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3.7 Perception d.

Formist (pattern)
3.7.1 Definitions -appreciate building if we recognize a familiar pattern.
a. Cognition
b. Symbol B. Empirical Aesthetics
c. Semiotics
3.7.2 Gestalt Theory
-perception of objects as segregated from each other and
from a bookground.

Figure ground – degree to which

Grouping – organization of objects into distinct units

3.7.3 Ecological
-conditions in which the environment affect the way an object
is perceived.

3.7.4 Transactional
-perception is governed by expectancies & pre-dispositions
-memory bias
Ex. Personal memory of client as client the pegs to know
their memory bias & standards

3.8. Aesthetics
-the study of the mind and the emotions in relation to the
sense of beauty
-seeks to answer the question “why do people consider an
image beautiful?”

A. Speculate Aesthetics
1) Philosophical approaches
a. Hermeneutic (text)
b. Phenomenological (instinct)
c. Existential (creative)
d. Political; Marxist ( struggle)
Churches – full of struggle
Shopping malls are not struggle.

2) Scientific approaches
a) Psychoanalytic (catharsis)
-Sigmund feud
Oedipus complex
Electra complex
-healing the mind
-move their emotions
b. Psychological
1. mechanistic (stimulus)
-one general detail that is beautiful &
people will generalize
2. Contextual (nature)
-nature related accent
c. Organismicist – know the (body and soul) soul
-shell & a core – basic parts of organism

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