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Senior Project Field Hours Semester II

Paige Hunter
Interior Design

January (8 hours) Painted mountains on an This project took a while but it was super fun
old wood pallet to hang on to combine my loves for art and interior
the wall in my family’s design. I was super happy with how the end
living room product turned out and it’s cool to have a
piece of art in our house that’s one of a kind
and holds special meaning to us. I’ve had
requests from other people to make similar
pieces for them too, so maybe this could
become a small business I could do during the

March (3 hours) Made a wall collage out of The wall by the main entryway was bare in
8x10 pictures my house, so I made a wall collage out of
8x10 pictures to fill the space. It took a lot of
work to get the spacing even and all the
pictures level but the end product turned out
super great. It’s a nice piece because it’s one
of the first things people see when they walk
inside the door and lets them know a little bit
about what our family enjoys.

April (4 hours) Planned decor for dorm The pictures of what my dorm room looks
room like online make it look like a cinder block
prison so I want to put of a lot of time into
making it look nice. My search for
decorations has included a lot of online
shopping, going to IKEA, Target, Cost Plus
World Market, TJ Maxx Homestore, etc. I’ve
found that shopping online is way easier
because you can find exactly what you want
and shipping isn’t as much as I thought-- free
shipping on a comforter? Not bad. My room
is coming together slowly but surely. It’s
going to take a lot more shopping to get
everything together because I’ve been
focusing on decorations for this project but I
still need to figure out organization.

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