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Save a Life 

Over ​50%​ of all people who die by ​suicide 

suffer from d
​ epression​ at the time of 
G E T H E L P  O R  B E T H E  H E L P 
There are too many people who are afraid to get help 
for their depression or other mental illness because they 
are embarrassed, scared, or don’t know anyone they 
can trust. Other people do cry for help but it may come 
across as dramatic, attention seeking, or selfish when all 
they really need is someone to listen and to care. Be 
that someone. Respond to any cry for help with the 
utmost respect and sincerity. On the other hand, if you 
are struggling with a mental illness, please find 
someone who trust, or talk to a professional and get the 
help you need! Other people care and so should you. 
“So, please be good to each other. 
Check on your strong friends who 
have it together, and your friends who 
are “too busy” and disappeared. If we 
can create a world where the stigma 
of suicide is decreased so people 
speak out when they are in pain, 
maybe we can prevent anyone else 
from dying.”  
~Kelechi Ubozoh, Suicide Survivor 

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