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China’s social credit score

The topic I chose

The way that china’s social credit score works is that you start 1000 NPR (national public ratio). if you
have a score of 960 to 1000 you are an a. 850 to 955 is a b.840 to 600 is a c and anything below is a c.
The point of having this social credit system, is so everytime someone gets a loan or applies for a job etc.
the other person knows how trustworthy he/she is. The government said that the system would help
ensure a model society. An example of this is if someone if going to loan you money they could see your
credit score to know the chances of getting there money back and if they should trust you. I find this very
interesting because anyone can see anyone’s credit score. If you do something bad like get a traffic
ticket you lose 5 points,if you do something good like a heroic act you get 30 points.
Chinese government (first stakeholder)
The chinese government is affected positively by giving all chinese citizens a
social credit score because they will know how trustworthy everyone is.Like I said
for my first stakeholder with buying a home,renting a car and getting a loan the
government has the information they need to make an informed decision on
whether or not to allow them to get these things. This is a bit invasive though at
the same time because the government has a lot of information about you that
might want to be private.One more thing is what happens if someone makes a
couple mistakes, like runs a couple red lights they will be penalised for a long time.
I don’t think this is fair, it should be taken off you social credit score faster or not
put there in the first place.
Chinese citizens who have high social credit scores
(second stakeholder)
Chinese citizens with high credit scores receive a lot of rewards because the
chinese government wants to reward the people with high credit scores. They get
discounts on energy bills,rent things without a deposit,and get better interests
rates at banks. I personally think that if you have a high credit score you might not
want other people to know just incase they have a low credit score. At the same
time you are a lot more respected when you have a higher credit score,especially
because this is a social credit score that everyone can see.I think this is fair
because if you are being a good citizen i think you deserve to be rewarded.
Chinese citizens with low social credit scores (third
The chinese citizens who have low social credit scores are largely affected by this
because simple things that you should be able to do easily such as buying a
home,renting a car,getting a loan can be very hard to do because no one will trust
you. Some people have already been banned from travelling or from attending
certain schools due to their low credit scores. This is why you have to be careful
on handing your bills in on time or being a good family member etc. These are
some pretty harsh punishments. I think this is unfair because if you have a bad
social credit score I still think you should be aloud to go to certain schools and
My decision
I personally think that it would be fair for chinese citizens and in general to have a social
credit score. The first reason i think this is because the government should be able to know if
you are paying your bills or getting traffic tickets etc. It is a bit invasive but I think they do
have the right to know if someone is a bad citizen or not. I think the way that this creates the
maximum or common good is because if someone is giving a loan they should know who to
trust. If someone wants to rent a car or house etc. everyone will know if he/she is
trustworthy. I think that this is fair because if you do things that don’t follow protocol or even
break the law it should show somewhere and people have the right to see it. This affects
people with a bad credit scores negatively because they are not as trustworthy with a bad
social credit score. This affects people with good credit scores positively because they
receive discounts and rewards. This benefits the chinese government very much because
they have access to everyone’s social credit score and can know right away who is
trustworthy and who is not and have information about all their citizens.This is why I believe
having a social credit score is an ethical decision.
Saige’s jamboard

I chose to comment on saige’s jamboard because we picked the same topic and I think I
have some information that could be added to her jamboard. I respected her perspective of
her saying that having a bad social credit score would affect you in the short and long term
because if you can’t get a job it will lead to being poor and maybe even homeless. I think
Saige could have explored the positives of the social credit score a bit more because I think
she was very focused on it being invasive and a bad idea that she forgot that there were
positives to this as well. One question that I have for Saige is have you considered the fact
that this will benefit many people who are selling or loaning things because they will have
the information they need to make an informed decision on whether they will lend a person
there stuff? Overall I thought Saige had a lot of good information and i really liked her

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