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After everything that happened between Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde.

They made their differences

and came together to open a game stop. A few month later after the grand opening. They were
closing then they saw a strange man walking like a zombie. As soon as he got to the man he tried
to bite them. Dr. Jekyll pushed the man then he ran back to the store. Dr. Jekyll told him what
They were both scared they took another look and they didn’t see anything. They stayed there
all night until they seen the whole town coming towards the shop. So they boarded up the store.
Then they tried to find a way out of the store. Dr. Jekyll found a way out and ran to the nearest
building that they saw which was a school. As soon as they entered the school they noticed that it
was infected people on the campus. So they tried to out run the infected around the school. Then
they got tired of running so they ran to the boys bathroom. But they forgot to lock the door they
could hear the infected coming so they ran for the door to lock it and they were to late.

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