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Amber Delgadillo

April 23, 2019


Argumentative Reflection Graphic Organizer

During my junior year, I significantly improved my writing and advanced on my SLO's. I

improved my argumentative skills through numerous essays, but one in particular saw most

progress. The assignment was completed in Mrs.Van Hill’s 11th grade English class, November

2017.We were asked to read Thomas Paine's essay on civil disobedience and then use quotes or

other sources in order to argue whether civil disobedience is truly a bad thing. At the time of the

article, america had been struggling with this same argument, and we were asked to consider it as

well.We were asked to write an essay discussing whether civil disobedience is justified, and

support our argument with Oscar Wilde’s “Disobedience”. In the assignment, I argued that

disobedience is relative to the situation and its outcome. This assignment is an argumentative

piece because I provide my point of view, a counterclaim, and a rebuttal. We were provided a

text and were supposed to take a stance on whether we agreed, disagreed, or other, for example,

only agreed to a portion of the statement, stating,“Oscar Wilde once said disobedience meant

progress, and while that may be true, it can sometimes have the opposite effect, hindering

progress, or no effect at all.”

In the disobedience assignment, I was a critical thinker and an effective communicator,

reaching two different SLO's. I reached these SLO’s because I weighed different facts and

scenarios, clearly defined my opinion, and thought about my thesis before articulating it further

in a structured essay. I argued that, “disobedience should not be tolerated because it can cost so
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much. One small action could result in losing a war and can set back social progress.” In this

quote, I explain how society can be impacted, meaning I am being a critical thinker by

connecting the artifact to real world scenarios. I was also a critical thinker by analyzing the

statement and providing an antithesis as well as a rebuttal,“Disobedience can lead to immense

good or its antithesis of terrible events. Many times in history, there have been two sides of the

same coin,” which I later explain in detail. By acknowledging the good that people in society

have done, and showing others in my class, I proved to be a critical thinker. I did this by stating

that, “ In being disobedient, civilians saved lives, people helped refugees, and ended a war.

People were disobedient because they were doing what seemed right to them.” Additionally, I

was a critical thinker by thinking of different levels of disobedience and other examples,

concluding that,“in some cases, being disobedient lead to nothing drastic, it doesn't hinder

society as a whole, or lead to social progress.” I was an effective communicator by explaining

that,“Logically speaking, disobedience is no good because it can get in the way of things or ruin

a set system.” as a cog in a machine, or one small part malfunctioning, can have enormous

repercussions. I used logos and ethos as literary strategies in order to convince my reader. I also

used similes and metaphors in order to engage the reader further, making me a better, more

effective communicator. Finally, I explained how, “ disobedience of small, seemingly less

powerful groups can lead to many great things,” by being an effective communicator and using

appropriate language to convey my point.

The assignment helped me improve my skills of being a critical thinker and an effective

communicator, by making me focus on the specifics, practice the SLO’s, and articulate my

opinion. I contemplated different outcomes and possible arguments before I chose my stance.

After weighing the evidence, I made a decision and articulated it. I had to get my opinion across
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clearly to the reader, as well as provide different viewpoints, such as an antithesis and a rebuttal.

In the future, I will need to focus on being an effective communicator. I need to write my essays

and opinions in a way that my target audience can understand. I can't assume that everyone

understands because I do as I might not be specific enough or might have previous knowledge.

In order to be a better communicator and presenter, I had to decide on what vocabulary was

appropriate, what examples I would use, and how to make my ideas flow smoothly from one to

the other, being succinct and persuasive. I can use this skill in the future in order to be a better

coworker or leader by being able to articulate myself properly. It will also help me be a willing

collaborator. Additionally, I can use my skills as a critical thinker in order to solve different

problems and overcome future obstacles whether it be personal or professional. The

argumentative artifact helped me improve my skills as a student. In college, I will be able to

communicate my argument clearly and precisely in assignments, essays and presentations.

Further, I will be able to communicate to my patients in a way that they can understand and help

them be worry free.

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