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Amina Ibrahim



M13: Final Semester Project

In this paper, you will understand how three individuals significantly influenced the

ancient world to act responsibly and contribute towards society from their economic/business

skills. Also, you will see how I as a historian of the ancient world, learn and apply from the

history of these three ancient ancestors to my own role in contributing to and acting responsibly

for the betterment of my society today.

The first individual is Alexander the great, from the Roman empire. According to module

six Alexander the Great,“he paid off the debts of his soldiers and announced that he would send

over-aged and disabled veterans back to Macedon, led by Craterus (Wikimedia Foundation,

2019)”. He has shown an economic influence on his ancient civilization by using finances to take

care of the defenders of his society, keeping them loyal to him and making them want to

continue to fight for him. I feel this is important to me now because after reading the article Why

Study History? It is stated how “Knowing our roots helps us create a better future (McNeill

1985)”. This shows me how I should use Alexanders example and keep in mind that if I want to

open my own business one day, I should remember to give raises to employers, let them have

certain days off, and use some of my finances from the business to provide for them.

The second individual is Darius the Great from the Achaemenid dynasty. According to

module five, Achaemenid Empire, “the Empire's decline had been the heavy tax burden put upon

the state, which eventually led to economic decline (Wikipedia, 2019).” He has shown an
economic influence but in a negative light to his ancient civilization. The reason it’s important to

include a negative influence in this essay is that it is something we can learn from. In the article

What Can History Teach Us Today, it’s stated, “In essence, history teaches us to move forward,

recognize our mistakes and learn from them, and ultimately create a better existence for all

(Michael Postma).” I feel this is important to me now because these articles show me that in

business you have to not be greedy and get caught up with wanting more money for yourself to

the point where you business will fail which is what happened to Darius and that I will use his

failure to not make that mistake as a business owner.

The last individual is King Amenemhet III from Egypt. According to module three,

Ancient Egypt, “The kingdom also built diplomatic and trade relations with Syria, Palestine, and

other countries…they were able to prosper (, 2009).” He has shown an economic

influence on his ancient civilization by trading and making alliances to help Egypt flourish. After

reading the essay, On the Rhetorical Use of History to Understand the Present, its stated how

“history matters as a means by which a people can be bound together in ways which keep them

true to the best developments time have had to offer (Hodges,2012).” I feel this is important to

me now because just how King Amenehret developed a strong economy by trading with others

me wanting to become a businesswoman in the future should keep in mind that creating business

partners or working with others will help me to have a successful company.

Looking at the three individuals in this essay, Alexander the great, King Darius, and King

Amenehret, you see how all of them economically influenced their societies and how they have

influenced my sense of responsibility towards becoming a successful businesswoman. I can use

the knowledge of their experiences to help shape my economy in a better way today. Alexander

showed me how helping your employers is essential, Darius showed me the not to being greedy
with money as it will negatively impact your society, and King Amenehret showed me that

creating bonds with others outside your business helps make the entire society grow together.

Works Cited:

McNeill, William H. “Why Study History? (1985).” Why Study History? (1985) | AHA,


“Alexander the Great.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Apr. 2019,

postma, Michael. “What Can History Teach Us Today?” ASCD Express 6.22 - What Can

History Teach Us Today?,

“Achaemenid Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Apr. 2019,

Editors, “Ancient Egypt.”, A&E Television Networks,

14 Oct. 2009,

Hodges, Blair, and Blair Hodges. “Hodges- Final Essay, On Rhetorical Uses of

History to Understand the Present.”,7 May 2012,


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