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Abbey Burton

Top Gun

Action movies are known for primarily consisting of explosions, violence, and cocky

heroes who always come out on top defeating the bad guy and getting the girl. Directed by Tony

Scott and starring Tom Cruise, “Top Gun” is vastly different from the stereotypical action film.

You will be both on the edge of your seat and maybe shedding a tear or two in this classic,

adrenaline-pumping, romantic, all-American, cinematic masterpiece. Although there are a few

predictable moments, there are several elements of “Top Gun” set it aside from a banal movie

that we are all used to seeing.

Now before you get the wrong impression, “Top Gun” is still an action film that still has

it’s share of aerial battle scenes, MiG-28s, and heroic moments. After all, any movie starring

Tom Cruise is expected to have at least a few stunts. Since the movie was filmed in 1986, the

graphics and camera tricks are obviously not up to date. However, some would say that the

movie was ahead of it’s time. Despite not having all the special effects we see today, the action

scenes and aerial dogfights will draw you in as if you were really there. “Top Gun” is an

adrenaline fueled salute to all things fast- cars, motorcycles, planes, and even women. Pete

“Maverick” Mitchell, a virtuoso pilot who does everything on his own terms, likes to live at

100mph, and after earning his spot at “Top Gun”, things only seem to speed up.

Every good movie needs it’s fair share of conflicts. At Top Gun, there’s no trouble

running into those. Throughout the movie, Maverick competes with one of his rival pilots at the

school called “Iceman” for the privilege of putting their name on the Top Gun trophy and the

opportunity to return to the school as an instructor. Maverick also struggles with trying to win

over one of his instructors, a sexy, adventurous young woman who goes by the name of Charlie.
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After meeting Charlie at a bar and serenading her in song and drinks, Maverick can’t seem to

keep his eyes off her and tries to play it cool as he struggles to win her attention. In addition, it is

a daily battle for the pilots at Top Gun to impress their instructor, prove their skills, and come out

as the best of the best.

Action and conflict aren’t the only sources of entertainment that “Top Gun” has to offer.

There is also a unique, meaningful romance that takes place in the midst of the fast-paced

activity. Charlie and Maverick develop a sincere romance that warms the heart of the audience.

Even though the chemistry between Charlie and Maverick is a huge part of the plot and one of

the more sentimental elements of the movie, the relationship between the two is pretty

predictable. They hit it off, fall in love with each other, then a wrench gets thrown into things and

they almost walk away from their relationship forever. But in the end, the hero always ends up

with the girl.

The romance between the two main characters isn’t the only thing that can be easily

predicted in the film. During a training accident, Maverick’s F-14 is sent through the jet wash of

his wingman (Goose), and while Maverick successfully ejects, his best friend is sent into an

uncontrollable spin that not even the most advanced skills can control. While this is definitely a

tear-shedding moment for the audience, some of us saw it coming. After the accident, the whole

dynamic of the film is shifted until Maverick gets his act back together.

One of the biggest things that sets “Top Gun” apart from other movies in it’s genre is its

all-American, pro-military, teamwork focused themes. Throughout the film, it maintains classic,

feel good material that immerses you into the culture and takes you back in time. In addition to

its state-of-the-art jet battles and appearances of planes doing somersaults at top speed, there is

substance to the story. Tony Scott clearly put some heart into directing this movie, and it comes
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out in some of the heart warming moments of the film. There was also a lot of thought put into

casting. Not only was the cast compatible in many ways, but they each fully embodied their

written characters with heart and emotion. This is one of the biggest stand outs that people can

take away from “Top Gun”.

All in all, “Top Gun” is a great movie that stands out from other movies in its genre,

despite many of it’s predictable moments and classic action movie content. Between it’s MiG28

air battles, conflicts, romance, humorous moments, and tear jerking scenes, “Top Gun” is a

movie that will leave you wanting more; and have you ready to join the navy or fall in love.

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