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OutSpoken Youth Leadership Board Application

Due November 16th by 5pm. The NW Network

Turn in paper applications by scanning and emailing to P.O. Box 18436
Seattle, WA 98118
The OutSpoken Youth Leadership Board (YLB) is a group of youth leaders (13-24) living,
working, or receiving services in King County, centering (but not limited to) LGBTQ youth and young adults who
have experienced violence and homelessness/unstable housing during the course of their lives. The goal of the
Leadership Board is to inform The Northwest Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian & Gay Survivors of Abuse on
how to improve services for the youth in its programs and guide the OutSpoken Speakers Bureau program.
Board members will be paid $20/hr for their work.

In 2014, The Northwest Network was awarded funding from the Office on Violence Against Women which
created the original capacity to build the Leadership Board. At the time, the scope of the project was to help
inform content for the Teen DV Coalition around the region. The reach has since expanded thanks to the
persistence of current leaders and to the award NWN just received from the Best Starts for Kinds levy.

YLB members will meet twice a month for two hours, plus any additional commitments agreed upon in those
meetings. The minimum hours in any month will be 4 hours but members will have the optional ability to work
up to 10 hours in some months. The minimum commitment is 6 months. The main goals of the YLB will be to
lead the work done with the OutSpoken Speakers Bureau which includes planning social events and trainings for
OutSpoken panelists and Queer Youth Talk Backs for the larger Seattle community. In return, YLB members get
paid $20 for their time and will receive support and training from the Northwest Network staff.

We are prioritizing young people who have experienced homelessness/unstable housing and violence in the
application. We are defining homelessness/unstable housing as any period having difficulty staying in the same
place. And, we are defining violence as bullying, harassment, domestic violence, intimate partner violence,
family violence, sexual violence.

If these are not your experiences, you should still apply! This program is for anyone seeking to become more
pronounced leaders in your communities!

The information in this application will be kept confidential; it is our intent to only use submissions to determine
the make-up of the Youth Leadership Board – in either this round of board member selection or in future
rounds. Your personally identifiable information will not be shared outside of the Northwest Network or the
Youth Leadership Board.

Once final decisions are made all applicants will be contacted via email whether or not you were selected. Those
selected for the Leadership Board will be contacted with the details about the position and to explain what
involvement will look like.

Our primary method of payment will be by paycheck, distributed once per month. In order to receive a
paycheck, we will be asking people to complete W-9s. These are contractor forms and will require your full legal
name and social security number. Please reach out and contact Taylor Carranza at 206-568-7777, if you have concerns about your ability to complete a W-9, we can find other solutions.
1. What name do you like to go by? _______________________________________________________________________
3. What pronouns do you use (examples: he/she/they/ze)? ____________________________________________________
3. Email address that you check regularly ___________________________________________________________________
4. Phone number: _______________________ Okay to leave a voicemail (circle one): Yes No Okay to text: Yes No
5. What is your birth month and year? _____________________________________________________________________

6. Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this program? What experiences and/or unique perspectives do you think you
could bring to the table? ________________________________________________________________________________

7. Why do you think programs like this are important? ________________________________________________________


8. How do you hope to grow yourself and the program through being a part of it? __________________________________
9. How comfortable are you participating in a group? _________________________________________________________
10. Are you able to commit to two two-hour meetings a month? (Circle one)
Yes No Not sure yet

11. Are you able to commit to 6 months? (Circle one) *We understand life come up, and if your situation changes, that’s ok.
Just circle what you think is most accurate now.*
Yes No Not sure yet

12. Would you be available for more than six months?

Yes No Not sure yet

The Following is demographic information. This information will be kept confidential; it is our intent to only use this
information to help inform the make-up of the Leadership Board – in either this round of board member selection or in
future rounds. The personally identifiable information shared in this section will not be shared outside of the Northwest
Network. All information that is shared will be de-identified and will not be connected to your name or other personally
identifying information. I have read and understand how this information will be used. (circle one)

Yes No

12. What best describes your race/ethnicity? ________________________________________________________________

13. How would you describe your gender? __________________________________________________________________
14. How would you describe your sexual orientation? _________________________________________________________
15. What is the zip code of the place you're staying now or most recently stayed? __________________________________
16. What is the last grade you completed? __________________________________________________________________
17. How did you hear about this opportunity? _______________________________________________________________
18. If not selected during our first round of recruitment, are you interested in being contacted during future recruitment
efforts? (circle one) Yes No

Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________


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