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Employee Manual
Attendance Policy
Taking off one day of work will require you to provide at least a 2 day notice (unless
sick), if you are taking off more than one day, you need to provide us with more than
one week notice.

Unscheduled Absences:
If you end up becoming sick or have an emergency that you need to handle you need to
let HR know as soon as possible. There will be no excuses tolerated the next day when
you return and you didn't text or call us. (Contact Mr.Lamberti, Jelon Brown, Leyton
Reister, or Lilly Dodge) (,,,

No Show:
If you do not give us a call that you will be gone and not be at work, disciplinary action
will be taken.
If you miss work for more than 2 days without any calls you will be terminated from your
job and will get a call on that second day. You need to take your job serious!

If you show up 5 minutes late without written pass, disciplinary action will be taken.

Disciplinary Action:
You will be written for the day that there are issues, temporary pay cut, demotion, and
Employee Disciplinary Action Policy
Employee: _______________________ Date Of Warning: _____________

Department: _____________________
Supervisor: __________________

Type Of Violation: Warning:

❏ Attendance Violation Date: ____________
❏ Safety Place Violation Occurred: ________
❏ Tardiness
❏ Carelessness
❏ Work Quality
❏ Other, Please Explain: __________________________________

Employer Statement:

Employee Statement:

Warning Decision:

Approved By:________________________________________________________________
(Name) (Title) (Date)
Discrimination Policy
● Here at alset we are against any form of discrimination, that's why when hiring
we only look at their experience not what they look like

Job Descriptions
● Human Resources:
Job Summary
Human Resources specializes in recruiting, screening, interviewing and placing
workers. We also handle employee relations, benefits, and training. HR plan, and
get attendance done and also organize scheduling/itineraries.

Job Responsibilities
Do attendance every day
Hire/fire people
Train new employees
Write letters of reprimand
Collect weekly task sheets
Take care of monthly employee evaluations
Deal with worker related problems

Job Skills & Qualifications

Bachelor's degree
Organization skills
● Internet Technology:
Job Summary
Web/It department completes multiple tasks with more freedom than most
departments. Because we run a website we should be working close with
marketing to advertise properly and gain more traffic towards the website when
we are not planning a trade show. Other than the website marketing and other
departments will need us to create templates for a certain papers to keep a
consistent professional look to our company's papers.

Job Responsibilities
Frequently checking company Email, Website, and Social Media.
Being able to get something done with other departments.
Being creative enough to create company flyers.
Being able to meet deadlines.
Try not to miss days of work.
Being able to ship orders.

Job Skills & Qualifications

Be comfortable enough to be a group leader on multiple projects.
Able to work on big projects alone.
Time management skills.

● Marketing:
Job summary
Marketing is the department that makes this company what it is. We come up
with the ideas of what we will sell and what we will buy along with many other
things. We are in charge of making sure that people know who we are through
things such as advertising. We are in charge of pricing and everything that has to
do with selling. We were in charge of also making and designing all aspects of
the trade show booths which trade shows are what we make the majority of our
revenue from.
Job Responsibilities
Create advertising for alset
Create products
Come up with different marketing materials
Create pricing for clothing
Send out direct mail
Get our name known
Be very knowledgeable of the company

Job Skills & Qualifications

You need to know your way around business and be able to explain what alset
is. You need to be confident in your ability to come up with good marketing
materials and be able to understand what people are more interested than not.
Need to make the company the best it can be.

● Accounting:
Job Summary
A position in the accounting department is a one for all, all for one kind of thing.
We have our individual positions but when there is something that needs to be
done but the accountant is working on another task then the other accountants
work on the original task. This allows the work to get done and for it to not get
backed up

Job Responsibilities
Create payroll procedures and follow through
Establish and update inventory
Review financial statements minimum weekly
Establish and update financial processes
Review and revise Accounting department procedures
Assist other departments in financial requirements when needed
Accounting Payable: keep up on where the money is going
Accounting Receivable: Keep track of where the money is coming from
CFO: Pick up on backed up work, assist in both payable and receivable tasks

Job Skills & Qualifications

Basic math
Knowledge on how to work Google
Good communication skills
● Administration
Job Summary
The Administration Department in in charge of managing the progress and
projects of the company. The department for Alset consists of the Chief
Executive Officer and President. Admin sets the goals, tasks, deadlines, and
"next steps" for the company.When preparing for the trade shows, Admin is i
charge of managing the tasks and making sure everything makes the deadlines.

Job Responsibilities
Complete the ADMIN section of orders placed
Run company meetings
Organize trade show activities
Manage company needs and progress
Set goals for company

Job Qualifications
Bachelor's Degree or Higher in Business Management, Marketing,
Communications, Human Resources, or a program related to the industry you
are going into
Experience in a leadership role for a business (Manager, Chief of Department,
Executive, etc.)
Personal attributes of leadership, drive, and ambition
Employee Duties And Responsibilities
● Come in, sit down , log in and get to work, follow tasks and complete work on
time don't slack off

Employee Benefits
● If we as a company surpass our previous months sales, all employees will
receive a cash bonus of $1000. Every month, the heads of the departments
select a certain employee to be the employee of the month, and the specific
person receives a cash bonus of $3000. Alset has recently reached the top 150
out of all the other VE ferms, so we were given a $2000 cash bonus. All
employees have a 401k plan, to put money away for retirement after their time at
the company.

Diversity Policy
● Alset is a company that has equal opportunity for everyone. Alset does not
discriminate against race, sex, height, weight, age, marital status, disability,
genetic information, or any other any reason prohibited by applicable law.

Sexual Harassment Policy

● 0 tolerance for sexual harassment

Company Etiquette (Dress Code, Behavior, Telephone And E-

mail Techniques)
● Clothes need to be casual, behavior needs to be as you would expect to see in a
workplace, a bit laid back but everyone is focused and on task, do not be rude or
use inappropriate or foul language.

Internet And E-mail Usage/Policies

Phone usage should be little to no time, and if you are on your phone it should be
because you got permission from HR or the CEO. Email should be used to
communicate purposes and share information with one another.
Safety Procedures

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