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Final Reflection

Throughout this course I have learned . English has always been a tough

subject for me, not because it’s particularly difficult, but simply because it doesn’t hold my

interest. With that being said, this was one of the more enjoyable English courses I’ve taken and

I highly believe this is because of my professor. Rezza helped me to visualize my ideas more

clearly, making my writing more concise than it normally would be because my brain is much

like a red herring. My professor also helped me to refine my critical thinking skills which was

especially important for my classical argument paper. I had to carefully evaluate my sources and

the evidence I found and I also had to be sure not to confuse opinion with evidence. If I were to

use my assumptions, beliefs and opinions of random strangers on the internet, my argument

would be full of fallacies, and fake news. I honestly received more homework from this course

than any of my classes pertaining to my actual major, which was very overwhelming at times

especially in the beginning of the semester when I was getting adjusted to my new course load,

but then again, there is no such luxury as “adjustment” in the “real world”. One book that

helped me a lot with this course was ​Pocket Keys For Writers​ written by Ann Raimes and Susan

K. Miller Cochran. I found this guide helpful because I struggle with formatting my papers

correctly which I still managed to do even with this template, but that just shows me that I need

to slow down and focus on the details instead of just trying to get my assignments done.
Something that I’ve been working on is being patient with myself and my ideas.

Normally my brain will get flooded with a bunch of ideas and it can be overwhelming and

frustrating and I’ll end up going to another task. Throughout this semester, whenever I get ideas

uploaded to my brain I simply write it all down and it helps immensely because by doing this I

have a whole list of ideas for future papers.

Something that I found to be very helpful this semester were the mandatory meetings

with Rezza before a project was due. I thought these were helpful because Rezza helped me

narrow my focus and be more clear in what I am arguing. My classical argument essay was my

favorite paper to write. I was able to address a large issue that has been affecting me my entire

life and having the ability to speak about how I felt using facts and clear and concise language

was powerful and liberating.

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