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wien 1. Milyen kampinystesiks26? 2. Ki inditotta ezt a kampényt? 3. Miért kell ez az innivalt reklémozni az USA-ban? 4, Mien kett6scéjuk volta kampannyal? 5, Milyen éllmiszereket hasznsltak még fel a kampéayt népscert (tévé)rektim forgatisakor & miért? 6, Milyen ellenérveket hoztak fel a kampény ellenzéi? 7. Mit mond ezekr6l az érvekrl az inter alanya? 1. A tejivist népszerist6 kampsnyrél, amelyben hirességek tejet tak és ce1t6 ,tebajuszuk” keletkezett. (2 pont) 2, Bredetileg a tetermékipar inditotta. (1 pont) 3, Mert sokan silyos Kaleiumbidnyban szenvednek az USAcban, ami egésrséetgyi problémékat vet fel. (2 pont) 4, Egyrésct modlernebb innivalév akartak tenni a tejet az emberek sze- _mében, mésrészt pedig meg akarték velk értetni, hogy mindenkinek: Kell tejetinnia (nemesak a gyerekeknek). (2 pont) 5. Azért, hogy a tejbajuse képabdéschez clég sirdvé teayék a tejet, jog hurtoté egy ks fagylaltot adtak hozz4. (3 pont) 6, Csak az emberek isenak tejet joval kiskoruk utn is, illetwe vannak colyanok, akik nem bik a laktézt. (2 pont) 7, Bzek wz érvek a hist és a tejtermekeket ellenz6 esoportokt6l szarmaz- nak; és barmely neves, tudomnyos szervezet kiemeli a tejfogyasctis ontossigat és hasznst, (3 pont) ‘The ‘milk moustache’ campaign Reporter: Hello, welcome to the Food Studio. Now back in January 1995 inthe Unites States there was a food advertising campaign that showed celebrities drinking milk witha ‘milk moustache’ on theit lps. T talk about ‘this campaign, which was originally started by the dairy industry, we have Kurt Seider inthe studio, Weleome, Kurt. Why did the dairy industry feel ‘they needed to advertise or even promote something as asic as milk? Kurt: There is a serious calcium criss inthis county, Virtwally seven out ‘of ten women, and six out of ten men don't get enough caleium on a daily basis. So this really a health concern hes Reporter: How did the milk moustache campaign come about? Kurt: Well, we needed fo do two things. We wanted to make milk a more contemporary image because in the US there are a lot of other beverages now, a lot of competition for milk; and then We also wanted to get across the idea that everyone really needs to drink milk. H's not just a kid's dink, Reporter: But how did you make the milk moustache? It doesa’t look lke milk Kurt: You know if you really drank a glass of milk, you'd have no ‘moustache, i'd last for about a second, So what we did was we put in some ‘ther dairy produets, lke yoghurt and a litle ice cream, just to thicken it up atte so that when we're having the shoots it holds up under the lights, But they do really drink it out of cup, i's really the way it naturally falls on the lips Reporter: Humans are the only animals who continue to drink milk way past the time when they're litle babies, and there are people who doa't {olerate Iactoxe ~ the erticsm goes on. How do you counter that, Kurt? Kurt: This criticism comes from the anti-meat, anti

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