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The Grey Cub

Q1: Describe the she-wolf’s litter

Q2: To what does the author compare the greatness of man in the cubs perspective?
Q3: What color is the strongest pup in the she-wolf’s litter
Q4: What is One Eye killed by?
Q5: How is the gray cub different from the others in the litter?
Q6: How would you describe the cub’s sense of “hurt”?
Q7: What is strange to the gray cub about the wall of light?
Q8: What happens to Old One-Eye?
Q9: What is the irresistible attraction for the gray cub?

What animal do the wolves devour, ending their famine?

 A dog
 A deer
 A moose
 A bear

Who does the she-wolf abandon the pack leaders with?

 The youngest wolf

 The one-eyed wolf
 The half dog
 The albino wolf

What does the she-wolf look longingly at before running away?

 The beach
 The river
 The human settlement
 The moose carcass

What kind of animal does One Eye bring to the she-wolf after she has a litter of pups?

 A fox
 A porcupine
 A rabbit
 A dog

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