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December 1, 2018

U.E. Colegio Champagnat

5to año A
Isabella Villino #35

The Province of Barinas was first settled in 1558 from La Grita by Captain Francisco de
Cáceres, but was somewhat neglected in the next few decades. The landholders in the
mountains eventually found it advantageous, however, the bring the Indian workers whom
they held in encomienda down to the plains where the soils were more fertile.
In 1606, the Crown prohibited tobacco growing in Venezuela except in the “remote
province of Barinas, 400 kms from de coast”. This measure, intented to stop contraband,
gave such an impetus to the cultivation of tobacco here, that the decree was abrogated six
years later.
By that time, however, the special qualities of Barinas-grown leaf were apparent. During
the 17th century, the tobacco raised here became so famous in Europe, especially in the
Dutch and German markets, that the word “Barinas” was used as a label on porcelain
tobacco jars in much the same way that “Havana” is used today on cigar boxes.
The came the War of Independence, followed by a series of disastrous revolutions and
internecine civil wars. This unsettled state of affairs caused many families to emigrate to
the Andes and the population of Barinas greatly diminished.
Barinas is, still today, for the most part, an agricultural and ranching state. Both cattle for
beef and bulls for bullfights are raised on its extensive savannahs. Tobacco is still raised in
quantity, although in amounts second to that of the state of Portuguesa. Two crops of this
complex and difficult to grow plant are produced each year in Venezuela. Barinas is also an
important oil state, producing about three million barrels of oil per year, which is
transported by pipeline to El Palito on the coast.
Barinas state cover a total surface area of 35000 km2 and had an estimated population of
970.689 habitants. Zenaida Gallardo was sworn is as the governor of Barinas state on
January 5th 22017, replacing Adan Chavez, who was appointed as Venezuelan minister of
culture on January 4th 2017. Gallardo resigned after only a few months, citing health
reasons. In June 2017 Argenis Chavez brother of former president Hugo Chavez, was
sworn in as governor. Barinas state is well know for exceptional llanera´s music (harp,
cuatro and maracas). As a typical state from The Llanos the typical food includes (carne en
vara, pisillo de chiguire, pisillo de bagre, cachapas, dulce de coco)

1. Where is located Barinas state?

Is located in the Venezuelan Llanos. The are consists mainly of very shallow
pasture lands, traversed by numerous rivers. Barinas state share borders with
Trujillo, Portuguesa and Cojedes state at north ; west with Merida and Trujillo, east
with Guarico state and south with Apure and Tachira states.

2. What does it means Barinas word?

Barinas it is an indigenous voice possibly chibeha to appoint a strong wind that

blows in rainy season.
3. Which is the capital of Barinas state?

Barinas is the capital with a population of 428.000 people.

4. Which are the most important cities of the state?

Barinitas, Obispos, Ciudad Bolivia, Ciudad de Nutrias, Barrancas and Socopo.

5. Where was firts settled the province of Barinas?

In 1557 the original city was founded under the name of Altamira de Caceres by
captain Juan Andres Varela.

6. When was established Barinas state?

In 1786 Barinas state was established in the territories of the existing states of
Barinas and Apure. The city became the capital of the state and an important bastion
of the patriots during the war of independence.

7. How many municipalities is divided the state?

In 12 municipalities.

8. Surface area of the state and population

Barinas state cover a total surface area of 35.000 km2 and estimated population of
970.689 habitants.

9. Who is the actual governor?

Argenis Chavez brother of the former president Hugo Chavez is the governor since
June 2017.

10. Hugo Chavez was born in Barinas, which place was he born?

Chavez the former president was born in Sababeta Alberto Arrelo Torrealba

11. Barinas city lies along which river?

The city lies along the Santo Domingo River.

12. In the past which were the principal agriculture products

The cultivation of tobacco and cacao was once an important component of local
agriculture. Now the main crops include corn, sorghum, coffee, rice and bananas.

13. Which other economical activity is important in Barinas State?

The rapid growth of the petroleum industry made great changes in the state. A
pipeline moves the oil 320 km to refinaries at moron near Puerto Cabello.

14. Where are developed rafting activities in Barinas State?

The are 6 rivers to be navigated, Acequia and Siniguis river with excellent rapids,
great surroundings characterized by inviting natural pools are one of the best.

15. Typical food of barinas state

 Dry capybara meat with casaba or rice.

 Dry catfish meat with rice and fried bananas.
 Cachapas.
 Papayas sweet.
 Coconut sweet.

16. Which music is typical in Barinas state?

Barinas is well known for exceptional llaneras music (harp, maracas and cuatro).

17. Principal churchs are cathedrals of Barinas state

 Cathedral of our lady of Pilar of Zaragoza and Santiago in Barinas.

 San Nicolas of Mira church in Obispos.
 Santa Ines church in Santa Ines.
 San Pedro church in Barinitas.
 New church Nuestra Señora del Rosario in El Real

18. Principal National Parks in Barinas state?

 Tapo-Caparo National park

 Sierra Nevada Nationl park

19. Religious festivities of Barinas state?

 Nuestra Señora del Pilar October 12th

 Inmaculada Concepcion in 3 municipalities in a 3 different days
 Real festivities May 3th
 Virgen del Rosario Sabaneta from Sept 29th to Oct 7th
 Santo Domingo de Guzman-Cuidad Bolivia from July 21th to August 4th

20. What does it means Barinas word?

Barinas it is an indigenous voice possibly chibeha to appoint a strong wind that

blows in rainy season.

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