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Keifer Glau



April 29, 2019

Coaching for Character

I thought that the coaching course was something we all already know in some way. I

thought that they were talking about common values that overlapped in what they wanted them

to mean. These values that we hear and see every day were just explained in a sports context. I

did learn a lot about the values respect, responsibility, integrity, sportsmanship, and success.

They explained them is a different way I have never seen. I learned a lot from this course and

would tell other coaches about it.

What I learned from this course starts with the coachable mindset and how it needs to be

a conscious thought at all times. Being able to show respect by using great eye contact and

having great energy allows for your players to feel more comfortable. Respect was the first value

talked about and I felt the same way about it. I loved how they brought up showing players

achievements. Being able to tell a player that he did a great job without using “good job” is

something they will take to heart and grow respect for you. I also learned about Responsibility

and how that is what really carries over outside of football. From the course it says that players

who are responsible take care of themselves in the classroom and are always role models.

I learned about integrity next and how people need to just believe in themselves. Be able

to say something and actually do it at all times. I like this one a lot because it developed no short
cuts for players and even myself. This is an honor type of value that shows true grit in players. I

think that it goes with sportsmanship as well, being able to no get sucked into the crowds chants

or making sure to respect all the referees.

I did not like the servant leadership part because I believe that doesn’t need to be a thing.

With responsibly you have a duty to not only yourself but your team. You carry yourself well

outside of football for your team. That is servant leadership in itself.

One thing that relates to my philosophy is the coachable mindset. Yes I want all my

players to be coachable at all times. But if I am not coachable in my own way then how are they

ever going to develop being coachable. I must make it a task for me to want to learn every day

and never get a big head in what I am doing. The world is consistently evolving, so I should do

the same. This is something I have had in my philosophy I just really like the way it was told in

the course. This is also something I would like to carry on after this course. I want to not only

take into a coaching situations but into the world. Being able to learn from others will only help

you not make the same mistakes.

The second thing that connects to my philosophy is respect. Ever since I can remember

that has been one of my biggest values as a man. I have always wanted to earn other people

respect so they can earn mine. Missing respect will only hurt that relationship. Like said in the

course it is very important for the coach to show eye contact and great body language. Being

positive with your team can help others respect you because you are “trying” to help them. At

least as a player I always respected coaches more who gave me positive remarks.

The last thing I will take away from this course is the target on not winning. I want to

follow the process into greatness and never think about the results of something. I want my
players to enjoy practicing and working out every day. This will take pressure off and keep them

always focused in the moment.

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