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A Guide to Command Points (WH40k) (part#3_5)

Deployment and going first : Choosing the deployment type might massively matter to your army
so it can be worth it to win this roll if possible, and if you both roll poorly you could potentially go
first. Not something i do often but the option is there.

Seizing the initiative : This breaks the rule of being unlikely. Only do this if you think you
absolutely need first turn, I don't think i've ever bothered doing this.

Maelstrom points : A slightly out of the box use, if you are doing Maelstorm missions rerolling a d3
objective into a 3 can win you the game, indeed i've won a tournament with this before. If you're a
mile ahead in points don't bother, but if it's tight or you're slightly behind it's worth considering

Game end : Situational but i've been in games were i'd kill for an extra turn to allow to me snatch a
win on objectives if I had another turn, this allows it. Same is true in reverse, you can reroll a
succesful result to try and end the game earlier if you're ahead.

Treat the reroll like a finite resource. Don't be afraid to spend them but don't use them all by turn 2
either, they have to last.

Insane Bravery

This is allows you to auto pass a morale test, but you must decide before rolling. Unlike the reroll
this costs 2 points so you need to be more careful when using it, you can't use it on a whim like you
can to some extend with rerolls, each use is a third of your points gone in your average game.

The problem with autopassing morale is when it's most useful is also when it has the least effect.
What i mean by this is you want to use it when large amounts of models might run off, but to get to
that point you've probably lost a lot anyway. If you lost 15 cultists that turn that unit of 5 is gone no
matter what. You can save it with this, but is it worth spending 2 points to save a few cultists?
Maybe if they're camping an objective you need, otherwise no. That said it is useful in the right
circumstances, the main uses i find for it are

Saving heavy weapons : Particularly useful on stuff like devasators. Even with morale rerolls, if
they lost the 6 other guys in the squad then you're probably going to fail even with the marine reroll
and that's lascannons that have run off. It's worth spending 2 points to save them and get another
whole round of shooting out of them

High value multiple wound units : This is an exception because losing even one of these to a dodgy
morale check can really hurt. In a game i played recently 3 of my opponents killa kans ran off at the
worst possible time which effectively lost him that flank and put him on the backfoot for the rest of
the game. If you have units like this and looks like they're reasonably likely to fail seriously
consider paying the points to save them.

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