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Romero 1

Ivonne Romero

Ms. Figueroa

Period 2

December 14, 2018

Q2 End of Unit: Chaucer’s Definition Essay

Falling in love has Neurological effect similar to those of cocaine. Chaucer is known as

the “Father of Literature”, he was the first to write English. He wrote about the people for the

people. In the tale of The Unknown Bride, takes place in which were women were treated the

same as men were. A knight treated a women despitefully, so by law they should be straightway

be put to death. The knight was pardon, only if he found out what women desire, women had

different answers, and he grew desperate and agreed to marry an old women for the answer. He

did not want to marry her because she was old she gave a speech and she turned beautiful after

he kissed her. Chaucer defines love as something that should not be based on looks, but on

faithfulness and loyalty to your significant other.

Chaucer defines love as something that goes beyond on how someone looks. It goes way

deeper than that, it matters on the type of person someone is like. The knight states,” I believe

that you are wise and good, and I take you for my true and faithful wife” (Chaucer 4). The knight

knowns that his wife is not the best looking person but, he realizes that he would rather have

someone faithful than someone who lies to him. The wife promises that she would be faithful

and true to him. The wife states, “On my wall I will be to you as true a wife as ever lived since

the world was made,” (Chaucer 4). By the knight declaring he will take her as his wife, in return

she promises to be faithful and true to him.

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Chaucer defines love as something that should not be based on how someone looks, but

on the way one portraits themselves. Mutual respect and loyalty is clear that it’s something that

Chaucer must value since that is shown throughout the story.

Romero 3

Works Cited

AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of the Book Being Referenced. City Name: Name of

Publisher, Year. Type of Medium (e.g., Print).

LastName, First, Middle. “Article Title.” Journal Title (Year): Pages From - To. Print.

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