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Jocelyn Zaragoza

English 2010

April 29, 2019

Overview of Project Papers

Project 1:

● This paper was about what I thought made a good writer. I started with both my own

opinion and what I had learned from previous English classes on what makes a good

writer, then I researched for resources to help support my ideas. That is how I wrote

project one.

Project 2:

● In this paper I wrote about the writing conventions of athletic trainers. I chose the

profession of athletic training because that is the field I am studying in school and I hope

to become an athletic trainer after I graduate from school. If I plan on going into this

field, I thought I should research the writing conventions so that I would know them in

the future.

Project 3:

● With this paper I wrote about a topic that had to with the field of study of project two. I

chose the write about braces and taping of ankles, and I wanted to know if one was better

than the other. This paper was one of the easier papers that I have written because I knew

a lot about this topic, and I have experienced this topic first hand. It was also easier for

me to do primary research like a survey because I knew athletes who could answer my

questions that I had.

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