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Evaluasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris (English Evaluation)

Name: _______________ Grade: I

1. The colour of apple is ....

a. Blue
b. Yellow
c. Red

2. The apple tastes is ....

a. Salty
b. Sweet
c. Bitter

3. Apple = ei - pi – pi – el - .....
a. i
b. ee
c. ei

4. Rina = ar – ai – en - ....
a. ei
b. a
c. ai

5. Nino : “How are you Dinda ?”

Dinda : “.....”
a. I am fine
b. I am dinda
c. I am you

6. Teacher : “Good morning student”

Students : “....”
a. Good bye teacher
b. Good morning teacher
c. Good evening teacher

7. Dika : “What is your name?”

Sela : “ ..... is Sela”
a. Hai
b. Oke
c. My name

8. This is my ..... (telinga)

a. Nose
b. Eyes
c. Ear

9. Open your .... (mata)

a. Eyes
b. Arm
c. Nose
10. Nose in Indonesian is ....
a. Hidung
b. Mulut
c. Pipi

11. Daun berwarna hijau

The english sentences is ....
a. The leaf is red
b. The leaf is yellow
c. The leaf is green

12. The sky is .... (Biru)

a. Yellow
b. Red
c. Blue

13. Jari saya adalah sepuluh. Sepuluh in English is ....

a. Three
b. Nine
c. Ten

14. I have .... pencils. (dua belas)

a. Eleven
b. Twelve
c. Sixteen

15. 8 + 7 = ...
a. Fourteen
b. Fifteen
c. Sixteen

16. Saya punya dua mata. The english sentences is ....

a. I have two eyes
b. I have four eyes
c. I have two nose

17. I puts my ..... in the table. ( Penggaris)

a. Eraser
b. Pencil
c. Ruler


The girl likes read a ....

a. Pencil
b. Chair
c. Book

19. P – P – L – E – A = .....
a. Please
b. Apple
c. Sleep
25. I – mother – love – My . The correct order is ....
a. Love mother my I
b. Love I my mother
c. I love my mother


1. The apple is (Hijau) ....

2. Ibu in English is ....

3. I have .... Ears.

4. The cows have .... legs.

5. Nine , ten , ....... , twelve.

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