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“The root of education is bitter but the fruit is sweet.

” I was in grade one when I saw this

quotation written on the upper right corner of the wall of Mrs. Reynoso’s classroom. Way back
then, I don’t even understand what does it mean but now, it is very clear to me, getting a good
education is NEVER easy but I am pretty sure, it will be worth it.

Time flies swiftly, it was just like yesterday when I was very excited to pack my things
and transfer to the dormitory. Now, six over ten semesters has been done! Second semester of the
Academic Year 2017-2018 is over. I guess, this semester is what I consider as the most
challenging semester I ever encountered so far. My physical, emotional, mental, intellectual,
financial and spiritual being was tested to the fullest.

Since the very beginning, I don’t really like Mathematics. During the first semester of my
first year in college I got my first grade of 3.00. I almost failed my subject in Pre-Calculus. There
are nights that I really can’t sleep very well because the picture of my terror professor flashes in
my mind. During the second semester of my third year in college, the thought of having the
subject Higher Calculus gave me the same feels because it was a coincidence that I will be
dealing again with the same professor who gave me a grade of 3.00! Nonetheless, academic
challenges are all healthy for me. It encourages me to study even harder. I almost dedicated 50%
of my whole time just to ensure I will pass the subject.

On the other hand, I encountered several challenges that really stroked my heart. There
are times that I really have to work and be ‘madiskarte’ during the weekends just to earn money
and have something to spend as my allowance during the whole week at the university. I
accepted one on one tutorial, started my loading business inside the dormitory and even tried
online business shopping. Instead of enjoying my weekend pampering myself with good sleep, I
worked double time not just to earn money for my allowance but also to be able to lend some of
it to my mother to be spent on our basic necessities. During those times, my father became
involved in a court case regarding the drivers’ union where he is the president. The company
sued them and eventually, my father lost his job. Later on, he got employed on a trucking
company where in they deliver Magnolia products. After almost two months of being
unemployed, he then became a truck driver and what’s not bearable in my eyes is that my two
younger brothers, a fifteen and a twelve-year-old little boy, were left with no choice but to
accompany our father on deliveries in order for them to earn money to buy their school supplies.
I am helpless. It was very saddening to see that at a very young age, they get to experience those
things, yet I am proud that they are both responsible and has a strong mind to understand our
situation. The most painful is that, every time I go back to CLSU, while having my meal, I can’t
help myself but to think of the usual scenario at home where in it is never easy to simply get
dinner on the table. While staying at the dormitory, there are times that I was just staring at the
ceiling, thinking about what the future holds for me. If I fail as a student, I will fail as a daughter
to my parents and as a sister to my younger siblings.

During the summer vacation, I applied for a part-time job with Atty. Richard M. Zabat.
He is a practicing lawyer in Pasay City, Philippines and is currently managing his own Security
Agency. My daily task is to check the incoming reports sent via email by the operating managers
of each department and edit those reports before sending it to Atty. Zabat. I am also tasked to
compose communication letters for different purposes like letters for increase in compensation,
letters requesting to re-visit contracts, letter reports for security posting and many more. I
enjoyed my work as it exposed me to the field that awaits me in the future. Atty. Zabat also gave
me an opportunity to apply my knowledge in Business Law (Obligations and Contracts,
Partnership and Corporation) by means of allowing me to explore and sight my opinions if he
encounters/handles such cases. I am also an active member of the Feast Committee of Brgy.
Pambuan. In fact, I spearheaded several activities that will serve a long way to unite our
Barangay such as marathon, fun run and the recent search for Miss Pambuan 2018. I must say, I
have gained a lot of experiences that taught me a lot of things that I can’t acquire inside the four
corners of the classroom.

At long last, I am currently on my second to the last year in college! I am still residing at
Ladies Dorm 3, Room 13, with seven freshmen students. I am enjoying my role as an ‘ate’ to
them. I joyfully serve as their walk-through in college. I am enrolled with 24 units. As always,
my favorite subject is Business Law- Sales, Agency and Credit Transactions. My professor, Atty.
Claraine Martinez once told me in the middle of the class, “I can see myself on you 20 years
ago.” On the other hand, my major of concentration is Advanced Accounting and Reporting. It
challenges me a lot. It feels like I am now really closer to my dream of becoming a Certified
Pretty Accountant (CPA).
Ten months from now I’ll be having my first bachelor’s degree in Accounting
Technology. Eventually, after another year, I’ll be finishing my bachelor’s degree in
Accountancy, and hopefully, after a few more years I will become a CPA-Lawyer. All thanks to
GAPASCA! Things will never be the same without your generous organization. My dreams will
remain just a dream if not because of you. As a scholar of GAPASCA for 4 years now, I am loud
and proud to say that this organization has not just helped me get through my college education
but also challenges me to be a responsible community member. Through dental-medical
missions and adopt-a-grandparent program, we, the scholars, are exposed to the different
scenarios happening in our community. We have learned to value good education in order for us
to prosper in life and look back on our needy community. The people behind GAPASCA, who
are fostering self-sacrifice in order for us to finish our college education, ultimately inspired us to
do more in school! I wish to reapply for this scholarship because it is part of my goal--- to finish
my college education as a proud scholar of GAPASCA. This scholarship is something that I can
be proud of! The honor of being a proud GAPASCA Scholar for four years is something that I
will consider as one of my greatest achievements in life. I am truly blessed and grateful! Salamat,


Proud Gapasca Scholar

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