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Adjust you tillering

There are many guides to setting the tiller on your recurve, but what does it actually mean?

Everyone, (and their granny) has an opinion on how to set the tiller. Generally the advice is to set an initial difference
between top and bottom limb of about 5mm.

You will know by now that, unfortunately, there is a relationship between everything in archery.
Move something and something else goes correspondingly the other way.
Well, tiller is related to the nocking point, how you hold your string and most probably other UN-mentionables.
But, there are a couple of simple things to remember.
First, the difference between the top and bottom limb measurement will closely match how far above horizontal you
place  your nocking point
Second, how do you hold the string?, if you have 3 fingers under then start with a zero tiller.
A Mediterranean loose (one over, two under) start your tuning with 5mm of tiller (and set your nocking point up

Stop, I want to get off……………………………………………………..

Can you just explain why? Please…..

OK…… tillering is balancing the difference between your bow hand pressure (the centre of the bow) and your string
finger pressure (above the centre of the bow). They are not in line so you are pulling and pushing in slightly different
planes, bow hand is generally higher than the point where the fingers pull the string.
The bow manufacturers make the bottom and top limb slightly different strengths to allow for this, but as you know
one size does not fit everyone, so you have to tune the bow to you!

To adjust your tillering stand around 5 metres from a target butt and at full draw aim at a point on the target and
close your eyes for 5 seconds. When you open your eyes you should still be aiming at the same point. You adjust
your limb bolts according to your bows manual instructions.

If you have moved above the aiming point then the top limb is too strong and you should reduce the weight by a ¼
turn and retest. If you have moved below the aiming point then the bottom limb is too strong and you should reduce
the weight by a ¼ turn and retest.

Good tillering provides a balance between the limbs, your bow hand and your string hand. It will quieten down the
bow noise as the limbs will now be working in harmony. Your aiming will be a lot easier because you will not be
subconsciously fighting the vertical movement of the bow.

You may now need to re-visit your nocking point, check it.

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