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Why is wolf my favourite animal?
Well, when I was little I was playng as a wolf,making LEGO wolves and I really
loved them, they were always my favourite animals.They are diffrent colored,
some of them are gray, some of them are brown, black...
My personal favourite is black wolf.They seem really cool to me.
Wolves are wlld animals wich mostly live in forests because they probably dont
like people. As i know they love eating meat.

Wolves are very brave and intelligent animals wolf is dangerous type of dog.
The first anijmal wich people found and it was usefull for them was wolf.
They used them for hunting.Dogs are a weaker type of wolf.They are used as
pets, and they‘re really funny, sometimes.
Did you know
Wolves average
weight:females: 60 to 80
Wolveslive up to 13 years in
pounds. males: 70 to 110
wild. (usually 6 to 8 years)

Wolves have 42 teeth.

They mostly eat ungulates
(i know, they need a long
time to brush them all)
They can run 40 miles per hour at
short distances.
Wolf average height is 26 to (No, Tom dont try to play tag with
32 inches. them on scooter, they‘re too fast
(Be carefull he is close to -At least i should try, bye
your neck)
More about wolves
Wolves are complex, highly intelligent animals who are caring, playful, and
above all devoted to their family. Only a select few other species exhibit these
traits so clearly. Just like elephants, gorillas and dolphins, wolves educate their
young, take care of their injured and live in family groups.

U prevodu:Vukovi su kompleksne, visoko inteligentne životinje koje su brižne,

razigrane i iznad svega odane svojoj porodici. Samo nekoliko odabranih vrsta
pokazuje ove osobine tako jasno. Baš kao slonovi, gorile i delfini, vukovi školuju
svoje mlade, brinu se o ozlijeđenim i žive u porodičnim grupama.
Some of wolves on pictures
What are wolves afraid of?
Wild wolves are afraid of humans and
usually run away rather than be near people.
They may have a flight distance — a
minimum distance they can be from
something before they run from it — of over
1/4 of a mile, too far away even for them to
be seen by us.
How powerfull wolf actually is?
The biting capacity of a wolf is 398 pounds of pressure per square inch. The
strength of a wolf's jaws makes it possible to bite through a moose femur to get
to the bone marrow. In comparison, a domestic dog has a biting pressure of 320
pounds per square inch.

U prevodu:Kapacitet ugriza vuka je 180 kilograma pritiska po kvadratnom inču.

Snaga vučjih čeljusti omogućava da se pregrize butna kost losa kako bi se došlo
do koštane srži. Za usporedbu, domaći pas ima pritisak ugriza od 145 kilograma
po kvadratnom inču.
Whats a wolf weakness?
A lone wolf is at its weakest when it leaves the pack. It cannot bring down large
prey, it resorts to killing smaller animals and scavenging. As it travels through
the territories of other packs, it is in danger of being attacked and killed by the
resident pack.

U prevodu:Vuk samotnjak je najslabiji kada napusti čopor. Ne može srušiti veliki

plijen, pribjegava ubijanju manjih životinja i sakupljanju. Dok putuje kroz
teritorije drugih čopora, u opasnosti je da bude napadnut i ubijen od strane
lokalnog čopora.
Can wolves see in dark?
Wolves also have keen vision, and can see in the dark better than we can,
although they can't distinguish colors as well as we can. (In particular, like dogs
they can't distinguish shades of red from shades of yellow and green.)

U prevodu:Vukovi takođe imaju oštar vid i vide u mraku bolje nego mi, iako ne
mogu razlikovati boje tako dobro kao mi. (Naročito, poput pasa, oni ne mogu
razlikovati nijanse crvene od nijansi žute i zelene.)
Can wolves be friendly?
"If you take wolves and socialize them properly at a young age, and work with
them on a daily basis, then yes, you can get them to be cooperative and attentive
to humans," said Friederike Range, a researcher at the Messerli Research
Institute at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.

U prevodu:"Ako uzmete vukove i pravilno ih socijalizirate u mladosti, i radite s

njima na dnevnoj bazi, onda da, možete ih natjerati da budu kooperativni i
pažljivi prema ljudima", rekla je Friederike Range, istraživačica na istraživačkom
institutu Messerli na Univerzitetu veterinarske medicine u Beču.
What wolves hate
Head for a fire. Wolves hate fire and a
smoky campfire will discourage a wolf
from coming too near. If you are alone,
climb a tree. Wolves cannot climb trees.
I really think there was enough of writing in this and I have to go to sleep, I put
alot of my time in this.Here are some memes about wolves to make you laugh
Dear teacher I know that presentations are not supposed to be done like this but
I really like jokes and I love listening to people laughing.So please ignore all this
Meme page
More memes(please laugh if
you didnt The Tom wich went to play tag with wolves on
scooter never came back.

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