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Primary/Junior/Intermediate Lesson Plan

Unit/Topic: Poetry Grade: 8

Lesson 7-10: Writing Poetry
Curriculum Areas: Language Arts- Writing
Curriculum Expectations: Writing: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8
Learning Goal(s): I can create poetry in different styles
I can use my knowledge of poetry to write my own
I can create a hiku, cinquain, alphabet, acrostic, found, blackout, I am, and a
list poem
I can produce drafts and show revision over the course of each draft
Success Criteria: Students will be successful when they can use their knowledge and practice to
write and create their own poetry in the different forms/styles we will be exploring over lesson

MODIFICATIONS / ACCOMMODATIONS How will I meet the needs of my students?

-Students who require help with writing can use their Chromebook to create each poem
-Students may use assistive technology if required such as text-to-speech, zoom tools, etc
-Examples of each poem type can be printed or projected for reference
-Miss. Gowan can scribe for students if necessary

Minutes: 15
Task: Lessons 7-10 will begin with begin by me reading a poem by either Rupi Kaur or Shel
Silverstein. Each lesson two new types of poems will be introduced (see schedule below) and
we will have a whole class discussion creating a mind map of what students already know about
each poem type. We will then discuss and analyze each type of poem we will be exploring that
day, looking at what it is, its form/style, and an example of each type.
Lesson 7: Haiku and Cinquain
Lesson 8: Alphabet and Acrostic
Lesson 9: Found and Blackout
Lesson 10: I am and List
Assessment: Diagnostic assessment & Formative assessment, assessment for learning

Minutes: 25
Task: Lessons 7, 8 and 10 will have an action portion where we as a class write the poem type
together (ex. we just learned about hiku and cinquain, so we will write a hiku and a cinquain as
a class). Lesson 9 students will get right into creation portion of the lesson.
Assessment: Formative assessment, assessment of learning

Minutes: 40
Task: In each lesson, students will be responsible for writing their own poem in those styles (2
poems per lesson, 8 in total). In the consolidation portion of the lesson, students will be given
time to start brainstorming and writing a rough draft of their poems. Students should be able to
get a rough draft of each poem done and will be given time during the culminating period (lesson
11) to finalize all drafts to add to their portfolios.
Assessment: Formative assessment, assessment for learning- feedback during the writing
process as well

-Poems examples (multi-leveled)
-Student worksheet (lesson 10)
-Magazines/Newspaper (lesson 9)
-Glue and Scissors (lesson 9)

Lesson 7:

Lesson 8:

Lesson 9:

Lesson 10:

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