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PHYSICS REPORTS (Section C of Physics Letters) 18, no.6 (1975) 325—368.



Physik-Department, Technische Universitát München, 8046 Garching, Germany

Received January 1975

1. Introduction: The shell model 327 4.2. Projection of angular momentum 345
2. Effective interactions 327 4.3. Transition rates 350
3. Hartree—Fock—Bogolyubov theory 329 5. Applications 352
3.1. The Bogolyubov transformation 329 5.1. Hartree—Fock calculations with effective
3.2. The Hartree—Fock—Bogolyubov equations 337 interactions 352
4. Effective operators 342 5.2. HFB calculations 354
4.1. Projection of particle number 343 References 367

The nuclear many body problem is treated in the single particle approximation, i.e. on the basis ofthe Hartree—Fock—
Bogolyubovapproximation. Results ofvarious applications are presented and discussed with emphasis on properties of rotational
states of deformed nuclei.

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PHYSICS REPORTS (Section C of PHYSICS LETFERS) 18, no. 6 (1975) 325 —368.

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Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, 8046 Garching, Germany



H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 327

1. Introduction: The shell-model

Starting from the very first picture nuclear physicists have made themselves of a nucleus, namely
the liquid drop model, one may easily arrive at what has been called the other extreme, the nuclear
shell model [1]. The constant rather low density and the short range of the forces (short relative
to the dimensions of the nucleus and comparable to the distance between two nucleons) provide
an average potential which follows in its space dependence rather closely the matter-density distri-
bution. It is a relatively simple example of elementary quantum mechanics to show that such a
potential, given the nuclear parameters like nucleon mass, nuclear radius, binding energy of the
last nucleon etc., will lead to shell structure with all its consequences known from atomic physics.
The argument, that the strong nucleon—nucleon interaction will destroy the single particle picture
by scattering nucleons out of their undisturbed orbits, is simply false in this generality, because it
neglects the stablizing effect of the Pauli principle. Scattering is only allowed into energetically
higher lying unoccupied states [1,21.
If one has unfilled shells however these energy differences are small. But this affects only a small
number of states (and hence nucleons) and moreover one is able to show that a large part of this
scattering around the Fermi surface can be taken into account by the introduction of the “pairing
potential”, i.e., nuclear BCS-theory [3].
The main problem, however, which remains, is the construction of a single particle potential
which accounts for the known experimental effects as magic numbers, spins and moments of odd
mass nuclei, isomerism in certain regions of the periodic table. The most important information
obtained from these data was the need for a strong spin orbit potential [1].
Another important achievement was the introduction of a deformed shell model potential by
Nilsson in 1955 [4]. Thus many nuclei which did not fit into the shell model picture before could
now be satisfactorily described within this generalized shell model [5].

2. Effective interactions

It is obvious that the success of the phenomenological single particle model requires an explana-
tion on the basis of Schrôdinger’s equation
HI’I’>=EI”P). (2.1)
The straightforward approach is the use of the Hartree—Fock method in order to obtain an ap-
proximate solution of eq. (2.1). However, one encounters several difficulties and finally realizes
that such a direct approach is bound to fail. The first problem is to write down the Hamiltonian.
While in atomic physics

H= t im r-~-~’
I m + c~lmrs r~r~
1 m rr rS ‘

is an extremely good approximation, one is by no means sure that the nucleon—nucleon interaction
can be approximated by a potential ~Vacting between pairs of nucleons. But even if one asserts the
validity of eq. (2.2) for the nuclear Hamiltonian one has to determine the interaction from scatter-
ing experiments. It then turns out that all the potentials Q~’which give good fits to phase shifts up
328 H..!. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

to 300 MeV are sufficiently repulsive at short distances so as to invalidate the Hartree—Fock ap-
proximation. A first suggestion how to circumvent such difficulties was made by Brueckner in
1954 [2,6]. He treats the interaction between two particles exactly, in the sense that he solves
a two-particle Schrödinger equation like
(T1 + V1 + T2 + V2
2) =E~~,4r~0(1,
+ 2), (2.3)
2) tends towards ~(~p~p
with the subsidary condition that ‘ 4,)for r12 -÷ 00 and is orthogonal
to all occupied states i.e.
= ~ — ~ , (2.4)
if one of the states v, ~.t is occupied. V is the single particle potential.
Weiskopfhas coined the term “independent pair model” [7] for this model, in analogy to the
single particle model. The interaction of the pair of nucleons is fully taken into account (eq. (2.3))
while the rest of the nucleons enters into eq. (2.3) only through the Pauli principle (eq. (2.4)) and
the single particle potential V. Of course, the calculation of V requires knowledge of ‘I’. Therefore
one has two sets of coupled equations, the HF equations
MIVI(Pa)= ~ (2.5)
and the two-particle equations (2.3) which have to be solved selfconsistently.
Moreover three-particle correlations must be taken into account as has been shown by Bethe
and Rajaraman [8]. The problem is hence quite complex. Nevertheless, Negele [9] has succeeded
in performing such a calculation at least in a reasonably good approximation. This work and a
quite large number of papers which followed have clearly demonstrated the possibility of calcula-
ting closed shell nuclei from first principles. A representative sample of them is quoted in [10].
All the calculations are, however, very time consuming and a little bit of phenomenology has to
be put in anyway. It is therefore not surprising that attempts have been made to use a phenomen-
ological effective interaction in nuclear Hartree—Fock calculations. The most successful effective
interaction until now is the Skyrme interaction [11]. In coordinate space this interaction reads
= [r~(1 +P0) — ~t2 (~+ ~‘) — t1 v~ — iWtj[VXV’]] ~ (r—r’) + t3 ~(r—r’)6fr—r”) ~(r’—r”) (2.6)
where t0, t1, t2, W and t3 are constants.
The last term is a three-body contact interaction which in a Hartree—Fock calculation is equi-
valent to a density dependent two-body interaction
(V3 = t3p(r)~(r—r’). (2.7)
As a matter of fact, however, one should always start from (2.6) in order to avoid any trouble
with the use of a variation principle.
As already mentioned the Skyrme force has been very successful in explaining many data on
binding energies, root mean square radii etc. as will be discussed in section 5.
An even more widely used, but also more phenomenological, effective interaction is the
“pairing plus quadrupole—quadrupole force”
H..!. Mang. The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 329

(VG ~
C~c~C~CK.+~~ ~

where I K) and K) are conjugate states I K) = TIK) and where T means time reversal.
The use of this interaction was first suggested by Bohr and Mottelson and extensive calculations
have been made by Kisslinger and SØrensen [12] and particularly by Kumar and Baranger [13].
The pairing plus quadrupole—quadrupole interaction is thought to be used in a truncated configu-
ration space and the strength constants G and x depend strongly on the dimension of this configu-
ration space. It accounts for two important phenomena in nuclei; namely, pairing correlations (the
existence of Cooper pairs) and nuclear deformations. They arise quite naturally in a selfconsistent
single particle model and will be discussed in sections 3 and 4. Of course, the pairing plus quadru-
pole—quadrupole interaction is a nonsaturating force and cannot be used to calculate absolute
values of binding energies. Applications will be discussed in section 5.

3. Hartree—Fock—Bogolyubov theory

In this chapter the Hartree—Fock—Bogolyubov theory [14, 15] will be discussed. It allows the
treatment of the selfconsistent field and of pair correlations on the same footing. Since this theory
is the corner stone, in one way or another, of all applications of the single particle model in nuclear
physics, a thorough discussion is necessary. This discussion is presented in two sections, the first
on the general Bogolyubov Transformation and the second on the Hartree—Fock—Bogolyubov
equations (HFB) itself.
The principal issue of the discussion is to show how flexible the method is and that it is capable
of accounting for a sizeable fraction of the correlations present in nuclei.

3.1. The Bogolyubov transformation

The Bogolyubov transformation transforms a set of Fermion operators C~(the particle opera-
tors) into a new set of Fermion operators a~(the quasi-particle operators)

= ~ ct.,, ~ (A~PCk +B~PCk),

= ~(A~~cx~ +BkVa~), Ck ~ (Aft,,; +B~,,a).

The coefficients Ak,, and Bk,, are not completely arbitrary, but are restricted by the relations
= I, ATB+BTA =AB*+B*AI=0, (3.2)
which are consequences of the communication relations
5k1 (3.3)
{a~,c~} ~ {C~,C1} = ‘
{c~,a~}0, {C~,C7} 0.

The quasi-vacuum and quasi-particle states. To both sets of operators C~Cftand c~ belong
330 N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

“vacuum states” which are defined by*

CftIW=O, (3.4a)
I c1) is usually called quasi-vacuum.
As is well known, one can construct a complete set of N-particle wavefunctions with the help
of the creation operators C

1k1 k2... kN) = U C~.l0), (3.5)

provided the one-particle wavefunctions

1k) = C~l0>, (3.6)
are complete.
In an analogous manner, N quasi-particle states can be constructed:
- PN> JI~J1
~I~I~) . (3.7)

As long as eqs. (3.2) are valid, these quasi-particle states form another (equivalent) basis of the
Hilbert-space spanned by the N-particle wavefunctions~(N 0, 1, 2, ...) of eq. (3.5). From this
follows a very simple proof that, if the quasivacuum I c1) exists, it must be unique.
Be I t~)and I 4~>two states which fulfill
o~1 1)O, a,,II~2)O, (~lI41) ~2I1~2)= 1, (~F1l42>=0. (3.8)
In case the last condition is not fulfilled, one can redefine IcI~)and 142) so that it is valid. 1~2)
can now be expanded in terms of the N quasi-particle states with respect to I 4~):

142)— ;:~ aVl...,,NIV ~N> (3.9)

a,,l...,,N =(l.)1 ...VNI’F2)

Because of
a,,1 “‘N = <cI~1Ia,,N - cr,,1 I4~)= 0,
. (3.10)
one finds
I42)0 or I4~)0. (3.11)
One therefore concludes that either IcI~)or I ~ must be identically zero.

* Such vacuum states will also be called Bogolyubov wavefunctions.

‘~ In all practical calculations in nuclear physics sums are finite and the statement made above is trivially correct.
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 331

As a simple application it is now possible to convince oneself that the vacuum state I4) is invar-
iant (up to an irrelevant phase factor) under a transformation of the type

~ C~C—CC’l. (3.12)

This is so because the vacuum to is also vacuum to a,, and vice versa. Therefore the two vacua
must be the same.
Density matrix and pairing tensor. I shall now discuss some further important properties of the
Bogolyubov transformation and the quasi-vacuum I ~).Two quantities, the density matrix p and
the pairing tensor ,~,
play a central role. They are defined as follows:
Pk,(~ICtCkI4~>,Kk,(4?IC,CftI4~), (3.13)
or in matrix notation

For everything that follows it will be useful to know the transformation properties of p and K.
Under a transformation D of the basic operators C~,C into new operators d~,d

d~= EdlkCt
or (3.14)
d+DTC+, dDC
p and K transform into p’, K’ in the following way:
p’—DpD, K~D+KD* . (3.15a)
According to eqs. (3.15a), p transforms like an operator, whereas K transforms like an antisym-
metric tensor.
The coefficients of the Bogolyubov transformation A and B transforms as follows:
A’=D~A, ADA’, B~=DTB, B~D*B1 . (3.15b)
An important equation which relates p and K follows from eqs. (3.13) and (3.1). It is
P—P2 KK~ . (3.16)
This relation plays a decisive role in the proof of a famous theorem by Bloch and Messiah [16].
The theorem of Bloch and Messiah. The theorem states that any Bogolyubov transformation
can be decomposed into three subsequent transformations.
(1) A transformation to a new set of particle operators d

d7=Edft,C~. (3.17)

This transformation diagonalizes p and puts K into canonical form, as will be shown.

(2) A special Bogolyubov—Valatin transformation given by

= U1 d7 + V~d1 , ‘y~= U1d,~+ V~’d,, (3.18)
332 H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

where UT and U1 can be taken as real without loss of generality with

IU,1 1I = 1, U1V,+UTV =0. (3.19)
Eqs. (3.19) are a consequence of the commutation relations (3.3).
(3) A transformation to the final quasi-particle operators
a~ ~ (3.20)

with SS~ S~S 1.

Clearly the operators a,, and ~ have the same vacuum state 1c1) (see eq. (3.12)). The proof of the
theorem will now be given in an abbreviated form. 2, also diagonalizes KKt Denote ?CK1 by
0. A transformation
From d, which
the definition diagonalizes
it follows that 0 is phermitian
and henceand
p positive semidefinite. Because of

K_KT, (3.21)
and using the basis in which 0 and p are diagonal, one can directly write down the relations
8 = KK~= 0* = K*KT = IC~K. (3.22)
Eq. (3.22) implies
K8—0 K, (3.23a)
or written out explicitly
— 0~)= 0. (3.23b)
If, as in the simplest case, the eigenvalues of p and hence of 0 are not degenerate, eq. (3.23b) has
only the solution
= 0, (3.24)
and because of
10, pl or p1O.
The next simple case is that p is twofold degenerate. Then one defines 1k) and its conjugate state
1k) by
2, 8,~= = IVkI2— IVkI4 , (3.25)
Pk —mo~= IVftI
and finds with the help of eqs. (3.19)

Kkf~~ikUkVk, K~ft—Kft~, (3.26)

IUftI2l—IVkI2, V~=—Vk, U~=Uk.

Any higher degeneracy of p can be reduced to a combination of these two cases. For a discussion
of this general case the reader is referred to ref. [16].
Summing up, one knows that p and ic can be put simultaneously into the following form, pro-
vided all eigenvalues of p are at least twofold degenerate*:
* In order not to complicate things unduely Uk and. Vft have been taken as real quantities.
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle modelin nuclear physics 333

V~f 0’ 0 I‘0 I

0 V~I I

0 I 0
0V~ -

— —p
I ‘V’s 0
0 0 i
I 0 V2~

0 U
—U1V1 0 — I—

- U2V2~ ‘0
----———H---——-~ K.
0 U3V31
- I—U3V3 0

It is now obvious that the vacuum jcI) of the operators ‘y defined in eq. (3.16) has a density matrix
p and a pairing tensor ~ of the form just described. Such a state will be called completely paired.
It is furthermore clear that the third transformation will change neither 1c1) nor p and K.
In case of non-degenerate eigenvalues (unpaired states) of p one finds
= d,, ‘y~= d~, (3.27a)
or with 1 and T exchanged
7td7, y~=d,. (3.27b)
Obviously there can be an arbitrary number of unpaired states for which (3.27) is valid*.
It follows that
Pu (4~Id~d1lcI)
= (~FI7,7tI’I~)
= 1, PTT = ~ = 0, (3.28)
K1~- (4IdTd,I~I)= (~I~I7T’y~II~)
= 0. (3.29)

(The other case with 1 and 1 exchanged is analogous.)

° Eqs. (3.27) are distinctively different from (3.18) with either V1 —VT = 1 or U1 = UT 1.
334 N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

In the unpaired case, quasi-particles are essentially equivalent to particles except for a possible
exchange of hole and particle operators as = d,.

The explicit form of the wavefunction of the vacuum state. In many cases it is quite useful to
have an explicit form of the quasi-vacuum 4’)- Obviously any wavefunction of the type

4’) = U a,,l~), (3.30)

has the property

a,,I4’) = 0,
because of
= 0.
But one must be sure that Ix) is chosen in such a way that 4’) does not vanish identically (see eq.
(3.12) and. the discussion following it).
The case of a completely paired wavefunction will be discussed first. In this case one may take
the particle vacuum tO) as Ix). Since the third transformation may always be disregarded, IcI~>can
be written as*

I4’>=Ua,,t0)= U717-~o>=U v1 U (Uk+Vkd~d~)I0. (3.31)

v 1>0 1>0 k>O

The normalized quasi-vacuum 4’) is given by

14’) = k>0 (Uk + Vkd~d~)t0, (3.32)

and one concludes that 4’) does not vanish. This result is well known from BCS theory.
in the case of one unpaired state 1, T, one shows immediately

7i7~ I0)d~d-rI0)0. (3.33)

Hence the quasi-vacuum 4’> constructed with Ix) vanishes identically. But after normalization,
Ix> = d~I0>gives
I4’1)=d~fl(Uft+Vftd~d~)I0). (3.34)

This wavefunction does not vanish and is well known as a one-quasi-particle wavefunction or
“blocked BCS wavefunction”. [17]. It can also be written in the form I4’ ~)= ~y’j’ I 4’> with I 4’) given
by eq. (3.32) and 7l~+by eq. (3.18).**
Number parity. In any dynamic theory going from a quasi-vacuum to one quasi-particle states
is very important. It is therefore necessary to discuss the difference between such states in terms
of the general Bogolyubov Transformation of eq. (3.1).
First of all one notices that, while a completely paired wavefunction consists only of compo-
nents with even-particle number, a one quasi-particle wavefunction consists of components with
~ 1>0 in eq. (3.31) means that the product runs only over N/2 states land not over the other N/2 states denoted by L
It is important to realise that y~is a paired quasi-particle operator.
H.J. Mang, The self.consistentsingle-particle model in nuclearphysics 335

odd particle numbers only. To indicate this difference, the term number parity will be used. If on-
ly components of even-particle number are present in the wavefunction, it has even-number parity,
whereas it has odd-number parity if only odd numbers are present.
It is clear that the third transformation (eq. (3.20)) cannot change the number parity. Therefore
the classification according to number parity is general. Moreover, if one starts with a completely
paired wavefunction 14’) with even-number parity, it is possible to construct wavefunctions of odd-
number parity by applying an odd number of quasi-particle creation operators a~and wavefunc-
tions of even-number parity by applying an even number of creation operators a,,~to the quasi-
vacuum 14’). Of course, any of the multi quasi-particle states thus obtained is itself vacuum to an-
other set of quasi-particle operators. To make this point absolutely clear, these sets of operators
will be explicitly constructed for some simple cases.
Let 14’) be a completely paired vacuum 14’) = fl,,a,,IO) to {a1, a2 .. . aN}. It is obvious that

I4’1)~a114’), (3.35)
is a one quasi-particle state (odd-number parity) and that it is vacuum to rat, a2 ... aN } .~ (N.B.
The state I4”~)= at fl,,±1a,, 10> is identically zero because the vacuum is uniquely defined as has
been shown and I4’~>vanishes because of different number parity.) A two quasi-particle state
4’), (3.36)
is vacuum to {ata~a
3. . - a,v-}. This procedure can be continued.
Finally one notices that going to the one quasi-particle state at 14’) simply means that in the
Bogolyubov transformation (3.1) the following replacements take place:
Akl is replaced by B1
and (3.37)
Bft1 is replaced by A~1
Such replacements change p and ~cby
L~pkI=AklA,l—BklB,l, Lu<k,Ak1B,*l —B,1A,1 . (3.38)
For two or more quasi-particle states, analogous replacements have to be made for the other quasi-
particle operators.
Summing up, one concludes that any multi quasi-particle state which is defined with respect to
a certain quasi-particle vacuum may itself be considered as the vacuum of another set of quasi-
particle operators. All these vacua may be classified according to their number parity, and states
of different number parity are orthogonal.
The theorem of Thouless. Another important theorem on Bogolyubov wavefunctions is due to
Thouless [19]. He proved it for the Hartree—Fock case, but the generalization to the Bogolyubov
case is straightforward. The theorem concerns the connection between two vacuum states 14’) and
‘I’) which belong to different sets of operators, ia,,, a~}and {‘y,,’y~}.Set

* and obtain a one quasi-particle wavefunction.

Of course one can select any other quasi-particle operator a~~j
336 H..!. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

(4hI4’)~1~O,* a,,I4’)0, ‘y,,l4’)=0. (3.39)

Then ‘I’) can be written

14’) = C
0 exp (.~ Ea~a~
cPM)I4’~ ‘yb, = ~ Q,,,, (ap + ~ Cvpav~) (3.40)

with CM,, = —C,,,~,C0 = normalization constant. (N.B. The transformation Q does not affect the
vacuum, but guarantees the commutation relations in the form (3.3).) On the other hand, if’y~
is given in terms of a,,, a,,~

= ~(PPMaP +RPMa) (3.41)

then CM,, can be calculated from

CM,, = (RP~)MP , (3.42)
1 exists unless (‘I’I4’) vanishes. The proof goes as follows:
where p
(ap + ~ ~ exp (4~CVMa~a~)

= [ap exp(~~ CvMav~a~)

+ exp (~ L CvMa~a~)_~
Cv’pap~]I4’) (3.43)

a,, exp(~ ~I)CvMa~Pa~) exp(~~i~

(ap+ [ap,.~ ~C,,pa~a~])

= exp (.~ ~ CvMa~a~)

[ap — ~ CMPa~]. (3.44)

Upon introducing this result into (3.43), one obtains

(ap+~ Cv’pa~’)I4’)O. (3.45)

In order to prove eq. (3.42), one must show that a singular matrix P has necessarily (~1114’>= 0 as a
Assume det P = 0; then the first row of P is a linear combination of all the others and one can
perform a linear transformation of the operators ‘y,~to operators ‘,r~,so that ‘Y’i has the form

‘— D’ +
7i P..,,la,, ,
whereas all other relations for ‘y~y’
3-.. remain formally the same as eq. (3.41). From eq. (3.46)
follows that I ‘I’) is vacuum to a quasi-particle creation operator a
= ‘I’i . (3.47)
Therefore 14’) can be written as
* Because of this relation ‘1’) cannot be a multi quasi-particle state with respect to I’1).
H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-partiêle model in nuclear physics 337

l4’)a~lx), (3.48)
where Ix) is vacuum to a~= ‘y~.One obtains for (4’l4’)
= (4’Ia’~Ix) = 0, (3.49)
because of
If more than one operator -/ can be brought into the form (3.46), the argument given is valid a
forteriori. This completes the proof of the theorem.
3.2. The Hartree—Fock—Bogolyubov equations

Given a Hamiltonian

H = ~ ~kICk”i + ~ (VkImnCk~CtCnCm (3.50)

ki kim,,

one may ask which of the vacuum states 4’) of the preceding section (or Bogolyubov wavefunc-
tions, or HFB wavefunctions, as they will be called from now on) provides the best approxima-
tion to the solution of Schrödinger’s equation
HI’I’)=EI’I’), (3.51)
with lowest energy E, i.e. to the groundstate of the system.
A very convenient way to answer the question is to use the equivalence of the Schrôdinger
equation and the variational principle
6 (‘I’IHIW)
64’ (4’I”I’) =0. (3.52)
The variational equations. The theorem of Thouless provides a very suitable parametrization of
an arbitrary variation around a stationary point within the space spanned by the HFB-wavefunc-
tions. If 14’) is a HFB-wavefunction and 14’) ÷164’) is a varied HFB-wavefunction, then 4’) ÷64’)
can be written as

I4’)~64’) = exp(.~ ~ CvMa~a~

4’)). (3.53)

(N.B. a,,I4’) = 0 for all i.’.) Before eq. (3.53) can be used to solve eq. (3.52), a few words must be
said about particle number conservation, or more precisely, non-conversation in HFB theory.
Clearly, the Hamiltonian eq. (3.50) commutes with the number operator N

N=~C~Ck. (3.54)

But the Bogolyubov transformation (3.1) mixes creation and annihilation operators and hence the
corresponding HFB-wavefunction is in general not an eigenstate of the number operator (see also
the discussion of number parity). The proper procedure would certainly be to project 4’> onto an
338 H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single.particle model in nuclearphysics

eigenstate of the number operator with eigenvalue N

PNI4’) = I’I’N), (3.55)
and use the projected wavefunction I4’N) to approximate the wavefunction of the groundstate.
Of course I4’N> is not a HFB-wavefunction and much more complicated to handle. As will be
shown later, a first approximation to the exact procedure is to restrict variations by
(4’INI4’)=N. (3.56)
Usually one takes care of this constraint by introducing a Lagrangian multiplier A, the chemical po-
tential, i.e. H is replaced by H’ = H — AN. The condition for 14’) to be a solution of the variational
equation is now
6 (4’IH’I4’) —

64’ (4’I4’)
or (3.57)

~ E({C,,M})I{c,,M0} 0 for all values of A, p

(4’Iexp (.~EC,,a~a,,)H’exp(~C,,Ma~a)I4’)
E({CVM}) = (4’lexp(~ECMaMaV)exp(~ICVUa~,,a~)I4’)

Eqs. (3.57) are equivalent to

0 (3.58)
for all values of A, p.
These equations involve only the operators a,,a~because 4’> is defined in terms of these opera-
tors. Therefore eqs. (3.58) are a set of equations for the transformation coefficients Aft.,,, Bk,,.
(H20 )Xp is defined by eqs. (3.58). Of course this is only the condition for 14’) to be a stationary
point of E. In order to have a minimum of E, one must be sure that the term which is quadratic
in C,,,~, is positive for all possible values of CvM. By carrying the expansion in C,,,,, to second order,
one obtains

>0 (3.59)


“~‘MPX= (4’IaMa,,(H’—E(0))aa~I4’>
0 —I tLYl+ + + +
~‘PMP~’ IJlaVaMaPax -

In all matrix multiplications sums are taken over pairs of indices {v, ~t~}with v < ~.i.
The inequality (3.59) is simply the statement that the “stability matrix” ~ must be posi-
tive definite in order to guarantee a stable solution of the variational equation (3.57).
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single.particle model in nuclear physics 339

The Hamiltonian in quasi-particle representation. It is of great advantage to transform the Ha-

miltonian into the quasi-particle representation. The result is
H=H0 +H11 +1120 +H22 +1J3~+H~ , (3.60)
H0 tr(pe+~pF—4K~)

H11 = ~ (Hii),,,,a~a,,

(H11),,,, = (A~hA— B+h*B +A~1~B

— B+z~*A),,,.,

+ +
H20 = Li(H2o),.,,a,,a,, +(H20),,,,a,,a,, *


(H20),,,, = (A+hB* — B+h*A* +Ai~A — B+A*B*),,,,

rim = E ~Irms Psr, &m = ~ ~)‘imrs1~rs (3.61)

— •5_’ III \ + +
~22 — ‘-~ ~Ii22,,,MkOaVaMaPax

H31 = I~(H31 )v,,x~c4a~,,a~a,,

+ h.c

H~= ~ ~ +h.c.

H20 defined in eqs. (3.60) and (3.61) is of course the same as H20 defined in eq. (3.58) through the
matrix elements (H20),,,,. This equation (3.58) takes the form
(H20),,,, =(A~hB*_B+h*A*+A+.~A*_B+~*B*),,,,=0. (3.62)
The HFB equations. The variational equations (3.58) or (3.62) are not affected by a transform-
ation of the type ‘y,, = E,,C,,,,a,, and are therefore not sufficient to determine the coefficients Ak,,
and Bk,, of the Bogolyubov transformation uniquely. In other words, the requirement H20 = 0 de-
termines only the first two of the Bloch—Messiah transformations. The third transformation re-
mains arbitrary and can be used to diagonalize any Hermitian operator F of the type

~ F,,,,F,,*,,. (3.63)

It has become customary to take H11 as the operator to be diagonalized. This leads to the fol-
lowing set of equations:
(A+hA_B+h*B+A~z~B_~Bt~*A),,,,=6,,,,E,,, (364)
(A+hB*_Bfh*A* +A+.AA*_BtifB*),,,,=0, -
340 H .J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics


A+(hA+L~B)_B+(h*B+i~*A) 1•E

+ £4*) — B+(h*A* + ~*B*) =0.

If one defines
hA + ~.B= ~E, ~*A — h*B = ~pE, (3.65)

where ~ and ~pare matrices, then one has

A~~E+B~oE=.l•E,_A*~p*E_B+n*E~0~ATcoE+BTnE. (3.66)

One easily fmds a solution of this system of inhomogenous linear equations for ~ and ~ by com-
paring eqs. (3.66) with eqs. (3.2). The solution is

~=A, ~=B, (3.67)

and it is the on1y solution because the solution of such a system of inhomogenous equations is
h A + i~B= A E, _~*A— h~B= B• E, (3.68)

provides a solution of (3.64). This equation can be rewritten as

(~,, ~) (~) = (~)i~- (3.69)

These are the HFB equations. They are a rather complicated non-linear set of equations for A and
B. In any attempt to solve them, a knowledge about the symmetries of these equations will be of
great value. Therefore symmetries of the HFB equations will be discussed now.
Symmetries of the HFB equations. Because of the nonlinearity of the HFB equations, the well-
known relations between symmetries of the Hamiltonian and transformation properties of the
wavefunctions are no longer valid. For instance, rotational invariance of the Hamiltonian does not
guarantee that the HFB solution is an eigenfunction of the angular momentum operators P , J5.
The same is true for linear momentum, particle number, parity etc. One can, however, prove the
following theorem [21]. Let U be a unitary or anti-unitary symmetry operation which leaves H
invariant. If one starts the iterative solution of the HFB equations with initial values of the dens-
ity matrix and the pairing tensor (Po and ~0) which are also invariant under U, then one will ob-
tam a solution whose density matrix p and pairing tensor ic are also invariant under the symme-
try operation U, provided, of course, the iteration converges. One proves that every step of the
iteration leads from invariant p(n 1) and K~” 1) to invariant pfl and K~”~
- In order to do this, one

first proves that r and ~ computed from an invariant density matrix p and an invariant pairing
tensor K are also invariant.
One has (primes denote transformed quantities)
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 341

r,,,= Eq,;~5p~

= ~ U7~U~U,TjnU,~Us,UurPpvQ5kgmq (3.70)
r,s,p, v
k, t, m,q

= ~ U!i~I2icgmqPqtUmn -
kmq t

It is obvious that if ~Vand p are invariant, I’ is also invariant. The proof for Ic is analogous. There-
U~rU=r~,Ut~~U~=L~. (3.71)
This implies that the HFB matrix (_~ ~) = HFB is invariant. Keeping in mind that in every
single step of an iteration the HFB equations are linear equations, one can deduce how the coef-
ficients A and B transform. Defme S in terms of U as
~ k,,o U* - (3.72)
S is unitary S~S= SS~= 1 and commutes with the HFB matrix, as was just shown,
Therefore (A, B) is eigenvector to HFB and S, S~simultaneously
IA\ fA\

or (3.73)
(tAAp, UTBB.,p,

That this is the proper definition follows from eq. (3.15b).
One obtains for p and K
U~pU U+B*BTUB*cF*4’BT B*BI p
U~KU = U+B*ATU* = B4’*4’AT = B*AT = K. (3.74)

If the symmetry operation is anti-unitary, the proof of the invariance properties is analogous. One
concludes that starting the iteration with invariant p0 and ‘c~will lead to invariant p and K lfl
every step of the iteration.
Another important symmetry is related to the special form of the HFB equations.
342 H..!. Mang, The self.consistenr single-particle modelin nuclear physics

If one considers the equation

(_~* _h*) (~) = (~)E, (3.75)

for the moment as a linear equation, i.e. disregards that h and ~ contain A and B, one shows easily
that if iA,,, B,,} form an eigenvectorof the eigenvalue problem (3.75) with eigenvalue E,,, then
{B,,,. A,,} also form an eigenvector with eigenvalue —E,,. One has to consider the equations in the
following form:
hA,, + ~.B,,= A,,E,,, A*A + h*B,, = —B,,E,,. (3.76)
The complex conjugate equations are
LD~ AA— IL’ A*D* L*A —AL’

fiD~ + — D,,L~p, 5.1 Dp + ~i li~ —

and with
= B,,, B’,, = A,,, E~=
one obtains
hA+,,=A~E, IfA,+h*Bl,, =—B’,,E’,,. (3.77)
Eqs. (3.76) and (3.77) are formally identical. The transformation {A,,B,,} to {A,,B~}is identical
with the transformation (3.37) discussed in connection with number parity.
It must be noted in this context that the eigenvalue problem of eq. (3.75) has 2N eigenvalues
E,,, —E,, (v=l, ...N) and 2Ncorresponding eigenvectors {A,,,B,,}, {B,,~,A}(v1, ... N). The
number of quasi-particle operators in eq. (3.1), however, is only N. Therefore any choice of N
eigenvectors and eigenvalues out of the N will give a set of quasi-particle operators which solve
the linear eigenvalue problem. Usually, choosing the N positive eigenvalues one obtains a com-
pletely paired vacuum state and the exchange {A,,B,,}1E,, {B,,~A}1—E,,leads to a state with
odd-number parity. This must not necessarily be so but may be just reversed [18].
This property of the HFB equations opens the possibility of computing one- and two-quasi-
particle states selfconsistently* by treating them in each step of an iteration as vacuum states of
a new set of operators as described before; and provided the iteration converges. One should keep
in mind, however, that such states are not necessarily orthogonal to each other unless they differ
in parity, number parity etc. or special precaution is taken. The reason is once more the non-linear-
ity of the problem.

4. Effective operators

It has been pointed out in section 3 that the nonlinearity of the HFB equations leads in general
to solutions which are not eigenstates of symmetry operators which commute with the Hamilton-
ian. It has also been mentioned that the proper procedure would be to reformulate the theory in
terms of “projected HFB wavefunctions”, i.e. write the variational equations as follows
14’)PI4’), (4.1)
* Of course, one could try to calculate N quasi-particle states in this way.
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 343

with P~= F; P2 = F, and

6 (4’IHPI4’) — 0
64’ (4’IPI4’> -

In full generality P would project onto eigenstates of given linear and angular momentum as well
as particle number and parity. Obviously the variation could be performed with the help of Thou-
less’ Theorem in exactly the same way as before. The resulting equations, however are extremely
complicated [221 and there is little hope to handle them numerically exactly except in the case of
particle number projection in the BCS-approximation [23]. Moreover, it will be shown that an ap-
propriate approximate treatment of angular momentum projection, for instance, brings out the
intuitive pictures physicists have of a rotating nucleus.

4.1. Projection of particle number

Because particle number projection is the simplest case possible it will be treated first. One has

PNI4’) =
~— f
exp (—iNp)exp (iNip)I4’> dip. (4.2)

The “projected energy” E~

takes the form

E — (l/2ir)f~,”exp(—Wp)(4’IH exp (iN~p)I4’)dp

~ (1/2~r)f~ exp (—iN~)<4’Iexp (iJ)I4’) d~p -
This can be brought into the form given by Bayman [24], if one uses for 14’> a BCS-wavefunction
14’) = flk(Uk + Vk aZa~)IO) and performs a transformation of variables z = exp (i~p).This then yields
the results given in ref. [23], provided the operators d~,dk are taken as fixed i.e. are not submitted
In order to obtain an approximate expression for Eproj we expand (4’I H exp (iN~p)I4’)as follows

E a,,~y4’Iexpw~pI4’,
(4’IHexp(W~)I4’>=n=0 (4.4)


i a~~4’INI4’>.
Before discussing how the coefficients a,, are determined one should demonstrate the usefulness of
eq. (4.4) by introducing it into (4.3).
Because /3 is a hermitian operator with respect to the integration on ~pbetween 0 and 27r, one ob-
tains a very simple result for E~’,0~

E~roj= a,, (N— (4’INI4’))~. (4.5)

This result simplifies even more if one realizes that E~0~

is invariant under a transformation of
14’) like
344 H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclearphysics

14”) = exp (A]~T)I4’>, A arbitrary (4.6)

because exp (A1~’)commutes with the projector ~N- On the other hand, (4’INI4’> is not invariant
and can be given any value greater than zero by a proper choice of A. Obviously one will use this
freedom to have
<4’INI4’)N, (4.7)
which reduces eq. (4.5) to
The next step is, of course, to calculate a0. One obtains a set of M equations for the first M coeffi-
2 ... ~Mt on eq. (4.4) and setting ip equal to zero
cients a0,
afterwards:a1 .. a~4 by operating with 1, p, p
(4’IH(~JV)mI4’)=~ a,,<4’J(i~Ny’~mI4’), (4.9)
in = 0, 1, 2, ... M—l with
~N=N_(4’II~tI4’) - (4.10)
As an illustrative example the case M = 2 will be worked out explicitly.

(4’IHI4’) = a
0<4’I4’> + a1 4’~ANI4’)
<4’IHi~NI4’) ao(4’I~S’I4’)+ai(4’I(~J~1)2
Because (4’I~.NI4’>equals zero per definition (compare eq. (4.10)) one finds

a0 <4’IHI4’>f(4’I4’) (411)
a1 = (4’IHANI4’)/<4’I~.N
Making use of eqs. (4.7) and (4.8), one obtains as first approximation to the variational equations
~ (4’IHI4’) =0 (4.12)
under the constraint
<4’INI4’> =N.
This is exactly the way number conservation is handled in ordinary HFB theory. It is interesting
to note that a
1 turns out to be equal to the chemical potential A provided 14’) is a solution of eqs.
(4.12). To show this, one writes (4.12) in the form
and takes as 164’)
164’) = ~NI4’> -
H..!. Mang~The self-consistent singlei particle model hi nuclear physics 345

This is an admissible variation because ~AJQcreates two quasi-particle excitations when applied to
4’>. Upon introducing this 164’) into the variational equation, one obtains
(4’IHAJ 14’> — A(4’INANI4’) = 0, (4.13)
In order to go beyond HFB theory which was treated in the preceeding section one must set M =
3. Here only the result for a0 is given:
214’> 414
ENProj a -4’H4’

1(4’I(H—W))(AN)2 14’> ÷2 ( - )
0 ( I I ) — ~ (4’I(A.N)
The second term gives the lowering of the energy due to projection of particle number. It vanishes

if ((~N)2>goes to zero, i.e. if 14’) becomes an eigenstate of the number operator.

The variation of the projected energy given by eq. (4.14) can now be performed with the tech-
niques developed in connection with usual HFB theory (theorem of Thouless) [19]. Of course,
is a much more complicated functional of 14’) than before. Indeed we can interpret this situ-
ation as having transformed to an effective Hamiltonian which is a non-linear operator.

4.2. Projection of angular momentum

Turning now to angular momentum projection one realizes right away that the problem is ap-
preciably more complicated, because in this case there are three operators (11J2J3) involved in-
stead of one (N) which moreover do not commute. This latter fact is particularly troublesome.
The most general projector~is given by

PY 14’) =j/~~ K~?J fb~K)I4’>d~ (4.15)


= (a, ~3,7} Euler angles

R(~2)= exp (ia)3) exp (ij3.12) exp (i’y)3). (4.16)
The expression for the projected energy turns out to be (‘in complete analogy to the case of par-
ticle number projection):
2 ~
= V’(2J+1
)/8ir2 fJyKK~(cz)(4’IR(~2)I4)) d~2. (4.17)

An approximate expression for ~ can be obtained in close analogy to eq. (4.4). Of course there
are now three operators L
1 L2 L3 [251to consider instead of the one operator p (the L, are angular
momentum operators in Euler angles) 2 ~ F, and the are additional parameters, hence
* In case
one goesweight-factors g~
beyond a strict are introduced,
single-particle F’7is no longer a projector, i.e. F
346 H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

(4’IHR(~.2)I4’)= ~ a~
. (4.18)
‘4 ‘4 ~3

Equations for the coefficient a,,1,,2,,3 are obtained in the same way as in the case of particle num-
ber projection. But before this is explicitly done, a few remarks about symmetries of the wave-
function 4’) are in order. The first remark concerns the expectation value of the angular moment-
um operatorJ
1(4)I)I4’). (4.19)
Because the Hamiltonian H is rotationally invariant, E~rojdoes not depend on the orientation of
the coordinate system in which 4)) is explicitly calculated. This means that two wavefunctions
which differ only by the orientation of I i.e. 4”) = R(~Z’)I4’)are equivalent as far as E’~rojis con-
cerned. One can therefore restrict oneself to wavefunctions for which the following relations hold
(4’1J1 4’) =1, (4)11214’) = 0, (4’1J314’)= 0. (4.20)
An important property of the projector P~is that it selects parts of the wavefunction 14)) with de-
finite behaviour under the transformation exp (i7rJ1). For even systems (integer angular moment-
um) one has

P~I4’)= 0 ifJis odd and exp (iirj1)I4)> = I4~, (4.21)

P~’I4’)= 0 ifJis odd and exp (iirJ1)!4’) = —14)). (4.22)

For odd systems (half integer angular momentum) one has

1I4’)0 if J—~isoddand exp(i~rJ
Pfr 1)I4’)=iI4’), (4.23)

P~’4’) = 0 if J—.~is even and exp (iirf1)I4’) = —iI4’). (4.24)

Naturally these statements depend on the adopted phase conventions. Here BCS phases [26] are
used*. It should be noted at this point that one can generalize P~ by introducing phase factors
(~ 1 )‘ K in the sum over K. Then the statements (4.21) to (4.24) are so to say reversed. Of course
the projected energy (eq. (4.17)) then contains phase factors (_l)~~_K and is therefore changed’.
Such anomalous bands have been discussed for even nuclei by Volkov and Das Gupta [27]. Finally
it is to be mentioned that the generalized P~does not fulfill (Pr )2 = Pj’~- Now an approximate
expression for Eproj. will be worked out. In doing this, it will be of great value that the symmetries
of 4’) under exp (iirJ1) guarantee that any expectation value of angular momentum operators
which contains J2 and J3 in odd numbers vanishes because of
exp (—iir.I1 ) .12 exp (iirf1) = ~‘2, exp (—iirf1 ) 13 exp (iirJ1) = ~J3. (4.25)
Therefore the first approximation will be given by writing (instead of (4.18)):
(4)IHR(fZ)l4’) = (ao~+a1~L1)(4’lR(fL)I4’). (4.26)
Before going on, a few more words must be said about the operators L, which are angular mo-
These phases are related to the Condon—Shortley phase convention by llj—m)BCS ~
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 347

mentum operators in terms of Euler angles [28]. As is well known, there are two sets of these
operators, one referring to the laboratory frame and the other to the intrinsic frame of reference.
Both must be used in a symmetric way. For instance
~ =1(~ifltr ~~Iab) (4.27)

It can be shown [25, 28] that the following useful relations hold

= (4’lJkR(~TZ)I4))

4’IR(~2).Jk 14)>. (428)

= (

The proof is trivial for k = 3 because of

3 ~— 1 a Li~~tr
3 — 1 a (4 29

and somewhat more tedious but straightforward for k = 1 and 2.

Relations analogous to (4.28) hold if R(~2)is replaced by HR(~2)because H commutes with all
angular momentum operators. Therefore (4.26) leads to two equations to determine a
0~and a1~
(4’IHI4’>a000+a100(4’1 114’) (430)
(4’1H11 14’) = a~0(4’1J1 14’> + a1~(4)1.114’).
The solution is
(4’I(A.J1 )2 14’)
(4’I(H— (ll))J~14)> (4.31)
a1~ = 4’I~j~)2 14’)

~ =J1 —(4)IJ~I4’>.
Inserting this result into (4.17), one obtains for E~roj
~f~KK’((Li~ +I~~nt )D~,)*(4’IRI4’>dfZ
E~roj = a~ + a1~ = a~ (4.32)
f~,D~’(4’IR4)) dfl
k/J(J+l)—-K(K+1) ~JJ(J+1)_K(K—l) .JJ(J+l)—K’(K’+l)
aioo J

= a0~+ a100 (4)IP~J14)>,

njcj~’= fD~ic’(ç~)(4’IR(S~)I4))

where (4’1P111 4)> is a shorthand notation for everything multiplying a1~.If a0® and a1® from
(4.31) are introduced, one obtains
348 H.J. Mang, The self-consistent singleparticle model in nuclear physics

(4’I(H— (H))J1 14))

E~roj= (4)IHI4)) + (4)I(~))2 ~, ((4’lP1J~I4~) (4)IJ~14))) - (4.33)

The term which causes trouble in a variation of Ej~rojis (4’IP~J114)). If one, however, compares
(4.33) with the corresponding equation in the case of particle number projection (4,3), one rea-
lizes that there the analogous term is independent of 14)> and equal to N. A close inspection of
(4.32) now shows that provided 14)) deviates not too much from axial symmetry one has to a very
good approximation [25]
(4’IPJ1I4))v’J(J+l). (4.34)
The main reasons are that for J = 0 the result is exact and that for small J only K = 0, ± 1 are im-
portant and for most of these terms one has sJJ(J+l) nfcj~’as a contribution to the sum in (4.32).
Moreover the properties of the coefficients njçj~’work in favor of the relation (4.34).
Therefore the variation of E~rojin the form
4)> (s.JJ(J+1)—(4)l)iI4))), (4.35)
E~roj= (4’IHI4)) + (~l
will not be performed. This will be done in two steps. First, E~rojwill be varied with the constraint
(I1))1~ 14)>
______________ = v(4)) = w. (4.36)
1 )2 14’)
This yields the equation
6E~roj = 6(4)IHIF) — v6(4)If1 I4)) + 6v(’fJ(J+l) — (.1k) — ~) = o, (4.37)
where ~t is the Lagrangian multiplier which ensures the validity of (4.36). In order to determine
~t, one uses a particular variation 164)):
I64))=()~—d1>)I4)). (4.38)
Upon inserting (4.38) in (4.37), one finds
1k) — ~.t) = 0
(4’IHL~J114’> — P(4’I(2~.J1)2 14’) + 6p(”~JJ(J+l)— (
and using the constraint (4.36)
— (4’I.-~~
14’) — ~.t) = 0, (4.39)
where 6v is now the special variation of v induced by the special variation of 14)> given in eq. (4.38).
Since this 6p will in general not vanish, one has
— (4’IJ
1 I4)) — = 0,
and the variational equation which automatically fulfills the constraint (4.36) is
o.,J~4’) = 0. (4.40)
The projected energy which follows from this equation is
E~10j(w) = (4)IHI4)) + ~(‘~/J(J+l)
— 4)IJ~l4))). (4.41)
(N.B. It still depends on
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 349

Differentiation with respect to co yields


The condition aE~roj/aw= 0 gives

(4)IJ~14’> = .,/J(J+l) - (4.42)

Eqs. (4.40) and (4.42) are nothing else but the well-known equation of the self-consistent crank-
ing model [29]
— wJ~4’) = 0, (4’IJ~ 4)) = ~J(J+1).

It must be emphasized at this point that the only assumptions which enter into the derivation
of the self-consistent cranking model are the validity of the truncated expansion (4.30) and the
approximate evaluation of (4’IP1J1 14)) (eq. (4.34)). Both have nothing to do with classical pictures
of a rotating nucleus, but remain completely within the frame of a quantum mechanical treat-
As in the case of particle-number projection, however, one must ask the question whether it is
justified to stop the expansion (4.18) at linear terms in the operators Lk as was done in eq. (4.26).
If the expansion is carried to second order one obtains for the projected energy of well deformed
nuclei [29]:

E~roj (4)IHI4)) — (4)I~J1+J~I4)>+ ~s~((4)IPjJi14’> — (4’IJ~I4)))+

i----— [J(J+1)— (4)IP.11I4)> — 2(4)IP~J1I4’>(4)IJ1I4))+(4)IJiI4))2] (443)


(4)IHAJ~I4)) 0 _(4’I(H—W))OV1 +J~)I4))

“~ (4)IM 14’) ‘ (&11 +J~)
~ —

In the case of an even nucleus one may insert the crudest approximation
1 I4)) \/J(Ji-1), 4)IPJ~14’) 0,
and obtains

E~roj (4)IHI4)) — (4)I~A.J~


+ w(y’J(J+l) — (4)IJ~14))) + ~— (~JJ(J+l)— (4)IJ1 I4)>)2 - (444)

The only difference to eq. (4.35) is now that an additional lowering of the energy occurs which
is not explicitly dependent on the angular momentum and only very weakly dependent on w. The
last term in (4.44) introduces no change at all; its value and derivative are zero for (4)IJ1 14)> =
~/J(J+l).It remains to give the expression for E~rojin case of an odd mass nucleus. Here one has
to consider the possibility of “band mixing”, i.e. the possibility that the average potential deviates
strongly from axial symmetry, in particular for some states close to the Fermi surface. One finds
350 H..!. Mang, The self.consistenr single-particle model in nuclear physics

E~roj= (4)IHI4’) — (4)Ii.V1 + ~11 14’)

+ w(..,/J(J+l) — (4)1.1114)) — (4)IJ1 14))) + (-~,/J(J+l)— (4)IJ~14)) — (4)1J1 I4)))2. (4.45)

Performing the variation under the assumption that the second term on the right-hand side is
practically constant*, one finds
6(4’IH— wJ1I4))0,

(4)IJiI4’)2 +(4’IJII4’)=J(J+l). (4.46)

This includes the variation of E~roj of eq. (4.44) if one takes into account that in all cases of even
nuclei studied so far [29, 301 the ratio (4)IJ1I4)>/(4)IJ~I4)>2 never exceeded 1.5%.
Again the problem has been reduced to the treatment of an effective Hamiltonian — a relatively
simple one — within the framework of a general single-particle model as described in section 3.

4.3. Transition rates

To conclude this section, we shall outline how one can calculate transition rates using the tech-
niques developed in the preceeding sub-section. The emphasis will be on angular momentum pro-
jection, the reason being that it has been demonstrated [31] that particle number projection will
in general not significantly alter the results obtained with simple BCS theory. Moreover, we shall
concentrate on electromagnetic transitions and moments. An electromagnetic transition operator
of rank L will be denoted by Tf and the following matrix element will be calculated:
(JMIT~IJ’M) = (4)IPY T~P~il4”)
2) E ffdfZdf~’D
(~J(2J+1 )(2J’+1 )/8’ir 14K(fZ)D/,K’(fZ’)<4)IR~(fZ)T2R(~l’)I4”)
= * 2 . (4.47)
KK’ fDi~’(fZ)(4)IRI4’>df2’~
[~E KK
~ fD~j’4)’IRI4)5d~2’]~’
In the following only the numerator will be considered:

~ ff~cz~isz’i~
(~)b~,K ~‘ ~ciIR~
(&2)T2R(cZ’ )l4”> =

= ~ (~)~ [(4’IR~(~Z)R(fl’)R~(fl’)T2R (~‘)l4)’)


+ (4)lR~(~2)T2R(~2)R~
= ~ ~ ~ ~ (~z’)T~R(cz’)I4)5

= ~fJ’dfd ‘Diqjc(cL)Djjc’(~2’)4 [ E b~m(~‘~4)IR(~”)T~’I4)’)

+ ~ 1Yom (~2)(4)IT~’R(c2”)I4)’)]

~ This assumption is only justified for strongly deformed nuclei.

N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-partick model in nuclearphysics 351

~ fd~2’d~Z”
~ ~ ~) b~m(~Z’)(4)IR(~2”)T~

+-~ ~,fdfZdcz”Di~K~z)
~ M’(~)1~if’K’(~)~

= E fdcz”c(u’J; OM)C(Lf.1; inK’)b~K’+m(fZ”)(4)IR(~2”)T~’I4)’)

2J+l KK

+ ~ f&’z”c(LfJ; OM) C(LJ’J; mK—m)Dj~.mK’(1Z”)(4’ITj~’R(~2”)I4)’)


2J+l KK’
= -~-~-—C(Lf.1; OM) ~ [c(LJ’J; mIC’)fdfl”Dh’÷m(~2”)(4’IR(~2”)Tr 14”)
2.1+1 KK’m

÷C(LJ’J; mK—m)fdf2”DJ~_mK’(~ )(4)ITZ’

If one includes the normalisation .../ (2J+ 1) (2f+ 1 )/87r2, the factor in front changes to
~f(2J’+l)/(2J+1). Finally the result can be brought into the completely symmetric form
(JMI TL°IJ’M) = (—1 )J_ M- I. C(JJ’L; M—M)(JII TL IIJ’)
(JIITL If’) = N~N~’ ~ (_)J~K+L IIC(JJ’L; K-f-m —K)J’d~Z”D~icjc’(4’IT7~’
2(2L+l) ICJCm L

+ C(J’JL;K+m

with NJ = [ ~ fdfthJc
7~’(4)IRI4))]’ - (4.48)

It is very important to have the result in an explicitly symmetric form if one wants to introduce
approximations for the quantities (4’ITJrRI4)’) and (4’iITj~RI4))*.
Exactly this will be done now. As a first approximation one writes

(4”lT~’RI4)) [am +~I~Lkbkm](4’IRI4)). (4.49)

The resulting system of equations reads:

(4”IT~’I4))am+ ~ (4’lIlcI4))bkm
k1 (4.50)

(4)’IT~’11I4’)= am (4)13,14)) + ~ (4’IJkJII4))bicm

1=1,2,3. k1

Clearly (4’IT~’R14”) can be expanded in an analogous way. Because of the symmetry of ~I)and
14”> under exp (iirJ~)many of the matrix elements in (4.50) vanish. Instead of using L1 L2 L3,
one better uses L÷1L_1L0defined by:
352 N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

= L(~tab + jab) j~tr= — I (I~ntr— jn


LIab = _!:_.. (Ll tr+ jflt~) (4.51)

1ab — jjab) Lin1t~.= (~1n

i-lab _LIab yintr~rintr

3 ‘ ‘_‘O “3

For the quantities a’ç,, and bf~,,, one then obtains

= (4”IT~’14’> — (4)ITE’AJ~I4)) (4’if~ 4’)

b’-~ = (4)’ITj~’M
i(4)’ITZ’J2I4’)(4’IJII4))— -~(4)’ITf~J3I4’)<4’IJ1I4))
1I4)) +

+lm (4~I~.-71
14)) (4)IJ~14’) (4)13114)>— ~(4)IJ~I4)>2
bL = — (4”ITi1iI4)>÷i(4”ITE’J2I4’)(4)l31I4))—.~(4)’ITZ’.l3I4))(4’IIiI4)) (4.52)
—lm (4’I&11 14’> (4)IJ~14)> (4’i~114’) — ~(4’IJ~I4’)2
= (4”ITZ’J3I4)>(4’I31I4)>+(1/2i)<4)’IT~’J2l4))(4)I1i14’)
Om (4)IJ~I4))(4)IJ~I4)>—~(4)IJ1
With the relations

IjCabDi(K, =-.JJ(J-i-l) C(fiJ; Kk)D~+kK’ (4 53)

L),ntrDiCK, ~JJ(J+l) C(J1J; Kk)D/CK’+k, -

the final expression for the reduced matrix element reads

(JIlTLIIf>NJNJ~~1)h1)(_1y_1~{ E (—if C(JJ’L;K+m—K)

2(2L+1) KK’mk

X [~, 6kon~’ + /J~J~T)h,,, (—l)”C(JlJ;K’ —k)n’~K’_k]1

[C(J1J;K k)n’~÷k,K’+

+ (—if C(J’JL; K+m —K)[a~6ko~’~’+~Jf (J’+1)bf~,,[C(J’lf; Kk)~”~+kK’

÷ (—1 )kC(JI1J’; K’ —k)~”K’k] i}.

Here ~~K’ is computed with 14’) and n’~j~~’

with 14)’>. The same holds f6r a~and a’~as well as bk,,

and b~,,,.

5. Applications

5.1. Hartree—Fock calculations with effective interactions

The most sophisticated Hartree—Fock calculations were done with effective interactions derived
from nucleon—nucleon interactions which describe scattering data very well. Table 1 lists a sample
N.J. Mang, The self-consistentsingle-particle model in nuclear physics 353

Table 1
Experimental and calculated root mean square radii and binding energies per nucleon [9, 32, 33, 34].

Experiment Negele [9) Campi and Sprung [32) Nemeth et a1. [33] Skyrme III 134]

16~ F —7.98 —6.75 —7.68 —7.98 —7.96

r~ 2.73 2.80 2.75 2.77 2.69

a rc
F —8.55
3.49 —7.49
3.49 —8.33
3.49 —8.47
3.40 —8.54

F —8.67 —7.48 —8.40 —8.55 —8.71

r~ 3.48 3.52 3.51 3.44 3.53

r r~
E —8.71
4.23 —7.85
4.25 —8.63
4.27 —8.70
4.13 —8.71

2O8~ E —7.81 —7.53 —7,87 —7.87 —7.87

r,~ 5.50 5.44 5.45 5.22 5.57

SW S~ exp- Sill SZ exp.

14000-0 170000 140000 170000

af~~ -

C ~


-5 .- —


W IglI ~ 111%




Fig. 1. Experimental and calculated single particle energies in the lead region. Calculated values were obtained with two different
versions of the Skyrme-force [34].

of representative results [9, 10, 32, 33]. Also listed are results obtained with the Skyrme force [37],
which show that this phenomenological force does as well in describing the existing data, as the
more fundamental effective interactions. Most important is the fact that the Hartree—Fock energies
give essentially the correct ordering of the single particle levels in nuclei like 209Pb, 207Pb, 209Bi,
354 H.J; Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

Table 2
Experimental and calculated quadrupole moments and binding energies for various rare earch nuclei (35].

Nucleus Qexp. Qcaic. Eexp. Ecalc.

152Sm 590 600 1253.1 1243.1
‘58Gd 736 722 1295,9 1284.5
162~, 720 752 1324.1 1312.1
166Er 770 789 1351.6 1339.0
‘74Yb 758 782 1406.6 1393.4
178Hf 682 712 1432.9 1420.0
615 633 1473.0 1459.0
190Os 511 472 1512.8 1498.0

207T1. This means nothing less than that the most important and decisive part of the nuclear inter-
action is taken into account. More evidence for this are the results for deformed nuclei given in table
2 [35]. In this context it must, however, be mentioned that in these calculations the effects of pair-
correlations have been taken into account by adding to the Skyrme interaction a pairing force of
such a strength that the experimental energy gap is reproduced. The question how to improve this,
not completely satisfactory, procedure will be taken up in connection with HFB theory.
Summing up one may say that the theory is in good shape as far as the calculation of proper-
ties of nuclear groundstates is concerned. For details the reader is referred to ref. [341, where also
many references to earlier work can be found.

5.2. HFB calculations

As has been mentioned in the preceeding section pairing-correlations were ad hoc put into the
calculations with the Skyrme force. Of course, one should perform a full HFB calculation with
the Skyrme force (or even a “better” effective force [361). It is, however, unknown whether it is
possible to find a set of parameters 4 (compare eq. (2.6)) which produce the required pairing pro-
perties. The reason why one would like to work with the Skyrme force is that in this case the
energy gap e~(x,x’) is a local funcl’~n~(x) 5(x—x’) as is the average potential, JT(x) 6(x—x’).
This in turn implies that the HFB luations are just a set of coupled non-linear differential equa-
Nevertheless, important insight into nuclear structure has been gained by doing HFB calcula-
tions with much simpler effective forces like the quadrupole-quadrupole plus pairing force (com-
pare eq. (2.8)).
I shall not dwell upon the classical papers by Baranger and Kumar on this subject [13] but try
to discuss some of the more recent developments. They mostly deal with rotational states in de-
formed nuclei [37,38].
The basic assumptions are as follows: A core of nucleons is considered as inert and the interac-
tion of this core with the “valence” nucleons is taken into account through single particle ener-
gies tn!/. The Hamiltonian of the system is then
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 355

H = ~ t,.jjC~mCn~im+ G E C~ii1jimiC~nilijjml Cn212/2_m2 Cn2i,12m2

nI;m n111j1m1
n21232m2 (5.1)
2 )‘~)ni 1 2 ~~)n
+ 2 .
n1l 1j1m1 n31313m3 (r 1j1m 1; n3133m3 (r 2l2;2m2 n4l4j4m4C ~n1I1j 1m 1cn2i2i2m2cn4,4i4m4c3i3i3m3.
fl21212m2 n414;4m4

For the calculations described in detail in ref. [37] the parameters t,~were taken from the work
by Gustafson and Nilsson [39] with a slight shift of the energies of neutrons of positive parity.
These energies are given in table 3 together with the force constants of the quadrupole quadrupole
and the pairing force.
The HFB equations were solved by an iterative procedure for various nuclei and several suitably
chosen cranking frequencies for each nucleus. The physical quantities which have been extracted
from the so1utio~sare listed below.

E i~—




- Q12
1l_— 170
Yb -

12’— 50 -

30- -

— 7— I I I I I I

: 6’—
I~-E ~6’—

_______ I I I —

I.0 ~)4
I -
C~)8 012 w’(MeV

Fig. 2a. Experimental and calculated energy levels of 162Er. Fi~.2b. Moments of inertia of the Y-rast bands of
Calculated values were obtained with the single particle ener- 16 Yb and ‘~0Ybversus the square ofthe angular frequency
gies and force constants given in table 3. w2. After Faessler et al. [381.
tP4’~~~ I

60 a) Yb’66

20 0~ J —— — 0_ ___o_ ____

6C I I I ~~0 —

40 bI Yb*8 —


60 I I I

C) Yb’70

40 a—



002 QUa Gb a~z
w2 1MeV2)
Fig. 2c. Moments of inertia of the Y-rast bands of 166Yb, ‘68Yb and b~Ybversus the square of the angular frequency ~,2 [41].

1MeV) Yb~
10 - Yb’70


Q4 I I I I I I
2 6 8 12 14<3,> 16

Fig. 2d. Energy gap ~ of neutrons as a function of(J 66yb, l68yi~ and 170Yb.
1) for ‘
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 357


010 o~ o~ O’zw
Fig. 3. Moments of inertia and energy gaps for rotational bands of negative parity in 158Dy, ‘62Er and ‘68Th

Table 3
Spherical single particle energies and coupling constants. The values given for t,~ 62Er. Those for other nuclei are
slightly different because of the factor K1P in hw = 41/A’/~MeV. 11correspond to ‘
Protons Neutrons

nil t~j nil tnlj = —0034 MeV/b4

1g9/ 4
1g 2 —5.002 li1312 —0.250 —0.034 MeV/b
7~2 —0.677 2g9/2 5.842 4
2d 0.0000 1h1112 —5.979 —0.089 MeV/b
3/2 2.422 2f112 —1.579 G~ = —0.139 MeV
3S1/2 2.708 1h912 —0.790 G — 01
1h1112 0.955 3P3/2 1.467 p — — . 90 MeV
1h9/2 6.205 2f512 1.918 b = (1b/mo~)h/2 oscillator length
3P1/2 2.933

1) Energy levels and moments of inertia of rotational bands in even nuclei. This includes the “back-
bending” effect [40],see figs. 2a, 2b, 2c, 3.
2) Energy levels, moments of inertia and decoupling factors of rotational bands in odd mass nuclei,
figs. 4, 5, 6, 7.
358 N.J. Mang, The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

E Dy


- 21~~
- 2~

1 2~ 1~

17 ~ 214
216 7~2~_



~- i3~j_ 1%_ ~j—

Il[~_ ~


caic. exp.

159Dy [45, 37].

Fig. 4. Experimental and calculated energy levels of

3) Intrinsic quadrupole moments Q 2 Y~>of even and odd mass

nuclei, figs. 8a, 8b. 0 = ~/~(T2 Y2°>and Q2 = ~ (r
4) Occupation probabilities, energy gaps and single-particle wavefunctions, table 4, figs. 2d, 9a,
9b, 9c, lOa, lOb.
5) Quadrupole moments, fig. 11.
Before these results can be discussed, a few words must be said about the somewhat different
methods of calculating the quantities listed above. The various methods differ essentially only in
two respects; the sophistication with which conservation laws are treated and the flexibility of
the intrinsic wavefunction. Whereas the results of ref. [37] have been obtained in a fully selfcon-
sistent way but with angular momentum and particle number conservation treated in the cranking
and BCS approximation respectively, the results depicted in fig. 2b [38] and 2c [41] have been ob-
tained with a refined treatment of particle number [38, 41] and angular momentum conservation
[38]. The price one pays in the latter cases is that selfconsistency is replaced by a variation with
respect to a few parameters like deformations and energy gaps. Moreover the intrinsic wavefunc-
tions of ref. [38] are always axially symmetric (J
3 141) = 0).
Despite such differences some general features emerge from the material presented.
N.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 359

o ______ __ ~ ___ ___ ________

0 50 100 150 200 250 E

00i~, ~
59Dy versus J(J+1) [37, 45].

Fig. 5a. Energy of the rotational band of positive parity in ‘

E (M.V) —...........~



~ ~ ~ 1% ~ 21f2 ~l2 , Calc. Exp.

0 50 150 200 25r
Fig. Sb. Energy of the rotational band of positive parity in ~5Dy versus 1(1+1) [37, 45).
360 H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

8 (MeV~)



59Dy ~‘2

j 158~


00 QOl Q02 003 004 (105 006 w2M~

Fig. 6. Moments of inertia versus

The often rapid increase of the moment of inertia of groundstate rotational bands is caused by
two effects. The Coriolis antipairing which reduces the energy gap with increasing angular mo-
mentum on the one hand and the alignment of two quasi-particles along the axis of rotation on
the other hand. In the case presented in figs. 2a and 2c back-bending occurs because the energy
gap of one pair of quasi-particles the one that aligns goes to zero much faster than the rest
— —

of the energy gaps. Of course, one could have asked the question whether projection of particles
number could not change the picture obtained in ref. [37] substantially [31]. In order to answer
such a question the simplified calculation with inclusion of particle number projection of ref. [41]
was performed (fig. 2c). Instead of varying the HFB-wavefunction 141) only the energy gap of
neutrons ~N was varied. The results given in fig. 2c and 2d fully confirm the conclusions drawn
from the self-consistent calculation without projection of particle number.
N.J. Mang. The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 361

159 - -o th~O~
E-E fl•J — •xp.

4981 121 *9 ~ 289 351 41.1 58 58 729 — (2!)841


0- - - — •~-0~.

0 I I I I I I I
o 29 1.8 81 121 169 229 289 361 441 525
2 for the three bands of ‘59Dy.
Fig. 7. The quantity (E
1—E11 )/2J as a function of (2J)

Another important feature concerns the rotational bands of negative parity. Their moments of
inertia are rather constant and large from the beginning [42] with the exception of ‘58Dy. This in-
dicates that they can be interpreted as two quasi-particle bands. The quasi-particle of positive pari-
ty aligns quite easily and ensures at the same time, by blocking the aligned state, that the moment
of inertia of the core remains practically constant. It is worthwhile to note that the usual relation
between energy gap and moment of inertia is inverted for these bands as can be seen in fig. 3. The
362 H.J. Mang, The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics


Qoas ~ )~

(1) 0.21
6h ‘ (bI 0
/ (b)
/ ).i 6.4 ‘..,,,~ / 04-
63 ~ ~ 63 ‘•~ •~ ~

1~Yb 0) .—., - — . —.

~ ____

-- - -- - ~ 0.1 ...~ 01 03 w(MeV)

0 0.1 02 Q3) lSn~, ~ l59~

1~ — — l59~~ — — -

—. w 1MeV) . Q •~- ~2-

2Y~I1’) Fig. 8b. Intrinsic quadrupole moments Qo and Q2 versus

Fig. Q2
and .~/i 5(~Ir2Y
8a. =Intrinsic quadru~olemoments Qo 63Er = ~u/~R~lr
and ‘68y’~~ for 158Dy and 159Dy (5/2’ band).
2IcI)versus c~’for ‘

reason is that a large energy gap favors the alignment of a one quasi-particle state. This shows up
also in rotational bands of odd mass nuclei.
Turning to these nuclei one realizes right away that one of the problems to be discussed is
band mixing [43] and attenuation factors [441.The best examples are bands of positive parity
in some of the lighter rare earth elements like ‘59Dy and 155Dy [45]. Clearly calculated and ex-
perimental values of the excitation energies are in astonishingly good agreement, indeed, in much
better agreement than was seen in even nuclei. The reason is that the odd particle dominates the
structure of the levels up to spLis of approximately 21/2. Only beyond this point one notices
that the contribution of the core to the moment of inertia increases too rapidly. Consequently
calculated levels lie below the experimental ones. The wavefunctions of the odd particle of even
parity (figs. 9a, 9b) show very clearly the alignment and finally decoupling from the collective
rotation. For angular momenta greater than 19/2 the wavefunction and the contribution to the
angular momentum (j1) are practically constant which means that the particle is completely de-
coupled from the rotation. For ~ the effect is even more pronounced than for 159 be-
cause there, the band is a 1 /2~band from the outset. There can be no doubt that no additional
attenuation of the Coriolis matrix elements is needed in order to explain the experimental data
[37, 46]. The 11/2— band in contrast behaves quite normal and its moment of inertia is very
similar to the one of the neighbouring even nucleus ‘58Dy. The minor changes result from changes
in pairing correlations because of the blocking effect. It is worthwhile to mention that a compar-
H.J. Mang, The self-consistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 363

Table 4
Occupation number Vj, energy gap parameter ~Kk. single particle energies hKK and matrix elements of the angular momentum
of some single particles states K, which diagonalize the density matrix p for different values of the cranking frequency w;
162Er, b) ‘68Yb.
K V~ ~j~(MeV) hgj~(MeV) 4jç
1 0.899 0.906 —1.200 0.0
2 0.833 0.907 —0.812 0.0
(u.’ = 0.0
— 3 0.520 0.902 —0.036 0.0
(Ii)— 0) 0.112 0.891 1.094 0.0
5 0.029 0.873 2.436 0.0

1 0.939 0.657 —0.810 1.983

2 0.926 0.738 —1.183 0.123
(~‘= 0.200
3 0.437 0.625 —0.133 —1.067
~J~)= 7.16) 0.068 0.697 1.046 —0.733
5 0.020 0.718 2.430 —0.183
a) 162Er
1 0.998 0.104 —0.497 5.230
(~= 0.206 2 0.960 0.463 —1.063 0.169
= 16.02) 3 0.148 0.369 0.4 19 0.263
upper 4 0.012 0.447 1.943 —0.065
5 0.004 0.465 3.810 —0.049

1 1.000 0.026 —0.477 5.510

2 0.981 0.301 —0.849 0.801
(~‘= 0.270
3 0.103 0.233 0.171 —0.499
~1i> = 20.25) 0.006 0.317 2.019 —0.093
5 0.002 0.321 3.764 —0.069

K V~ ~KK(MeV) hj~jç(MeV) Jicic

1 0.971 0.760 —2.130 0.0
2 0.956 0.769 —1.720 00
(w = 0.0
3 0.882 0.780 —0.928 0.0
(Ji’ = 0) 0.331 0.766 0.274 0.0
5 0.044 0.770 1.710 0.0

1 0.989 0465 —2.176 0.317

2 0.982 0.471 —L745 —0.052
(w = 0.200
3 0.978 0.381 —0.836 2.114
= 9.90) 0.125 0.358 0.068 —1.704
5 0.017 0.464 1.653 —0.469
b) l68y1
1 0.994 0.329 —2.044 0.868
2 0.991 0.266 —0.965 2.204
(~= 0.210
3 0.989 0.345 —1.717 —0.168
= 10.90) 0.063 0.233 —0.047 —0.220
5 0.009 0.342 1.622 —0.464

1 1.000 0.012 —0.860 5.020

2 1.000 0.029 —2.090 0.309
(w = 0.270 1.000 0.027 —1.466 —0.750
= 17.02) 0.000 0.012 1.418 0.083
5 0.000 0.027 —0.161 —3.838
364 H..!. Mang, The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

Cm I_U.



a’ 0.4

02 (12

00 ____________________________________
0 15 I

Cm 155Dy

-1 a.

________ as

_____________________________ 0.4

00 ______

Fig. 9a. Amplitudes cm(i13,2) of the single particle state of
the odd nucleon in theeven parity band of ‘59Dy as a func-
tion of! = .,J<j
0 I 4 —

159Dy (‘ti) -02


10 ~ ~ /5 10 15 I

Fig. 9b. The same as in fig. 9a for ‘55Dy.


Fig. 9c. Amplitudes of the single particle state of the odd nu-
cleon in the11/2 band of 159~’ as a function of c~,
N.J. Mang, The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 365

1 1000 A(MeV)

~ _________________________ ~ Is.)

f 162Er 0

C 0 OW Q~0 0300 w(MeV)

05 4.0


0 01 02 03
~- w (MeV)
0 01 02 03w
162Er and 114Vr
‘68Yb. The
Fig. lOa. Energy
~p,~ ~n
as acorrespond
function ofto~anforaveraged energy Fig. lOb. Energy gaps of ‘55Dy, I56~ 158~, 159Dy versus
gap for protons and neutrons respectively.

E Q•


Fig. 11. Calculated effective quadrupole moment Qgft’ and intrinsic quadrupole moment Qo as a function of.! for 162Er The
smooth curves are only drawn to guide the eye.
366 lU. Mang, The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics

ison of the moment of inertia of the “even core” in the 5/2k -band with the moment of inertia of
‘58Dy clearly shows the effect of blocking the state of the “easily alignable particle”. Finally the
3/2 band lies somewhat in between the two extremes. It is slightly disturbed by the mixing with
a 1/2— band. Before going on, a brief comment is in order, on why no attenuation factors are ne-
cessary in a self-consistent calculation. This is most clearly seen by comparing the Coriolis coup-
ling term in the self-consistent treatment and in the conventional particle plus rotor model. The.
terms to be compared are
1 andj~J/®~0~0,,
or /1(J1>/85~ and j ~J/erotor
= selfconsistent moment of inertia).
The essential
8rotordifference is thatelements
If the matrix in the selfconsistent
of /~are largetreatment also appears
then they8~, in the
contribute denominator
significantly to. in-
stead of
~ which is then large [47] in particular much larger than ®rotof. Thus the coupling term is
drastically reduced.
Concerning the intrinsic quadrupole moments Q
0 and Q2 one may say that in general the varia-
tion of Q0 and Q2 with angular momentum is of the same order of magnitude as can be read off
figs. 8a, 8b directly. Spectroscopic quadrupole moments were calculated with the formulas given
in section 4. As far as deviations from the adiabatic limit are concerned there are two possible
sources. First angular momentum projection may give rise to additional terms beyond the ones ob-
tained in the adiabatic limit. Moreover changes in the intrinsic wavefunction with angular momentum
may lead to a dependence of moments on angular momentum [47]. These two effects can be separ-
ated qualitatively in the following manner:
In the adiabatic approximation when the wavefunction is written as

IJM) = ~ —i-- D~oI40>

the reduced matrixelement of the quadrupole operator is given by

2Y 2 Y°
(J11r 2 IIJ> = C(JJ2; 00) (41~1r 2l41~>

Therefore an effective intrinsic quadrupole moment Q~ is defined by

eff — ~ (J11r 2 If) 1
2J-I-l C(JJ2;O0) V5
where (J1Ir 2 IIJ) is computed
62Er are given inwith 11 help
fig. the of eqs.
[47]and (4.52)
show (4.55).
clearly the effect of angular momentum
Results for ‘
projection is quite substantial in particular for high angular momenta.
For transition rates no results are yet available but there the situation is even more complicated
by the incomplete overlap of the intrinsic wavefunctions of initial and final state which may be as
low as 0.8 for angular momentaf
1 = 14 andJ~= 12.
Summing up one may conclude that the results obtained up to now warrant further systematic
studies of nuclear structure within the selfconsistent single particle model, hopefully with more
realistic effective forces and in a less restricted single particle configuration space.
H..!. Mang, The selfconsistent single-particle model in nuclear physics 367


I thank B. Banerjee, P. Ring and H.R. Dalafi; without their help this article would not have been

[1] M.G. Mayer, J.H.D. Jensen, Elementary theory of nuclear shell structure (Wiley, New York, 1964);
A.M. Lane, Nuclear theory (W.A. Benjamin, New York, 1964);
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