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Capítulo 7:

¿Qué perspectiva tenías de la facultad antes de entrar?

Facilitador: Mtra. Olga Azalea Aguilar

Nombre: Ricardo Jesús Flores Ayala

Matricula: 1729686

Grupo: 222

Aula: H

Monterrey N.L. a 22 de Marzo del 2019

Of the faculty in if I was not very informed I only knew that Ihad a human approach
and that I was on a campus that wasnot where the Rectory tower was and
therefore I was closerand that favored me.

When I went into more topics thattreated the faculty and what I heard of it on the o
utsidemost were negative things for all that is seen or lived as itwas human and
said that everything was crazy with which Iremained doubt that so many things
were true than theysaid.

Then asking with the different references that had atmy fingertips at that time, they
told me that the issues thatwere seen if they had human focus and it was a race w
hichwas very safe to use in the future and what I liked to me ofthat was the contact
with L As people as I think I'm veryempathetic and the deal with people is what inte
rests me,and in a field of a company to what I saw when my momworked in differe
nt companies and saw all the areas ofopportunity that are missing to cover and that
some Theywere very easy to do just that the leaders or people whowere in that typ
e of jobs were not prepared to deal with thatkind of issue because that position the
y had was becausethey earned it with the years they carry within theorganizations
and not all fulfilled An with the necessaryrequirements to deal with the type of envir
onment that is inthose positions and not knowing how to deal with that wereburned
´´ BORNOUT ´´ and so they got tired of their workand burned the other members a
nd work goes wrong.

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