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Grace E Tarara

Rhetorical Elements:


This is a grift card add for red robin. It uses a man bun which was a popular trend throughout 2016.


Younger generation that took part in/ knew of the manbun trend


Sell gift cards


Older people that were not part of the trend, or younger people unaware of the trend would not be
swayed by the trend.


Image of burger without saying the word burger, along with the fries. Without saying these unhealthy
words, people are more convinced to go along.

Man buns are cool with the youth. Image of man is good.

The lettuce makes it feel happier.

Add seems more geared towards men, it is also challenging the trend of man buns.

Alternative Campaign:

If you wanted to change the audience to be more geared towards older adults, change the media to be
more available. You could also call it a lettuce wrap to be more health conscious. Changing the model
could change how the audience views the add.

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