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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name Mrs. Oaks Activity Title: Weather

Number of children participating at one time: 16 Ages: 4-5

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the
Ohio Early Domain: Science
Learning &
Strand: Science inquiry and statement
nt Topic: Inquiry
Standard Statement: Make careful observations
List at least 1
standard that
is addressed
by this
activity. Write
out each
and exactly,
as published
in ELDS.

Children will learn, discuss weather and observe the weather outside. They will be
able learn how the clouds form through observing they sky and where rain comes
from, through a science experiment.
Estimated This lesson plan will take place during one weeks planning, for about 25 mins each day.
We will spend about 15 minutes during circle time looking at books and listening to audios of storms.
We will then take another 10 minutes looking at a radar on the computer, observing the weather and
their patterns.
Preparatio What preparation is needed? I need to gather up all the books and materials for the week. I
n of need to look up all the new vocabulary words and write them down for the children to be
materials able to look at.
environme What materials will be used? Weather books, audios on weather and storms, mason jar,
nt shaving cream, blue food coloring, computer to observe the radar, paper and markers for
drawing our weather pictures. Pictures of different clouds, storms, rainbows, and shadows.
Poster board

How will the learning environment be set up?

I will set the books and audios up at the technology table by the computer. I will have
All the pictures displayed.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1: We will gather during circle time and discuss the different types of weather we have in Ohio and discuss the 4
seasons. Students will get a chance to ask questions about the weather and have a discussion about why the weather
changes. We will make a webbing on the weather.
Day 2: The students will get a chance to become the weather person for the day. They will keep track of what the
weather looks like outside and we will discuss this throughout the day. We will listen to audios on different sounds of
the weather. They will draw their own weather report and share it with their peers. The students will help make a
science experiment explaining where rain comes from. We will fill the jar with water, add shaving cream to the top and
then add food coloring. The students will watch overtime what happens when clouds fill up with rain.
Day 3: Students will look at the weather books and we will look at the radar on the computer and discuss and explore
the weather and why radars are important.
Day 4: The students will go outside and tell me what they see in the sky and what kind of clouds they see. We will discuss
how rainbows appear and why. The students will take paper outside with them and draw what the see in the sky.
Day 5: We will discuss how shadows are made and why we see them. We will look at shadow books during circle and
make shadow puppets on the wall with flashlights. The students will go outside and discover different shadows they see.
They have a choice to either trace their own shadow or an object of their choice!

We will make a weather chart with the poster board and each day we will track the weather and discuss the changes
each day.

The children can go to the computer, 2 at a time and look up the weather to see what they think it will be that day and
we will discuss it during circle time

Differentiated Instructional Support

I will add pictures at the technology station showing what to click on and how to look up the weather report.
Each child learns different, so it will be altered to their learning styles. Adding pictures or audio to the computer
station can help those who may learn visually and hands on.

Vocabulary: Meteorologist, radar, Tornado, draught, Hurricane, Foggy, shadows, storms, 4 main types of clouds
( cumulus, cirrus, Nimbus, Stratus), lightning and thunder.

For teachers Books with audio and headphones

Computer to show the radar and so they can look at the weather each day when
class starts
For students The students will be using headphones to listen to audios on how each storm
sounds and they will watch the weather on the computer each day and discuss
this during circle time

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