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Reaction about Civil Service in China

While reading the hand-outs, I learned that the civil service system started in
China, and it was still in the era B.C.E.. But from that era, many countries adopted the
idea and made some delvelopments.

Civil service is an idea that started in China. It is a simple idea that make people
take exams to work in the government. This strategy lets unemployment decrease but
needs intelligence. This is not good because during the Chinese period on the era B.C.E.,
only rich people can go to school.

Civil service examination is a good way of getting a job. Everyone can go to one
because there is now public, private, and govenment schools, which means everyone has
the right to go to school, rich or poor. If they do want and they didn't go to school, they
can go to the library or they can study via internet. Internet can be a reliable source for
lessons for the examination since there are many reliable websites and professional

Civil examination is a good type of exam sine many jobs are requiring that you
take the exam. Some jobs that need the exam is Law Enforcement. Law enforcement
jobs require that candidates pass a civil service exam are Foreign Service, Fire Service,
Postal Workers, Accounting and Tax, and Administration. But, for example, you are fired
or you resigned from foreign service, and you also want the jobs above. It has been five
years before you took the exam. The problem is there is an expiry date for your civil
exam. So, you have to study again so that you can take and pass the exam and you have
to save more money since they have a fee per exam.

Civil service is a type of system that started in China. It was adopted by many by
trade and some developed it. Many persons wanted to take the exam for jobs.

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