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Reverb Newsletter outline

Chad Reilly

Developing an audience for the newsletter:

1. The audience of this newsletter will be all internal employees, all media contacts and all
influencer contacts. The audience is mostly between ages 20 and 40 and are of both genders.
2. This audience will be interested in the company’s current state, current projects, how past
projects worked out, and what future projects are in the mix. For the media and influencers
especially, they are always looking for new things to pick up so if we say “March 3rd, upcoming
product announcement” now all our contacts will know we have an upcoming announcement
and they can get excited.
3. Most the information this audience gets is from press releases or personal contact with
someone in the company so this would be a new outlet for people to look forward to receiving
information from.
4. Most of this audience is always worried about producing new content. So our media is always
looking for something new to release to their audience and our influencers are always looking
for a game to play to entertain their audience so they need new games and information on up
and coming games or updates.
5. The audience’s strengths and things they are proud of might be the content they produce and
the way they are able to entertain their audience or perhaps reveal to them never before seen
stuff. This newsletter will allow them to learn stuff about our company as well as help them plan
their future and make sure they have room for our new products/updates

Planning the newsletter:

1. This newsletter will be an informative one focusing mainly on perhaps a feature story of an
employee and the other main focus would be our upcoming products and expansions. We will
also include more content on statistical evidence of how our past products or games did and
maybe even include a feature story on a specific influencer who had the most impact on game
2. We want to have our announcements be as big and popular as possible. Using a newsletter
would help raise awareness for upcoming announcements so our main contacts for outsourcing
information knows to look for this information and it will make them ready to compete to be
the first to report on our announcements. Our media contacts will be able to learn more about
our company and in turn will think more favorably about us. We plan to do it quarterly so we do
not bombard our contacts with the same information over and over and we make our
announcements really special. Also releasing quarterly will allow us to still give off the most
amount of information for new clients we pick up as well as old clients we are still working with.
If we release the newsletter it will allow our influencers and media contacts to know we will
announce something but if we are not careful it can also lead to leaks of information and
possible incorrect rumors. Because the newsletter is open to the public once released we have
to be careful to limit our information to “announcement coming” and maybe even specify which
game the announcement will be for (if it is a big update or expansion). This will help generate
buzz around a game as people get excited for possible releases but also might create false ideas
that might generate negative feedback if it is not delivered to the public’s prediction. For
instance if we mention that there is an announcement for a game coming up on March 26th and
the media write about it predicting a new character will be added to the game and all it turns
out to be is a large balance update, we get generate negative feedback from disappointed fans.
3. I’m thinking the name could be something as simple as Reverb Reports as it gets the point across
as to what the newsletter will be but also uses alliteration to create a catchy title.
4. For our feature story we could write about our recent intern who just ended his internship with
us. The feature could focus on what he accomplished and worked on while working for us to
highlight all the exceptional work that got done while he was with us. This would benefit him as
to raise awareness about him and the great work he does as well as give his name out to all our
media and influencer contacts. This would benefit us as a very sneaky way to show off the great
work we have accomplished this last quarter. While we talk about his good work, we can talk
about the success of the games he worked on to sneakily pat ourselves on the back for a job
well done.
5. Our hard news story can be about our secret upcoming project. The story can be about how we
have a new upcoming game. People will be excited for an upcoming title out of our company
and while we won’t release any details about our game, our contacts will be keeping an eye out
for our game and will be excited to release information about it when it eventually comes out.
6. With our soft news lead we can talk about one of our recent games and how the reviews of the
game are coming out. We can give cool background information and sneakily release some new,
background lore that sharp-eyed media and influencer contacts can find. It can be like a little
Easter egg of our newsletter.
7. We can include tips for our games that come out. Every issue we can release new ways to beat
our games to help our influencers especially learn how to better get the hang of our game and
maybe learn something new.
8. Lastly we should include a calendar in there of our products, product announcements, and just
make it easy for those who skim through to know exactly when stuff we are going to do will
come out and make it easy for our contacts to keep track of our products.

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