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This assignment is used to show future educators qualities about me, and why they

should accept me into their school. It's not to show off my skills, but to help them understand
who I am as a person more than as a student.

Joshua Wright
Ms. Tibbitts
Period 3.
Growing up, music has been a huge part of what I am. All my siblings and parents
participated in at least one of the musical performing arts. I am in a marching band at our
school. Our school has had many leaders, but now we have a band director that is very
passionate about what we do, and pushes us to be the best we can. We were getting ready to
perform our first time for the student body. This time especially stressful because it's for the
homecoming game, which usually more people attend.
We played for the first quarter of the game, and walked down to the track by the
endzone to prepare for our halftime show. Tension filled the air, as we warmed up our
instruments for the show. When we took a small break for tuning, I turned and wished the rest of
my section good luck. I checked to see if my section had their groove with them (a groove is a
rock with the word groove on it). We keep our groove in our pocket as a tradition that my section
leader kept up. It’s kind of like a lucky charm to help us remember to keep our groove.
We finished warming up, and we went to our band director, and he pepped us up, and
told us that this is the moment to change their view of band. He told us that this was our
moment to shine. I remember having a void in my stomach before marching out onto the field.
The student body went quiet. It was our time to shine. We started the show, and I remember
getting shivers down my spine when there was a powerful note played at the beginning.
As we played the last downbeat of the show. I remember forcing myself to not move my
feet before for the drum majors called us off the field. I looked over at the student section, and
some of them stood up and clapped, and the others started shouting “LET'S GO BAND!” In
unison as we left the field. We all got a break for the third quarter of the game, and had to come
back on the fourth quarter. We played a few songs before the game ended. I was chilling with
my friends Madi and Malcom. We took a selfie of all of us in our uniform. The game ended, so
we met with our band director on the track. I remember somebody mention about the crowd
saying “LET’S GO BAND!” and they also mentioned the fact that the student section had never
done this before at these types of events where the band is playing.
This experience shows me that even when faced with a situation where there wouldn’t
be any support, we went out and played anyways. Hearing other people clap and enjoy what we
have performed, is a highlight to why I spend all this time playing music. When done right, music
is a light in other people's lives.

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