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Maria Cortez


Senior English

December 6, 2018

Anglo-Saxons beliefs in Beowulf

The values of different types of cultures have influenced many societies greatly over

time. Anglo-Saxons were Germanic people who invaded Great Britain whose beliefs and values

were very unique. The Saxons had many values, some being religion, loyalty, and bravery. In the

epic poem of Beowulf the values of the Saxons are showed throughout the entire story. The value

are what made the people trust one another. It shows the integrity a person has, the people

respect that. In this time period it was religion what made the world go round along with the

loyalty people had for their beliefs and the braveness.

Religion is one of the multiple values showed in Beowulf. The story shows Christianity,

before every fight Beowulf says the same thing. “God must decide who will be given to death’s

cold grip.” (Beowulf 174). He leaves his fate up to God and knows that God will give him what

he deserves. Also in the beginning of the story when Grendel first attacks Hrothgar’s kingdom,

he hears men singing Christian songs. “As day after day the music rang loud on that hall, the

harpo’s rejoicing call and the poets clear songs, sung of the ancient beginnings of all.” (Beowulf

The fierce warriors celebrates with songs of their religion. Religion plays an important part

in their lives and in the story.

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The epic poem of Beowulf exemplified loyalty as well. In this time period, they had

kings and queen to which the people of the kingdom had to look up to and be loyal to them in

order for the king to protect them. In other words people had to be loyal to them. “I’d rather urn

myself than see flames swirling around my lord”. (Beowulf 726-727). By Wiglaf staying along-

side of his King in his time of need demonstrates loyalty. Beowulf risked his life for his kingdom

and defended all his men and when it was time to return the favor only one person stay. “And

ours to run back to our homes with Beowulf so hard pressed-here? I swear that nothing he ever

did deserved an end like this, dying miserably and alone, butchered by this savage beast: we

swore that these swords and armor were each for us all”. (Beowulf 730-735). Wiglaf at this point

is standing up for Beowulf considering all of the men coward away. Nobody likes standing alone

and Wiglaf having the courage to stay in the battle and telling the men what they needed to hear

to put them in their place shows a lot of his character having loyalty. He was speaking in

Beowulf’s defense. Beowulf being so grateful for that he passes the kingdom on to Wiglaf.

Bravery is what makes a hero and it is what makes people treasure the hero, the hero

being Beowulf. Most of the story is just telling and showing us how much Beowulf is not afraid

to stand up for what is right. “Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly

commanded a boat fitted out, proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king” (Beowulf 112-114).

Not even knowing the kingdom but is willing to help Hrothgar in his time of need doesn’t just

show bravery but loyalty as well. When the time comes to fight a monster of the supernatural a

person would prepare themselves with as much armor as they can. “Might think less of me if I let

my sword go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linden shield: my hands

alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster.”(Beowulf 170-174). Beowulf is
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determined to fight Grendel naked knowing what he is capable of. This scene does not just show

bravery but it also showing religion once again, Beowulf leaves his fate up to God.

Bravery, loyalty, and religion is what made everyone love the mighty Beowulf and the

epic poem. These traits are what made him special to everyone in the kingdom. Beowulf had

every characteristic the Saxons valued. Many traits are showed in the story. People detect what

type of person someone can be by their values, In Beowulf it does not just say about the values it

teaches a different culture of a different time period.

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Works Cited

“Beowulf”’ Mcdougal littel, 38-66. Illinois

“Goldgyfan or godylance, apology toward Beowulf. Philogy studies. By Marshall,


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