. The driver sat on the left front
as a tent for the crew. When from the driver's hatch and the ball- of the hull with a large, one-piece hatch
fighting closed in on mounted hull machine gun. The driver's that hinged forward to allow access. It
industrial cities, tanks came hatch also contained his periscope. The mounted the observation periscopes. The
off the production line and sloping armour gave excellent ballistic driver steered the tank through the use of
rolled straight into battle, protection and provided the equivalent a clutch-and-brake system, and this was
and many of them left the protection of 75mm (2.95in) of vertical controlled by two steering levers and
factories without being fitted plate, making the T-34 a virtually invul- gear-change lever and a manual clutch
with such 'extras' as nerable tank in 1941. pedal and foot brakes. The controls were
periscopes or radios. The rear deck behind the turret was linked to the transmission at the rear by
slightly raised to accommodate the row metal rods which ran along the tank's
of engine compartment louvres and floor. They required more strength to
access plate with exhaust pipes on either operate than Western tanks, where the
side. The upper rear plate and the engine transmission and gearbox were posi-
cover plate were fastened with screws and tioned close together.

TH E T- 3 4

There was no power-assisted control There was a fuel-injection pedal on the

gear. T-34 drivers often had a mallet to floor with the clutch and brake pedals. In
use on the controls if they seized up. The a position at the bottom of the hull was
four-speed gearbox was replaced by a another pedal (often referred to as the
five-speed type on the last 100 T-34 Desantov) which immobilized the tank.
Model 1943s, making it easier to change There were also two compressed-air bot-
gear and increasing the tank's speed. tles for cold-weather starts.

LEFT: A T-34/76D crew re-

fuel their tank in the winter
of 1942. The new tank had
twin hatches in the turret
and grab rails for tank
desants - tank riding infantry.
The hexagonal T-34/76D
turret had no rear overhang
that in earlier marks had
proved vulnerable to attack
by German infantry, who
would wedge Teller antitank
mines underneath it.



SPEED: SOkm/h (31mph) WEAPONRY: One 76.2mm (3in); two 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 6.19m (20ft 3in); Width 2.92m (9ft 7in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 300km (190 miles)
Height 2.39m (7ft lOin); Weight 26,720kg (26.30 tons) CREW: 5
ARMOUR: 80mm (3.14in)

THE GUNNER/RADIO OPERATOR was fitted into the Model 1942 tanks
The hull gunner/radio operator sat in the had an armoured sleeve.
front right of the hull, with an escape Although early in the war many T-34s
hatch in the floor in front of him. In lacked radios - and during some of the
combat he operated the ball-mounted Red Army's acute manpower crises, this
Degtyarev DT 7.62mm (O.3in) machine position was occasionally left unfilled as
gun with a 24-degree horizontal fire arc the war progressed - the proportion of
and elevation of between -6 degrees and radio-equipped tanks grew ste~dily. In
+12 degrees. The machine gun which 1941 the company commander's tank

RIGHT: A T-34/76C Model

1943 named'Leningradyets'
of the 30th Guards Tank
Brigade advances into
Krasnoye Selo in January
1944. It had spudded tracks,
single horn periscope, cast
turret, twin driver's
periscopes and an armoured
shield on the hull machine
gun, welded nose and claw
tow-hooks on the glacis.

TH E T- 34

was usually equipped with a 71-TK-3 were radio equipped. Inside the tank the ABOVE: A T-34/76D tank
radio, and efforts were made to extend crew communicated through the TUP advances across ground
the available sets to platoon leaders. In interphone system. The crew's Tankobyi frozen solid in a hard frost
the first two years of the conflict the Shlem (padded cloth helmets) had built- in 1943. The big road wheels
Soviets also used the 71-TK-l. The situa- in earphones and a throat microphone. of the American-designed
tion improved with the widespread Christie suspension were less
introduction of the 9-R radio in late THE TURRET likely to jam up with mud
1942. Although technically the 9-R's The turret on all models was low. and dirt when compared to
range was 24km (15 miles), on the move Although a low silhouette is useful in the German tanks that had
it was effectively 8km (5 miles). combat, it restricted the depression of the small road wheels and return
The Germans, who attached consider- main and auxiliary armament, particu- rollers above them for the
able importance to the universal larly on the reverse slope or at close track. The German
provision of radios to their tank crews, range. The low turret also made the inte- suspension system also left
noted the poor tactical cooperation of rior cramped, as did the small size of the the side of the hull
Soviet tanks. In the absence of radios, the turret ring. As there was no turret basket, vulnerable to hits by
Soviets relied on flag signals. There was the driving compartment led directly antitank weapons.
even a special hatch in the main turret into the turret's fighting compartment at
hatch for signals even when it was closed any position of traverse. On later models,
down. This proved impractical in action, grab rails were welded to the turret and
as the platoon commander had enough hull for tank-borne infantry.
to deal with controlling his own tank and
aiming its gun. Often he would simply THE COMMANDER AND LOADER
tell the other crews to follow his lead. The most serious flaw of the whole T-34
The situation improved as radio produc- was poor ergonomic design of the turret.
tion increased, and by the summer of German tank turrets had a three-man
1943 around 75-80 per cent of all tanks crew: gunner, loader and the commander


ABOVE: A column ofT-34/85 who was responsible for observing the The T-34 's optical devices were poorer
with their turrets traversed terrain, directing the crew and coordinat- than the German equivalents. The main
to the rear in the winter of ing the tank with the rest of the unit. The x 2.5 telescopic sight on earlier models,
1944. Early production situation was different in the cramped the TOD-6, was replaced by the TMFD.
models either lacked confiries of the two-man turret of the In 1942 T-34s from the Stalingrad tractor
mushroom vents altogether T-34. The commander had the same plant were often driven straight off the
or had one only and were tasks, but in addition he also had to aim production line and into battle. They
designated T-34/85/1. The and fire the main gun, which was a task lacked gun sights and could only be
bigger turret allowed an enough in itself, and a very serious dis- aimed at almost point-blank range by the
extra crewman to be traction from his main command loader peering down the barrel.
carried. The tank desants functions in action. For general viewing the commander
have collected on the Loading was also a full-time role, and and loader both used the PT-6 periscope.
louvres in order to enjoy the despite its demands, there was a brief and Later tanks were fitted with the PT-4-7
warm air which is wafting naturally unsuccessful experiment at and PT-5. Wartime shortages often meant
from the engines. An giving the responsibility of loading the the loader's periscope was deleted. These
unditching beam has been gun rather than firing it to the comman- provided a very narrow field of vision,
lashed to the hull. der. As there was no turret basket, the and this was not much improved by the
turret crew sat on stools which were sus- provision of armoured viewing ports at
pended from the turret ring. The shoulder level for the loader and com-
commander sat to the left of the gun, and mander. There were pistol ports below
the loader, who was also tasked with these and also one in the rear, although
firing the co-axial machine gun, sat on these were sometimes omitted on later
the right of the gun. models of the tank.

TH E T- 34

Many German tank commanders liked THE NEW HEXAGONAL TURRET BELOW: The crew of a
to fight with their heads out of the turret The Deputy Peoples Commissar for T-34/76D with soldiers of
for a 360-degree view. If the T-34 com- Defence and head of the Central the Twenty-First Army
mander attempted this, his view was Artillery Directorate (GAU) , G.!. Kulik, huddle on the turret of the
severely curtailed by the large, forward- disliked the T-34 and insisted on various tank during the fighting near
opening one-piece hatch. He was obliged changes. This disrupted early production Stalingrad in Operation
to sit on the turret roof, risking not only and led to the Council of People's Uranus. The Twenty-First
enemy fire, but also injury from the Commissars ordering an improvement Army, part of the South-
extremely heavy hatch. Such was its size programme for the T-34. Designated the western Front under General
that opening it also exposed the loader. T-34M, it would have the torsion bar Nikolai Vatutin, initially had
The T-34 Model 1943 introduced sepa- suspension system used on the KV and a hard fight with the Third
rate hatches for the commander and T-50 tanks, and the hull and turret re- Romanian Army on the
loader, but only on the final models was a designed with an increase in armour. northern Don, but punched
360-degree commander's cupola fitted. The project broke down when it through them and swung
The turret itself was originally made became clear that it would seriously dis- south behind the Sixth
of rolled plate with the gun in a cast- rupt production. Morozov had designed Army. The T-34 with its
contoured cradle. On the Model 1941 a new turret for the T-34M in response wide tracks could move
the cast gun-cradle was replaced by an to some of the flaws of the earlier turrets across snow at speed,
angular bolted type. During the produc- that had shown up in combat. German allowing armoured crews to
tion run of the Model 1942, a second tank-killing infantry squads could climb use the Blitzkrieg tactics of
version entered service with a 52mm onto the back of the tank and wedge a fast, deep penetration that
(2in) cast turret, although it was virtually Teller AT mine under the turret over- the Germany Army had used
the same as the original rolled turret. hang. The overhang also created a shell in 1941-42 against them.


trap that deflected incoming rounds into compensated for the loss of calibre, and
BELOW: Tank riders dismount the vulnerable turret ring. Morozov's the L-11 remained the standard gun on
from a rather overcrowded new, cast, hexagonal turret that appeared the Model 1940 production run,
T-34 near the town of on the Model 1943 eliminated the over- although it was not exactly up to the
Communarsk in the hang, was also considerably easier to standard that the Soviets were seeking for
Voroshilov district in 1942. manufacture and larger than the original a gun, and the T-34 designers were not
The photograph is probably turrets, giving the turret crew a little totally satisfied with the weapon.
posed since the number of more space. However, the problem of the Fortunately there was a better gun
soldiers on the tank is small turret and overworked turret crew available, although Soviet bureaucracy
unrealistic and the tank was only adequately solved with the and the interference of Kulik, the head
appears to be halted. The introduction of a large three-man turret of the GAO, did much to hamper its
men would have obscured on the T-34/85' that entered production introduction. Grabin and his team at
the crew's periscopes and in the winter of 1943. Zavod Nr 92 already had a new
vision blocs and restricted 76.2mm (3in) gun in production. The
the operation of the turret. ARMAMENT F-32 was being fitted to the new KV
Normal practice was for The early T-34 Model 1940 was armed heavy tank and was achieving much
men to ride on the rear with the short 76.2mm (3in) L-11 Model better antiarmour performance than the
deck or later on the sides, 1938 rifled gun with a length of 30.5 cal- T-34 Model 1940s L-11, due to its
holding grab rails that had ibres. During 1941 a very small number longer barrel.
been welded onto the turret; of T-34s were fitted with the 57mm By the end of 1940 a n1ember of
they would dismount as it (2.24in) ZiS-4 long-barrelled high- Grabin's team, P. Muraviev, had adapted
went into the attack and velocity weapon, which was intended for Grabin's F-32 gun for the T-34 and pro-
flush out the infantry in engaging lightly armed vehicles at longer duced a weapon (the longer F-34 with
trenches and bunkers. ranges. The high velocity of this weapon 42 calibres) considerably superior to the

TH E T- 34

L-11. In a move showing considerable tection led to the adoption of an 85mm ABOVE: T-34/76D tanks of
initiative and courage, Grabin and the (3.34in) gun in late 1943, though tanks the Third Guards Tank Army
director of Zavod Nr 92, A. Elyan, began armed with the F-34 remained in service of the 1st Ukrainian Front
producing the F-34 alongside the L-11 until the end of the war. parked in a concentration
and shipped them to the Kharkov plant The F-34 had a conventional semi- area at the edge of the
which was building the T-34. The initial automatic drop breech and the Puscha-Voditza Woods on
F-34 guns were completed in January commander fired the main gun either the outskirts of Kiev. This
1941 and the first T-34s, usually classified by hand or by using a foot pedal. The picture was taken on
as the T-34 Model 1941, armed with the gun elevated from -3 degree to +30 5 November 1943. The Third
F-34, rolled out in February 1941. degrees while the L-11 could depress to Guards Tank Army had
They were mainly used as platoon- -5 degrees. The commander was respon- driven north from Bukrin on
and company commander tanks, and sible for the manual or electric turret the River Dniepr and
proved very popular in combat after the traverse on the latter at a rate of 26 punched through the
German invasion, due to their increased degrees a second. The standard Soviet German defences to the
hitting power. Stalin became aware of the armour-piercing round at the start of north of Kiev, before
new version through front-line corre- the war was the BR-350A, weighing swinging south and east to
spondence. So as units involved in the 6.3kg (13.9Ib) with an initial muzzle trap the Hessian 88th
fighting demanded more tanks equipped velocity of655m/s (720yd/s). In the F- Infantry Division in a pocket
with the F-34, rather than the less effec- 34 gun it could penetrate the PzKpfw in the city.
tive L-11, the Main Defence Committee III and deal with the latest German
finally authorized the F-34 in the tank, the PzKpfw IV Ausf. F, which had
summer of 1941. The 76.2mm (3in) F-34 50mm (1.96in) frontal armour, at almost
Model 1940 (42-calibre length) gun all ranges.
equipped all subsequent models ofT-34 The F-34 gave the T-34 such a consid-
until increases in German armour pro- erable advantage in range and hitting


ABOVE: The surviving power that the Germans scrambled to the T-34 Model 1943. The standard
population of a Ukrainian overcome it; the Mark IV Ausf. H with combat load was 19 rounds ofBR-350A
village - largely made up of 80mm (3.2in) frontal armour was intro- A~ 53 F-354 or OF-350 HE rounds and
the young, female or very duced in the spring of 1943. The Soviets 5 SH-350 rounds of canister. Three
old - line a road to greet a maintained their lead with the 3kg ready-use rounds were on the hull side
column ofT-34/76D tanks (6.6Ib) APDS round, the BR-350P. It near the loaders feet, and six more were
as it drives through in the could penetrate 92mm (3.7in) of armour on the wall beside the commander. The
summer of 1943. The huge at 500m (550yd), the average range of a rest of the ammunition was on the hull
losses in manpower suffered tank engagement. floor, covered by neoprene matting. The
by the Soviet Union in However, the introduction of the new loader pulled back the matting to access
World War II meant that in German tank models designed specifi- the ammunition bins, but the stowage
the 1950s and early 1960s, cally to defeat the T-34 in 1943 shifted was slightly awkward and often required
many heavy manual jobs like the balance drastically. The F-34 gun the hull machine-gunner's help. The floor
construction work, heavy proved largely incapable of penetrating would become a mess of open bins and
industry and farming that the frontal armour of the Tiger and discarded matting that degraded the
formerly would have been Panther at normal combat ranges. At crew's performance in combat.
done by the men, were Kursk in July 1943, the T-34s were
undertaken by women. forced to close to point-blank or SECONDARY ARMAMENT
manoeuvre to engage the side or rear. The first 115 Model 1940 produced had
The situation was only resolved with the a rear-mounted DT gun in the turret.
adoption of the 85mm (3.34in) gun in The gas-operated DP Model 1928 had
late 1943. an effective range of about 800m (889yd)
The T-34 carried 77 rounds for the and fired at 600 rounds per minute
main gun. This was increased to 100 on (rpm). This was kept down to 125rpm to

TH E T- 34

avoid jamming and overheating. The DT produce an impressive 367kW (493bhp) BELOW: Standing on a
had a retractable metal stock and wooden at 1800rpm and gave an excellent power- knocked-out German
pistol grip, and used a separate optical to-weight ratio of 14~W (18.8bhp) per PzKpfw IV Ausf. H fitted
sight rather than the tangent leaf sight of tonne (13.3kW/17.9bhp per ton). This with Schiirzen spaced
the infantry weapon. Its drum magazine gave the T-34 a road speed of 54km/h armour, a Soviet Army
held 60 rounds in two tiers. The 35 (34mph) and a cross-country speed of cameraman films SU-85
drums for the two machine-guns were 10-11.25km/h (16-25mph), depending assault guns as, laden with
stored half in racks at the back of the on terrain, at an average 1.84 litres per infantry of the 1st Ukrainian
turret, and the other half forward in the km (0.65 gallons per mile). This Front, they drive through a
hull near the hull gunner. improved considerably on the road. The Russian village in the Lvov
V-2 also gave an increased range of oper- area in 1944. Approaching
THE ENGINE ation of 464km (290 miles) compared to from the opposite direction
The engine mounted at the rear of the tanks powered by conventional petrol is a US-supplied 4 x 4
hull was flanked by cooling radiators internal combustion engines. The main Weapons Carrier. With
with a cooling fan in the centre. It was fuel tank was in the hull, with four auxil- US-supplied vehicles and its
the V-type four-stroke 12-cylinder, iary cylinder tanks on .the side of the hull own excellent tanks, the
water-cooled diesel that had been devel- and two smaller ones on the rear plate. Soviet Army was a mobile,
oped for the BT-7M. The 3.8 litre (0.84 The transmission was at the rear, powerful force capable of its
gallon) version fitted to the T-34 could therefore the driving/fighting compart- own Blitzkrieg tactics.


ABOVE: In his T-34/76D the ment was not cluttered by a drive train. plan for a second line of industrial
commander of a T-34 The transmission proved troublesome defence in the East and to organize a
company wearing a early in the war; some crews carried spare coherent productive combination
sheepskin coat uses a signal transmissions secured to the engine com- between the industry already existing in
pistol to order the start of partment deck by steel cables. the East and those transported. The plan
an attack with tank-borne envisaged the evacuation of industry to
infantry in the winter of SOVIET INDUSTRIAL EVACUATION the Urals, Volga, Eastern Siberia and
1943-44. As the commander, The Soviet military revival of 1942-43 in Central Asia. Priority was given to the
his tank is distinguished which the T-34 played such a vital part armaments factories.
from the others by its radio was intrinsically linked to the recovery of When describing this vast undertak-
antenna on the front hull. the battered Soviet industrial economy. ing, however, coherence is not a word
The lack of radios in Soviet That there was any Soviet industry left to that springs immediately to mind.
tanks continued to restrict revive was due to the remarkable evacua- Engineers and workers dismantled their
their tactical flexibility tion of machines, equipment, and factories, hauled the machinery to a rail-
throughout the Great manpower that took place before the head and loaded it on to a waiting flatcar.
Patriotic War (World War II). German advance. The Soviet leadership Workers arrived without their equip-
showed considerable prescience by set- ment, equipment without its workers.
ting up a Committee of Evacuation two Nonetheless, some 1.5 million wagon-
days after the launching of Operation loads of evacuated industrial equipment
Barbarossa. As the situation worsened and were moved eastwards with the estimated
the key industrial centres of Riga and 16 million Soviet citizens necessary to
Minsk were lost, the State Committee for man it. Between July and December
Defence ordered Voznesensky, the 1941, 1523 enterprises - the bulk of the
Chairman of the Gosplan, to draw up a western Soviet Unions iron, steel and

TH E T- 34

engineering plants - were moved out of Although the efforts of the Soviet
reach of the German invaders. population were awe-inspiring, much of
Every effort was made to marry evac- their production achievements were
uated plants with existing factories, but down to the talents of Morozov and the
many industries had to set up in undevel- T-34 design team who moved to Nizhni
oped areas and many of these were in the Tagil with the rest of the Kharkov plant.
most inhospitable areas of the Soviet The main aim of the team was to cut
Union. Soviet propaganda had little need costs and make production by an
to embellish the accounts of endurance unskilled labour force easier. V Buslov
and heroism involved in the establish- and V. Nitsenko developed a cast turret
ment of these factories in temperatures of that, while similar in appearance to the
-40°C (-40°F), and there is no reason to welded turret, was altogether much more
doubt the newsreels' veracity. simple to manufacture.
This was adopted on both the Model
PRODUCTION OF THE T-34 MOVES EAST 1940 and Model 1941 T-34 that had
In August 1941 the Kharkov Locomotive either a cast- or welded turret, depending
Plant began to be evacuated to Nizhni on where they were manufactured. Of
Tagil. It was renamed the Uralvagon the plants set up to take the slack as the
Plant No 183 and, married to the exist- Kharkov plant was moved eastwards, BELOW: A T-34/85, with the
ing Chelyabinsk tractor works and the Krasnoye Sormovo at Gorki, near grab rails on the hull and
equipment from the Kirov Plant from Moscow, was responsible for production turret for tank-riding
Leningrad, the giant complex became of the tanks with the new cast turret, infantry clearly visible. The
Tankograd. The workforce was made up while the STZ Plant in Stalingrad con- T-34/85 had armour ranging
of women, old men and teenagers who tinued to make the welded turrets. between 60mm (2.36in) and
laboured 12 to 16 hours a day on rations The Model 1942, introduced in late 18mm (0. 71in). The co-axial
that were one-fifth of that of the British 1941, was very similar to the previous machine gun can be seen to
population. On average, this was merely model, apart from the fact that many of the right of the 85mm
0.45kg (lIb) of bread and scraps of meat its components were simplified. For (3.34in) ZiS S-53 gun. The
or fat, and this meagre ration would be example, the F-34 gun on the Model T-34/85 was approved for
supplemented by whatever food they 1941 had 861 parts, while on the Model adoption by the Red Army
could grow themselves. 1942 the number was down to 614.They on 15 December 1943.


also managed to drive down the cost of Ural Heavy Machine Tool Factory in
producing the tank, so that it went down Sverdlovsk was converted to production
BELOW: Tank desants have from 269,500 roubles in 1941 to 193,000 ofT-34s. By now the Soviets were begin-
jumped clear of their roubles in 1942. ning to out-produce the Germans and
T-34/85 vehicles and started Perhaps more important than any of wear them down through a terrible war
to run forward to attack. these savings in materials, the man hours of attrition.
The infantry were largely needed to produce a T-34 dropped from
equipped with the PPSh 41 8000 in 1941 to 3700. Admittedly crafts- HIGH SOVIET PRODUCTION LEVELS
submachine gun, a short- manship also declined, but that did not The Soviet economy out-produced the
range weapon that, to be matter, as the apparent crudity seems to German economy from a far smaller
effective, obliged the user to have affected neither the protection resource base and with a less-skilled
close with his enemy. This afforded by the armour, nor the actual workforce. Much of this was down to
meant that an attack by a performance of the tank. the simplicity of production goals and
tank and desant force would In the autumn of 1942, production at the single-minded concentration on the
be very aggressive and Stalingrad was closed down due to the production of proven types. The Soviet
usually end with hand-to- heavy fighting in the city. Production was Union only produced two tanks in great
hand fighting. further extended in Tankograd, and the quantity. Only towards the end of the

TH E T- 34

war did they introduce a new tank, the Stalingrad, in which case tanks were of ABOVE: Infantry ride on the
IS (Iosef Stalin), but even that was limited use, the war in Russia witnessed back of a T-34/85 that has
simply are-designed KV The T-34 the biggest tank battles in history. In the been equipped with a
design was mechanically simple, facili- year 1941 alone, Russia produced a stag- Mugalev mine-roller, or
tating quantity production with limited gering total of around 3000 T-34s. trawl. Two multi-disc wheels
resources in specialized machine tools At first the problem was finding crews were fitted to aT-shaped
and skilled labour. It had a great number to man the tanks, as so many Russians configuration to the beam.
of parts that were interchangeable with had been killed or taken prisoner in the The first mine-roller
the other successful design, the KV, vast encirclements of Soviet defensive detachments were formed in
including the engine, gun, transmission, positions by the Germans in their initial May 1942, and eventually
and vision devices. advance following Operation Barbarossa. there were at least five
The movement of factories and the regiments with PT-34 mine
PRODUCTION OF THE T-34 workers to staff them safely out of the trawls. A trawl could
The war on the Eastern Front was a tank German's reach east of the Urals also withstand 8 to 10
war. While large infantry formations were meant that many potential recruits were detonations by 5-10kg
involved in the fighting, and while there employed in building the T-34 rather (11-22Ib) mines before it
was street-fighting at battles like than crewing it. needed to be repaired.


Unlike the German tanks it would original T-34s exhibited high levels of
come up against, the T-34 was not a craftsmanship, the exigencies of war
sophisticated fighting machine. While the meant that later models were crudely

RIGHT: T-34/85/1 tanks of

the Third Guards Tank Army
of the 1st Ukrainian Front
wait in woodland close to
Berlin in April 1945. The
T-34/85 had a cast steel
turret and was armed with
an 85mm (3.34in) ZiS-53
gun that had originally been
an AA gun with 55 rounds.
Though the chassis was
virtually unchanged from the
T-34/76 the increased
armour, 60mm (2.3in) in
contrast to 45mm (1.5in),
and armament had reduced
speed to 50km/h (31mph).

TH E T- 3 4

nlanufactured. As production increased, to be made to the T-34. As a result, the ABOVE: A column ofT-34/85
luany of the hull fittings were simplified, T-34 went through numerous cosmetic tanks on the move in the
and some features, such as a second roof changes as the war unfolded, and the dif- spring of 1945. Spare track
periscope for the loader, were simply ferent tank factories adapted their links have been attached to
omitted. The T-34 was rugged and production lines to meet changing bat- the glacis plate. This had two
simple, and as such seemed to symbolize tlefield needs. functions: first, the tracks
the whole spirit of the Russian war The overhang of the turret was added a modest increase in
effort, concentrating on the three charac- reduced and the fuel supply was armour protection; and
teristics that made the tank so deadly: increased; the gearbox was also improved. second, they were also
gun, armour and mobility. A new style of driver's hatch was intro- readily available if links in
duced, the rectangular transmission access use on the tracks were
UPGRADING THE T-34 hatch on the rear plate giving way to a broken or damaged by mines
Battle performance was (and indeed, still circular hatch, and the engine grille was or gunfire.
is) the ultimate determinant of the effec- simplified. A new, wider SOOmm (19.6in)
tiveness of any weapons system. The track with a waffle pattern improved
battles in front of Moscow in 1941 had traction (vehicles with these modifica-
shown the Russians that changes needed tions were known as the T-34 Model



SPEED: 50km/h (31mph)

DIMENSIONS: Length 6.19m (20ft 3in); Width
2.99m (9ft 7in); Height 2.74m (9ft lOin);
Weight 32,000kg (31.50 tons)
ARMOUR: 90mm (3.54in)
WEAPONRY: One 85mm (3.34in); two 7.62mm
(0.3in) MG
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 300km (190 miles)

1942). More importantly for the crew, THET-34/85

extra armour was welded on to some The modifications outlined above pro-
models (spare track attached to the body duced the other main variant of the T-34
of the tank was one way of quickly doing tank, the T-34/85, that would continue as
this), while later models came off the a fighting machine well beyond World
production lines with turret protection of War II. The T-34/76 had a two-man
90mm (3.5in) of armour as standard. turret that was cramped and inefficient.
Having said this, a shortage of rubber Therefore, the existing T-34 chassis was
at many of the T-34 production plants led adapted to take a cast, three-man turret
to an all-steel wheel being temporarily and a more powerful gun. The three-man
introduced in 1942. This all-steel wheel turret freed up the commander who had
was unpopular with tank crews as contact previously operated the main gun. The
with the metal track at high speeds set up new gun in the T-34/85 was the long
harmonic vibrations that were noisy and 85mm (3.34in), adapted from an anti-
unpleasant for those inside, and could aircraft gun. The up-gunned T-34/85 was
cause damage to the T-34 itself by loos- capable of firing a 9.8kg (21.5Ib) round
ening parts. As rubber became available at a muzzle velocity of 780m/s
again, rubber-rimmed wheels were used (2600£t/s). This compared favourably to
in the fifth and sixth position. With the German 8.8cm (3.46in) on the Tiger
increased rubber supplies in 1943, the all- that fired a 10.lkg (22.25lb) shot at
steel wheel was phased out. While in 797m/s (2657ft/s). The 7.5cm (2.95in)
1942, T-34 production jumped to over on the Panther fired a much smaller shot
5000 tanks, more radical changes needed of 6.8kg (15Ib), but it did compensate for
to be made to the basic design to take this with a higher muzzle velocity of
into account the newer German models 920m/s (3068ft/s).
arriving on the Eastern Front. By 1943, The extra armour, turret space and
the T-34 had become a much more effec- firepower meant an increase in weight
tive fighting vehicle. The re-designed for the T-34/85. Having said this, the
turret held a crew of three, vision was design team that produced the T-34
improved with the addition of a new with the long 85mm (3.34in) gun man-
cupola, and radios were added as stan- aged to combine the new features
dard. These changes culminated in a without reducing overall efficiency.
totally new T-34 model, which was des- While the weight of the T-34/85 rose
ignated the T-34/85. from 27.3 to 32.3 tonnes (27 to 32

TH E T- 34

tons), and its range fell from 448km counter to the heavier German machines BELOW: Black exhaust smoke
(280 miles) to 304km (190 miles), the T- produced by this time. By 1944, pro- streams from a T-34/85/1
34/85 was the most powerful tank in duction of the T-34/85 dwarfed that of tank of the 1st Ukrainian
the Allied arsenal when it went into the T-34/76. Wartime production of the Front as it crosses a deserted
production in late 1943, and of all the T-34s of both types approached 40, 000, railway bridge over the Elbe
tanks on the field, it was only slightly making it the most widely produced in May 1945. In the
less formidable than the Panther. tank of the war. background are the gutted
The T-34/85 also used existing ruins of the city of Dresden.
industrial production lines, and so the SUMMARY OF ALL T-34 VARIANTS In controversial raids
new design could be produced rapidly As the T-34 was produced from different between 13 and 15 February
and in great numbers for the Red factories, models and types varied. In 1945, RAF and USAAF
Army. In 1943, of the 6000 T-34s built, August 1939, the Soviet Main Military bombers had attacked
only a small proportion were the T- Council accepted the T-34 as the Red Dresden. The city was full of
34/85. But in 1944, 65 per cent of the Army's medium battle tank. The new refugees from the east, and
new tanks rolling out of the tank facto- design was completed during December in the intense firestorm that
ries in the Urals were the new T-34s 1939 and became known as the T-34 followed the bombs,
with the 85mm (3.34in) gun. These (Model 1940). On 19 December 1939, between 30,000 and 60,000
new T-34s were decisive in providing a the drawings and models of the new T-34 people were killed.


ABOVE: The T-44 developed were submitted to the High Command, The Model 40 had a rolled plate
by the Morozov design team which accepted them for production, turret and a short 76.2mm (3in) L/30.3
retained the same turret as even though the prototype had not yet (L-11) Model 1938 tank gun mounted
the T-34/85, as well as been completed. in a distinctive cast cradle welded to a
roadwheels, track and flush outside mantle. The Model 40
engine; however, the hull DIESEL ENGINES established a standardization pattern
and engine layout was The first production-line models were among the T-34 variants of having a
completely re-designed. fitted with V-2 diesel engines, but short- great number of interchangeable parts,
New torsion bar suspension ages meant that some of these early such as engine, armament, transmission
was added and armour models were equipped with the older and periscopes. Mechanical simplicity
protection for the turret M-17 petrol engine. Problems with was a prime concern. The hull was of a
front went up to 120mm transmissions were such that the welded construction throughout, with
(4.72in). A small number of T-34/76 (Model 40) often went into only three different thickness of rolled
T-44s saw action in the final battle with spare transmission units plate armour.
months of World War II. secured to the engine compartment deck The Christie suspension had five large,
by steel cables. double road wheels on each side, with a

TH E T- 3 4

LEFT: A T-34/85 which is

equipped with a snorkel
submerged underwater
during a river-crossing
operation. In contrast to the
standard postwar NATO
practice in amphibious tank
design, Soviet practice was
to fit a snorkel which
allowed in just enough air
for the crew and the engine
during short underwater
crossings of obstacles such as
rivers and creeks. However
the air vent was not wide
enough for the crew to
escape through if the tank
broke down under water -
which could have fatal
consequences for them.

noticeably larger gap between the second had a distinctive turret overhang and a
and third wheels. The drive sprocket, clumsy turret hatch occupying the entire
located for safety to the rear, was of the rear part of the turret. The Model 40 had
roller type used on the BT series and one periscope fitted on the front left-
powered a cast manganese-steel track hand side. In late 1941, a small number
with centre guide horns on alternative were fitted with the long-barrelled, high-
track links. This first model of the T-34 velocity 57mm (2.24in) ZiS-4 gun, to


SPEED: 50km/h (32mph) WEAPONRY: One 85mm (3.34in) or one 100mm (3.9in) gun;
DIMENSIONS: Length 6.50m (21ft 4in); Width 3.28m (10ft 9in); two 7.62mm (O.3in) MG
Height 2.49m (8ft 2in); Weight 34,545kg (34 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 250km (155 miles)
ARMOUR: 120mm (4.72in) CREW: 4



SPEED: 48km/h (30mph) WEAPONRY: One 85mm (3.34in) gun

DIMENSIONS: Length 6.58m (21ft 7in); Width 2.99m (9ft EFFECTIVE RANGE: 320km (200 miles)
10in);Height 2.54m (8ft 4in); Weight 29,600kg (29.13 tons) CREW: 4
ARMOUR: 54mm (2.1in)

engage light armoured vehicles at greater 7.62mm (0.3in) DT machine gun more
ranges than the 76.2mm (0.303in) L-ll. effective in close-quarter battle.
In early 1942 a team designed a new
T-34 (MODEL 1941) T-34, the T-34M, with a chassis similar to
The second model of the T-34 appeared the KV tank (with smaller road wheels),
in 1941 and was essentially a comman- and a completely new hull and turret
der's Model 40 with a rolled plate turret layout. However, this tank was not
mounting a more powerful Model 1940 accepted for production, and only the
76.2mm (3in) L/41.5 gun. The same hexagonal shape to the T-34/M turret
clumsy turret hatch was retained, but was retained for the next variant of the T-
some of these variants had twin 34, the T-34/76 Model 1943.
periscopes. While there was no change in As discussed earlier, the T-34 Model
the layout of the hull, these commander's 1943 was manufactured in response to
tanks had a stowage box on the right- battlefield reports which showed that
hand track guard. The most noticeable one drawback of the current T-34
feature of the 1941 model was the design was the turret overhang at the
replacement of the peculiar cast gun rear that was vulnerable to attack by
cradle by an angular, bolted type. During Teller mine-armed infantry tank-hunters.
1942, a model appeared with a cast turret The new, cast hexagonal turret with no
and it also had new, wider tracks. Some overhang became the Model 1943 and
were fitted with a flamethrower (ATO- included other changes, such as
41) and had an armoured fuel container improved fuel capacity and welded
on the rear plate of the hull. armour plate components.

T-34 (MODEL 1942) T-34/76E

In 1942 the cast turret (as opposed to Subsequent T-34/76 models are best
rolled plate) became standard in the known by their British classification.
Model 1942. The new turret weighed 4.4 The Models E and F were both pro-
tonnes (4.32 tons) and had a ring duced in 1943. While the basic hull and
diameter of 1.38m (4.6ft). The Model turret structure of the T-34/76E
1942 had various improvements, taking remained the same, it had a more effec-
into account reports from the battlefield. tive air-cleaning and lubrication system.
The commander and gunner now had The hull design was also improved by
separate hatches, and a new hull using automatic welding processes with
machine-gun mounting made the improved materials that gave stronger,

TH E T- 3 4

higher-quality joins. The Model 'E' armour protection, but it was still under-
clearly demonstrated the advances made gunned. The appearance of the German
in Soviet industry. This new confidence long-barrelled high-velocity 7.5cm
in tank construction meant that each (2.95in) (L/48) and 8.8cm (3.46in) tank
new T-34 model was more rugged and guns finally proved that the T-34 had to
better equipped. be up-gunned, and this was to lead to the
genesis of the T-34/85.
The Model 'F' had a distinctive appear- T-34/85-I
ance as, while it had no commander's With its 85mm (3.34in) gun, the T-
cupola, the model had contoured under- 34/85-1 that appeared in 1943 was
cuts around all the sides and the front. basically an up-gunned T-34. The T-
The main difference to the F was, how- 34/85 had a new turret originally
ever, in its internal workings. The designed for the KV-85 tank with a ring
T-34/76F had new, highly efficient auto- diameter of 1.56m (5.2ft). This created
motive components. The old four-speed the space for an extra crewmember and BELOW: A knocked out
gearbox was replaced by a five-speed box simplified the tasks of the tank comman- SU-85 SP antitank gun. Built
that made gear-changing easier and der, who previously had helped with the at the Uralmashzavod and
increased the speed of the T-34. The air gun. T~e T-34/85-1 was first issued to Kirov plants, the 5U-85 fired
filter was refined further and a level of elite Guards Tank units, and the new gun HE, APHE and HVAP with a
care and thought went into the mechan- soon proved its worth. Based upon the muzzle velocity of 79 5m/sec
ics of the T-34/76F that set it apart from pre-war M-1939 85mm (3.34in) anti- (2620ft/sec) and was
earlier models. However, only a limited aircraft gun, it had an effective range of designed to counter German
number of this type were produced as 1000m (1100yd) and, it was claimed, was Tiger and Panther tanks.
production began to move in a much able to penetrate the frontal armour of However, once the T-34/85
more radical direction. the German Tigers and Panthers. armed with the same gun
By 1943 it was apparent that the was in service, production
76.2mm (3in) gun on the T-34 was inad- T-44 ceased, though the SU-85
equate. The model incorporated many Introduced in 1944, the T-44 with its remained in the front line
new design features, and had added crew of four was a total re-design of the until the end of the war.



SPEED: 56km/h (35mph) WEAPONRY: One 100mm (3.9in) gun

DIMENSIONS: Length 5.92m (19ft 5in); Width 3m (9ft lOin); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 300km (186 miles)
Height 2.54m (8ft 4in); Weight 32,515kg (32 tons) CREW: 4
ARMOUR: 110mm (4.3in)

T-34/85. It was longer and lower, had a (3. 9in), but the turret was too small for
larger turret, thicker armour up to this big gun and the weight of the tank
120mm (4.75in) and torsion bar suspen- was 34,545kg (34 tons). The hull was
sion. There was no hull machine gun and 6.5m (21ft 4in) long, and it was 3.28m
the V-12 381kW (512bhp) diesel engine (10ft 9in) wide and 2.49m (8ft 2in) high.
was mounted transversely. It was initially The V-12 381kW (512bhp) diesel engine
armed with an 85mm (3.34in) gun, and gave a road speed of 50km/h (32mph)
this was later replaced with a 100mm and range of250km (155 miles).TheT-

RIGHT: A column of
captured Soviet vehicles are
started up by the Germans
ready for use against their
former owners. In the front
is a SU-85 with a length of
track attached to its glacis
plate. Note that its
jettionsable fuel tanks have
been discarded, only the
brackets remaining. Behind
the SU-85 is a T-34. Most
Russian roads were mud
baths in spring or autumn.
In winter the mud froze,
immobilizing unwary
vehicles. In summer it
turned into a choking dust.

TH E T- 3 4

44 formed the basis of the post-war gen- T-34/85, armed with the D-5S gun,
eration ofT-54, T-55 and T-62 tanks. entered service.

The SU-85 was designed to counter When the T-34/85 entered service, the
German Tiger and Panther tanks intro- U ralmashzavod factory took the chassis BELOW: On the brink of
duced in 1943 that had out-ranged the of the SU-85 and mounted the M1944 victory in May 1945, a
T...:34 with their 8.8cm (3.34in) and 100mm (3.9in) D-10S naval gun. With column of SU-l00s enter
7.5cm (2.95in) guns. It was based on a T- muzzle velocity of 895m/s (2936ft/s), it the central districts of
34 chassis with a V-12 373kW (500bhp) fired a 15.88kg (35lb) shell to a maxi- Berlin. As the SU-l00 did
engine but with a simple superstructure mum range of 20,650m (22,580yd). not have a point defence
mounting an 85mm (3.34in) D-5S gun. The SU-100, which had 34 rounds machine gun armament, and
It was put together as a prototype very stowed on board, was more than capable could not traverse its gun
quickly and production was underway at of destroying the heaviest tanks. more than a few degrees, it
the Uralmashzavod and Kirov plants in Its all-up weight was 32,515kg (320 tons); relied on its escorting
mid-1943. The SU-85 was 6.58m long it was 5.92m (19ft Sin) long, 3m (9ft infantry to defend it from a
(21 ft 7in), 2. 99m (9ft lOin) wide and lOin) wide and 2.54m (8ft 4in) high. The Panzeifaust antitank rocket
2.54m (8ft 4in) high. It weighed V-12 diesel gave 373kW (500bhp) and a attack. Despite the proximity
29,600kg (29.13 tons) and had a crew of road speed of 56km/h (35mph) and a of the war's end, individual
four. The vehicle had a road speed of range of300km (186 miles). Armour pro- snipers and fanatics could
48km/h (30mph) and range of 320km tection for the hull front was 75mm (3in) still launch surprise attacks
(200 miles). Production halted when the and for the gun mantlet 110rnrn (4.3in). on unwary Soviet forces.


Heavy and even 'super heavy'
tanks appealed to Soviet engineers
and soldiers in the 1930s, even
though the multi-turreted vehicles
proved to be impractical.
However the large KV-1 would be
an ideal chassis for a generation of
powerful, heavily armed, well-
protected tanks such as the losef
Stalin, IS-2 and IS-3.

World War I had confronted modern armies with the problems of

breaking through strongly fortified and deep opposing defences.
Solutions had been found by late 1917, largely through skilled coordi-
nation of infantry and artillery forces, whose individual capabilities
were enhanced by new technologies and tactics. Tanks had also
assisted Allied infantry attacks by crushing barbed wire and destroying
enemy strongpoints. The close integration of various combat arms in
action, especially the role of tanks, had a maj or impact upon the
development of the Red Army's tactics and organization in the inter-
war period. The value of tank support to the infantry for achieving a
swift breakthrough of the enemy's tactical defences had a strong influ-
ence on Soviet tactics and tank design, leading to the creation of a
series of NPP (Direct Infantry Support) and DPP (Distant (Remote)

LEFT: A battered KV-l in the gutted remains of a Soviet city. The KV-l had proved
its worth in Finland, surviving multiple hits from Finnish antitank guns during the
breakthrough operations on the Mannerheim Line. The inscription on the turret's
side reads, 'For the Motherland!'.


ABOVE: The T-35 Tyazholy Infantry Support) heavy tanks In the plans were for a 50.8 tonne (50 ton)
Tank (Heavy Tank) was, interwar years. vehicle armed with a 76.2mm (3in) gun
some western historians and five machine guns were ambitious,
argue, based on the idea of INITIAL HEAVY TANK DESIGNS and although a prototype was con-
the British Independent The stimulus to the actual development structed in 1932, it was cancelled because
Tank, while Soviet historians of heavy tanks for the NPP and DPP of problems with its running gear design.
argue that it was a pure roles envisaged in the Red Army's Field At the Bolshevik Factory in Leningrad
Soviet design. By 1941 the Regulations of 1929 (PU-29) was the the Experimental Design Mechanical
tank was totally obsolete. At massive industrialization of the Soviet Section (OKMO) designers, assisted by a
this point, it was vulnerable Union, begun in the First Five Year Plan team of German engineers, initially
to the faster and better- (1929). This promised to provide the fac- developed the TG-l (or T-22) design,
armed German tanks. tories and technology capable of sometimes called the Grotte tank after
However, many of the building the advanced weapons required the chief German engineer. The TG-
original 61 vehicles were to implement the Red Army's sophisti- 1/T-22 was a sophisticated 30.4 tonnes
still in service with the cated doctrine of Deep Battle. Initial (30 ton) design, utilizing pneumatic
Soviet armoured forces and designs had to be abandoned because of steering and suspension and armed with
they fought their last battles technical problems. one 76.2mm (3in) gun, two 7.62mm
in front on Moscow in the The first heavy tank project was (0.3in) machine guns, and 35mm (1.3in)
winter of 1941. With all the ordered in December 1930 by the armour. The Grotte team continued to
turrets fitted and manned, Directorate of Mechanization and experiment with other models character-
the T-35 had a crew of 11. Motorization (UMM) , in cooperation ized by multiple turrets. The TG-3/T-29
with the General Design Bureau of the weighed 30.4 tonnes (30 tons), and had
Artillery Department. Classified as T-30, one 76.2mm (3in) gun, two 37mm
this project demonstrated many of the (1.45in) guns and two machine guns.
problems faced by a nation embarking on The most ambitious concept was the
a rapid course of industrialization with massive TG-5/T-42, reputedly 101.60
only limited technical expertise. Initial tonnes (100 tons), armed with one


107mm (4.21in) gun and a mixture of ideas developed from the TG prototypes,
other weapons in numerous sub-turrets. most notably the transmission of the M6
However, none of these designs were petrol engine, gearbox and clutches.
accepted for production on the grounds However, problems revealed in trials,
that they were either too complex for a the complexity of some parts, and the
youthful and inexperienced Soviet indus- cost made the T-35-1 unsuitable for mass
try or, as in the case of the TG-5, they production. The second prototype was
were simply impractical. It is also the T-35-2, powered by the more power-
arguable that such over-ambitious pro- ful M-17 engine with are-built
j ects were primarily intended to give suspension, le?s turrets and consequently
Soviet engineers greater experience in a crew of only seven. Its armour was
tank design, rather than delivering actual slightly stronger, with 35mm (1.3in)
production models. Creative freedom in frontal, and 25mm (0.9in) side, adequate
weapons design was one of the hallmarks for withstanding small-arms fire and shell
- and paradoxes - of a totalitarian Soviet splinters. Based on the experience of
regime notorious for its rigid control. these prototypes, the STO Work Defence
At the same time, the more successful Council (STO) authorized production of
T-35 heavy tank was developed by a the T-35A on 11 August 1933. Work
second team at OKMO, led by N. Tsiets. already in hand at the Bolshevik
Two prototypes of the T-35 were com- Leningrad Factory meant that its produc-
pleted between 1932 and 1933. The first, tion engineering -was moved to the
the T-35-1, weighed 50.8 tonnes (50 Kharkov Locomotive Factory (KhPZ).
tons), and had a main armament of a A number of refinements were made
76.2mm (3in) PS-3 gun based on the to the T-35's basic design between 1933
model 27 /32 howitzer, surrounded by and 1939. The 1935 model was longer,
four sub-turrets, two with 37mm and equipped with the new turret
(1.45in) guns and two with machine designed for the T-28 medium tank,
guns. The number of guns required a fitted with a L-l0 76.2mm (3in) gun.
crew of 10. Included in the design were Two 45mm (1.77in) guns, designed for


SPEED: 30km/h (18.6mph)

DIMENSIONS: Length 9.72m (31ft llin);Width 3.20m
(10ft 6in); Height 3.43m (11ft 3in); Weight
49,985kg (49.20 tons)
ARMOUR: 30mm (1.18in)
WEAPONRY: One 76.2mm (3in); two 45mm (1.77in);
six 7.62mm (0.3in) DT MG; one P-40 AA MG
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 150km (93.2 miles)
CREW: 11


the T-26 and BT-5, replaced the 37mm between 1933 and 1939. Delays were
(1.4in) guns in sub-turrets. In 1938 the caused by the problems which had been
increasing threat from more powerful and experienced with the BT Fast Tank and
numerous antitank guns saw a final batch T-26: poor quality control and assembly,
of six tanks receive turrets with sloped and poorly processed parts. The perfor-
armour for improved protection. mance of the tank suffered from a
The inspiration for the T-35's design number of problems. Its large size and
has caused disagreement between western inadequate steering made it difficult to
and Russian historians. The former argue manoeuvre, particularly over obstacles;
it was copied from the British Vickers A-6 one officer exclaimed that it couldn't
Independent tank, but this is rej ected by cross as much as a large puddle. The crew
many Russian specialists. It is impossible compartment was confined, and unless
to know the truth for certain, but there is the tank was stationary it was difficult to
strong evidence to support western coordinate and accurately fire its guns.
claims, not least failed Soviet attempts to With each tank costing as much as nine
purchase the A-6. At the same time, the BT tanks, the Soviets sensibly concen-
BELOW: A T-35 Model 1938 influence of German engineers develop- trated resources on building other, more
fitted with a radio antenna. ing similar designs in the late 1920s at versatile, models.
The standard production their Kama base in the Soviet Union During their service lives, the T-35s
model had sub-turrets with cannot be discounted. What is clear is that served in three battalions of the 5th
45mm (1.77in) guns derived borrowing military technology and ideas Separate Heavy Tank Brigade in the
from those on the T-26 and from other nations was common to the Supreme Command Reserve. With less
BT-5. The T-35 was a star in majority of armed forces in the interwar than 60 of the 94 tanks listed on the
many of the pre-war May years. The Red Army, with its purchase of brigade's inventory, T-28 tanks had to be
Day Parades, making its British Vickers Carden-Loyd tankettes, used to increase its combat effectiveness.
debut in 1933. The bulk of Vickers-Armstrong E-Light and Mk II The T-35 saw no action in the
the tanks were built at the Medium tanks, and the American Russo-Finish War (1939-40); its main
Kharkov Locomotive Works Christie suspension, was clearly one of purpose seems to have been to appear in
because of the overflow of the leading exponents of this practice. the May Day and November parades as a
work on the T-26 at the Although intended for mass produc- celebration of the apparent achievements
Bolshevik Factory. tion, only around 61 T-35s were built and might of the Soviet Union. Such a


representation was false. Advances in fixed strongpoints during the defence of ABOVE: Two Luftwaffe NCOs
weaponry had made the T-35 unsuitable Moscow in December. The majority are dwarfed by a T-35
for front-line service, and in 1940 a con- were probably lost through mechanical knocked out early in
ference of armoured specialists failure during the summer battles in the Operation Barbarossa. The
recommended re-assigning it to training Ukraine, serving with the 67th and 68th tank looked impressive, but
duties at Russia's military academies. In Tank Regiments of the 34th Tank with a maximum armour
the end it was decided to run them down Division oNIII Mechanized Corps. thickness of 30mm (1.18in),
in service, but this was pre-empted by the it was vulnerable to most
outbreak of war with Germany in June DEVELOPMENT OF THE KV-l antitank guns. The multi-
1941. Little is known about its fate The employment of Soviet tanks in turret design would have
during the opening year of the war with support of Republican forces in the been hard for the
Germany in 1941. A few were used as Spanish Civil War (1936-39) commander to control.


ABOVE: Snow covers an demonstrated the weakness of their engineers caused by Stalin's ruthless
SMK knocked out during armour in the face of new 37mm (1.46in) purges of Russian society led to the work
the Russo-Finnish War. The antitank guns and large-calibre artillery being re-assigned to two competing
tank had detonated a large guns. Although actual losses to this direct teams in Leningrad. These were the
mine and when this fire were light, and no T-35 heavy tanks OKMO team under N. Barykov, and the
photograph appeared in the were sent to Spain, it was clear that Zirovskiy Factory led by Lieutenant-
West, the Germans specifications for tank armour to Colonel Zh. Kotin. Kotin was to prove
erroneously designated the withstand machine-gun fire and artillery one of the most imaginative and
tank the T-35C. It was a splinters were becoming obsolete. resourceful Soviet tank designers of the
completely different vehicle Consequently, in November 1937 the World War II period, and he wa
named after Sergius Directorate of Armed Forces (ABTU) responsible for the powerful IS (Iosef
Mironovitch Kirov and laid down new requirements for a new Stalin) series of tanks.
designed in 1938 by the heavy tank specification. The new tank On 4 May 1938 both teams presented
team headed by Z. Kotin. was to be able to withstand fire from a their initial designs to a j oint committee
The prototypes were tested 76.2mm (3in) gun up to 1200m (3937ft) of the Politburo and Defence Council.
against the Finns in 1940 but and be powered by a diesel engine; Barykov's T-100, and Kotin's SMK
were found to be too bulky petrol, unlike diesel, exploded in a fireball (named after the deceased Bolshevik
and complicated. if the vehicle was fatally hit. Continuing leader S. M. Kirov) were similar in con-
from the T-35, it was initially suggested figuration, with an upper main turret
that the tank have five turrets, but on the mounting a 76.2mm (3in) gun and two
appeal of the design teams involved, this lower front sub-turrets with 45mm
was subsequently revised to three, (1.77in) guns. A new innovation was the
mounting one 76.2mm (3in) and two use of a torsion bar suspension for the
45mm (1.77in) guns. The new design was chassis, instead of the T-35 's older and less
to be capable of performing the dual effective spring suspension. A wide cast
roles of supporting a breakthrough and track was also used on both vehicles,
destroying enemy armour. lowering ground pressure and improving
Initial work was begun at the KhPZ, the tanks' cross-country capability, which
but the lack of resources and loss of was essential, considering both the T-1 OO's


58.9 tonne (58 ton) and SMK's 45.9 ligent enough to grasp the essentials of
tonne (45 ton) weights. weapon design and the conduct of war.
The commi ttee was generally The prototype of the T-1 00 was com-
impressed by the designs, and approval pleted in May 1939, and the first SMK
was granted to construct prototypes. was ready at the start of August. Both
However, there had been several tense vehicles began testing at the Kubinka
and heated moments during the meeting. testing grounds outside Moscow. The test
Kotin had bravely (or arguably foolishly) crews included a number of engineers
remonstrated to Stalin over the value of from the two Leningrad factories who
including so many turrets because of the received special training in the skills
increase weight they created. This, he needed to drive the vehicles and operate
argued, undermined the mobility of the their armaments. Leading Communist
heavier tanks under consideration. Party and military officials attended the
Several engineers risked their necks by tests, most notably Marshal K. Voroshilov,
arguing against Stalin's ignorant, spiteful who witnessed the trial of another new BELOW: The SMK, like the
crony, G. Kulik, head of the artillery, who heavy tank, named the KV after him. T-I00, was originall
wanted to use laminated armour. The KV tank was the result of frustra- designed with three turrets.
The designers eventually won both tion on the part of Kotin and his assistant When Kotin criticized this
arguments, retaining the 60mm (2.4in) chief engineer A. Yermolayev. They still concept, Stalin simply broke
steel armour, and removing one of the disliked the weight problems and off a turret from the
sub-turrets. Stalin's frequent willingness cramped crew compartment which was presentation model with the
to accept the opinions of his technicians created by having two turrets. In typical quip 'Why make a tank into
and field commanders on matters of tank fashion, in February 1939, Kotin, acting a department store?' and the
design is worthy of note, especially in without higher approval, set his team the Kotin and OKMO teams
light of the standard historical view that task of designing a single-turret variant of worked on a two-turret
he was totally ignorant of military affairs the SMK. In August 1939 Kotin showed design. The SMK had a
and unwilling to compromise his ideas. the plans to Stalin and again managed to 76.2mm (3in) main gun with
At times his interference in military win him over. Official approval was given a 45mm (1.77in) in the
affairs proved disastrous, but he was intel- to construct a KV prototype and then secondary turret.


test it alongside the two dual-turret skillful Finnish resistance, and an initially
heavy vehicles. Apart from a new single risible Soviet performance saw the war
turret, the KV inherited many features drag on until mid-February 1940 when,
from the SMK; hull, transmission, optics with their reserves simply running out
and the torsion bar suspension. During under constant Soviet attacks, the Finns
the Kubinka trials, the KV proved supe- were forced to capitulate to Soviet terri-
rior in mobility to the SMK and T-l 00. torial demands.
BELOW: The SMK serving However, the sternest test of the three The SMK, T-l 00 and KV prototypes
with the 20th Heavy Tank new tank types came in December 1939, saw action in the war, taking part in a
Brigade on the move in when they were deployed to take part in number of skirmishes as part of the 91 st
Finland. This picture shows the Russo-Finnish War. Tank Battalion of the 20th Heavy Tank
clearly the slightly larger Brigade. Their first action took place near
roadwheels and wide tracks THE Russo-FINNISH WAR, 1939-40 Summa between 17 and 19 December,
that would be incorporated On 30 November 1939 the Soviet Union and was one of mixed fortunes for the
into the KV-l design and attacked Finland with the intention of experimental tanks. In general, the KV
prove very effective on snow making a number of limited territorial performed well. During attacks on 18
and soft going. Following gains along their mutual border. The sheer December, although the Finns did
requests for a tank with size of Soviet forces in comparison to the manage to shoot off one of the KV's bar-
armament capable of Finns, and their superiority. in tanks, rels, forcing it to be withdrawn, the tank
knocking out Finnish artillery and aircraft, made the Soviets proved to be mechanically reliable, and its
bunkers, work was under confident of a swift victory. In the end, thick armour was invulnerable to enemy
way to build an SMK-2. this was not to prove the case. Fierce and direct-fire weapons.


The other two prototypes were less the enemy's defences until one of the ABOVE: A KV-l crosses a
effective, nearly causing a major embar- SMK's tracks was disabled by a mine. The timber bridge over a frozen
rassment for the Soviet Union in one SMK's crew repaired the track whilst its river; the ice could take the
engagement. On 19 December the SMK own gunners and supporting vehicles tank's weight as long as the
and T-l00, accompanied by five T-28s, provided them with covering fire. The timber tresses distributed it
supported Soviet infantry as they again situation worsened when it was discov- evenly. It would eventually
tried to penetrate Finnish defences at ered that the engine would no longer have the ZiS-S 76.2mm
Summa. Invulnerable to Finnish light start. Attempts by the T-l 00 to tow the (3in) gun with 111 rounds
weapons, the tanks advanced deep into SMK were frustrated by icy conditions and 3 DT machine guns.


ABOVE: A clear impression of that prevented its tracks from acquiring of Soviet tanks when operating in winter
the low ground-pressure of sufficient grip. As ammunition ran low, conditions! Amongst a number of
the wide tracks on the KV-l the crew had no choice but to withdraw, improvements adopted to overcome this
can be seen in this picture of abandoning the SMK. Desperate not to bizarre situation was the introduction of
KV-l at the Aberdeen lose one of his valuable experimental compressed air tanks and separate reserve
Proving Ground in the USA. tanks, D.G. Pavlov, head of the batteries for the ignition.
The tank was named after Directorate of Armed Forces, mounted
Klimenti, or Klim Voroshilov, an ineffective and costly rescue mission STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
the Soviet General of the with elements of the 167th Motorized When it first appeared, the KV-1 's com-
People's Commissar for Battalion. Eventually the SMK was bination of mobility, strong armour and
Defence, but was originally recovered in February when Soviet firepower made it one of the most pow-
destined to be named the forces finally broke through Finnish erful tanks in the world, probably only
Kotin-Stalin. Like the T-34, it defences along the Mannerheim Line. rivalled or surpassed by the Soviet
was an uncluttered design, In general the performance of the medium T-34. Its frontal hull and turret
but it had less well-angled experimental heavy tanks in the Finnish armour were 75mm (2.95in) and 90mm
armour to deflect enemy War simply confirmed the decision made (3.5in) thick respectively, making it
antitank rounds. by the Red Army on 19 December 1939 invulnerable to many existing antitank
to approve the KV-1 for general produc- guns, other than at point blank range.
tion and discontinue the SMK and Although weighing 43.6 tonnes (43
T-1 00; a brief flirtation with a modified tons), a series of factors meant that it was
SMK (SMK-2) came to nothing. On relatively fast and mobile, capable of
another note, the war revealed certain achieving 35km/h (21.8mph) on roads,
deficiencies in the technical capabilities and approxi~ately 13km/h (8.1mph)


across country. This was achieved by a at their Aberdeen Armoured Testing ABOVE: The KV-1 chassis was
refined version of the SMK suspension ground in 1942 noted that it was years used for 13,500 vehicles,
which mounted the 12 wheels indepen- out of date and had been rejected by the tanks and SP guns during
dently on torsion bars, and using wide US Army because it was painfully hard the war. In 1943, as work
tracks to lower ground pressure. for the driver to work. Engine perfor- was being carried out on the
Adequate power was provided by a mance was further reduced by inefficient new IS tank, a turret with a
373kW (500bhp) model V-2K, V-12 air filters. Overall, these factors made the M1943 8Smm (3.34in) gun
diesel engine. Combined with a range of tank hard to steer. with 71 rounds was fitted to
160km (99 miles) by road, and 100km The crew compartment was far from a KV hull and the stop-gap
(62 miles) across country, the KV-1, in ideal and hampered performance in vehicle was designated the
conjunction with the even more mobile combat. When the hatches were closed, KV-85. The KV-1-S was a
T-34, seemed to give the Red Army the the driver and commander had severely lighter version of the
tools it require,d to implement the theory restricted vision, making it difficult for original tank with maximum
of Deep Operations. them to carry out their tasks effectively. armour of 82mm (3.2in).
Initially it was intended to arm the The driver's periscope had a limited tra-
KV-1 with the F-32 76.2mm gun (3in) verse, and the laminated glass in his
developed by the Grabin team, but delays forward slit visor was often of such poor
in supply meant that the short L-11 manufacture that it was difficult to see
76.2mm (3in) was used instead. through. The commander had two
Secondary armament comprised three periscopes of a reasonable standard
DT machine guns, one co-axial, one in mounted in the top of the turret, but his
the front hull, and one in the rear of the ability to direct the driver, radio operator
turret. A crew of five was required to and gunner were significantly hampered
operate the tank. by having to double up. as gun loader. All
Impressive as it was, the KV-1 did of this resulted in poor tactical mobility
suffer from a number of problems, and and coordination on the battlefield.
not all had been solved by the time pro- During the course of the war, refine-
duction ended in 1943. Initial models ments were made to the basic KV-1
had major clutch and transmission prob- design in order to iron out its flaws and
lems, seriously impeding its mobility. extend its service life. In 1940 the KV-1
Changing gear involved halting the tank, model 1940 appeared, armed with the
preventing it from ever attaining high higher velocity F-32 76.2mm (3in) gun
speed. US Army tests on the transmission firing a longer round and a new, more



powerful 447kW (600bhp) V-2 engine. showed that light tanks adapted to being LEFT: The KV-l production
Parts of the turret and hull armour were flamethrowers were too vulnerable to line was located at the Kirov
increased by the crude and unpopular antitank fire. The KVS 76.2mm (3in) gun Factory in Leningrad, but
technique of bolting 3Smm (1.3in) was replaced with a 4Smm (1.77in) gun once the city had been cut
armour plates to them. This was caused in order to make room for the ATO-41 off by the German siege, this
by G. Kulik's bizarre belief that German flamethrower. A special gun jacket was obviously became
tanks were armed with massive-calibre added to camouflage the thin barrel of impractical, and thereafter
guns, and with the short-term inability of the weapon and prevent it being knocked work was transferred to
Soviet industry to produce thicker out immediately by the enemy. The Chelyabinsk. A plan to build
armour, he and Stalin wanted to counter ATO-41 fired 3 shots every 10 seconds, a KV-3 mounting a huge
this phantom threat. The turret plates and the KV-8 carried enough fuel for 107mm (4.2in) gun at Kirov
were replaced later in the year when 107 shots. Later on the KV-8S was devel- was shelved and the chassis
stronger welded turrets were produced. oped by re-equipping the KV-l-S. mounting a 8Smm (3.34in)
In 1941 the ZiS-S 76.2mm (3in) gun naval gun was used in the
was fitted for the first time to the KV-l. KV-2 DREADNOUGHT defence of Leningrad.
Similar to the F-34 76.2m (3in) gun The Russo-Finnish war was an essential
mounted on the T-34/76 medium tank, catalyst, not just in confirming the
it was significantly more powerful than soundness of the decision to manufacture
the KV's existing F-32 76.2mm (3in). .the KV-l, but in providing the stimulus
This was the result of another successful for the development of an artillery sup-
appeal by Kotin's team to Stalin and the port variant, designated KV-2. Combat in
Main Defence Committee (GKO). the Finnish war had revealed that existing
Upgrading the KV with the F-34 ended Soviet tanks were under-armed for deal-
the illogical situation of the Red Army's ing effectively with reinforced enemy
medium tank being armed with a more bunkers and other fortifications. The
powerful gun than its heavy tank. The North-West Front Headquarters, and in
earlier model's angular and weaker particular the commander of the Seventh
welded turret was replaced with a Army, K. Meretskov, made forceful
stronger cast version that was also easier requests that a heavy tank with a large
to manufacture. The rear turret overhang gun be developed for bunker-busting
was also eliminated. tasks. Three projects were immediately
A unique development of the KV-l undertaken. In one of its last proj ects
was its adaptation to a flamethrower role, before disbandment, the OKMO team
designated KV-8. Work began on this revived its T-1 00 hull, mounting a B-13
project after the Russo-Finnish War 130mm (S.lin) naval gun. Designated the


SPEED: 3Skm/h (21.8mph) WEAPONRY: One 76.2mm (3in); three 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 7.41m (24ft 3in);Width 3.49m (11ft Sin); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 22Skm (140 miles)
Height 2.87m (9ft Sin); Weight 42,910kg (42.23 tons) CREW: S
ARMOUR: 106mm (4.1 7in)


ABOVE: U p-armouring work T-l00U, it was not accepted for produc- excellent results achieved by the KV-2
on the KV-1, the Model tion. Rejection of the design may have against fortified positions and pillboxes
1942, was undertaken by been a result of the army's lack of access were referring to tests conducted against
Kotin's TsKB-2 (Central to barrels and the naval semi-armour captured enemy positions.
Design Bureau) and hull piercing round at a time when the Soviet The KV-2 possessed one of the most
protection was increased N-avy was beginning a massive expansion unique silhouettes of any tank ofWorld
from 75mm (2.9in) to 90mm programme to create a powerful, ocean- War II. The hull was that of the KV-l
(3.54in). A new and thicker going fleet. More pragmatically, the series, but in order to mount the power-
cast turret with 120mm development of a design by Kotin's team ful 152mm (5.9in) 1938/1940 L20
(4.72in) at the front was based on the proven KV chassis made howitzer, a large box-shaped 12.19 tonne
introduced. However, the more sense in terms of streamlining pro- (12 ton) turret was required. This gave
thicker armour degraded the duction and saving costs. the vehicle a silhouette of 4.9m (16ft)
vehicle's automotive An initial attempt to mount a 152mm compared to 3.1m (10ft) for the KV-l.
performance and as a result (5.9in) BR-2 and a 203mm (7.9in) B-4 The visibility of the KV-2 on the battle-
of this, the KV-1 Model howitzer on a lengthened KV hull was field was compensated for by the turret's
1942 was looked upon as a never completed. It was the expediency armour; frontal 110mm (4.3in), side
mixed blessing by its crews. of the third design - completed in two 75mm (2.9in) thick.
weeks by mounting a standard 152mm In the opening years of the war, when
(5.9in) howitzer with two machine guns the KV-2 was operational in significant
on an unmodified KV chassis - that was numbers, it was virtually invulnerable to
accepted for production as the KV-2. The direct fire from all but high-velocity
first trials of the KV-2 were conducted weapons at uncomfortably close range.
on 10 February 1940, and soon after- The best the enemy could hope to
wards two prototypes were sent to the achieve was to force the crew to abandon
front on the Karelian Isthmus. There is their KV-2 by disabling the tank with
some debate whether these tanks were hits against its tracks and wheels. In light
involved in actual combat in 1940. of the KV-2's size and armoured strength,
Recent evidence seems to suggest that its six-man crews gave it the nickname
Meretskov's and others' reports about the the 'Dreadnought'.


Nonetheless, the KV-2 did pay a high KV-l AND KV-2 IN COMBAT
price for its massive gun and strong The German attack on 22 June 1941
impenetrable armour. Its mobility caught the Red Army by surprise: it was
between engagements and during battle badly deployed and in the midst of a
was restricted by many of the initial gear, major re-organization of its armed forces.
transmission and crew problems inherited During the course of the 1941 campaign,
from the KV-1. This situation was com- the Red Army suffered enormous losses
pounded by its increased weight which in men and materiel, including the bulk
went up to 53.8-57.9 tonnes (53-57 of its vast tank park. In spite of the overall
tons) depending on the model, as well as poor performance of Soviet forces, the
by the use of an unimproved 373kW resilience of the KV-1 and KV-2 came as
.(500bhp) V-2 diesel engine. a shock to the Germans. They had no BELOW: The production line
The road speed of the KV-2 could comparable tanks in strength and arma- at Chelyabinsk Tractor
only ever reach a maximum of 25km/h ment, and few antitank guns to destroy Factory (ChTZ). When the
(15.62mph), and cross-country it reached them. In his memoirs, A SoldierJs Duty, line was set up, the design
at best 12km/h (7.4mph). Problems Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky recalled: was simplified in much the
encountered in traversing the heavy same way as the T-34
turret if the tank was not on relatively flat The KV tanks literally stunned the programme. A new cast
ground also limited its flexibility in enemy. They withstood the fire of every turret that was easier to
combat. The KV-2 was a formidable type of gun that the German tanks were manufacture than the welded
opponent in a static position, but it armed with. But what a sight they were design was introduced, along
lacked the speed and mobility that were returning from combat. Their armour with a simpler roadwheel.
shown to be vital in the opening year of was pocked-marked all over and some- Hull applique armour was
the war on the Eastern Front. times even their barrels were pierced. simplified and standardized.


Typical of the problems which were Soviet tanks continued their advance
BELOW: Workers meet the faced by the German armed forces when and our armour-piercing projectiles
crews of a KV-1B regiment. engaging the Soviet KV-2 was the expe- simply bounced off. The Soviet tanks
The tank, introduced in rience of the 1st Panzer Division on 23 withstood point-blank fire from both
1941, had the thicker cast June 1941 in Lithuania, which was our 50mm [1.9in] and 75mm [2.9in]
turret with its distinctive recorded thus: guns. A KV-2 was hit more than 70
curved bustle. These tanks in times and not a single round penetrated.
winter camouflage and Our companies opened fire from 700 A very few Soviet tanks were immobi-
painted with slogans have metres [2296ft]. We got closer and closer lized and eventually destroyed as we
spare fuel drums stowed on ... Soon we were only about 50-100 managed to shoot at their tracks, and
their rear decks. The KV-1 B metres [164-328ft] from each other. A then brought up artillery to hammer
had a hull machine gun fantastic engagement opened up - them at close range. It was then attacked
added to its armament. without any German progress. The on foot with satchel charges.


The majority of KV-2 losses in 1941 KV-l-S ABOVE: The huge turret of a
were to breakdowns or lack of fuel, Constant increases in the armour of the KV-2 looms over a BA-10
which subsequently forced them to be KV-1 between 1941 and 1942, resulting armoured car during
abandoned. The 41st Tank Division lost in greater weight and lower speed, began fighting in 1941. The KV-2
two-thirds of its 33 KV-2s, but only five to have a serious impact on the ability of had a crew of six and was
of these were as a result of enemy action. Soviet armoured formations to operate armed with a 152mm
They were too few in number to deci- the KV-1 alongside the T-34. Grouping (5.98in) M1938/40 howitzer
sively effect the collapse of the Red the KV-1 into separate armoured - which had 36 rounds - as
Army's positions in western Russia. brigades for purely assault and infantry well as two machine guns. It
By July 1941 only 500 KV-1s and 2s support roles in October 1942 solved was intended for direct fire
were left. In October 1941, KV-2 manu- part of the problem. However, it left open support, a need identified
facture was halted as Russian factories the need for heavy-tank support for the during the war against the
were moved eastwards away from the mobile units now facing increasingly more Finns, but proved
Germans; by this point only 334 had effective German tanks and antitanks unsatisfactory in this role, so
been built. An increasingly small number guns, armed with more sophisticated and that when production of the
continued to see service as strongpoints lethal munitions. Ultimately the dilemma KV tank moved from Lenin-
in positional battles such as the defence was only resolved in late 1943 when the grad, it was discontinued.
of Moscow in winter 1941, and at T-34 was up-gunned with the DT-S
Stalingrad in 1942 with Major-General V. 8Smm (3.3in) and the heavier losef Stalin
Chuikov's Sixty-Second Army. models introduced.


RIGHT: A view of the

massive KV-2 showing its
152mm (5.9in) gun off to
good effect. Although
difficult to manoeuvre, the
KV-2 could absorb a great
deal of punishment, and
there are a number of
recorded incidents where
KV-2s continued fighting
despite a number of hits
from antitank and tank guns.

During 1940, Kotin and his team had the critical period 1941-42, which led
in fact already developed two prototypes the GKO to reject the KV-3 models.
for a KV-3 based on modifications to the An attempt was made to solve the
KV-1 that would have fitted the new Red Army's field requirements and
heavy-tank requirements in 1942. Object demands of production with the KV-1-S
220 had a longer hull, larger turret, and a (S: skorostnoy) or speed). To achieve a road
107mm (4.2in) gun. Object 222 retained speed of 40km/h (25mph), the weight of
the basic external design of the KV-1 the tank was reduced by thinning its
with an enhanced turret layout. It was armour; for example 60mm (2.3in) at the
their need for a new powerplant, which front. It had a smaller, thinner turret and
would have disrupted tank production in lighter road wheels. A new gearbox, main



SPEED: 26km/h (16.2mph) WEAPONRY: One 152mm (5.9in) howitzer; two 7.62mm (O.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 7.31m (23ft llin); Height 3.93m EFFECTIVE RANGE: 200km (125 miles)
(12ft llin); Weight 53,850kg (53 tons) CREW: 6
ARMOUR: 110mm (4.3mm)


clutch and improvements in engine- series in the Great Patriotic War did not ABOVE: German technical
cooling and lubrication also assisted in end altogether. At Kursk in 1943, KV-1-S intelligence staff watch as a
enhancing its speed and mobility. tanks of the 53rd Guards and Fifty- captured KV-2A manoeuvres
Production began in August 1942, but Seventh Army Heavy Tank Brigades took in the hands of its new crew.
after 1370 vehicles had been built, it was part in the vicious fighting of 12-14 July Though the main armament
discontinued in late 1943 as improved that broke the impetus of the German was very powerful, the tank
designs began to appear. The design was offensive. KV-1 tanks supported infantry was slow and unwieldy, and
not especially liked by tank officers such of the 3rd Byelorussian Front in East more agile and better-
as General M.E. Katukov who, in late Prussia in late 1944. Some KV-1 and KV- handled German tanks could
1942, told Stalin that if the KV had a 1-S are alleged to have taken part in the get in close enough to inflict
more potent gun or one of greater cali- Berlin operation of April-May 1945. By serious damage. The turret
bre than the T-34, he might excuse its the war's later stages, many had been allo- could not be traversed unless
weight and other shortcomings. cated to support duties, such as command the tank was on level
tanks for the ISU-152 tank-destroyer ground, and its original role
LATE WAR YEARS regiments. What is certain is that after as a bunker buster was
KV-1 and KV-1-S production ended in 1943, the basic hull design and chassis of irrelevant in 1941-42.
favour of new, more powerful models the KV influenced a series of late-war
capable of surviving an increasingly lethal Soviet tanks that were amongst the best
battlefield. However, the role of the KV designs of any nation during the war.


The lessons of the fighting in
Russia and Eastern Europe
generated late war designs that
would serve into the 1960s. Tanks
were produced with an emphasis
on firepower and protection
rather than crew comfort. For
their German opponents, they
were a source of amazement.

In 1943 the course of World War II underwent a decisive shift in

favour of the Allied powers in both Europe and the Pacific. Primarily
this change was caused by two factors. Firstly, the maturing ofAllied
economic plans began to deliver weapons and materiel in an abun-
dance, far greater than Germany and Japan could manage. Winning
the war of production gave the Allies a numerical superiority that
doomed their opponents to eventual defeat. Critically related to pro-
duction was the second factor: the emergence of British, American
and Soviet military formations which were capable of using the new
and vast amounts of resources to defeat enemy forces in combat.
On the Eastern Front the production and military tides of war
turned in late 1942, with the defeat of 250,000 German troops at
Stalingrad and the destruction of another three German army groups
during subsequent operations in the winter of 1942-3. In July 1943 at

LEFT: Soviet infantry of the 1st Ukrainian Front in Poland, dressed in shinel
(greatcoats) and shapka-ushanka fur caps with ear flaps, on the warm rear deck of
ISU-152 heavy assault guns, where the heat rises from the 447kW (600bhp) engine
in the winter cold of January 1945.


ABOVE: A Samochodnaya the Battle of Kursk, Soviet armoured designs. The spur to these changes in the
Ustanovka (Self Propelled) forces met and defeated the German Soviet tank inventory were essentially
SU-122 Assault Howitzer - panzer forces in one of the largest tank twofold. First was the continued innova-
drives carefully across a operations in history. But the real signifi- tion and creativity of Soviet tank
pontoon bridge over the cance of the Battle of Kursk was twofold. designers, who sought to create improved
River Dniepr. The First, the Red Army seized the initiative designs with which to equip the Red
SU-122 was fitted with from the Germans. Second, despite what Army. This natural desire to advance
angled 20mm (0.78in) to is often claimed, Kursk did not destroy technology was driven by the second and
45mm (1.77in) armour, and the German panzer arm as an effective more pragmatic realities of combat con-
the same engine and chassis fig~ting force. Rather, what began at ditions which had changed dramatically
fitted to the T-34/76. Its role Kursk was the erosion of German with the appearance of several new and
was to provide direct gunfire strength by a series of Soviet offensives powerful German tank designs.
support. Firing high that rippled across the whole Front War is a clash of two competing sides
explosive anti-tank (HEAT) throughout 1943, inflicting continual who con~tantly strive to acquire some
rounds, it was capable of heavy losses on the Germans. form of advantage over each other, and
penetrating 200mm (0.78in) The ability of the Soviets to organize this is especially true of their weapons.
of armour at a range of and carry out large-scale offensive opera- The shock administered to the German
630m (688yd), while with a tions from late 1942 onwards relied upon armed forces when they encountered the
high explosive (HE) round, the re-organization of the Red Army's much more powerful Soviet KV and
it could reach out to command cadres, the re-introduction of T-34 tanks during Operation Barbarossa
11,800m (12,904yd). its pre-war concepts of deep battle and in 1941 forced them to initiate the devel-
operations, and the creation of armoured opment of their own medium and heavy
forces capable of carrying out these theo- tanks capable of overturning the Red
ries. In the initial phases of the 1943 Army's tactical advantage. Based upon an
summer campaign, Soviet armoured for- assessment of the T-34 delivered on 25
mations were equipped with a mixture of November 1941, it was decided to
KV heavy, T-34 medium and T-60 and develop the medium Panther tank, incor-
T-70 light tanks. Over the course of the porating design features where the T-34
year, several of these classes were modi- outmatched existing German tanks; a
fied or phased out and replaced by new long-barrelled 75mm (2.95in) KwK


L/70 high-velocity gun; sloped armour the capability to engage and defeat the
(80mm/3.14in frontal, 45mm/l.77in new German tanks and to decisively win
side); and large road wheels and wide the war in the east.
tracks for speed and mobility. The
Germans also developed the heavy Tiger SELF-PROPELLED GUNS
tank with thick, slab-sided armour Within the First Five Year Plan (1929-34)
(100mm/2.54in frontal, 80mm/3.14in the Red Army had identified the need
side) and the powerful 88mm (3.46in) for self-propelled artillery guns to sup-
KwK 43 L/56 gun. The Tiger entered port tank and infantry forces. The
operational service on the Eastern Front self-propelled weapons were known by
in August 1942, inflicting heavy losses on the designation SU (Samakhodnaya
Soviet armoured forces. The Panther's Ustanovka). Initial designs, such as the
debut at Kursk in July 1943 was more SU-2, mounted a 76.2mm (3in) gun on
muted because of technical troubles, but the chassis of a Kommunar tractor, while
once these problems were resolved, it a number of T-27 tankettes were
proved to be an effective tank-killer. equipped with a 37mm (1.46in) gun for
The Soviet response to the shift in use in an antitank role.
advantage to the Germans was swift and Despite conside'rable interest and
typically pragmatic. Unlike the Germans, effort, the Red Army did not possess an
they did not design completely new tank effective assault/ antitank self-propelled
types. Instead, they increased the protec- vehicle on the outbreak of war with
tion of the T-34, replacing its 76mm Germany in June 1941. Adoption of the
(2.99in) gun with the more powerful self-propelled weapons had been ham-
85mm (3.34in) DT-5S. The T-34 Christie pered by the increasingly excessive size
and KV vehicle chassis were adapted to and complexity of designs (the SU-7 was
form the basis of a series of strongly over 102.6 tonnes/l06 tons with a
armoured and heavily armed self-pro- 203mm/8in howitzer) that raised serious
pelled guns, such as the SU-122/152, doubts about their utility in combat and
ISU-122/152, intended to carry out the suitability for mass production. The man-
dual roles of infantry support and anti- ufacture of more realistic designs based
tank. This series of vehicles was on proven models like the T-26 was not
complemented by the introduction of undertaken on a large scale because of
the KV-85 and IS (losef Stalin) class of the Red Army High Command's prefer-
tanks. These new armoured fighting ence for concentrating resources on tank
vehicles furnished the Red Army with construction. Experimental work did


SPEED: 55km/h (34mph) WEAPONRY: One 122mm (4.8in) howitzer

DIMENSIONS: Length 6.9Sm (22ft 8in); Width 3m (9ft 8in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 300km (186.4 miles)
Height 2.3m (7ft Sin); Weight 30,900kg (34 tons) CREW: S
ARMOUR: 4Smm (1.77in)


ABOVE: Rising like primeval continue with SU models in the initial as much as possible. Consequently, the
monsters from a swamp, two phase of the Great Patriotic War, but the chassis of the T-70 was used as the basis
ISU-152s ford a river. The pressing need to replace the huge losses for the light SU-76 series, while medium
ISU-152K with external in tanks and to re-locate industry meant and heavy self-propelled weapons used
stowage and engine that production of SU vehicles had to be the T-34 and KV chassis respectively.
improvements remained in forgone in 1941 and for much of 1942.
production until as late as By late 1942 the demands of Red SU-122
1952. The assault gun was Army tank, mechanized and cavalry In April 1942 the Central Artillery
armed with the powerful forces or armoured vehicles were being Directorate (GAU) instructed several
152mm (5.9in) gun-howitzer satisfied by a revitalized industrial base. In teams to begin work on a medium
ML-20S with 25 rounds. The light of this, on 23 October 1942 the mechanized self-propelled vehicle capa-
ISU-152 and ISU-122 series Chief Defence Commissariat decided ble of mounting the powerful 122mm
of assault guns were that there was now sufficient industrial (4.8in) gun. The work of the Uralsky
normally grouped in capacity to order the design and produc- Heavy Machine Tool Factory (UZTM)
independent heavy assault tion of self-propelled guns. The decision and Zavod Nr 592 was overseen by a
gun regiments and brigades. was spurred on by three other factors. special team from the Commissariat for
First, the success of the German StuG Tank Production (NKTP).
III assault gun had demonstrated the util- UZTM based its U-35 (subsequently
ity of self-propelled guns. Secondly, known as the SU-122) vehicle on the
Soviet rifle and armoured formations chassis and hull of the T-34, placing the
reported an urgent tactical requirement M-30 12mm (O.47in) gun in a fully
for greater and more mobile direct armoured casemate with 45mm (1.77in)
artillery and antitank support than was frontal armour. The increased size of the
currently provided by towed weapons. crew compartment, in comparison to a
Third, the absence of a turret and its turreted vehicle, allowed a crew of five
complex working parts meant they were (commander, gunner, driver, and two
cheaper and quicker to produce. This loaders) to operate the large gun with
advantage was increased by the Chief relative ease. To increase production and
Defence Commissariat emphasizing that also to keep costs low, the engine and
designers use existing tank components transmission of the T-34 were retained.


LEFT: Trailing exhaust smoke

from its diesel, an ISU~152

of the 2nd Baltic Front

thunders through a wood
with what appears to be a
KV-1 tank following behind.
When it entered service at
the Battle of Kursk in 1943,
the big SP gun was one of
the few Soviet armoured
vehicles that could take on
German Tigers, Panthers
and Elephants on even
terms, and so earned itself
the nickname Z vierboy
(Animal Hunter). The
43.4kg (951b 11oz) shells
had a muzzle velocity of
655m/sec (2150 ft/sec).

With an overall weight just over 30.5 In August 1943 the. Red Army fol-
tonnes (30 tons), the SU-122 had a road lowed up its victory at Kursk with a
speed of 55km/h (34mph) and with powerful drive on the city of Kharkov in
added fuel tanks, a range of 300km (186 Operation Polkovodets Rumnyantsev.
miles), making it more than capable of Attempting to halt the Soviet thrust, the
keeping up with rapidly advancing Soviet German High Command mounted a
tank forces. Production of the SU-122 series of counterattacks against the centre
began in late December 1942 after and eastern flank of Soviet tank forces.
receiving approval from GKO. The Panzergrenadier Division Gross-
Although the SU-122 was cflpable of deutschland spearheaded the eastern attack
engaging enemy armour, the heavy against Twenty-Seventh Army and the
weight of its shell reduced the muzzle flank of the First Tank Army.
velocity, making it a poor antitank As the Front Commander General
weapon. Attempts to improve its fire- N. F. Vatutin threw in reserves, initially to
power with the BP-460A HEAT (High stabilize the front and then counterat-
Explosive Anti-Tank) round proved less tack, a vicious melee erupted, lasting
successful than hoped and, like most from 18 to 21 August. At one point on
Soviet self-propelled guns, its primary 21 August, Tiger tanks of the
role was direct fire support of infantry Grossdeutschland, 3rd Panzer Regiment
against enemy strongpoints. Even so, at were roughly handled by SU-122 guns of
short range the SU-122, with its low III Guards Tank Corps. One Tiger of the
profile and large gun, was capable of 10th Company suffered six hits to its
dealing with heavy German armour, turret, but none of the rounds pene-
although results could be mixed. trated; instead they either dented, or



SPEED: 43km/h (27mph) WEAPONRY: One 152mm (5.9in)

DIMENSIONS: Length 8.95m (29ft 4m); Width 3.25m (10ft 8in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 240km (150 miles)
Height 2.45m (8ft); Weight 45,500kg (50.1 tons) CREW: 5
ARMOUR: 75mm (2.95in)

chipped small pieces off, the armour. because the weight of the weapon proved
One round did slice off a large chink of too large for the chassis. Similar problems
armour that ricocheted into the fighting dogged the SU-122~ and SU-122-3.
BELOW: A Soviet GAZ-MM compartment, killing or wounding the One improvement on the first produc-
4 x 2 cargo truck drives past crew. A hit on the hull's side armour tion batches was the adoption of a new
a line of ISU-152 assault would open up weld seams, leaving the ball mount for the gun, which improved
guns in Lvov, in the inside of the Tiger exposed and also dis- its traverse and the vehicle's frontal pro-
Ukraine, in July 1944. The abling the main armament. tection. The advent of the more powerful
photograph gives a good The SU-122's mixed performance SU-152 self-propelled gun, as well as the
view of the chassis' running against enemy armour led to an abortive highly effective SU-100 tank destroyer in
gear, with KV-l's spoked attempt in 1943 to develop a tank mid-1 943, led to the decision in
wheels rather than the disc destroyer variant, named the SU-122P, November 1943 to discontinue produc-
wheels used on the T-34 and armed with a long-barrelled gun. No tion of the SU-122, just 11 months after
its variants. serious production was undertaken it had first begun.



SPEED: 37km/h (23mph) WEAPONRY: One 152mm (5.9in)

DIMENSIONS: Length 9.05m (29ft 7in); Width 3.07m (10ft); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 240km (150 miles)
Height 2.46m (8ft lin); Weight 41,800kg (41.14 tons) CREW: 5
ARMOUR: 110mm (4.3in)

SG-122 AND SU-76I ing 'inostrannaya', or foreign) in March

The Zavod Nr 592 design, designated 1943, and they were deployed fo front-
SG-122, proved less successful than the line units from May onwards,just intime
UZTM SU-122. The vehicle was a mix- to see service with Colonel-General K. K.
and-match design, placing a Rokossovsky's Central Front and General
Soviet-designed hull and gun atop a cap- N. F. Vatutin's Voronezh Front at the
tured German Panzer III chassis. This Battle of Kursk in July that year.
attempt to graft native technology onto Although available in only limited
foreign proved imperfect; the SG-122 numbers, the SU-76i served widely in
was difficult to maintain in forward army Soviet operations throughout the
depots because of lack of spares for the summer and winter of 1943, until the
Panzer III chassis, whilst its performance Chief of Armoured Forces, Marshal Va.
was far below the rival UZTM design. N. Federenko, ordered all remaining
These handicaps meant that although it vehicles to be transferred to training
was accepted for service in July 1942, the duties at the start of 1944. Despite its ad
SG-122 was quickly withdrawn. hoc nature, the vehicle seems to have
However, the desperate need for self- proved popular with crews, who devel-
propelled artillery in the opening months oped the dangerous habit of removing
of 1943 led Soviet designers to revive the bolted armour plate roof to increase
the idea of using over 300 Panzer III and their comfort! Modifications to the vehicle
StuG chassis which had been captured at prevented this practice on later models.
Stalingrad. This move was intended as a In all, just over 200 SU-76is were built,
stop-gap to make up for a shortage in but they illustrate the resourcefulness,
self-propelled artillery when large num- ingenuity and occasional desperation of
bers of the recently introduced SU-76s the USSR's total war effort.
had to be temporarily withdrawn in
order to iron out mechanical failures. SU-152
Zavod Nr 38's proposal was to take the The development of a larger assault gun-
basic design of the SG-122 and re-arm it tank destroyer which mounted the
with the 76.2mm (3in) ZiS-5 gun. 152mm (5.98in) ML-20 gun was a direct
Problems in installing the gun led to the reaction to the appearance of the
adoption of the 76.2mm (3in) S-l gun, German Tiger tank during fighting near
which was specifically designed for self- the besieged city of Leningrad in January
propelled guns and which was easily 1943. During 1942 the Central Design
mounted onto the front armour. After Bureau's two teams (TsKB-2), led by vet-
gruelling trials at Sverdlovsk, it was eran designer Lieutenant-Colonel Z.
accepted for service as SU-76i ('i' denot- Kotin (responsible for the KV tank), had


ABOVE: Under the cover of a been developing a new heavy tank to plate at a distance of 2000m (2187yd).
smoke-screen, an ISU-122 replace the increasingly obsolete KV-1. The effectiveness of the gun was dimin-
belonging to the Third This vehicle was termed KV-13 and was ished by the need for a multi-component
Guards Tank Army of the 1st based extensively on the original chassis, round that restricted fire to two shots a
Ukrainian Front crosses a but with a new hull and turret. minute, while like most Soviet armoured
pontoon bridge which has In late 1943, Kotin's team's new design vehicles', the ability to actually engage
been erected over the River would be the basis for the KV-85 and IS targets at stated textbook ranges was
Spree near Cottbus in April series of heavy tanks that would serve the restricted by the limited capability of the
1945. After their drive across Red Army to the end of the war. In early telescopic sights and quality of the crew.
the Spree, the tanks of the 1943 these new designs were still some It is, however, important to note that ·in
1st Ukrainian Front pushed way from completion, which was unac- the long term, once the new heavy tanks
north and west, before ceptable to the GKO and the Army High entered service, the SU-152's principal
eventually managing to link Command, who saw the desperate need role was envisaged as being to serve as
up with the 1st Byelorussian for quickly deploying an armoured vehi- infantry support.
Front. The combined Soviet cle capable of countering the Tiger. The first regiment to be equipped
forces then proceeded to cut Rising to the occasion in just 25 days with the SU-152 was formed in May
off Berlin to the west of the from receiving orders to proceed on 4 1943 and, like the smaller SU-76i, was
German city. January 1943, Kotin and L. Troyanov rushed to take part in the fighting at
completed two designs for self-propelled Kursk. Only 12 vehicles were available
gun-tank destroyers. but they later claimed to have killed 12
The KV-12 mounted the massive Tigers and 7 Elephants (a heavily
203mm (8in) B-4 Model 1931 howitzer, armoured self-propelled gun also making
but lacking the range to engage the its debut at Kursk). These claims are diffi-
Tiger's 88mm (3.46in) gun, the design cult to substantiate; throughout the war,
was rejected. Instead the KV-14, built on crews on both sides had a tendency to
a KV-1 's chassis and equipped with the report any kill as the strongest tank
longer-range 152mm (5.98in) ML-20 which their opponents possessed in his
gun-howitzer, was accepted for produc- arsenal. What is clear is that the SU-152
tion on 14 February 1943 as the SU-152. proved devastatingly effective in combat,
With a muzzle velocity of 655m/s quickly earning itself the nickname
(2149ft/s), the SU-152's gun was a for- Zvierboy, (Animal Hunter), after its
midable weapon, and was capable of reputed ability to kill the entire German
penetrating 110mm (4.3in) of armour zoo ofTigers , Panthers and Elephants.


ISU-122/152 GUNS gun entered service in December 1943 as

The success of the SU-152, coupled with the ISU-122. In 1944 its firepower was
the development of the IS (losef Stalin) improved with the introduction of the
heavy tank hull, led the NKTP to order 122mm (4.8in) D-25S gun designed for
design teams at Chelyabinsk, in coopera- the IS-2 tank. This modified design,
tion the Mechanized Artillery Bureau termed ISU-122-2, also had an new gun
(BAS) and General F. Petrov, to design mantlet and improved crew space. In
two new heavy assault guns based on the external appearance both gun types were
IS-2 tank's hull and chassis. The initial identical, except for the ISU-152 's
vehicle, designated Object 241, or ISU- shorter gun barrel with a muzzle brake.
249, was similar to the SU-152, except The appearance of the immensely
for a higher superstructure and more rec- powerful Panzerkampjwagen Vlb Royal
tangular with less sloped side armour. Tiger in fighting south of Warsaw in
Thicker frontal and side armour August 1944 led to a number of plans to
(90mm/3.54in compared to 60mm/2.36in up-gun both types of ISU with the new
on the SU-152) meant that the internal 122mm (4.8in) BR-7 and 152mm
area of both vehicles was the same, with (5.98in) BR-8 long-barrelled guns, but
storage for only 20 rounds each for the the realization that the Germans could
152mm (5.98in) ML-20 howitzer gun. not deploy the Royal Tiger in significant
The main difference between the SU-152 numbers caused production of these pro-
and ISU series of vehicles was a lower totypes to be abandoned. Another reason
suspension and a new, heavy two-piece was the conclusion of Soviet technicians,
gun mantlet bolted onto the right-hand based on combat results, that the IS-2
side of the hull. Re-classified as ISU-152, tank could deal with this new threat.
production began at the end of 1943. Post-war changes were made to the
Problems with the availability of the final production run of ISU-152Ks by
152mm (5.98in) gun type because of a using the IS-2m chassis and the IS-3
lack of available manufacturing capacity engine deck. A total of 4075 ISU-152s
in Soviet artillery factories led to orders were produced during the war, and a fur-
to the TsKB-2 team to explore the possi- ther 2450 manufactured between 1945
bility of mounting the more abundant and 1955, when production ceased.
122mm (4.8in) A-19 gun on the ISU Despite a brief break in manufacture
hull. This proved a relatively easy task, between 1945 and 1947,3130 ISU-122s
because both calibres of gun had the were produced up to 1952. The chassis of
same gun carriage, meaning that no radi- many of these vehicles were adapted for
cal re-design of the hull or vehicle special purposes in the 1960s. The 0 ka
interior was required. The new assault was armed with a 406mm (15.98in) gun


\----------------,...,--;:::,0 0

SPEED: 37km/h (23mph) WEAPONRY: One 122mm (4.8in)

DIMENSIONS: Length 6.80m (22ft 4in); Width 3.07m (10ft); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 240km (150 miles)
Height 2.46m (8ft lin); Weight 46,000kg (50.7 tons) CREW: 5
ARMOUR: 90mm (3.54in)


ABOVE: An ISO-122 heavy designed to fire tactical nuclear shells to Front were vigorously counterattacked
assault gun from the Soviet break up NATO front-line and reserve by the Panzergrenadier Division Gross-
armoured forces enters the units. The ISU mounted the first FROG deutschland. The initial German assault
Berlin suburbs in May 1945. medium-range missiles, armed with proved very effective, driving the Soviets
The ISO-122 had a crew of either conventional, chemical, or nuclear back. As elements of the spearhead 2nd
five and the same gun as warheads. Outside of these special roles Fusilier Battalion consolidated their
that which was fitted to the in the Warsaw Pact armed forces, the gains, the 3rd Fusilier Battalion moved
IS-2 tank. This ISO-122 is ISU-152 saw service in its original role through them towards Soviet positions
passing a grocery shop, the with the Egyptian Army in the 1967 and around Borowe. Both battalions soon
wall to the right of the shop 1973 Arab-Israeli wars. came under high explosive and armour-
bearing a slogan which reads piercing fire from SU-152s of the 390th
'Berlin remains German', ISU ASSAULT GUNS IN ACTION Guards Independent Heavy Artillery
coined by Dr Josef Goebbels The ISU-122 and ISU-152 were used in Regiment. The 3rd Fusilier Battalion and
shortly before the German Independent Heavy Self-Propelled its supporting armour did manage to
defeat. As the- Soviet and Artillery Regiments, which were secure the town on 16 January under
Allied forces closed in on awarded the Guards honorific after intense antitank fire from SU-152 guns
Germany in 1945, slogans December 1944. By the end of the war supported by rocket artillery. But success
exhorting or challenging the there were 56 such units. Generally was shortlived, as Soviet success in other
population were painted in attached to the tank corps, they were areas collapsed the front, forcing a with-
public places by the SS and deployed in the second echelon of an drawal. Even so, as one soldier of the 2nd
Nazi Party functionaries. assault, providing long-range direct, and Battalion starkly described, being under
on occasion indirect, fire support to tanks fire from 'Black Pigs' was harrowing:
in the first echelon, targeting German
strongpoints and armoured vehicles. They Black detonations in front of us, behind
were also vital in providing defensive us, beside us - and we lay on the frozen
antitank and artillery support for infantry. ground with no possibility of crawling
The dual role of the ISU-152 is into it ... Now and then someone raised
demonstrated by fighting on 15-16 his face a little beneath his steel helmet
January 1945 in the area of the Polish vil- to see if the other was alive. For an
lage of Borowe. Elements of Marshal hour there was nothing but the sound
K. K. Rokossovsky's 2nd Byelorussian of incoming and exploding shells.


During the 1st Ukrainian Front's point, work was threatened when Josef
breakout from the Sandomierz bridge- Stalin decided to cancel heavy tank pro-
head over the river Vistula in central duction after scathing reports about the
Poland, Marshal I. S. Konev used several poor mobility and armament of the KV-l
ISU-equipped regiments to enhance the from experienced commanders such as
devastating opening barrage of 450 General P. A. Rotmistrov. Fortunately
medium- and heavy field guns per kilo- Stalin relented under the combined
metre of front. When the assault troops impact of lobbying from the NKTP, and
moved forwards, poor weather and lack the more immediate need to counter
of visibility in the harsh winter condi- new German medium and heavy tanks.
tions made it difficult to operate with air The need to hasten the deployment of
and artillery support. heavy tanks to counter the German
However, the momentum of the threat led Lieutenant-Colonel Kotin to
attack was maintained through the close divide his TsKB-2 bureau to form two
fire support provided by ISU-122 and teams, each with their own design speci-
ISU-152s operating alongside the fications. One team was instructed to
infantry. The result was an advance of undertake a modernization of the KV
12km (7.45 miles) on the first day, carry- beyond the KV-l-S, which was being
ing Soviet forces through the forward introduced in mid-1943 as a stop-gap for
German tactical defences and creating the new heavy tank. This project was
the conditions for the release of the eventually designated the KV-85.
second echelon tank armies with their The vehicle was essentially a re-
fast medium T-34s to exploit deep into worked KV-l-S hull, which increased
the enemy's operational rear. This pattern frontal armour from 82mm (3.2in) to
of attack was a thorough vindication of 110mm (4. 3in) .The second team, headed
pre-war Soviet ideas about the interac- by N. V. Tseits (recently released from a
tion of heavy and medium armour in forced labour camp), began work on the
carrying out the deep battle and deep KV-13 which had a heavily re-designed
operation respectively. hull and chassis. This vehicle, designated BELOW: The KV-85 was a
IS-85 (IS - losef Stalin), was superior in stopgap solution to the
KV-85 AND IS-85ft HEAVyTANKS mobility and had better all-round armour problem of replacing the
Concurrent to the development of the protection than the KV-85. ageing KV-1 heavy tank. A
new self-propelled gun series in 1943, Technical delays in completing the IS- new turret, intended for the
Soviet design teams completed longer- 85, compounded by urgent requests from IS-85 (later redesignated the
term proj ects for a new generation of the front for tanks with more powerful IS-1) and armed with the
he~vy tanks to replace the ageing KV-l armament, led to 148 KV-85s being pro- same 85mm (3.34in) gun as
types. By the start of 1943,21 heavy tank duced as a temporary expedient in the the T-34/85, was mounted
designs had been created, but at one autumn of 1943 by placing the IS-85 on the KV-1-S chassis.



SPEED: 35km/h (22mph) WEAPONRY: One 85mm (3.35in); three 7.62mm (0.3in) MG
DIMENSIONS: Length 8.49m (27ft lOin); Width 3.25m (10ft 8in); EFFECTIVE RANGE: 160km (100 miles)
Height 2.8m (9ft 2in); Weight 46,000kg (50.7 tons) CREW: 4
ARMOUR: 100mm (3.94in)

turret mounting a 85mm (3.34in) D-5T only the hull, torsion bar suspension and
gun on the KV-85's hull. The larger chassis of the first prototype retained.
turret mounting of the KV-85 increased Within a few months, Kotin's initiative
the size of the under turret box which was justified when the demand for new
could only be accommodated by modifi- heavy tanks was realized by the GKO.
cation of the hull's width. The fifth Whilst the KV-85 was rushed into ser-
crewmember was also lost because of the vice, work continued on the IS-85,
demands for ammunition racks contain- which was subsequently renamed IS-i. In
ing 70 rounds each, as well as because of August the completed model was
the size of the gun's breech. demonstrated to Stalin to great approval,
The IS-85 was based on the KV-13 and production was authorized.
prototype. Although the development The design of both KV-85 and IS-l
process received a significant increase in were strongly influenced by the need to
resources in 1943, the vehicle was in fact mount a more powerful gun than the
the fruition of a much longer process of standard issue 76.2mm (3in) gun, which
evolution than the hasty KV-85 design. was relatively ineffective against the Tiger
The first KV-13 prototype was tested by and Panther. Test-firing of various gun
the Experimental Tank Factory at calibres against a captured Tiger at the
Chelyabinsk as early as May 1942. One Kubinka testing grounds showed that the
of the most notable features was the 85mm (3.34in) 52-K model 1939 AA
extensive use of casting in the manufac- gun could penetrate the vehicle's 100mm
ture of the turret and large sections of the (3.93in) frontal armour at up to 1000m
hull. The initial trials revealed flaws in the (9144yd), although the low quality of
vehicle's transmission, as well as a ten- Soviet telescopic sights meant that in
dency to damage and throw tracks. practice, these long-distance ranges were
Despite remedying many of these rarely achieved by the Soviet crews with
defects through adopting parts of the any real consistency.
KV-l-S chassis and transmission, further Under orders from the GKO, the
work was slowed by the previously noted Central Artillery Design Bureau tested
reticence of Stalin and many military the S-31 and D-5T gun variants. The
personnel about heavy tanks. Even so, the latter proved the more effective weapon
drive and self-belief that had character- and was accepted for production. The
ized Kotin's earlier work on heavy tank installation of an 85mm (3.34in) gun
design saw him instruct the design team affected the construction of the turret
to re-develop the internal workings of designed for the KV-85 and IS-l, requir-
the experimental vehicle. This was ing an increase in size to avoid greatly
accomplished by the start of 1943 with degrading the crew's workspace and the


vehicle's combat effectiveness. This Breakthrough Regiment, would prove,

increased the hull size and weight of both the IS-1 was more than capable of stand-
of these heavy tanks. ing up to the might of the Tiger; it was
the gun that was the real issue with both
KV-85 AND IS-l IN COMBAT of the new heavy tanks. The production
The combat performance of the KV-85 of the KV-85 was therefore terminated at
and IS-1 series was chequered. In one the end of 1943, and following that, the
engagement in the Ukraine in IS-1 was re-armed in early 1944.
November 1943 the 34th Guards Heavy
Tank Breakthrough Regiment was IS-2 HEAVY TANK
repulsed with the loss of one-third of its The need for a larger gun for the IS-1
20 KV-85s by fire from Panzer IVs and had in fact been identified by Kotin's
Marder II self-propelled guns. Naturally, team and designers at Zavod N r 9 in the
tactical factors could influence the level wake of the Battle of Kursk in July 1943.
of loss, and it is worth noting that on the This realization had two effects. First,
following day, a German counterattack production of the IS-1 with an 85mm
was beaten off with no Soviet casualties. (3.34in) gun was restricted until it could
However, after-action reports col- be equipped with a more powerful gun.
lected by the GBTU highlighted the Second, the 100mm (3.93in) BS-3 and
need for better protection and a larger 122mm (4.8in) A-19 guns were adapted BELOW: A German soldier
gun in order to engage German tanks at for the IS-1 and put through firing tests examines one of three IS-1 s
longer ranges. Similar comments were during November 1943. knocked out in fighting in
recorded about the IS-1 after it entered The smaller gun proved to have the East Prussia. The IS-1
service in September 1943. A maj or more effective armour penetration, originally entered service
problem was the need for greater protec- although the larger one showed its with a 85mm (3.34in) gun
tion against long-range enemy fire. potency by ripping the frontal armour in September 1943, but it
Whilst enemy rounds at long ranges did off a captured Panther. Ultimately the was upgunned in early 1944
not always penetrate the IS-1 's armour, 122mm (4.8in) gun was selected because to mount the powerful
their impact created splintering inside the there was a surplus of manufacturing 122mm (4.8in) A-19 gun.
turret, and wounded the crew. resources for the gun and its ammuni- This example has been
That said, as the engagement of 4 tion, whilst the 100mm (3.93in) was in destroyed by internal
March 1944 at Staro-Konstantinov, short supply. The barrel was initially fitted explosions following a hit by
which involved 1st Guards Heavy with a single chamber muzzle brake, but a German antitank gun.


RIGHT: A Soviet officer,

standing on the road, directs
a column of IS-2 heavy
tanks along the streets of the
suburbs of Berlin in May
1945. Tank desant troops
shown in this picture are
seated on the rear deck of
the tank. These infantrymen
would be absolutely
invaluable during the street-
fighting, since they would be
capable of neutralizing
enemy antitank guns. In the
meantime, the IS-2 tanks
could provide powerful,
long-range support to an
attack. Soviet tank
commanders would direct
the 12.7mm (O.Sin) Dsh
K1938 heavy AA machine
gun - which was mounted
in the turret - to pound the
German enemy with the
maximum effect. This this was changed to two chambers after (4.8in) gun could not penetrate the
machine gun, with its optical one of the guns exploded during testing Panther's sloped armour above 600m
sight, was well-equipped to and narrowly avoided fatally wounding (656yd), whilst splintering remained a
engage German positions. Marshal K. E.Voroshilov. problem for the IS-2's own armour.
Not content with up-gunning the IS-1 Tempering the frontal armour to very
design, Kotin developed the IS-2 with strong hardness proved too complex and
improved armour and mobility. The costly to introduce, and the deficiency
stepped armour glacis plate of the earlier was allowed to remain. Ironically, in late
design was replaced by a flat sloping type, 1944 the difficulty in dealing with the
giving better protection, but avoiding the Panther was partially, though uninten-
need for thicker armour that would tionally' solved by the Germans. Shortage
increase the vehicle's weight. The new of manganese led to a switch to using
hull could withstand a direct shot from a high-carbon steel alloyed with nickel for
German 8.8cm (3.46in) armour-piercing armour plate, which made it more brittle,
round at over rOOOm (9144yd), whilst its in particular along weld seams.
own gun could penetrate 160mm
(6.29in) of armour at the same range, if IS-2 IN ACTION
its gunners could hit the target. Attempts The IS-2 was issued to Guards Heavy
to improve the turret's protection had to Tank Regiments from the start of 1944.
be cancelled because the weight of the The first unit equipped with them to see
122mm (4.8in) gun would have made it action was the 11 th Guards Independent
unbalanced. The possibility of re-design- Heavy Tank Brigade in April in opera-
ing the turret was turned down because tions in the southern Ukraine, following
of the cost and a lack of time. the successful encirclement and destruc-
In reality, the IS-2 had several major tion of German forces' in the
shortcomings. The designers were aware Korsun-Shevchenkiovsky area. In 20 days
that the IS-2's effectiveness in combat of fighting, the 72nd Independent Guards
was restricted by a slow rate of fire Gust 2 Tank Regiment lost only eight IS-2s,
or 3 rounds per minute) and stowage whilst inflicting great loss on the enemy,
room for only 28 rounds. The former although Soviet claims of 41 Tigers and
factor was partially solved in 1944, when Elephants is excessive and probably the
an improved D-25T gun was introduced result of mistaken identity. During this
with a more efficient breech. Combat period of action, one IS-2 withstood five
experience also revealed that the 122mm direct hits from the 8.8cm (3.46in) gun



o D~--- ---_-l.--.l

SPEED: 37km/h (23mph) WEAPONRY: One 122mm (4.8in) gun; one 12.7mm (O.5in)
DIMENSIONS: Length 10.33m (33ft 6in); Width 3.36m (11ft); AA MG; three 7.62mm (O.3in) MG
Height 2.92m (9ft 6in); Weight 45,OOOkg (49.6 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 240km (149 miles)
ARMOUR: 120mm (4.72in) CREW: 4

of an Elephant fired from 1500-2000m against the fearsome Royal Tiger. During
(1640-2187yd). The vehicle was eventu- the engagement on 13 August, the 71st
ally knocked out by another of these Independent Heavy Tank Regiment's 11
vehicles at 700m (765yd). The loss of IS-2s blocked an attack by 14 Royal
other vehicles to fire and engine damage Tigers of the 501st Heavy Panzer
serves to highlight the point that even Regiment. Engaging at 600m (656yd)
the most heavily armoured tank still has coupled with skilled tactical handling saw
areas of vulnerability. four Royal Tigers destroyed and seven
One of the IS-2's most notable damaged, for the loss of three IS-2s and
engagements took place during the fight- seven damaged. This was a very creditable
ing in August 1944 to establish a performance, although post-battle analy-
bridgehead across the river Vistula around sis again revealed that the IS-2's armour
the town of Sandomierz. This was the was vulnerable up to 1000m (9144yd)
first time that the IS-2 had come up because of faulty casting.

LEFT: Refugees emerge from

the cellars of gutted
buildings and trudge past the
IS-2 tanks of the 1st
Byelorussian Front in the
rubble-clogged streets of
Berlin in April 1945. The
tanks have a white band
painted around their turrets
as an air identification
marking in order to prevent
RAF and USAAF fighter-
bombers attacking them in
error. As the Allies and
Soviet forces closed in on
Germany, there were
encounters in the air, and
finally on the ground at
Torgau on April 25, between
the US First Army and 1st
Ukrainian Front.


IS-3 HEAVY TANK production. The first production models

Continued analysis of the combat perfor- appeared in the early months of 1945,
mance of tanks, in particular the location and it is reported that some saw action
and type of damage inflicted on them, towards the end of the fighting in Berlin.
led to the development of the IS-3 tank. Production of the vehicle was continued
This was to be the last Soviet heavy tank until mid-1946, by which time a total of
produced during the war. The vehicle's 2311 tanks had been produced.
design was drawn from ideas which were The IS-3 continued in service with
developed by two separate teams. Red Army front-line forces until as late
One under Kotin developed an as the 1960s. During this time it under-
unusual frontal armour glacis. This con- went a series of modifications in order to
sisted of two plates welded together at an remedy serious design faults; unreliable
angle, sloping down to the vehicle's front, engine and gearbox, and a defective hull
termed a Pike nose by its creators. The in areas. However, these modifications
design reduced the tank's weight but, it proved only a partial success, and by this
was hoped, incr~a_sed the strength of the stage, Soviet tank design and doctrine
hull and its resistance to enemy fire. The was focusing on the medium tank as the
other team under N. L. Dukhov devel- main armoured vehicle which would be
BELOW: IS-3 tanks roll oped a radical rounded-bowl shaped the most effective during every stage of
through Berlin in the Allied turret, housing a 122mm (4. 8in) gun. the deep battle and deep operation.
victory parade in 1945. The This radical shape increased protection
superb angled armour and by deflecting the kinetic energy of CONCLUSION
'frYing pan' turret was a incoming shells, whilst improving the Throughout World War II, Soviet tank
surprise to western internal layout of the turret and conse- designers repeatedly demonstrated their
observers. The suspension quently the tank's fighting efficiency. creativity and pragmatism. Consistently
was slightly lowered and The decision to combine the two they made maximum use of their limited
mechanically improved teams' novel ideas into a single model was resources by asking if a specific design
compared to the IS-2, and taken by the Minister of Tank Industry, was adequate for the task required, rather
this gave the tank an V. A. Malyshev. The first prototype was than squandering extra time and
excellent low silhouette. The shown to Marshals G. K. Zhukov and resources - as their German counterparts
power-to-weight ratio for A. M. Vasilevsky in October 1944, and did - on creating totally new compo-
the tank was 11 :42. received a strong recommendation for nents, or striving for total perfection and


LEFT: Soviet guards stand at

regular 20-pace intervals
along a platform in
Germany as IS-3 tanks on
flat cars are readied for the
return journey back to the
USSR. The IS-3 was first
shown as a prototype in
1944 and as the most
powerful tank of World War
II, was the last Soviet tank
produced during that period.
By mid-1946, 2311 had been
made. Into the 1950s its
capabilities would present
Western tank designers with
a huge challenge, as the
pointed glacis plate and
rounded turret proved to
have excellent shot-
deflection surfaces.

accepting only the best. This meant that pioneers in research on the history of the
Soviet tanks lacked the exterior and inte- Soviet armed forces) who commented
rior refinements of German and western on a Red Army parade in Berlin after the
vehicles, but as the bottom line was how war was finally over:
the vehicle performed during operations,
these shortcomings were acceptable. As a an army of unwashed, uncouth little
result, the British and American designs Ukrainians, squat riflemen from the
lagged behind those of the Red Army Central Asian Republics, combat
throughout the war in what they could medals a-jingle, cradling superb self-
achieve on the battlefield. The whole loading rifles - but above all, the
Soviet approach to war was summed up tanks in their fungal green colouring,
by a British Army platoon sergeant called the paint just slapped over those
John Erickson (later a Professor of powerful turreted guns. It was also an
Modern History and one of the leading army that won.



SPEED: 37km/h (23mph) WEAPONRY: One 122mm (4.8in); one 12.7mm (O.5in) AA MG;
DIMENSIONS: Length 10.74m (35ft 3in);Width 3.44m (11ft 3in); one or two 7.62mm (O.3in) MG
Height 2.92m (9ft 6in); Weight 46,500kg (51.2 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 208km (192.3 miles)
ARMOUR: 230mm (9in) CREW: 4


After the severe tank losses of
1941 , the Red Army relied heavily
on captured enemy vehicles and
tanks supplied by Britain and the
USA. Most Western tanks were
seen as inferior, but were vital
until new Soviet tanks arrived.

The USA, Britain and Canada supplied 22,800 armoured vehicles to

the USSR during World War II. Of these, 1981 were lost at sea on the
hazardous Arctic convoys to Murmansk. The shipments that did arrive
were the equivalent of 16 per cent of Soviet tank production, 12 per
cent of self-propelled gun production, and all of the armoured per-
sonnel carrier (APC) production. The first shipment in 1941 totalled
487 Matildas, Valentines and Tetrachs from Britain, and 182 M3A1
Light Tanks and M3 Medium Tanks from the USA. A year later, these
figures had risen to 2487 from Britain and 3023 from the USA.

LEFT: Soviet soldiers of the South-Western Front sit on a captured StuG III Ausf. B
his D SdKfz 142 assault gun. The assault gun had SOmm (1. 9in) frontal and 30mm
(1.18in) hull armour and a short 7.Scm (2.9in) StuK L/24 or L/33 gun, but initially
no hull-mounted machine gun. In the F to G marks, this was rectified.


Despite being pressed in North Africa, polite about the tank's main armament,
Britain committed 14 per cent of her which fell well below Eastern Front
tank production to Lend-Lease supplies. requirements. Some tanks had their main
Though Lend-Lease tanks helped the armament replaced by 76.2mm (3in) guns
USSR while it was under serious pres- in factories in the USSR. The narrow
sure between 1941 and 1942 after it had tracks were also reported to be a problem
suffered huge tank losses, in the long run, in winter, first clogging with snow, then
US trucks were the real war winners. The freezing, and immobilizing the vehicle.
USA supplied 501,660 tactical wheeled- Designed by Vickers-Armstrong in
and tracked vehicles: 77,972 Jeeps, 1938, the Valentine was a private venture
151,053 1.01 tonne (1 ton) trucks and project drawing on their experience with
200,662 2.03 tonne (2 ton) trucks. These the A9 and Al0 Cruiser designs. Rather
gave the infantry and logistic troops quaintly, the Valentine took its name from
working with them a tactical mobility. the fact that its plans were submitted to
The initials 'USA' stencilled on these the War Office close to the date of St
vehicles were in the USSR taken to stand Valentine's Day in February. The War
for the slogan' Ubiyat Sukinsyna Adolfa' - . Office took over a year to make up its
'Kill that son of a whore Adolf'. mind, since there were some reservations
In the Cold War period, it was about the two-man turret, which was
common for Soviet historians to deni- thought to be too small to be up-
grate the quality of the Lend-Lease tanks gunned. However, when they committed
supplied by Britain and the USA. It is to the proj ect, they requested that
true that their medium tanks did not Vickers-Armstrong make the first deliv-
compare well against the T-34. However, ery in the shortest time possible.
the M3Al light tank was comparable or Production ceased in 1944 after a total
BELOW: The Soviet Union superior to the T-60 and T-70 light tanks, of 8275 tanks had been built by three
was no stranger to foreign and the M4A2 Sherman was more companies, representing a quarter of
equipment, being adept at durable and reliable than the T-34. British tank output. There had been plans
purchasing new technology Interestingly, in post-war encounters to stop production in 1943 on grounds
from the West in the 1920s between the Sherman and T-34 in Korea of obsolescence, but it had continued for
and 1930s. Here a Vickers and the Middle East, the M4 often came the extra year to satisfy Soviet require-
Medium MkII (left) is off the winner, even though it was theo- ments. The Valentine was produced in
parked next to a A6E1 retically an inferior design. The first unit Britain by Metropolitan-Cammell and
Medium III (right). Fifteen to go into action with Lend-Lease Birmingham Carriage & Wagon, as well
Vickers Medium Mk II tanks armour was in the Staraya Russa and as Vickers, and in Canada by Canadian
were bought between 1930 Valdai areas, fielding Valentines, Matildas Pacific of Montreal; here, of the 1420 Mk
and 1932, and were used in and captured German tanks. VI tanks produced, all but the 30 retained
the joint German-Russian for training went to the Soviet Army.
training grounds near Kazan. THE VICKERS-ARMSTRONG VALENTINE The Valentine was originally armed
Remarkably a few survivors The Russians admired the robust and with a 2pdr (40mm (1.57in)) gun, but
were captured by the Finns simple automotive design of the 1940 this was upgraded to a 6pdr (57mm
in 1941 near Vitele. British Mk III Valentine, but were merely (2.24in)) gun in the Mark VIII, I~ and


LEFT: A shell explodes near

to a Vickers Valentine or
Infantry Tank Mk III,
throwing debris high into
the air. The tank was
manufactured both in the
UK and in Canada. Canada
sent the bulk of its
production of 1388 Valentine
VI and VII to the USSR,
keeping back a small
number for training
purposes, while Britain
provided some 2394 tanks.
The Valentine was popular in
Soviet service because of its
mobility. Due to its
popularity, production of the
tank would continue right
into 1944, solely in order to
meet the Soviet requirement.

X. The Mark XI, fitted with a 75mm work had begun to build 165 vehicles in
(2.95in) gun, was the final production 1937. However, as the pace of re-
type. Reliability and performance was armament increased, contracts for further
improved when a GMC two-stroke vehicles were placed a year later with
diesel was installed, replacing the AEC
petrol or diesel engines. Production
speeded up when all-welded construc- VALENTINE I
tion replaced all-riveted.


The British Matilda II (A 12) has the
distinction of being the only British
tank to serve throughout the whole of
World War II, a rare feat for any tank.
The British sent 1084 to the USSR,
where it was second only to the
Valentine as the most common type of
British tank in Soviet service. Proposals SPEED: 24km/h (lSmph)

by the British Mechanization Board to DIMENSIONS: Length S.41m (17ft 9in); Width 2.63m (8ft 7in); Height 2.28m

produce a tank with the same level of (7ft Sin); Weight 16,260kg (16 tons)

protection as the Matilda I, but armed ARMOUR: 6Smm (2.Sin)

with either a 2pdr (40mm (1.57in)) gun WEAPONRY: One 2pdr (40mm (1.S7in»; one 7.92mm (0.31in) MG

or twin machine guns, produced the EFFECTIVE RANGE: 14Skm (90 miles)

Matilda Senior or Matilda II. CREW: 3

The Matilda II was originally built at

the Vulcan Foundry at Warrington, where


ABOVE: A Matilda II tank in Fowler and Ruston & Hornby under Though the armour protection was
the Ukraine in 1944, with a Vulcan's parentage, and later with LMS, excellent, it was produced using a time-
small tree trunk as an Harland & Wolff and North British consuming and expensive casting process,
unditching beam and a fuel Locomotive. When production ceased, a and later, when there were attempts to
drum tied to the hull. total of 2987 Matilda lIs had been built. up-gun the tank, the turret ring was
found to be too small to take a larger-cal-
ibre weapon. In Soviet service, sections of
steel bar were welded to the tracks to
MATILDA II give better traction in snow and mud.
The Matilda was more heavily armoured
than the T-60 and T-70, and so was used
as an infantry support tank.


Twenty British Tetrach (A17) Light Tanks
were also sent to the Soviet Union over-
land via Iran, but were not popular with
their Russian crews. Privately developed
by Vickers in 1937, the Tetrach, originally
known by the company by the project
name 'Purdah', was accepted for service
by the British Army in 1938 as the Light
SPEED: 24km/h (15mph) Tank Mk VII. Production of the vehicle
DIMENSIONS: Length 5.61m (18ft Sin); Width 2.59m (8ft 6in); Height 2.51m started in 1940, but this was soon halted
(8ft 3in); Weight 26,950kg (26.5 tons) when it was realized that light tanks were
ARMOUR: 78mm (3in) becoming increasingly vulnerable on the
WEAPONRY: One 2pdr (40mm (1.57in»; one 7.92mm (0.31in) MG modern battlefield.
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 257km (160 miles) Unlike earlier vehicles in this class, the
CREW: 4 Tetrach used a modified Christie suspen-
sion in which the front wheels could be
steered in order to bend the track for


gentle turns. This method overcame the future war. It was assumed that this
problem of loss of power which was would be are-run ofWorld War I, with
found with steering a vehicle by skidding its slow trench warfare. The first work on
the tracks on the ground. If a tighter this vehicle, the A-20, was done by the
manoeuvre was necessary, the controls Superintendent of Tank Design,
automatically braked one track in order Woolwich and Harland & Wolff. It was
to allow the tank to make a conventional found to be under-powered, and so
skid turn. The suspension was pneumatic Vauxhall Motors was tasked with the
shock absorbers on each of the four road production of the A-22 and gave it a new
wheels and it was necessary to maintain Vauxhall-Bedford engine. Until then, the
the correct pressure with a foot-pump. In biggest engine Vauxhall had produced
the USSR the tanks were often the was the 53.6kW (72bhp) Bedford truck
subject of many photographs which engine, but in 89 days they designed and
would be used for propaganda purposes. built a test-bed engine with 261.1kW BELOW: A small number of
(350bhp) to power the A-22. Light Tank Mk VII 'Tetrach'
DEVELOPING THE CHURCHILL The final prototype tank was a much were sent to the Soviet
Some 301 Mk I, II and Ills Churchills lighter vehicle than had first been envis- Union. They were not
(A-22) were sent to the Soviet Union in aged. With the threat of a German popular due to their thin
Arctic convoys, and it was related that invasion in 1940, work was pushed armour and modest
Soviet forces liked the thick armour but ahead. The first production model vehi- armament, and were used
felt that the tanks were too lightly armed. cle, the Churchill I, produced in 1941, for patrols in the Caucasus.
Forty-three were lost at sea and none had a cast turret with a 2pdr (40mm) gun In British service, they were
were supplied after 1942. and 75mm (2.95in) howitzer mounted in transported by glider and
The Churchill grew out of British the hull, but this was soon dropped and used at Normandy in June
pre-war perceptions that a heavy infantry replaced with a machine gun. At the 1944 and the Rhine
tank would be required to fight in a Battle of Prokhorovka at Kursk in 1943, Crossings in March 1945.


(57mm (2.24in)) guns - before them. The

TETRACH LIGHT TANK US Ordnance Department wanted to fit
a 75mm (2.95in) to the M2A1 Medium,
but there was no turret available that was
able to take th~s gun and fit into the lim-
ited space atop the barbette.
As a stop-gap measure based upon
experience with the earlier T5E2, an
installation was devised whereby an M2
75mm (2.95in) gun was mounted in the
right side of the hull of a modified
M2A1. The M2 gun was developed from
the standard French-designed US Army
SPEED: 64km/h (40mph) howitzer and could penetrate 60mm
DIMENSIONS: Length 4.11m (13ft 6in); (2.36in) armour sloped at 30 degrees at a
Width 2.31m (7ft 7in); Height2.12m range of 500m (547yd), making it a
(6ft llin); Weight 7620kg (7.S tons) better weapon than contemporary
ARMOUR: 14mm (O.SSin) German tank guns. The main gun had
WEAPONRY: One 2pdr (40mm (1.S7in»; only limited traverse, 30 degrees in
one 7.92mm (0.31in) MG azimuth and 29 degrees in elevation. The
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 22Skm (140 miles) 37mm (1.45in) was rotatable by hand, a
CREW: 3 360-degree sweep taking 20 seconds.
A wooden mock-up of the new
interim tank was completed in August
1940. Configuration was basically that of
the M2Al, with the 7Smm (2.9Sin) in
the place of the right machine-gun spon-
the only heavy tanks available to the Fifth sons and with a new 37mm (1.45in)
Guards Tank Army were 35 Churchills. turret on top. The mock-up board
ordered several changes, including
THE BREN GUN CARRIER removal of the remaining machine-gun
Widely known as the Bren Gun Carrier, sponsons, and the lowering of the turret.
the Carden-Loyd Universal carrier The M3Al was built by the American
evolved in 1939 from the vehicles that Locomotive Company with a cast upper
were based on the Carden-Loyd series of hull, rather than a riveted construction
light vehicles developed in the 1930s. A with large rivets that would fly about
total of 2656 were supplied to the inside when the tank was struck. In total,
USSR. They were not popular because 300 were built. Only 12 M3A2s with a
their narrow tracks performed badly in welded hull and petrol engine were built
snow. Britain also delivered to the USSR before production switched to the similar
a total of 25 Valentine bridgelayers, as M3A3 with a twinned GMC 6046 diesel
well as 6 Cromwells. truck engine. This offered better econ-
omy, range and combat safety, but
THE US M3 SERIES required many changes at the rear,
From the USA the Soviet Union including armoured radiators, and raised
received 1386 M3 Medium tanks of vari- the weight by 1179kg (1.16 tons). The
ous models. They were not widely liked, M3AS was a version (332 built) with riv-
being inferior to the T-34. A number eted hull and diesel powerplant.
were captured by the Germans, who then The M3 was built by several US com-
used them against Soviet forces. panies, including Alco, Baldwin, Detroit,
Events in Europe after mid-1940 Pressed Steel Car and Pullman-Standard,
when 1000 M2Al Mediums were and it became the first US medium tank
ordered demonstrated that a 37mm to go into volume production. Factories
(1.46in) gun was an inadequate main in Canada also built 1100 M3s. At first,
armament for a battle tank. German the M3 had a seven-man crew, with a
tanks with 75mm (2.95in) cannon were loader and gunner for each main weapon
sweeping all European tanks - mostly and a radio operator. This latter position
armed with 37mm (1.46in) or 6pdr was soon deleted and the radio given to


the driver. The suspension inherited from configuration, were unpopular, and nick- ABOVE: Churchill III tanks
the M2 turned out to be inadequate for named the 'Grave for Seven Brothers'. went to the Soviet Union
the heavier M3, and was re-designed Although the US Army Armored from May 1942 with the
with heavier springs. Ammunition Force would have preferred to develop a 6pdr (57mm (2.24in» gun
stowage was 46 rounds of 75mm new light tank with a gun of up to and a new type of welded
(2.95in), 178 of37mm (1.46in), and 9200 75mm (2.95in) calibre, its pressing need turret, full track covers and
rounds of machine-gun ammunition. The was to re-arm before the United States new air intakes. They were
USSR received M3A3 and M3AS tanks became embroiled in the European war. used during the fighting
but, with high silhouettes and archaic As a result, the next development was an around Kursk in 1943.


SPEED: 24.9km/h (8mph) WEAPONRY: One 6pdr (57mm (2.24in»; two 7.92mm
DIMENSIONS: Length 7.47m (24ft 6in); Width 2.74m (9ft); (0.31in) MG
Height 2.97m (9ft 9in); Weight 39,620kg (39 tons) EFFECTIVE RANGE: 145km (90 miles)
ARMOUR: 101mm (3.98in) CREW: 5


ABOVE: These Soviet tank evolutionary step, rather than a revolu- the gun in elevation even as the tank
crew could easily be tionary leap in tank design. moved across undulating terrain. This
mistaken for GIs in their US The US Army chose to modernize the allowed the tank to fire without stopping
crew crash-helmets, armed M2A4. The major change was to increase first, and was a major tactical advantage, as
with Thompson submachine the armour thickness on the upper sur- no Axis (or other Allied) nation devel-
guns or Browning machine faces and replace the brittle, oped such a system during World War II.
guns and sitting on M3A1 face-hardened steel with homogenous The M3A 1 version eliminated the
Stuart Light Tanks. The rolled plate. The extra weight required a remotely operated sponson machine guns
Soviet Union received a beefed-up suspension, specifically a new and introduced an all-welded hull during
total of 1676 M3s from the idler wheel mounted at ground level. production. Other improvements were
US during the war. The bulk Standardized in July 1940, production of made to the sights, vision equipment,
of them were powered by the M3 Light Tank began in March 1941, radio and crew intercom. A gyro-
diesel engines. Although the directly after the last M2 was rolled out. stabilizer was fitted to the 37mm (1.46in)
Stuart tanks were not During production, the M2's turret with gun, the first such equipment to enter
popular with their crews, its large rivets was replaced by a welded service. The turret cupola was removed
they were superior to the unit with reduced weight and afforded to lower the vehicle's silhouette. The
T-70 Light Tank. better ballistic characteristics. Jettisonable M3A3 had a redesigned all-welded hull
external fuel tanks were added to increase with longer side sponsons, and it entered
range, and a simple gyro-stabilizer was production in 1943. The Soviet Union
fitted to the 37mm (1.46in) gun. This last received 1676 Guiberson diesel-powered
addition was a major advance. Based on a M3A1 Light Tanks under Lend-Lease. A
system for naval guns, the gyroscopes held small number were shipped from British


stocks, but the bulk carne from the USA.

Soviet crews criticized the high silhou- M3 STUART LIGHT TANK
ette of the tank and also ridiculed the
hull machine guns.
The M3 Medium was always regarded
as an interim solution to US tank needs
while a turret could be produced to
mount a 75mm (2.95in) gun. Improve-
ments in casting technology and success
with the 37mm (1.46in) turret on the M3
encouraged development of a compact,
curved unit, which was drawn up by
March 1941. The Armored Force Board
was offered five options based on this
turret and, in April 1941, selected the sim-
plest, which involved fitting it to a
modified M3 hull and chassis. The T-6 SPEED: 58km/h (36mph)

Medium mock-up was approved in May, DIMENSIONS: Length 4.54m (14ft lin); Width 2.24m (7ft 4in); Height 2.51m

and the pilot model delivered to Aberdeen (8ft 3in); Weight 13,680kg (13.46 tons)

in September 1941. One change was the ARMOUR: 51mm (2in)

elimination of a machine-gun cupola. The WEAPONRY: One 37mm (1.45in); five 7.62mm (0.3in) MG

T-6 hull was of welded construction, as in EFFECTIVE RANGE: 113km (70 miles)

later M3s, and its prominent side hatch CREW: 4

was deleted in the production model.

Production was authorized when the T-6
was standardized as the M4 Medium in government tank arsenal, which was run BELOW: M3 Stuarts and M3
October 1941. Schedules called for 1000 by Fisher, was built at Grand Blanc, Grants during a training
deliveries per month during 1942, from Michigan, in 1942.The initial production exercise. US tanks were
no fewer than 11 car- and locomotive models utilized a Wright radial engine, unpopular due to their thin
plants and engineering works. A second but the aircraft industry had a far greater armour and high silhouettes.


In combat, 25mm (0.98in) applique

M3 LEE/GRANT armour was added to the side of the
upper hull to protect the ammunition
stowage. The tendency for the M4
Sherman's internally stowed ammunition
to catch fire when the tank was hit led to
the introduction of wet stowage for
ammunition. 'W' was used to indicate
this, as in M4A3(75)W Thirty-eight gal-
lons of water mixed with antifreeze and
an anti-corrosion product called 'ammu-
damp' were needed for 100 shells
The GMC diesel-powered M4A2
medium tank went to the USSR. It was
similar to the M4A1; 8053 were armed
SPEED: 42km/h (26mph) with 75mm (2.95in) guns and 3230 with
DIMENSIONS: Length S.64m (18ft 6in); Width 2.72m (8ft llin); Height 76mm (2.99in) guns. Of these, the USSR
3.12m (10ft 3in); Weight 29,930kg (29.46 tons) received 2007 75mm (2.95in) armed
ARMOUR: 37mm (1.46in) tanks and 2095 76mm (2.99in) M4A2s.
WEAPONRY: One 7Smm (2.9Sin); one 37mm (1.46in); three or four The Soviet crews disliked the M4A2
7.62mm (0.3in) MG with its thin armour and high silhouette.
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 193km (120 miles) The M4A3 was the most produced ver-
CREW: 6 sion, and many of these were supplied to
the British (as the Sherman IV), while
1386 went to Soviet forces.

demand for this engIne and for the THE WHITE MOTOR CAR COMPANY
manufacturing plant's production The White Motor Company was an
capacity, and so alternate powerplants important American truck manufacturer
were sought. These included both the before the war. To meet the Army's
petrol and the diesel car/truck engines. requirement for a high-speed scouting


SPEED: 42km/h (26mph)

DIMENSIONS: Length S.89m (19ft 4in); Width 2.62m
(8ft 7in); Height 2.74m (9ft); Weight 33,180kg
(32.66 tons)
ARMOUR: 7Smm (2.9Sin)
WEAPONRY: One 7Smm (2.9in); two 7.62mm (0.303in)
MG; one 12.7mm (O.Sin) MG
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 193km (120 miles)


vehicle, the company offered an cannon and twin Brownings. The USSR ABOVE: A Don Cossack
armoured version of one of its commer- was sent 1000 M17s and 100 M15Als. cavalry officer stands with a
cial truck chassis designs. This was tested These vehicles were very popular during group of Soviet soldiers next
as the T-7, accepted in 1938, and stan- World War II because they had no to a captured and slightly
dardized as the M3 Scout Car in June indigenous armoured self-propelled anti- battered PzKpfw IV Ausf.
1939. Nearly 21,000 were built and 3340 aircraft gun. The United States also F1. As far as Soviet tank
of the M3s, widely known as the White supplied 5 M5 Light Tanks, 2 M24 Light crews were concerned, when
Scout Car, were supplied to the USSR. Tanks, 1 M25 Heavy Tank, and 115 M31 compared to their Soviet
The White Motor Company was also ARVs. In addition to the receiving the manufactured tanks, the
responsible for producing the first US- half-track based mechanized guns, the German PzKpfw III and IV
designed half-track used during the war. USSR was sent 650 T48 Tank Destroyers which had been the
Based on a White commercial truck chas- (TD), 5 M18 TDs and 52 MI0 TDs. mainstay of the German
sis, it had the body of the M3 Scout Car. The Soviet Army pressed into service tank arm - Panzerwaffe -
This was tested as the T-14 in 1939 and many captured enemy vehicles. These seemed slab-sided vehicles
standardized as the Half-Track Car M2 included StuG III assault guns, which were that were much more
and the Half-Track Personnel Carrier M3 used as a replacement for either the SU-76 vulnerable to hits by solid
in September 1940. or SU-122.An interesting modification of shot antitank rounds. In
The USSR would eventually receive the PzKpfw III, many of which were cap- contrast, the Soviet T-34 had
342 M2 Half-tracks, 2 M3s, 421 M5s, and tured at Stalingrad, was as an SU-76 assault a lower silhouette and its
413 M9s.The most popular of these was gun. A total of 200 of these vehicles were angled armour would often
the M17 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage, fielded by the Red Army during the war. deflect oncoming shot.
which was armed with quad 0.50 calibre By the end of the war, so many PzKpfw
(12.7mm) Brownings, and the M15Al V Panther tanks had been captured that
armed with a 37mm (1.46in) automatic they equipped entire Soviet tank units.


Tank design that had been honed
in combat in World War II
improved in the post-war years.
With new, more powerful AFV s
came a return to the Deep
Penetration tactics of the 1930s;
however, war in Europe would
now be fought with terrifying
weapons of mass destruction.

Prior to World War I, armour had virtually disappeared from the

European battlefield. Some of the field guns were equipped with
armoured shields, and the Belgians and British both equipped a few
cars with steel or iron plates for reconnaissance. However, following
World War I, all the participants began to develop tanks and to work
on theories of armoured warfare. In the newly established Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Red Army officers - most notably
Boris Shaposhnikov, VK. Triandafillov and Mikhail Nikolaevich
Tukachevsky - began to develop new tactics for a tank arm that, at
the time, was virtually non-existent. Simultaneously, in France,
Germany and Britain, theoreticians such as colonels Charles de Gaulle
and J.B. Estienne, Colonel Heinz Guderian, Captain G. Le Q. Martel
and ColonelJ.F.C. Fuller offered concepts which broke away from the
conventional idea of land forces which were composed of the three
elements of cavalry, artillery and infantry.

LEFT: With black exhaust smoke choking an unhappy Soviet bridging engineer, this
T-55 crosses a PMP pontoon- bridge during Warsaw Pact exercises. The T-55
substantially resembled the T-54 but included various enhancements; however, for
recognition, the two tanks were often grouped as T-54/55.


ABOVE: A battered T-l OM Tanks were a unique arm that com- In the late 1920s the Russians
heavy tank, with its bined mobility, firepower and protection attempted to build an engineering and
distinctive 122mm (4.8in) for their crew. Normally the vehicle sac- industrial base that would allow them to
gun with multi-baffle rificed one or two of these features if it construct tanks and heavy tractors, and
muzzle brake. It was the emphasized the third; however, with the they looked to the West for ideas and tac-
standard heavy tank of T-34 and later marks of the Panther, the tical concepts. The British Experimental
Soviet Ground forces during Russians and Germans produced tanks in Armoured Force, an all-arms grouping
the 1950s and 1960s and World War II that struck an equal balance. that manoeuvred across Salisbury Plain in
was exported to Warsaw The anti-Bolshevik White Russians 1927, was a pointer to future tank devel-
Pact allies and friendly had been supplied with 67 British Mk V opments. The use of radio for battlefield
nations. According to US tanks and 19 Whippets and 100 French communications between vehicles made
estimates, the total post-war Renault FTs during the Civil War fol- their reaction times far faster and also
production of heavy tanks lowing World War I. In January 1920, increased their tactical flexibility.
was about 9000 vehicles; when the Whites finally gave up the In the USSR, Red Army officers were
about 1000 were IS-3M and fight, the tanks were captured and not required to think defensively, but
IS-4, and the remainder were formed into the first Soviet tank unit, or rather to think offensively: the Marxist
T-l0 and T-l0M. Avotanki. The captured FT was copied, Revolution was to be exported and
and the vehicle that was the first unbelievers converted, if necessary, by the
Russian-built tank in service was known sword. In 1929 Triandafillov wrote The
variously as the Krasno-Sormovo (KS), Character oj Operations oj Modern Armies
Russkiy-Renault or, more clumsily, the which predicated that a tank arm could,
'Freedom Fighter Comrade Lenin'. working in conjunction with existing
On 29 June 1919 during the Civil War arms, extend operations deep into the
four White Russian Mk Vs, led by a enemy interior. It was Blitzkrieg by
British-crewed vehicle, put in an attack another name. Under Stalin's leadership,
on the Volga river town ofTsaritsin, a city the 1928 Five Year Plan initiated the
that would later be renamed Stalingrad process of industrialization that would
and which, 23 years later, would survive a establish the main Soviet factories. These
far more intense and prolonged factories would manufacture the most
armoured assault. effective tanks like the T-34 and KV


Following Triandafillov's paper, the brigade, but rather an independent mech-

Polevoi Ustav Krasnoi Armii (PU-29), or anized corps, Tankovyy Korpus. It would
1929 Field Service Regulation, spelled have about 500 tanks and 200 armoured
out the concept of manoeuvre warfare cars. Tank battalions would provide
with tanks and assault troops. Through the infantry support and a special Supreme
USA, the USSR acquired the Christie Command Tank Reserve would be us.ed
suspension that would be used on the for breakthroughs, either in cooperation
Bystrokhodnii Tank (BT), or Fast Tank, with infantry or horsed cavalry, or inde-
series, and it now had the vehicle with pendently. The idea found favour with the
which to test the theories. The Soviet chief of staff of the Red Army, Alexsandr
forces were plagued by a lack of radios Yegorov who, in February 1933, published
that prevented them from exploring the 'Provisional Instructions on the Organ-
techniques of command and control. Flag ization of Deep Battle' (Gluboki BOl).
signals were used; this technique remained By the beginning of 1934 the Soviet
in use into the 1970s as a way of ensuring industrial and engineering base under the
radio silence on the move. Director ofArmaments, Tukachevsky, and BELOW: A T-I0M showing its
the Director of Mechanization and losef Stalin parentage. The
A MODERN TANK PROGRAMME Motorization, Khalepsky, was in a posi- tank had a crew of four and
It was not until 1933 that the USSR tion to meet the requirements of the the gun mantlet an armour
reached the stage where it could Red Army for its deep penetration oper- thickness of 250mm (9.8in).
announce that it had embarked on a ations. Light tanks like the T-27 and The big rifled D-49T gun
modern tank programme, building ver- amphibious T-37 would conduct recon- had 30 rounds, of which 20
sions of British and US designs and naissance, while the T-26 and T-35, were HE and the remainder
improving on them constantly. It was this backed by artillery and air attacks, would one of three types of
year that I.K. Khalepsky - a Red Army make the breakthrough that the fast BTs antitank round. The size of
officer who had been instrumental in and T-26s would exploit. the rounds meant that the
acquiring the Christie vehicles and push- The tactics were tested at the large- crew could only achieve a
ing for a modern tank arm - proposed scale combined arms manoeuvres at Kiev rate of fire of two to three
that the army should not have just a tank in 1935, and were observed by both rounds a minute.


British and French officers, who were cuted and others banished to the Gulag
impressed by the high technical ability of prison camps of Siberia. Khalepsky was
the Red Army. However, the British tank arrested and died in prison in 1938, and
expert Lieutenant-Colonel Giffard Tukachevsky and Uborevich were
Martel noted that in both the 1935 and 'cleansed'in 1937 and Griaznov in 1938.
1936 manoeuvres, the unsophisticated The soldiers, engineers and political offi-
Russian soldiers were still grappling with cers who survived were cowed and
the new weapons and technology. terrified, trying to anticipate the moves
that would least offend Stalin.
STALIN'S PURGES The 'brains' of the armoured forces
BELOW: T-62 tanks on the However, just as the officers and soldiers had been destroyed, and in the Spanish
move during a winter of the Red Army were reaching the level Civil War of 1936-39 the Soviet T-26s
exercise. The T-62 is armed of technical and command competence and BT-5s employed in deep-penetration
with a 115mm (4.5in) to make this deep penetration effective, tactics suffered badly. The tanks in Spain
smoothbore gun with 40 Stalin struck. In a rage of paranoia, were commanded by General Dmitrii
rounds. It entered production between 1937 and 1938, Stalin purged 45 Grigorevich Pavlov. After 1938 he
in the USSR and per cent of the command and political reported that tanks should be used in
Czechoslovakia in 1961 and staff of the armed forces: 3 of the 5 mar- more traditional infantry-support opera-
ceased in 1975. It is still in shals of the Soviet Union; all 11 deputy tions. At the Eighteenth Party Congress
service in Mongolia, Vietnam commissars for defence; 75 of the 80 mil- in 1939, the Defence Commissar
and Algeria, while Israel itary council members; 57 of the 85 Klimenti Voroshilov, crony of Stalin and
holds stocks which were corps commanders; 110 of the 195 divi- former cavalryman, stated that horse cav-
captured during fighting sional commanders; and 186 of the 406 alry could 'carry out great missions'. The
with Egypt and Syria. brigade commanders. Some were exe- day of the Deep Battle seemed to be over.


On 22 June 1941, when German tanks that were buried deep in the Caucasus, ABOVE: A T-54/55 held by
crossed the Soviet border, the Red Army before driving for the Sea of Azov and the US Army in Germany
was in no fit state to resist effectively. creating an enormous pocket. during the Cold War.
Though the T-34 was entering service, However, the German troops were Weapons and vehicles
the army was still largely equipped with able to withdraw, and in the summer of captured by the Israelis in
BTs and other obsolescent types. This 1943 at Kursk, Hitler attempted a coun- 1967 and 1973 were passed
meant that it would be the huge dis- terattack against the shoulders of a salient to the US for evaluation and
tances, poor weather and roads, and the which had been formed in the fighting later used in training. The
grossly over-extended German logistic of February 1943. It was not an example T-55 had a significantly
chain, plus Hitler's interference at even of the deep armoured thrusts that had larger ammunition load:
tactical level, that would save the USSR characterized the two summer offensives 43 rounds compared to the
from being totally overwhelmed. of 1941 and 1942. The Germans faced 34 of the T-54. Though the
However, by May 1942 the USSR had five fronts or army groups that had technique of tank desants was
formed the first of six tank armies and already been alerted to the date and by then obsolete, Soviet
re-discovered the doctrines of Deep direction of the attack. On this occasion, tanks continued to be
Battle. At Moscow (1941-42) they had the German attack was stopped for the produced with grab rails on
held the enemy and counterattacked. At loss of 500,000 men, 1500 tanks, 3000 the turret.
Stalingrad (1942-43) they showed how artillery pieces and over 3700 aircraft.
they had mastered these techniques, as The Soviet West, Bryansk, Voronezh and
four tank corps - the formation favoured South-Western Fronts then proceeded to
by Khalepsky - struck in November swing onto the offensive.
1942. I, I~ and XXVI tank corps hit the A defining feature of all subsequent
northern shoulder of the German line Soviet attacks was the intensity of the
and IV Tank Corps to the south. When preliminary bombardments: the weight of
they linked up at Kalach on the Don, the high explosive that crashed onto the
fate of the German Sixth Army at German positions would not have been
Stalingrad was sealed and a total of imagined by Tukachevsky or any of the
300,000 men were killed or captured. armoured theorists of the mid-1930s.
Stalin, who originally had not been a The autumn offensive broke through the
believer in Deep Battle, nor in its effec- German 'East Wall' or 'Panther' line and,
tiveness, was now a true convert. He halted only by local counterattacks, rolled
wanted Soviet forces to cut off those ele- on to the old pre-war borders of Poland.
ments of the German Army Group A The Soviet forces were equipped with


RIGHT: T-62s move in line

abreast. Although by now
the Soviet Union had
excellent radios, tank crews
were nonetheless trained in
the use of flags like their
fathers and grandfathers had
been before them. This
might seem quaint, but it did
have the advantage that
radio silence could be
maintained during an
advance to the forward edge
of the battle area. The T-62
with its smoothbore 115mm
(4.5in) gun marked the
move away from rifled tank
guns by the Soviet Union, a
move which was later copied
in the West.

formidable tanks like the T-34/85 and liberated, and in this fighting the First
backed up by numerous US-supplied Panzer Army was trapped in a huge
trucks that gave them tactical mobility. pocket to the east of the Dniestr on 28
Writing after the war, Generaloberst March by the 1st Ukrainian Front under
Erhard Rauss asserted, 'The German Zhukov, and Konev's 2nd Ukrainian
could never assume that the Russian Front. It only began to break free on 30
would be held back by terrain normally March and it reached safety on 7 April.
considered impassable. It was in just such Konev was a survivor of Stalin's purges.
places that his appearance, and frequently
his attack, had to be expected.' OPERATION 'BAGRATION'
The Soviet winter offensive of 1944 The climax of the Red Army's armoured
saw the 1st Ukrainian Front under campaigns in ,the west was the 1944
General Vatutin advance over 400km summer offensive, Operation 'Bagration'.
(250 miles) in two months against stiff Between 22 June and 31 August, the
opposition from Army Group South. attacks destroyed Army Group Centre
Consolidating on these gains in the and took the Soviet forces _to the borders
spring offensive, the western Ukraine was of the Third Reich and, in the south, the


LEFT: A T-54/55 flame-

throwing tank opens fire on
a night range with a huge
and intimidating burst of
flame. The ATO-200
flamethrower has the
capacity for 460 litres (101
imperial gallons) of fuel, and
this can be fired in bursts of
35 litres (7.6 imp. gallons).
The weapon can fire a total
of seven bursts in one
minute. Flamethrowers are a
terrifying weapon that can
induce panic in infantry,
even though conventional
gunfire may actually be
more effective at causing
casualties than a raw flame.

key Romanian oilfields of Ploesti. In this 1945. Veteran Soviet troops were trans-
campaign, Hitler's intransigence caused ferred to the Far East and moved up to
German forces to be trapped in pockets the border ofJapanese-held Manchuria.
all along the front; this was Deep Battle Their old enemies, the 600,000-strong
with a vengeance. K wantung Army, under General Yawada,
The autumn offensive of 1944 reached were attacked by the Trans-Baikal Front
Warsaw and Budapest, and in the spring under General Rodion Malinovsky, the
of 1945, Zhukov, Rokossovsky (another 1st Far East Front under General Kiril
purge survivor) and Konev drove west to Meretskov, and the 2nd Far East Front
Berlin. Berlin was encircled on 25 April under General Purkayev.
1945 and fell on 2 May. In the Allied vic- At dawn on 9 August, the well-
tory parade British and American officers equipped and experienced Soviet forces
saw for the first time the awesome Iosef - with a three to two superiority in men,
Stalin IS-3 Shchuka or 'Pike'. The superbly five to one in guns and tanks, and two to
angled armour and 122mm (4.8in) gun one in aircraft - punched across the
made it a formidable vehicle. The IS border. They reached Harbin on 20
heavy tank series would develop through August and had pushed on to Port
the IS-4 and end with the T-10, or IS-8. Arthur by 22 August. The Sixth Guards
The final demonstration of Deep Tank Army, of the Trans-Baikal Front,
Battle took place in Manchuria in August had taken the Japanese by surprise by


RIGHT: The rifling can be

seen clearly on the barrel of
the gun of this T-54/55. The
T-54/55 proved a very
versatile tank that was
modified and improved. The
East German Army actually
favoured it over the T-62 and
accordingly did not adopt
the more modern tank when
it became available. The
soldiers shown in this picture
are jumping well clear of
this T-54/55, like tank desants
of World War II would have
. done - but the difference
here is that this is merely an
exercise, and not a T-34
crashing into a German
.trench line.

crossing two major obstacles: the Greater bomb; some asserted that the days of
Khingan Mountains and 435km (270 conventional war were over. Massed
miles) of desert, and was now in position armour backed by mobile infantry and
to cross the plains of central Manchuria. artillery would not be used in action again.
The aftermath of this campaign was a Stalin died in 1953 and the military
divided Korea: the north in the . leaders like Marshal Zhukov who he had
Communist orbit, and the south with the feared as potential rivals were recalled
United States, split at the 38th Parallel. In from exile in remote commands. From
the war of 1950-53, the North Koreans 1955 onwards Zhukov pressed to
attacked with the weapons and tactics upgrade the equipment for the ground
that had been honed in World War II. In forces, including new APCs.
Vietnam, Deep Battle tactics appeared When in 1955 West Germany, with its
again when North Vietnamese T-54 and own independent army, joined NATO,
T-55 tanks, under General Dung, rolled Moscow countered by establishing the
south between 1974 and 1975, and cap- Warsaw Pact. This treaty group included
tured Saigon on 30 April 1975. the USSR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East
On 5 March 1946, speaking at Fulton, Germany, Hungary, Poland and
Missouri, Winston Churchill had used a Romania. The lines were now drawn for
phrase that defined the split between the nearly 35 years of tension in Europe and
Communist East and Capitalist West. plans for attack and defence. During this
'From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in time, Warsaw Pact- or Soviet tanks and
the Adriatic, an iron curtain has infantry were deployed, but to suppress
descended across the continent.' Three outbreaks of anti-Russian nationalism in
years later the North Atlantic Treaty East Germany, Hungary in 1956, and
Organization (NATO) was established to Czechoslovakia in 1968.
bring together the countries of western The main purpose of the Warsaw Pact
Europe and Iceland, Canada and the and notably the Group of Soviet Forces
United States in a defensive treaty in the in Germany (GSFG) was as an offensive
face of Soviet pressure. In September force that could be used to bring political
1949 the USSR exploded its first atomic pressure to bear on the West. If the West


appeared so weak and demoralized and meeting engagement, both forces were
the USA had become isolationist, the moving, and by careful use of reconnais-
opportunity might present itself to GSFG sance, the Soviet force attacking off the
and its Warsaw Pact allies to make a swift march aimed to hit their opponent in the
attack combining the tactics of Deep flank or rear. The engagement of defence
Battle with weapons of mass destruction: was an attack against a hasty or prepared
nuclear and chemical weapons. The defensive position, and in these circum-
experience of Operation Barbarossa had stances Soviet forces aimed to have a
convinced the USSR that it would never local superiority and go for the classic
be caught on the defensive again and that Deep Battle penetration, with attacks on
from now on, attack would be the best the flanks and rear. With the tactics of
form of defence. pursuit, the Warsaw Pact nations aimed to
give their fleeing enemy not a moment's
SOVIET INVASION PLAN rest. By maintaining continuous contact,
An attack on West Germany had three they would ensure a complete defeat and
obvious axes, with a secondary through thus prevent a new line of defence from
Austria. The main objective would be the being established.
federal capital of Bonn on the Rhine. To From their wartime experience Soviet
the north, the Second Guards Army, forces had developed a system of eche-
Third Shock Army and Third East lons for all their major elements. The first
German Army would drive across the echelon, the main attacking force BELOW: T-54/55 tanks ford a
North German Plain against British charged with seizing or destroying the shallow river during an
forces. In the centre, the Eighth Guards primary objectives, had about two-thirds exercise. The Soviet Union
Army would drive through the Fulda of the strength of the force committed. was expert at staging
Gap into US forces, while to the south, The second echelon, following up, con- dramatic exercises in the
the First and Fourth Czech armies would centrated on the subsequent objectives Cold War as it had been in
be responsible for attacks against and other tasks. This was known as the 1930s. Some river-
Nuremberg in the US-defended areas. leapfrogging and allowed the second ech- crossing operations were
If they were committed to attack, elon to continue the offensive. carefully rehearsed for the
Soviet commanders identified three types Replacement of casualties In the benefit of visitors or TV
of action based on their experience in attack was achieved by units 'passing crews, and did not
World War II: the meeting engagement; through' other formations. It was essential correspond to the reality of
engagement of defence; pursuit. In the to use this method to maintain the a war in Europe.


RIGHT: The commander of a

T-64 of a Guards Regiment
gives a smart' eyes right' as
he leads a column of tanks
in a parade. The T-64 was
armed with a D-18T
125mm (4.9in) smoothbore
gun with 40 rounds, and this
weapon was capable of six
to eight rounds a minute.
Significantly, the T-64 tank
served only with Soviet
forces, and as such, its
presence on the battlefield
would constitute an
intelligence 'signature'. The
tanks would have been
deployed as part of the
Motor Rifle Division of the
Group of Soviet Forces in
Germany (GSFG). momentum of attack. Against organized favoured delivery systems would be the
defences and without recourse to nuclear truck-mounted BM-21 122mm (4.8in)
weapons, Soviet planners predicated a multiple rocket launcher.
rate of 30km (18 miles) a day, and if Soviet doctrine favoured the use of
nuclear weapons were used, this rate armour in massed multiple formations,
went up to 60km (36 miles) a day. and since it offered protection to its
The echelon concept was peculiarly crews against radiation and chemical
Soviet and was employed to break contamination, it was the ideal arm with
through German defences. These which to exploit gaps in defences caused
defences were normally in two layers. by chemical or tactical nuclear attack.
The second line was intended to hold a Faced by a defensive position that was
penetration long enough for a counterat- still able to offer resistance, Soviet doc-
tack to restore the front line. trine stated that it should either be
penetrated or bypassed. Given that forces
24-HoUR BATILE as small as a Motor Rifle Regiment had a
Soviet doctrine also emphasized continu- frontage of about 5-10km (3.1-6.2
ity of operations: the 24-hour battle in all miles) in which to manoeuvre, tactical
weather and conditions. Ironically the circumstances would often have obliged
most impressive demonstration of this them to make a frontal attack. However,
was during Operation Desert Sabre, the if they could manoeuvre, they had a
brief land campaign by Coalition forces choice of deep or close envelopment.
(largely US and British) in the Gulf War Deep envelopment drew on the old
of 1991. Soviet infantry were trained to Deep Battle principles, and it would have
fight from the armoured personnel carri- been executed at Front level. Areas where
ers (APCs) and not to dismount if at all defences were light, like mountain or
possible. Engineers were forward to clear arctic regions, were the most favourable
minefields and bridge gaps. terrain for executing a deep envelopment
Firepower included tactical nuclear manoeuvre. Close envelopment could be
weapons as well as persistent and non- used against one (Okhrat) or both flanks
persistent chemical agents, the latter (Obkhod) and would be supported by fire
including nerve agents. The planning for from the attacking troops' rocket or
the release of nuclear weapons, which artillery batteries. These types of close-
would normally be air-burst, would be envelopment manoeuvres might also be
conducted at Front level, but the decision launched in conjunction with a frontal
to use them would have been made at spoiling attack.
higher levels. Chemical agents, depending To undertake these missions, the
on their nature, would either be ground- GSFG had two formations: the Motor
burst or air-burst, and one of the most Rifle Division (MRD) and the Tank


Division (TD). A combined-arms army mounted gun and a 9M14 Malyutka (AT- ABOVE: Tanks on parade in
would have had two to four MRD, and 3 'Sagger'), the BMP-1 had the gun and the October Revolution
two TD backed by artillery, engineers and ATGW combination that would only Parade in Red Square in
signals. The most obvious distinguishing enter service with the West when the US November 1981, an activity
feature between them was the number Army accepted the Bradley and the that is now only a memory.
and type of tanks and APCs. The MRD, British the Warrior MICV in the 1980s. Here T-72 Main Battle Tanks
with a Tank Regiment (TR) with 95 The BMP had its drawbacks: it was (MBT) roll past the crowds.
tanks, and three Motor Rifle Regiments cramped and the suspension could give a Entering production in 1967,
(MRR) with 31 tanks, also deployed the nauseous ride at speed cross-country. the T-72 was first seen in
eight-wheeled BTR60P APC and the T- However, in 1970 it was years ahead of public in 1977. It was widely
64 or T-72. The TD was the opposite: other designs. Since then the USSR, and exported and is built under
with three TR and one MRR, it had 316 now Russia, have continued to improve licence in Czechoslovakia,
medium and 17 light amphibious tanks, on the original concept with new arma- India, Poland and the former
and 190 APCs. The MRR had the BMP ment and ATGW and a two-man turret Yugoslavia. The tank had a
tracked amphibious APC. in the BMP-2. The armament could be 125mm (4.9in) smoothbore
Just as the T-34 became the model by used either for self-defence, or for shoot- gun with 45 rounds.
which medium tanks were assessed in the ing in the infantry squad if it had
1940s, so the BMP - developed in the dismounted to attack an objective.
1960s and first seen in public in 1967 - Like earlier Soviet designs, both the
set a new standard in APC design. In fact, less sophisticated BTR and the BMP are
it was not an APC, a 'battle taxi' that vehicles that have been updated and
would carry an infantry section into modernized: the BMP-1 has now gone
battle, but a whole new concept: a through three marks and is currently
Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle fielded as the BMP-3. The BTR60P, a
(MICV). With a 73mm (2.9in) turret- design that dates back to the 1950s, has


RIGHT: A young Soviet tank

driver of a Guard Regiment
looks out of the hatch of a
T-72. The T-72 was
developed using the Christie
suspension, and Red Army
officers would have
recognized the characteristic
big wheels on this later
vehicle. The distinctive
Guards Regiment insignia
can be seen on the cover of
the tank's infrared
searchlight behind him. The
status of Guards was
assigned during World War
II to units which had
performed heroically. In
modern reference, it is seen
as a title for well-trained and
motivated formations.

grown through to the BTR-80, a chassis grew out of the T-44, a modification of
that is used as an APC, and for armoured the T-34/85. The first prototype T-54 was
recovery, chemical reconnaissance and as completed in 1946 and production fol-
a 120mm (4.7in) armed SP gun. lowed at Kharkov in 1947. For a design
The proponents of Deep Battle would that is over 50 years old, it is still extremely
also have been delighted to discover that successful, with large numbers still in ser-
the Tank and Motor Rifle Regiments vice around the world and numerous
now had their own mechanized artillery: updates and modifications. Taking a good
the SO-152 Akatsiya 152mm (5.9in) self- basic design and improving on it meant
propelled gun and the SO-122 Gvozdika that the tank was to develop through the
122mm (4.8in) self-propelled gun. As T-55 up to the later T-62.
antiaircraft defence, there were wheeled
and tracked surface-to-air missile launch- THE END OF AN ERA
ers, and the formidable ZSU-23-4 Shilka Even as late as the mid-1980s, the tough
radar-controlled quad 23mm (0.9in) old veteran ofWorld War II, the infamous
tracked AA gun. These vehicles were T-34/85, was still soldiering on. The
new, but Red Army officers would have largest users were North Korea with 250,
noticed that the new generation of followed by Syria with 200, while Cuba,
medium tanks that entered service in the Egypt and Iraq had 100, and Israel had a
1950s and 1960s looked familiar. similar number which had been captured
Though the T-54, T-55 and T-62 had a from her Arab neighbours. Besides being
turret and hull as well a main armament manufactured in factories in the USSR,
that was unrecognizable from the the T-34/85 was also made in Poland
mid-1930s, they had Christie suspension from 1953, and in Czechoslovakia from
with characteristic big wheels. Even later 1951. The Czechs built 3000 tanks, some
vehicles like the T-72 and T-90 have a sim- of which were supplied to Egypt in
ilar suspension, though they have idlers to 1956. It is only appropriate that the
ensure better track tension. However, this famous, war-winning T-34 should have
similarity is not surprising, since the T-54 had such a lasting effect on tank warfare.


Annual Allied and Axis Crude Steel Production 1939-45 (metric tons (imperial tons»
1939 13.2 (12.99) 1.4 (1.38) 14.6 (14.37) 23.7 (23.33) 23.7 (23.33)
1940 13.0 (12.79) 1.7 (1.67) 14.7 (14.46) 21.5 (21.16) 2.1 (2.07) 0.7 (0.69) 0.3 (0.29) 24.6 (24.21)
1941 17.9 (17.62) 12.3 (12.11) 2.5 (2.46) 32.7 (32.19) 28.2 (27.75) 2.1 (2.07) 0.8 (0.79) ? 31.1 (30.61)
1942 80.6 (79.33) 8.1 (7.97) 12.8 (12.60) 2.8 (2.76) 104.3 (102.66) 28.7 (28.25) 1.9 (1.87) 0.8 (0.79) 0.3 (0.29) 8.0 (7.87) 40.5 (39.07)
1943 82.2 (80.90) 8.5 (8.37) 13.3 (13.09) 2.7 (2.66) 106.7 (105.02) 30.6 (30.12) 1.7 (1.67) 0.8 (0.79) 0.3 (0.29) 8.8 (8.66) 42.2 (41.53)
1944 85.1 (83.76) 10.9 (10.73) 12.1 (11.91) 2.7 (2.66) 110.8 (109.06) 25.8 (25.39) 0.7 (0.69) ? 6.5 (6.40) 33.0 (32.48)
1945 86.6 (85.23) 12.3 (12.11) 11.8 (11.61) 2.6 (2.56) 113.3 (111.51) 1.4 (1.38) ? 0.8 (0.79) 2.2 (2.17)
TOTAL 334.5 (329.22) 57.7 (56.80) 88.5 (87.10) 16.4 (16.15) 497.1 (489.27) 159.9 (157.38) 7.8 (7.68) 3.8 (3.75) 0.9 (0.87) 24.1 (23.72) 196.5 (193.40)


SovietTank Production byType andYear

1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 TOTAL
Light Tanks
T-40 41 181 222
T-50 48 15 63
T-60 1,818 4,474 6,292
T-70 4,883 3,343 8,226
T-80 120 120

T-34 3,014 12,553 15,529 2,995 34,091

T-34-85 283 11,778 7,230 23,661
T-44 200 . 200
Sub-total 3,014 12,553 14,773 7,430, 53,582
Heavy Tanks
KV-1 1,121 1,753 2,874
KV-2 232 232
KV-1S 780 452 1,232
KV-85 130 130
IS-2 102 2,252 1,500 3,854
Sub-total 1,353 2,533 684 2,252 1,500 8,322
Total Tanks 6,274 24,639 19,959 17,025 8,930 76,827
Assault Guns
SU-76 26 1,928 7,155 3,562 12,671
SU-122 25 630 493 1,148
SU-85 750 1,300 2,050
SU-I00 500 1,175 1,675
SU-152 704

Annual Allied and Axis Tank and Self-propelled Gun Production 1939-45 (units)
1939 2,950 969? 3,919 247 40 287
1940 33] 2,794 ],399? 4,524 1,643 250 315 2,208
1941 4,052 6,590 4,841 15,483 3,790 595 595 4,980
1942 24,997 24,446 8,611 58,054 6,180 1,252 557 7,989
1943 29,497 24,089 7,476 61,062 12,063 336 c.500 558 12,957
1944 17,565 28,963 4,600 51,128 19,002 ? 353 19,355
1945 ] 1,968 15,419? 27,387 3,932 137 4,069
TOTAL 88,410 105,251 27,896 5,678 227,235 46,857 2,473 c.500 2,515 c.52,345
* Figures exclude light tanks and tankettes.

Soviet Tank Stren

Belorussian Front 15th Tank Corps 461 122
6th Tank Brigade 248
21 st Tank Brigade 29 105 19
22nd Tank Brigade 219 3
25th Tank Brigade 251 27
29th Tank Brigade 188 3
32ndTank Brigade 220 5
Ukrainian Front 25th Tank Corps 27 435 74
10th Tank Brigade 10 30 98 19
23rd Tank Brigade 8 , 209 5
24th Tank Brigade 8 205 28
26th Tank Brigade 228 22
36th Tank Brigade 301 24
38thTank Brigade 4 141 4


The Eastern Front'

1942 1943 1944- 1945 TOTAL
Soviet tank production 24,639 19,959 16,975 4,384 72,231
German tank production 4,278 5,966 9,161 1,098 23,759
Production ratio 1:5.6 1:3.3 1:1.85 1:4 1:3

1941 1942 1943 1944- 1945 TOTAL

Soviet tank losses 20,500 15,000 22,400 16,900 8,700 83,500
German tank losses 2,758 2,648 6,362 6,434 7,382 ·25,584
Tank exchange ratio*
(German: Soviet) 1:7 1:6 1:4 1:4 1: 1.2 1:4.4

*German tank losses here include all.fronts; the tank exchange ratio shown is an estimate ~ the Soviet-German loss ratio.

Soviet and German Armoured Fighting Vehicle Strengths on the Eastern Front 1941-45
DATE june 41 March 42 May 42 Nov 42 March 43 Aug 43 June 44 Sept 44 Oct 44- Nov 44 Dec 44 jan 45
SOVIET 28,800 4,690 6,190 4,940 7,200 6,200 11,600 11,200 11,900 14,000 15,000 14,200

GERMAN 3,671 1,503 3,133 2,374 2,555 4,470 4,186 4,917 5,202 4,785 4,881

These figures include tanks and all kinds of self-propelled guns, but the number of serviceable vehicles on both sides was less than the figures shown. The Russian figures do not
include the permanent armoured forc<: held on the Manchurian Front.

German and Soviet Armoured Fighting Vehicle Strengths at the Beginning of Selected Major Offensives 1944-45
14 Jan 44 Leningrad 18 Army Leningrad Fr.; Volkov Fr. 200 1,200
30 jan 44 Krivoi Rog/Nikopol 6 Army 3 Ukrainian Fr.; 4 Ukrainian Fr. 250 1,400
4 Mar 44 R. Pripet/Nikolaev 1 pzArmy; 4 pz Army; 6 Army; 8 Army 1 Ukrainian Fr.; 2 Ukrainian Fr.3 Ukrainian Fr. 1,300 6,400
5 Mar 44 Umanl Kirovgrad 8 Army 2 Ukrainian Fr. 310 2,400
8Apri144 Crimea 17 Army . 4 Ukrainian Fr.; Ind. Cst. Army 70 900
22jun 44 Vitebsk/R. Pripet Army Group Centre 1 Baltic Fr.; 1 Byelo. Fr.2 Byelo. Fr.; 3 Byelo. Fr. 800 4,100
12 July 44 KoveliTamopol A. Group N. Ukraine 1 Ukrainian Fr. 700 2,040
18 july 44- Chelml Rava Russkaya 4 pzArmy 3 GdsArmy; 13 Army; 1 GdsTkArmy 174 550
19 july 44 Mariampol I Daugavpils 3 pzArmy 1 Baltic Fr.; 3 Byelo. Fr. (parts) 95 1,100
20 Aug 44 Bendory I Chemovitsy A. Group S. Ukraine 2 Ukrainian Fr.; 3 Ukrainian Fr. 400 1,880
14 Sep 44 Narva Army Group North Leningrad Fr.; 1 Baltic Fr.; 2 Baltic Fr.; 3 Baltic Fr. 400 3,000
12 jan 45 Warsaw I Tarnow Army Group A 1 Byelo. Fr.; 1 Ukrainian Fr. 770 6,460
13 jan 45 E. Prussia Army Group Centre 2 Byelo. Fr.; 3 Byelo. Pro 750 3,300
1 Mar 45 Pomerania 3 pzArmy 1 Byelo. Fr. (part) 70 1,600
16 Apr 45 Oder I Neisse confluence to Stettin A. Group Vistula 1 Byelo. Fr.; 2 Byelo. Fr. 750 4,100

!l l l lflt;l l l ~i[~lj~i l lil l it'il l l~lti l tl Il l iftl l 'l l l frlil ,I Ji l,l FU_kr_a_in._i_an_Ff_'
16Apr 45 R. Neisse
20_0 2,_1_50_ _----'

Soviet Tank Technical Details

Type T-60 T-70 T-34 T-34 T-34-85 KV-l KV-IS IS-2M
Variant Model 42 Model 42 Model 41 Model 43 Model 44 Model 42 Model 43 Model 45
Road range (km(miles» 450 (280) 360 (224) 400 (249) 465 (289) 360 (224) 250 (155) 250 (155) 240 (149)
Terrain range (km(miles»250 (155) 180 (112) 260 (162) 365 (227) 310 (193) 180 (112) 160 (99) 210 (130)
Annour (mm(in»
turret front 25 (0.98) 60 (2.36) 52 (2.05) 70 (2.76) 90 (3.54) 120 (4.72) 82 (3.23) 160 (6.30)
turret side 15 (0.59) 35 (1.38) 52 (2.05) 52 (2.05) 75 (2.95) 120 (4.72) 82 (3.23) 110 (4.33)
turret rear 15 (0.59) 35 (1.38) 45 (1.77) 52 (2.05) 60 (2.36) 90 (3.54) 82 (3.23) 100 (3.93)
turret roof 7 (0.28) 10 (0.39) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 40 (1.57) 30(1.18) 30 (1.18)
hun glacis 35 (1.38) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 47 (1.85) 47 (1.85) 110 (4.33) 75 (2.95) 120 (4.72)
hull side 25 (0.98) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 90-130 (3.5-5.1) 60 (2.36) 95 (3.74)
hull rear 25 (0.98) 35 (1.38) 47 (1.85) 47 (1.85) 47 (1.85) 60-75 (2.36-2.95) 40-75 (1.57-2.95) 60 (2.36)
hull top 13 (0.51) 10 (0.39) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 30(1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18)
hull floor 13(0.51) 10 (0.39) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18)

Tanks and S.E Guns with 75mm (2.95in) guns and above
1941 3,135 1,028
1942 14,589 2,841
1943 20,091 11,349
1944 28,483 18,576
1945 26,297 c.4,000
TOTAL 71,067 92,595 37,794


Soviet Assault Gun and Tank Destro


Weight (tonnes(tons» 10.2 (10.04) 29.2 (28.74) 31.6 (31. 10) 30.9 (30.41) 45.5 (44.78) 45.5 (44.78) 46 (45.27)
Length (m(yds» 5 (5.47) 8.15 (8.91) 9.45 (10.33) 6.95 (7.60) 8.95 (9.79) 9.85 (10.77) 9.18 (10.04)
Width (m(yds» 2.7 (2.95) 3 (3.28) 3 (3.28) 3 (3.28) 3.25 (3.55) 3.07 (3.36) 3.07 (3.36)
Height (m(yds» 2.1 (2.30) 2.45 (2.68) 2.25 (2.46) 2.32 (2.54) 2.45 (2.68) 2.48 (2.71) 2.48 (2.71)
Armament ZiS-3 D-5S D-10S M-30S ML-20S A-19S ML-20S
Calibre (mm(in» 76.2 (3) 85 (3.35) 100 (3.93) 122 (4.8) 152 (5.98) 122 (4.8) 152 (5.98)
Ammo stowed 60 48 34 40 20 30 20
Engine GAZ-203 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2
Kilowatts (horsepower) 127 (170) 373 (500) 373 (500) 373 (500) 373 (500) 447 (600) 447 (600)
Fuel (litres(gallons» 420 (92) 810 (178) 770 (169) 810 (178) 975 (214) 860 (189) 860 (189)
Max. road speed (km/h(mph» 45 (28) 47 (29) 48 (30) 55 (34) 43 (27) 37 (23) 37 (23)
Road range (km(miles» 320 (199) 400 (249) 320 (199) 300 (186) 330 (205) 220 (137) 220 (137)
Terrain range (km(miles» 190 (118) 200 (124) 180 (112) 150 (93) 120 (75) 80 (SO) 80 (SO)
Armour (mm(in»
hull front 35 (1.37) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 60 (2.36) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54)
hull side 16 (0.63) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 60 (2.36) 90 (3.54) 90 (3.54)
hull rear 16 (0.63) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36)
hull roof 0-10 (0-0.39) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18)
hull floor 10 (0.39) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18)

Causes ofT-34 Tank Losses During WorldWar II (per cent)

20mm 37m.m short 50mm long 50mm, 75mm 88mm 105mm 128mm AT rocket Unknown
(0.79in) (1.45in) (1.97in) (1.97in) (2.95in) (3.45in) (4. 13in) (5.04)
Up to September 1942 4.7 10.0 7.5 54.3 10.1 3.4 2.9 0 0 7.1
Stalingrad operation
Central Front, 0 0 25.6 26.5 12.1 7.8 0 0 0 28.0
Orel operation 1943 0 0 10.5 23.0 40.5 26.0 0 0 0 0
First Belorussian Front,
June-September 1944 0 0 0 0 39.0 38.0 9.0 14.0
First Belorussian Front,
January-March 1945 0 0 0 0 29.0 64.0 0 1.0 5.5 0.5
First Ukrainian Front,
January-March 1945 0 0 0 0.5 19.0 71.0 0.6 0 8.9 0
Fourth Ukrainian Front,
January-March 1945 0 0 0 0 25.3 51.5 0.9 9.0 13.3
First Belorussian Front,
Oder-Berlin 1945 0 0 0 1.4 69.2 16.7 10.5 2.2
2nd Guards Tank Army,
Berlin 1945 0 5.4 0 0 22.8

Soviet Tank Guns Combat Ranges ofArmoured Vehicle

GUN Thickness of armour (mm (in» penetrated at: m(yards) Engagements 1943-44
229 (250) 457 (500) 686 (750) 914(1000) 1372 (1500) 1829 (2000)
37mm (l.45in) ? 38 (1.49) ? ? Distance 75mm 88mm
(at 366m (400yd» in metres (yards) (2.95in) gun (3.4Sin) gun
45mm (1 .77in) all 80 (3.15) 50(1.97) 100-200 (109-219) 10.0* 4.0
200-400 (219-437) 26.1 14.0
57mm (2.24in) all 140 (5.51) ?
400-600 (437-656) 33.5 18.0
76mm (3in)F-34 all 92 (3.62) 60 (2.36)
800-1000 (875-1094) 7.0 13.5
firing DS a.p.
1000-1200 (1094-1312) 4.5 8.5
85mm (3.35in) 0-5 all 138 (5.43) 100 (3.94)
1200-1400 (1312-1531) 3.6 7.6
100mm (3.94in) D-IO 1400-1600 (1531-1750) 0.4 2.0
firing HE a.p. all 195 (7.68) 185 (7.28) 1600-1800 (1750-1968) 0.4 0.7
122mm (4.8in) M-30 1800-2000 (1968-2187) o 0.5
firing HE a.p. all 145 (5.71) 145 (5.71) 145 (5.71)
* Percentaae cf Soviet tanks and assault Duns knocked out
by Tanoe.

Soviet Self-propelled Guns

Desi nation Function Gun

SU-76M SP 76.2mm (3in) Zis-3
SU-85 TO 85mm (3.35in) D-5S
SU-I00 TO 100mm (3.94in) 0-10S
SU-122 AG 122mm (4.8in) M30-S
SU-152 TD/SP 1S2mm (6in) ML-20
ISU-122 TD/SI? 122mm (4.8in)A-195 I
ISU-152 TD/SP 152mm (6in) ML-20


Soviet Guards Tank COrps

Guards Tank Corps were honorific redesignations of Tank Year Year Year* Year Original
existing line tank corps. Corps Formed Destroyed Reformed Year New Designationt Reformed
Guards Original Year 1 1942
Tank Line Redesignated 2 1942 1943 8 Gds. Tk. Corps
Corps Corps 3 1942 1944 9 Gds. Tk. Corps
1 26 1942 4- 1942 1943 5 Gds. Tk. Corps 1943
2 24 1942 5 1940 1942 5 Mech. Corps 1942
3 7 '" 1943 6 1942 1943 11 Gds. Tk. Corps 1943
4- 17 1943 7 1942 1943 3 Gds. Tk. Corps 1943
5 4 1943 8 1942
6 12 1943 9 1942
7 15 1943 10 1942
8 2 1943 11 1942
9 3 1944 12 1942 1943 6 Gds. Tk. Corps
10 30 1943 13 1942 1943 4 Gds. Mech. Corps 1943
11 6 1943 14- 1942 1942 1942 1942 6 Mech. Corps
12 16 1943 15 1942 1943 7 Gds. Tk. Corps
16 1942 1943 12 Gds. Tk. Corps
17 1942 1943 4 Gds. Tk. Corps 1943
18 1942
19 1942
Guards Mechanized Corps 20 1942
21 1942 1942
22 1942
Guards Mechanised Corps were created by
23 1942
redesignating existing line corps or by amalgamating
smaller units. 24 1942 1942 2 Gds. Tk. Corps 1943
25 1942
Guards Original Year How formed
26 1942 1942 1 Gds. Tk. Corps 1942
Mech Corps Formed Redesignated Amalgamated
27 1942
28 1942 1942 4 Mech. Corps 1942
29 1943
1 1942 ./
2 1942 ./ 30 1943 1943 10 Gds. Tk. Corps 1943
31 1943
3 4 1942
4 13Tk. 1943
5 6 1943 * If not redesignated. t Fate of redesignated unit is given in appropriate table.
6 1943 ./
7 1943
8 1943
9 1944 ./
Officers NCOs Other ranks Equipment
'Battalion Headquarters 14 5 4 1 T-34) 2 m/c, 1 truck
Heavy Tank Company 7 19 o . 5 KVtanks
Medium Tank Company 13 30 o 10T-34 tanks
Tank Division (June 1941) Two LightTank Companies, each 7 16 o 10T-40 or T-60 tanks
Trains elements 5 12 47 1 ml c) 1 car, 22 cargo trucks, 6 shop
Division HQ trucks, 4 tractors
Signal Battalion
Reconnaissance Battalion
Armoured Car Co (15 Arm Cars)
LightTank Co (17T-40)
Motorcycle Rifle Co (12 I.MG, 3xScm (1.97in) Mort) Tank Brigade (December 1941) Tank Brigade (July 1942)
Two Tank Regiments, each Men Main Weapons Men Main Weapons
Regiment HQ (1 T-34, 3 AAMG) Brigade Headquarters 22 Brigade HQ & Company 147 IT-34
Reconnaissance Co (13 Arm Cars) Headquarters Company 170 2 light machine Medium Tank Battalion 151
Heavy Tank Battalion guns Battalion HQ & Platoon 24 1T-34
Battalion HQ (1 KV; 3 Arm Cars) Two Tank Battalions, each Three Medium Tank
Three Cos, each (10 KV) Battalion HQ 20 Companies, each 44 10T-34
Two Medium Battalions, each Light Tank Company 17 8T-60 Supply & Trains Group 39
Battalion HQ (1 T-34, 3 Arm Cars) Medium Tank Company 43 10T-34 Light Tank Battalion 146
Three Cos, each (17T-34) Heavy Tank Company 27 5KV Battalion HQ & Platoon 1T-60/70
Flamethrower Battalion Trains Platoon 40 Two LightTank
Battalion HQ (1 T-26, 3 Arm Cars) Motorized Rifle Battalion 407 Companies, each 10T-60/70
Three Cos, each (3 T-26, 9xflamethrowerT-26) Battalion HQ Supply & Trains Group
Maintenance Company Two Rifle Companies, each 108 9 light machine Motori~ed Rifle Battalion 403
Supply Company guns, 2 machine Battalion HQ & Platoon 3 armoured cars
Motorized Infantry Regiment guns, 3 anti-tank Two Rifle
Artillery Regiment rifles Companies, each 112 9 light machine
Regiment HQ (1 KV tank, 3 AAMG) Submachine Gun Company 79 gun, 2 machine
Light Field Howitzer Battalion Mortar Company 42 6 x 82m.m gun,
Three Batteries, each (2 LMG, 4x:122mm (3.23in) 3 anti-tank rifle
(4.8in) How) Trains Submachine Gun Company 79
Heavy Field Howitzer Battalion Anti-Aircraft Battery 47 3 heavy machine Mortar Company 43 6 x 82mm
Three Batteries, each (2 LMG, 4x152mm (6in) How) guns, 4 x 37mro (3.23in)
Anti-Aircraft Battalion (1.46in) Trains Company
Three Light Batteries, each (4x37mm (1.46in) AA) Trains & Medical 206 Anti-Tank Battery 52 4x 76mm
Pioneer Battalion (3in)
Trains Company 101


Field Cars
Medium Tanks
Armored Cars
45mm (l.77in) AT Guns -
82mm (3.23in) Mortars -
AT Rifles
Heavy MGs
"fles & Carbines
Submachine Guns
Personnel 54

s Authorized Stren

Armour T-60 Light
T-70 Light
T-34 Medium
KV Heavy
Guns & Mortars 82mm (3.22in)Mortars
120mm (4.72in) Mortars
45mm (1. 77in) AT Guns
57mm (2. 24in) AT Guns
37mm (1.45in)AA Guns
76mm (3in) Guns
M-13 Rocket Launchers


I I I I f I I
Reece. Tank Motorised SP Artillery SP Anti-tank Engineer Signals
Battalion Brigade Rifle Brigade Regiment Regiment Battalion. Battalion
(total) 12 x 5U-76

17 xSU-85
21 x 5U-152
also also
Comprising 42 120mm (4.74in) mortar Mortar Anti-tank
15,020 ofl's & men 21 T-70 tanks Regiment Battalion
17 SU-85 375 anti-tank rifle 36 x 120mm (4.74in) 12 x 45mm (1.77in)
895 m.g. 176 T-34 tanks
218U-152 5245mm (1.77in) anti-tank also
100 82mm (3.23in) mortar 2,120 motor vehicles Rocket Battalion
8 rocket launcher 16 76mm (2.99in) anti-tank 8 x launchers

Aerospace: 6-7,42,44,46,47,53 (b),69, 111, 149, 160. Amber Books: 148 (b), 153 (t), 154(t).Ian~Hogg:8, 11, 18,
65,93,116,117,142,146,147,151. Novosti: 14,22-23,24,31,35,82,85,86,94,95,110,122,137, 152. Popperfoto:
27,58. Richard Stickland: 17,20,38 (b), 62, 67, 68,73,77,100,113,124,159. Tank Museum, Bovington: 15,21,81,
112,114,121,139,158. TRH Pictures: front cover, endpapers, 9,25,28 (t), 29, 30, 36 (both), 38 (t), 40-41,50,54 (t), 55,
59,60-61,64,72,79,92,97,101,103,104,106-107, 108, 115,"118, 120, 123, 125, 130, 131, 143, 153 (b), 156-157, 161,
162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, back cover. Ukrainian Central State Archive: 26, 28 (b), 32, 33, 34, 37, 39,56,57,74-
75,78,80,83,84,87,88,89,90,91,96,99,105,126-127, 128, 132, 134, 136, 140, 141, 144-145, 148 (t), 155.

Illustrations by Steve Seymour


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