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1) Dear Justa Chikin, I understand that you have some complaints about our product.


seems that we may have allowed a defective product to pass through one of our quality

checks. We are grateful that you took the time to show your dissatisfaction with the

quality of our work. When you hold us to a higher standard it allows us to hold ourselves

to a higher standard. If you would provide us with an email address, we would gladly

send you a voucher that will cover the cost of a new backpack. I hope that you have not

lost faith in our product and will continue to be a customer in the future. I hope you enjoy

your evening.

2) I am truly sorry that our product has failed you. Of course, you can have a replacement

cable free of charge. We at Wells LLP are very thankful for your patronage and are truly

sorry that we allowed a defective product to reach our consumers and will improve our

process to prevent this in the future.

3) I understand that you have lost the cap to your camera. Unfortunately, we do not replace

lost parts. However, we do sell the cap for a price. On the other hand, if the price we sell

it for is too high there are also generic brands out there that sell for less.

4) Hello, I am understanding that you are having troubles with our game today. Sometimes

if you close out the app and restart it then it will begin to work. Also, you should check

for the latest update to the software, sometimes that causes problems. However,

ultimately the problem might be the service where you are located now. The game

requires a lot of data and if the Wi-Fi connection is not strong enough the game may not


5) A. Cat’s App I am sorry to hear that our app is causing you such frustrations. I would like

to ask what version of the app you downloaded. Some app stores still allow users to
download our beta version of the app. This beta version was only the bare minimum and

used only to test how consumers would receive the product. Now that we no longer need

to test this, the maintenance on this version is down and that software no longer

functions. There is another free version of this app that is available in the app store and

will not crash. Thank you for voicing your concerns.

6) Ane Arseholl I am sorry to hear the way you feel about our company. We try our utmost

best to provide satisfactory service to our customers, as well as, an enjoyable work

environment for our employees. If you would be willing to tell me what branch your

friend works at I would be willing to take all the time needed to investigate said branch

and find out what problems, he is experiencing.

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