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R. R. Alvy was a member of the Nuclear Facilities Re-

search Activity which Holmes & Narver established in 1956
to study possible areas in which its Proving Ground experi-
ence might contribute to industrial facilities. He also was
in charge of a Nuclear Reactor Hazards Study prepared
for Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Several reports and
papers, this one among them, have resulted from his exten-
sive research and study for this project.
Mr. Alvy has a long record of achievements in the engi-
neering field, among them the structural design of test struct-
ures at the Eniwetok Proving Ground during Operations "Ivy"
and "Castle." He is now Engineering Manager of the Holmes
& Narver AEC Facilities Project at the Nevada Test Site.
He was awarded a degree in Civil Engineering from the
>5 City College of New York and holds a Master's Degree in

m Structural Engineering from the University of Southern

California. He is licensed as a Civil and a Structural Engi-
neer in the State of California, and also has his own general
contractor's license.

Robert A. Williamson, a design specialist, joined Holmes

& Narver in November, 1950, and since that time has par-
ticipated in the design of many industrial and military
He was occupied with the structural design on several
assignments connected with the Atomic Energy Commission's
Eniwetok Proving Ground in the Marshall Islands. These
assignments included the design of heavy concrete blast
resistant structures, steel mill-type buildings, and special
purpose towers.
A Howard C. Holmes Scholar, Mr. Williamson is a civil
engineering graduate of the University of California. He is
a member of the ACI, the Structural Engineers Association
of Southern California, and an associate member of ASCE.
He is a registered structural, civil and mechanical engineer
in the State of California.

(, if




In the design of modern industrial plants, When the pressure generated by an explosion
engineers are quite often faced with certain ha- inside a pressure vessel exceeds the yield point
zards inherent in process systems operating of its metal, and cannot be contained, the shell
under high pressure or with explosive mixtures. bursts. If the rate of the explosion is rapid, frag-
In general, the basic consideration is in the con- ments or projectiles of irregular shape will be
taining of this pressure or possible detonation thrown at moderate to high velocities. The ef-
within the system of piping and pressure ves- fect of a fragment on the adjacent walls of the
sels used. If an explosion should occur which room or vapor container depends on its shape,
is not contained, the skin of the building is al- mass, initial velocity, the distance from point
most universally designed to blow out to pre- of explosion, the angle at which the fragment
vent damage to the main structural framework. strikes, and the contact areas. The items of
Similarly, if high velocity fragments are pro- major importance to the designer are mass^ in-
duced as a result of such a detonation, or some itial velocity and the contact area. The action
component of the system is suddenly ejected of a fragment striking a wall may result in par-
because of the high pressure, it is very rare tial or complete penetration, in damage by the
that any attempt is made to design against the load of impact, or both. This paper concerns
possible impact on any part of the building. itself essentially with the effect of impact, and
assumes that all the required parameters are
With the advent of nuclear process systems, known. However, means for obtaining the values
it has become of prime importance to recon- for the parameters will be discussed.
sider this engineering philosophy. Certain types
of such plants have systems utilizing high pres- INITIAL VELOCITY
sures, others result in the formation of explosive
mixtures, and some have both. As a result, the The initial velocity of a fragment is nearly
ability of fragments or missiles resulting from independent of its mass and shape, and is ap-
conceivable accidents to penetrate the outer proxima^ly equal to the velocity of expansion
shell or vapor container of the structure must be of the exploding pressure vessel (1). Unfortu-
evaluated. That this must be prevented for nately for this discussion, much definite source
those accidents believed feasible is obvious, material available for predicting this value is
otherwise excessive radiation may escape to in classified reports developed as a part of the
contaminate the surrounding areas. This paper weapons program (1, 2). Those with access may
is aimed directly at the effect of those fragments utilize these reports by converting the explosive
resulting from an explosion within a pressure power available in the system under considera-
vessel of a nuclear power reactor; however, the tion into an equivalent quantity of TNT. Once
equations derived are applicable to any missile this is known, the velocity can be expressed as
of known mass travelling at a specific velocity. a function of the ratio of the charge weight

IJ o >-' '/
to the weight of the container. Of the two, it is suggested that such conversion be based on
is believed that reference 2 will provide the more equivalent cross-sectional areas. The modified
realistic value. For the purpose of this report equations can then be used to determine the
it is assumed the initial velocity is known. extent of penetration to a degree of accuracy
which is sufficient for the impact analysis.
The impact loading and penetration of frag- EFFECT ©F IMFACI
ments depend on their shape, weight and con-
tact area. In general, fragments will vary con- The usual damage discussed in reference to
siderably in size. Unfortunately, insufficient projected fragments is that of penetration. How-
evidence appears to be available to permit the ever, a fragment can also cause extensive dam-
prediction of the size and shape of the fiagments age solely from its force of impact. The follow-
resulting from an explosion. The fact that the ing analysis derives a method to evaluate the
size of these fragments can be quite large is impact effect of a high-velocity fragment strik-
illustrated by the results of the Whiting explo- ing a structural element. The loading on any
sion (3). A figure of 10 percent of the weight structure being struck is in the nature of an
of the pressure vessel is recommended as the impulse or dynamic load. The overall effect is
maximum size of a fragment to be considered. also dependent on the extent of penetration of
the fragment. The analysis when penetration
PENETRATION takes place is different than that where none
occurs, and both cases are presented.
The penetration of a fragment into a resisting
mass is governed by the velocity at impact, the
physical properties of the missile, and the ma- CASE WITH PENETRATION
terial characteristics of the resisting mass. These
factors have been combined in various forms Under a dynamic load, a structure will deform
by a number of authorities in balhstics to ob- under the load and return completely or par-
tain empirical expressions for penetration. Here, tially to its initial position. The amount of max-
too, the sources of information known to the imum and permanent deformation is a function
writers for calculating the depth of penetration of the type of impulse loading and material
are classified reports (1, 2) which resulted from characteristics of the structure. The impulse
the weapons program. loading on the structure is a function of the
mass and velocity of the fragment as well as
The phenomenon of penetration can be de- the depth of penetration. The relation between
scribed in terms of several degrees of damage. load and deformation or between resistance and
When a fragment of relatively slow velocity deflection of a structural element may take any
strikes a wall of a finite thickness, it will pene- number of forms. It is convenient, however, to
trate slightly causing a crater aroimd the point define the structural resistance in the same
of contact, provided the contact is made with- terms and units as the external loading. The
in a relatively small area. As the velocity is procedure proposed develops a means of cal-
increased, the penetration wiU become greater culating a static load which will permit the de-
and scabbing will take place in back of the wall, signer to establish the required yield strength
which is usually wider and shallower than the of the structure to resist the impulse loading
front spall crater. As the velocity is increased of the fragment.
still further, progressively deeper craters will
be formed until the wall is completely perforat- The basic assumption made for this case is
ed and the fragment passes through. that the force of impact, F, and its velocity, v,
both reduce linearly to zero as the fragment
Formulas have been derived by both Army penetrates the beam. The total kinetic energy
and Navy agencies to determine the extent of of the fragment is expended while the fragment
penetration. These formulas have been derived travels a distance, X, equal to the penetration
on the basis of round missiles in connection obtained by either of the formulas contained
with specific charges of TNT or other military in reference 1 or 2. The deflection of the struc-
explosives. In order to utilize the equations, tural element is assumed negligible when com-
therefore, they must be converted for use with pared to the penetration. Under these assump-
the rectangular shape to be expected with the tions, the work done by the fragment is equal
fragments resulting from a vessel explosion. It to its kinetic energy, thus
Fi X j(x = 3 to 5; for moderately ductile structures,
^ = 10 to 30; and for very ductile structures,
2g ju, may vary from 40 to-100. The use of equation
(3) with equation (4) or Figure 3 will allow
Fi = wv" (1) the designer to determine a static load which,
if it stresses the material exactly to its yield
Ix" point, wiU absorb the energy of the impulse
Furthermore, because the velocity is assum- while deflecting the beam through a distance
ed to reduce linearly from an initial value of V, of ju, times the yield deflection. Therefore, the
the time of the impulse or the duration of the designer should utilize the value of F obtained
impact force is determined by the equation. in this manner together with a suitable factor
of safety on the dynamic yield stress of the ma-
2X terial. In other words the great abihty of any
ti = (2) material to absorb energy in the plastic stress
range is being utilized, iiiferring of course that
permanent deformation is permissable for this
Equations (1) and (2) provide the two fac- hazard.
tors required to establish the limits of the
impulse load, namely Fi and ti. The capability The natural period of vibration, T, wMch
of a structure to resist dynamic loads is a func- appears in equation (3), must be determined
tion of its natural period of vibration, T, the for the structural element being struck. How-
time of the impulse, ti, the yield strength of the ever, to utilize the formula developed by New-
material and its ductility. For this analysis, the mark, it is theoretically necessary to use the
ductility shall be described by the symbol /Xj period corresponding to the stiffness of the
and is defined as the ratio of the deflection of elasto-plastic state, as the structure is assumed
a structure at failure to its deflection at yield. to enter the plastic range while deflecting. This
Its value can be readily established from the refinement is not believed necessary in this case.
streses-strain curve, and is a measure of the ca- Standard procedures are available for the com-
pability of a structure to absorb energy in the putation of the period of the structure in its
plastic range. initial elastic state, either analytically or by
numerical means, and are believed entirely
The value of Fi obtained by equation (1) is adequate for this analysis.
generally too large and too conservative to be
used for practical design, therefore, an equiva-
lent static load should be deterimned. The meth- CASE WITH NO PENETRATION
od proposed here for obtaining this load has
been developed by Newmark (4) in studies For the case where a mass may strike flat,
he has made in connection with blast loading. resulting in little or no penetration, the preced-
He has established equations based on triangular ing method cannot be used. A search into the
impulse loadings, which are consistent with the literature reveals that a fair amount of work
basic assumptions mentioned previously. The has been undertaken on this subject, but none
factor by which the value of Fi can be reduced could be found for the condition where the
is expressed by the equation structural element receiving the impact is stress-
ed beyond the elastic limit. AU work known to
Fi the writers has been conducted within the yield
= K (3) point for both elastic and inelastic impact. The
basic concept behind the following analysis is
then that a fragment striking a wall must be contain-
ed within the structure, but by allowing per-
0.5 manent deformation to take place. This allows
(2 j g - l ) "-^T the designer to utilize the great capacity of any
K + (4) material to absorb impact or impulse loads in
1 + the plastic range. The following, therefore, is
an attempt to evaluate the effect of a high
velocity fragment striking a beam at midspan
Figure 1 has been developed for values of under inelastic impact. An expression is deriv-
ju, = 1, 20 and 50. For a completely brittle struc- ed for the required yield resistance of the beam
ture, fi — 1.0; for moderately brittle structures, in terms of the mass and velocity of the frag-

^'- <^= t ,..C

l\ EEEH|EEEEE lit | | : |J=H- = --!|,| 1 1 1 ^ ^ •100.0

•••lllliiffl F F

; ^Spipi^jjiR-H 1' :

j:mfcJ::L£|gp-g34=d=F H-
fWHttH+H ; b: i --11== s !:;:;it
F |g|;j=j=|:=^p||Lj^4^

In iiiBiill
-Hh--J [—1—i • 4 ht ^•^
• • • iiy ::;;;
J. i

: :
N: ::
....!, -t-!> ''I
^•^ '\ - -s: - i 3 i l j L H ^ 9 : J . § . ;.:,.."" -I. ;1

4 . ....:,... . -!i_!h
s .!.-[_.__ t ^
ihpii|ii||ii,!!isiii •10.0
1 ill i lyliHiii
M | IP^ffi^
, j . __ .. 1 .L , , __
::: 1 fi j^.Lli . ^14iiL_._Li^i— llw'
•" n I-- F - i=-S=i
| i i i j i - i n tiiS

i rliiMMim

;; 1:;:;;;: IIIE;
r I''t'u"i'iii^E^*^^o^HHCbH' 1 Hi- Ui,.>
T i

" f 'I UJ '1
L , 11 1 1 \ 1 1 I hp
1 I I I ) ! I I 1 M M
i Jii|i:^Li| i 1 - •1.0
"n 'iTniTrh-rrT~rrr"i H——i—:
"T t n n T r ^ T r T T r H ~ i r T ' —r~
f\ frr I i ———
> ffllh^ JlkjT 1111!
lU H irtttti i! 1

444flU444-?r44-H H—N—\—

j" i

- r • - i'•(i i -s If ~ ~ i . ~
^^^^ ^i!
:! , . 1 , . 1 . ^ t rrr-irT-r-pt
r LtLtrtLT x t
. ...:.LCLiLL_L_ [ft
« | » ^ » :::; :i:i[ n ir::::::
B « » « » Q ^ ^

m ., m 1

7f77>r ^ M ^ MASS 7?^^ ivie


Xm " / i X y
. Xy
r—"I. J

B c



ment, and the ductihty factor and period of or
vibration of the beam. A second expression is
U^ mghc (11)
derived for the maximum deflection of the beam
in terms of the mass and velocity of the fragment,
The total work done in compressing the
the yield resistance of the beam, and its "effec-
spring is equal to the total kinetic energy avail-
tive" mass.
able a t the time local inelastic deformation is
The derivation parallels t h a t developed by complete (U^) plus the potential energy avail-
Timoshenko (5), and is limited by the same able resulting from the distance the spring will
assumptions. T o maintain the same concepts compress. From Figures 2 and 3, this value is
used by Newmark (4), the derivation is carried expressed by the terms
out on a single degree of freedom mass-spring mghc
system replacing the actual beam. (See Figure 2).
This system is equivalent to the beam if the The total strain energy stored in the spring
spring constant, k, is made equal to the static must equal the total work done. From Figures
load-deflection ratio of the beam and if the 3 and 4, the value of the strain energy is
period of vibration of the system is made equal
to t h a t of the beam by using an "effective" qyXm qy
mass. Me, which is less than the beam mass, M.

From Figure 2, if U = kinetic energy of the Equating

mass, m, just prior to impact, then
qy-^m qy = mghc -f mgXm (12)
U = mgh (5)
At the instant of impact, local inelastic de-
formation is assumed to occur, after which both
masses are assumed to move together and -T— and Xm = ju, Xy = -t— qy
spring compression takes place. From momen-
t u m considerations the common velocity, V, of into Equation 12
the two masses a t the instant local inelastic
deformation is complete is given, by mghc H :r^ qy
V - v (- -) (6) Simplifying
1 +
m 2mgj», 2kmghc
( ) qy =
Setting 2/x-l "' 2j[x - 1

Completing the square and solving for qy

Me 2;x-l 2hck
1 + mgju.
m l+V2+(
2 jtt-1 ^' mg \
then Substituting
V = vc (8)
Y" m + Me 4ir''
If U^ = total kinetic energy of both bodies h=—-—';c= ;k:s—^^^-CMe + m)
a t the time local inelastic deformation is complete 2g m T-

U. = (J^^) v^ (9) qy = (-
:) mg
Substituting equations (7) and (8) and sim-
plifying i + (^^) i^ri (13)
Xji cmv"'
When the last term under the radical is large / 2n-l 2h 1
when compared to unity, equation (13) reduces Xs
to 1+vi+(-^V~)(—>(— Me

2 11 mv
qy = (14) (15)
When j(x = 1) Equation (15) coincides with
Equations (13) and (14) are expressions for Equation 192 of Reference (5). If h=^ = vV2g
the static load, which, if it is applied as a con- is substituted into Equation 15.
centrated load, will give the designer a basis of
design to provide the necessary yield strength
to resist the fragment impact in the plastic Xm = (
range. The value of qy is equivalent to the value 2ii-l
of F given in equation (3) for the condition
where the fragment penetrates the element under
consideration. v^
Uf , Me
In order to obtain a rough concept of the de-
gree of the maximum dynamic deflection, the ^ gx. ( 1 +
following derivations may be of interest

Substituting qy = mg —^ into Equation (12) When the last term under the radical is large
when compared to unit. Equation (16) becomes
Xy V
= Ch + Xm
Xs ^"" 2x. Xs/XV (17)
( 2 j a - l ) xsg (1 +
Substituting Xy • m
An expression for Xm in terms of qy is useful
x„2 Xm^ when the value of qy is known. If the proper
= Ch + Xm
M Xs + 2/x=x, substitutions are made in Equation (12), the
following expression can be obtained
2)U,' 2ju," Xm = )(18)
Xm^ - ( ~ - ) XmX, = {-^ r ) chxs Hi: Me
'^/A~l 2 jU,—1 qy ( i - 2mg 1 +
|X m
Completing the square and solving for Xm
The various equations for deflectors necess-
itate a means of establishing a value of the
jr "effective" mass (or weight). From an article
Xm = {-
2j[x-l written by Whitney, Anderson and Cohen (6),
the following values can be used.


Elastic Plastic
Range Range

Simple span, center concentrated load .494 W .333 W

Fixed span, center concentrated load .383 W .333 W
Cantilever span, concentrated end load .243 W .333 W
The value of We to be used is dependent on w 1000 lbs
whether the design is to be for loading within
the elastic range (fi = 1.0) or in the plastic Impact Conditions: X 0
range (ju, > 1.0). It is further dependent on 0.1 seconds
the type of restraint conditions of the beam or T
structural element under consideration. 11 20
From equation (14), qy 156,000 lbs

In order to illustrate the use of the preceding COMMENTS

equations, and also compare the relative effect
of penetration on the equivalent static design From the above examples, it is seen that the
load, the following examples are provided, effective impact load of a high velocity fragment
is very high, many times that of the fragment
weight. In general, the effect of penetration is
CASE 1 — PENETRATION: to decrease the damage due to impact alone.
Fragment Conditions: V = 500 ft/sec This can be partially explained on the bask of
absorbing some of the kinetic energy by pene-
w = 1000 lbs tration which will also soften the impact force.
Impact Conditions X = 3.0 ft The reduction in the impact force, Fi, with in-
creased penetration is apparent from equation 1.
T = 0.1 seconds However, as the penetration increases, so does
the time of application of the load (Equation
/x = 20 (2). In the field of structural dynamics, the
From equation (1), Fi = 2,600,000 lbs length of time an impulse loading acts has a
great effect on the equilvaknt static load. There-
From equation (2), tl = .012 seconds fore, the increase in the equivalent static load
T 0.1 with decreased penetration is not as marked
= 8.3 as one may expect. For the three examples
tl ' shown, the difference between Case 1, 3 feet
.012 penetration and Case 3, zero penetration is not
From Figure 1, K = 23 great. It is quite possible that under conditions
From equation (3), F = 113,500 lbs of greater penetration the value of F may actu-
ally increase. However, for the purpose of most
analysis, the limiting condition for impact ef-
CASE 2 — PENETRATION: fect can be assumed to be that of zero penetra-
Fragment Conditions: v = 500 ft/sec tion.
w = 1000 lbs
Impact Conditions: X = 1.0 ft
T = 0.1 seconds The preceding analysis has developed equa-
tions to permit a designer to evaluate the impact
/i = 20 effect of missile striking a structural element
at high velocity. Although the degree of accuracy
From equation (1), Fi = 7,830,000 lbs cannot in a practical approach be as that of
From equation (2) tl = .004 seconds normal static loading considerations, the degree
of accuracy is sufficient to permit the engineer
T to cope with the problem with a reasonable
— = 24.9 degree of confidence. The computed equivalent
static load may be off by as much as a factor
K = 66 of two from the true value, but considering the
From Figure 1, complexity of this type of problem, it is felt that
From equation (3), F = 118,800 lbs this is reasonably close.
In application to nuclear power plants where
CASE 3 — NO PENETRATION: structural containment is extremely important,
Fragment Conditions: v = 500 ft/sec it is hoped this paper may be of some help. The


problem of evaluating various hazards has in- U = kinetic energy (ft-lb)
cluded the effect of high velocity missiles in
many reactors. It is particularly to aid the en- V = velocity of fragment and point of
gineer in his valuations of the effects of a frag- contact after impact (ft/sec)
ment, other than physical penetration, that this V = velocity of fragment just before impact
paper has been written. (ft/sec)
NOTATIONS W = weight of beam (lb)
w = weight of fragment (lb)
F = equivalent static load (lb)
X = penetration (ft)
Fi = force of impact (lb)
X = deflection of beam (ft)
g = acceleration of gravity (ft/sec^)
jx = ductility factor
k = spring constant (lb/inch)
M = mass of beam (Ib-secyft)
m = mass of fragment (Ib-sec^/ft) SUBSCRIPTS
P = concentrated load (lb)
e = effective
q = resistance of beam (lb)
m = maximum
T = natural period of vibration (seconds)
s = static
tl = duration of impulse or impact force
(seconds) y = yield



SIGN, Engineer Manual for War Department BLAST RESISTANT DESIGN, N. M. New-
Construction, Corps of Engineers, 1946, (Clas- mark, Proceedings, ASCE Separate No. 306,
sified, Confidential). October, 1953.


Ordinance Laboratory, White Oak, Maryland, ING, S. Timoshenko, Second Edition, 1937,
(Classified, Confidential). Seventh Printing, S. Van Nostrand Co., Inc.
SION, Oil and Gas Journal, November 19, SIONS, C. S. Whitney, B. G. Anderson,
1956. E. Cohen, ACI Journal, March, 1955.


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