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Philip Barbour High School – Stress Reduction/Management Group w/AP Students

Spring 2019
7th Session – Thursday, April 26, 2019

ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors

B-SMS 7. Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem
B-SMS 10. Demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations
and responsibilities
B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
B-SS 8. Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self, when necessary

WV Student Success Standards

ALP.SS.3.3.1 apply strategies to reduce stress and protect safety, differentiating between
situations requiring self-help, peer support, adult or professional help.

5-10 minutes – Sharing/venting about stressors this week

5 minutes – Revisit the board of directors and this question – how has your board contributed
to your stress level?
8-10 minutes – Establishing the criteria for Board members if we are trying to reduce stress.
Discuss the CEO seat – board members need approval of CEO, but CEO doesn’t need approval –
just wants input.
5 minutes – Determine who meets your criteria for the Board. How many people do you want
on your board?
20 minutes – Pull a chair into the middle of the group. What does life look like if you have your
board set up the way you want it? If you are the CEO in your head? How does that change your
stress levels? Writing and then sharing, processing.

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