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There are already a lot of guides on specific Mobius floors, but if you are new to the game, you

may lack 
many of the units used in these playthroughs. This is just a simple text-based guide on the gimmicks of 
each floor, what kind of unit each floor requires, and some cheap unit examples you can use (I’ll try to 
keep the unit examples to easily obtained units like 3*s whenever I can, but I’ll make sure to use farmable 
unit examples). Even if you can't complete Mobius this time around, you can raise some units with these 
jobs so you can finish it next time. (I will update this each time global receives new Mobius floors. I’ll also 
add any recommendations people have. Feel free to message me on discord, Twitter, Facebook, or reddit 
with any suggestions or questions. Username on all is BugBoyTroy).  
Floors 1 - 10:  
Basic strategy: No gimmick, just kill everyone. 
Full gimmick description: These floors don't have a gimmick, and so they can be beaten with any unit. 
Global Nukes are recommended to make them go by faster (Polin+ can even twoshot the fire map with a 
good LS, so she’s a very easily obtainable choice). All but the last ones are monoelement and low level, so 
you can also bring a max level unit of a stronger element to defeat them, if you don’t have global nukes. 
Unit Recommendations: A global nuker (Polin+, any diviner, or Minerva) + a unit with a LS that boosts that 
nuker’s damage (For example, Tamamo is a great LS unit for Polin). Alternatively, you can just use a 
bunch of lvl75 damage units. Global nukes are just a faster way of clearing these, but they are all pretty 
Video​ (Just a quick video showing how Polin can take out these early floors) 
Floor 11:  
Basic strategy: Kill alyu as soon as possible. You need a teleportation ability to get to her (Spy, ninja, or 
Full gimmick description: The gimmick of this floor is that there is an Alyu in the back of stage giving 
stackable damage buffs to all enemies. Blocking your path to get to her, however, are a row of 
indestructible rats and reflection crystals. You’ll need a unit that can teleport behind the rats to get to alyu 
as fast as you can and kill her before she overbuffs the enemy. You’ll also need some kind of veiler to 
prevent the rats from immobilizing your teleporting unit (note that a single spy will cover both those 
roles). This teleporter should also not be wind, as many wind units won’t be able to kill Alyu fast enough. 
Afterwards, just clear the mission like normal by killing everything (the rats will go away once Alyu is 
dead). Alternative to using a teleporter, you can use a switcher (e.g chronomancer) to switch with the rats 
and walk through them.  
Recommended unit job/roles: A non-wind teleporter (e.g Spy, telekinetic artists, or certain ninja JEs or 
kunai WAs) + veiler (e.g Professor or merchant). Sub: Damage unit. 
Examples: Jin (Spy), Decel (Professor), Mizuichi (Ninja) 
Floor 12: 
Basic strategy: Kill Diablo as soon as possible. Water units work best on this stage. Bring a veiler or a 
pirate to stop the plants from casting quicken/status ailments. 
Full gimmick: When you first enter the map, it’ll be mostly fire/water rats and barriers. The barriers will be 
slowly destroyed as you kill the rats. Eventually a diablo and some dark knights will spawn after enough 
rats have been killed. Rush to kill diablo when he shows up (he’s a fire unit, so make sure to bring water 
damage. Gormalas+ and Shenmei are particularly good against him) and avoid the dark knights (they are 
exceptionally strong and beefy compared to normal dark knights). Plants will also periodically spawn on 
the map, and they will cast major quicken for the enemy and a variety of status effects on your party. 
Bringing a veiler can prevent these status effects, and bringing a pirate can prevent the quicken buff 
through use of maelstrom. Pirates are also recommended because there are a lot of fire units that are 
susceptible to their water moves on this map.  
Recommended unit jobs: pirate + professor, sub: water damage 
Some examples - Gormalas, and Decel/Gane 
Video​ (I’ll get a better one for this soon. This will just show you the field setup and gameplay). 
Floor 13:  
Basic strategy: Bring a Chronomancer or Astrologer, no second unit, and a three multihit unit for sub (TBS 
works). Use switch on every unit until you get to the final crystal. Then attack it once with 
chrono/astrologer, and then use a 3hit move with sub, and walk to the top. 
Similarly, you can have a high hp chronomancer or astrologer heal themselves after each hit on the 
crystal, as an alternative to the multhit sub unit (thanks to r/Speirdughorn) 
Full gimmick: This one is much easier than it looks. The gimmick is that a demon is chasing you, and the 
only way to escape it is by killing the units ahead of you and ending your turn at the top the staircase. 
These units are all thunder, resist everything other than strike damage, and block a reflection crystal that 
is only destroyed when you kill the unit. So it may seem like the strategy would be to using a fast wind 
holy brawler (like Kazahaya or Lucian) to kill units quickly before the demon catches up to you as you 
travel up the staircase. And while you can do this, there is an easier way you can solo this map. With a 
chronomancer or astrologer, you can switch with each unit and never have to worry about the demon 
catching up to you. Then when you get to the end, you can attack the crystal. The crystal only has 4 hp, so 
if you have no second unit, and just attack with your chrono it will have 3 hp. Then your sub (who should 
be a multi-hit unit) can use a 3 hit move to take out the rest of the hp and destroy the crystal. Then they 
just have to end their turn on the top and you can clear the stage. Note: some chronomancers/astrologers 
can survive the first hit from the crystal (such as Lofia), so you’ll only need a two-hit strike move from your 
sub unit. 
Recommended unit jobs: Chronomancer/Astrologer, no second unit. sub: Twinblade-swordsman 
Some examples: Lofia/Fiona, sub: Blanchett/Fiona (Fiona can be used for either role, but not both. Her 
unique job has a 3 strike move on main ability that she can use as the sub unit). 
Floor 14:  
Basic strategy: If you have an agi 177+ unit then bring them and kill Waginau asap. Otherwise bring a unit 
with the chronomancer passive “clock resist” to prevent being stopped. Use multihit units to break 
through the bulwark shield. 
Full gimmick: As the hint suggests, there are two options for this map depending on your unit speed. At 
the beginning of the game, a mage will cast a global bulwark to protect all units from one segment of 
damage. This will happen periodically until all mages on the field are killed, so it's recommended that you 
and/or your partner bring some multihit units. The second gimmick on the map may force you to bring a 
few supports as well. The enemy Waginau will cast stop on all your units if you don’t have any fast 
enough (agi 177+) to kill him first, or move out of the way (fast multihit units like Hayate, Kazahaya, or 
Roxanne are good for this since he will have the bulwark protection on him). If you don’t have any units 
fast enough to kill him, you’ll need a unit who has the chronomancer passive Clock Resist. A veiler with 
clock resist is ideal, since they will be able to unstop all your other units (Elizabeth and Michael are the 
only units with this option). After all this, you just want to kill everyone using multihit units. 
Recommended unit jobs: A non-water multihit unit (e.g twinblade-swordsman or holy brawler senju)+ 
Chronomancer (Elizabeth or Michael is ideal as professors) 
Some examples: Hayate+, Elizabeth, and Kazahaya 
Video​ - speed unit strat (instead of null grenade just basic attack him or use Hayate’s multhit ability) 
Video - clock resist strat 
Floor 15:  
Basic strategy: Chronomancer switch with demon and charm him continuously as you cast Black Hole on 
the priest in the top right. Then switch with the demon into one of the red circles once he’s killed 
Full gimmick: Use a chronomancer to switch with the demon, then charm the demon continually so it’ll kill 
all the other units on the stage (which you will be unable to do substantial damage to without it). The 
priest in the back left will nullify statuses permanently, so you’ll have to continually cast Black Hole (or 
Gravity Jam if you’re using Lofia+) on him whenever it gets close to his turn. In the end you can switch 
with the demon again to get him into one of the red circles that will instantly kill him. 
Recommended unit jobs: Charmer (e.g professor or dancer) + chronomancer, sub: Charmer 
Some examples: Chihaya/Ennis, Rahu/Fiona, sub: Decel 
Alternative strat: if your charmer is Elrike with her merchant JE, you can actually permanently charm the 
demon since it’s a cursed status effect and can’t be nullified by the priest. You can use Carol with her so 
that she can cast the charm instantly. Then simply use a switching unit to take out the demon at the end. 
Floor 16:  
Basic strategy: Bring two Dragon Cavaliers (or any pierce unit) and a veiler. Leave one Dragon Cav at the 
bottom to go to the blue circle while the other kills things up top. If you have Roxanne, she can be used to 
take out the archers early with her typeless basic abilities (she’ll be kinda useless after this but she can 
replace the veiler if you do this). 
Full gimmick: Can be a difficult map without proper units. ​Only pierce or jump damage can be used on 
this map. Try to kill the archers as soon as possible (or have a veiled prevent them from charming your 
team) and leave a dragon cavalier (or any piercing unit) at the bottom to go into the blue circle and kill the 
demons when they show up (will add more details later) 
Recommended unit jobs: Dragon Cavalier + veiler (e.g professor or merchant) 
Some examples: Zangetsu, Lamia, Decel 
Floor 17:  
Basic strategy: Use a global nuker to destroy the crystals in the back. Or continually attack the plant with a 
high evasion unit to get by the enemies. 
Full gimmick: You have to destroy two crystals in the back of the map which are being blocked by high 
damage units. The main strategy is to use evasive units to avoid their attacks and get to the crystals 
quickly. There is a plant that will cast a stackable evasion buff when you attack it so if you go with this 
strategy, make sure to take advantage of it. Alternatively, you can use global nukes to destroy the 
crystals. Two Polin+s should be able to do it without much trouble, especially if they have a patk buffing 
leader skill being used. 
Recommended unit jobs: Global nuke + powerful leader skill, or evasion units 
Some examples: Polin + Tamamo 
Floor 18:  
Basic strategy: Use a wind holy brawler or sniper to kill everything. Try to kill the demon within 3 hits. 
Full gimmick: All the units on this map are thunder, and the demon that appears will debuff all non 
strike/missile damage. If you kill the demon within three hits then no additional enemies will spawn 
(thanks to reddit user sonsofhades23 for that info). This makes a charge up wind unit (like a holy brawler) 
very useful for this. (will add more details later) 
Recommended unit jobs: non-water striker/missile unit (wind is ideal) 
Some examples: Kazahaya, Yomi, Lucian 
Video​ (I’ll get a better video later, this just shows off the stage and some unit options) 
Floor 19:  
[Difficult if you don’t have specific units] 
Basic strategy: Use Spica if you have her built up with Lisbeth. Otherwise use a Sage on the right to kill the 
blue rat and a Martial Master on the left to halt/kill the hounds. Try to destroy the robots in one shot if you 
Gimmick: You have to kill the blue rat in the back of the right side of the map before he gets to the jewel 
(his turn after getting the jewel he will wipe your party, unless you have a dragon cavalier that is in mid 
jump). The rats are weak to magic damage so a sage is recommended for their side of the map. 
Afterwards robots will show up that will buff each other and themselves with a small heal if they survive 
any damage (except the last robot won’t perform buffs). (Will add more details later) 
Recommended unit jobs: Sage, Martial Master, Telekinetic Artist, Dragon Cavalier 
Specific unit gimmicks: Spica, Lisbeth, Mei Fang 
Floor 20:  
Basic strategy: Bring a non-wind/thunder tank and a strong non-wind missile unit. But the tank on the blue 
circles until they are switched with, then kill everything with the missile unit by putting it on the blue 
Full gimmick: The blue circles give missile damage buffs but robots will spawn eventually to switch with 
whoever is on them. Bait them with a tanky unit and keep your missile units near the blue circles so they 
can go on them later and kill the demon and everything else. One shotting the rats and demon at the 
same time at the beginning will prevent any additional spawns (thanks to reddit user sonsofhades23 for 
that info)(will add more details later) 
Recommended unit jobs: non-wind missile unit & tank unit (fire or water is ideal) 
Some examples: Lambert, Vettel, Caris 
Floor 21:  
Basic strategy: Switch with the plant until you can hit it and the rats with a sage spell to beat the mission 
Full gimmick: The proper way to do this mission is to use magic casters (preferably sages or summoners) 
while standing on the blue circles since they boost matk and remove cast time. Instead you should take a 
chronomancer and a sage and freeze all the units on field. Then switch with the top plant so that it is 
closeby to the other enemies and kill them with your magic user. Alternatively, you could lure the initial 
rats closer to the plant to kill them all. 
Recommended unit jobs: sage + chronomancer 
Some examples: Fiona, Vanekis 
Floor 22:  
Tl;dr: Bring slash damage units and try to kill diablo as soon as possible. Don’t bring fire units if possible. 
Full gimmick: Kinda a complicated map with an easy solution: put all your units on the left or right side of 
the map, kill only the units in your way and try to rush to the top middle section of the map. Destroy the 
walls and try to kill diablo as fast as possible. You can only do slash damage to him (and most enemies 
on the map). He’s weak to dark but the rest are weak to water and light, so any of those elements are 
good to use. Fire is unusable because of the snow weather lowering its damage. The bishops will slowly 
unpetrify units as they get closer to them, but once diablo awakens (as you approach him), he will 
unpetrify every unit and make them go immediately. It is recommended you bring a tanky water support 
(like Lofia) to block damage from your carry units and to give your carry units extra turns (since even fast 
units will be outsped by the CT boosting abilities that the enemy has). 
Recommended unit jobs: non-fire slash unit (Light & water preferred) + tanky water support 
Some examples: Chloe, Suzuka, Lofia 
Floor 23:  
Basic strategy: Use a non-water missile unit and take out the plants as soon as possible (especially the 
dark plant in the middle of the map) 
Full gimmick: You’re given missile advantage on this stage from both height and weather. Enemy units 
are all thunder and light, so wind missile units are perfect for this, though any powerful non-water ranged 
units can do perfectly fine on this mission. The only problem is that you will be constantly bombarded 
with status conditions, so bringing a veiler can really help. Alternatively you can focus the plants before 
they cast their status condition spells, that way you won’t need a veiler and can bring more damage. 
There is a dark plant that appears on the center of the map that you will need to kill as soon as possible 
since it casts 5x def on all units. 
Recommended unit job: non-water missile unit (preferably wind) + veiler (optional) 
Some examples: Almira, Rigalt, Decel 
Floor 24:  
Basic strategy: Use untyped damage or fire magia gunslinger (Vivi) to kill everything. Save the drake on 
top for last. You can also use poison to kill the drake. 
Full gimmick: This mission is very easy if you don’t kill the drake on top until you’ve killed everything else 
(killing him would spawn more units). All these units are immune to any nontyped damage, and they are 
all wind so any untyped damage unit (e.g pirate, ninja, or spy) works perfectly, but especially fire units. 
Everything besides the dragon is easy to kill, though you may want to bring a poisoner to hit that dragon 
near the end. A magia gunslinger can also work well for killing the drake, making Vivi an ideal unit for this 
mission (thanks to reddit user r/sonsofhades23 for that info) 
Recommended unit jobs: untyped damage jobs with fire attacks (e.g Ninja, Pirate, Spy) & a poison inducer 
Some examples: Vivi, Michael/Gane 
Floor 25:  
Basic strategy: Destroy the crystals on the top of the map asap. If you have heightless teleporter (like 
Dragon Cav Rudra), then you can just go straight for it. Otherwise someone needs to be on the bottom of 
the hill to take out the wolves. 
Full gimmick: The units you actually use on this map aren’t that big of a deal. One player should bring their 
units (preferably a damage unit and a support) to the top of the map to destroy the crystals, while another 
player leaves their units (preferably a missile unit and a tank) to deal with the wolves and majin. Don’t 
bother trying to attack the majin and you’ll be fine. Also most of the units are fire and thunder so plan your 
team accordingly (maybe one wind, one water unit). Units without height limit (e.g Rudra/Zangetsu and 
Noctis) can destroy the crystals without traveling up the mountain (thanks to Reddit user sonsofhades23 
for that info) 
Recommended unit jobs: some damage dealers and supports. Preferably one missile unit or an unlimited 
height job like Dragon Cav Rudra. Not a big deal what you bring, just split the party in two groups and try 
to get to the crystals as soon as possible. 
Some examples: Zangetsu 
Floor 26:  
Basic strategy: Bring an 6move unit and a machinist. Use Move+2 on the 6move unit while they are on the 
edge of the red circles. Then move them closer to the crystal to destroy it. A non-fire blademaster or 
machinist may be able to kill all the enemy units instead of the crystal, which would be even better. 
Full gimmick: There are two ways to go about this mission, but either way you’ll need a lot of movement. 
There are traps everywhere, and you’re either going to need to kill everyone in one hit with a high 
movement aoe unit or destroy a crystal to remove the traps. Destroying the crystal without killing 
everyone with it, will cause a few more units to spawn. They are mostly weak water units, except for one 
queen. No matter how you proceed, a machinist is recommended, since they have a movement boosting 
An alternative strategy: You can use Fiona to cast guts on a unit (from her sub job), which will allow you to 
get a free turn to land on a trap. 
Recommended unit jobs: A machinist + a high movement ranged unit [the ranged damage doesn’t need to 
be on their main ability so feel free to use a high movement ninja/spy for this]] or blademaster (Magnus, 
Setsuna, or another thunder unit that fit this criteria are ideal). 
Some examples: Albea, Magnus, Setsuna 
Floor 27:  
Basic strategy: Bring magic units and kill the bishop up top asap. Chihaya or another dancer is very 
Full gimmick: This stage is magic vs magic. At the very beginning a unit will cast physical evade on all 
enemies preventing you from using physical damage on anyone. You’ll have to use mages and supports 
on this map. Thankfully if you attack a crystal you’ll have 50% reduced castime so mages that were 
previously weakened by their cast time (i.e summoners), are very usable on this map. You’ll want to kill 
the bishop that casts the physical evade as early as possible, since they will also cast magic evade 
eventually. A dancer can be useful for slower down this bishop if you don’t have fast enough mages to get 
up to him. 
Recommended unit jobs: Summoner and/or Bishop since they have higher magic accuracy (Sages, 
telekinetic artist, and battle mage are also usable but will typically be at 86% hit rate if yoyer able to take 
out the evasion unit early, and even less if not).  
Chronomancer or dancer are good supports for helping you get to the evasion bishop. Light is probably 
your best element to use 
Some examples: Margaret/Neica (probably the best sages for this since they are light and have divine 
shelter), Soleil, Vanekis, Patty. 
Floor 28:  
Basic strategy: Use a sniper to assault burst the rat early (preferably water/thunder) to prevent your units 
from being displaced. Then take out Chihaya. Then just make sure you kill diablo before killing the final 
holy knight. 
Full gimmick: Kill chihaya early (overclocking a water unit can help you get to her quickly), and use a 
strong aoe character to kill everyone once the rat brings everyone into the middle by stepping on the 
green circles (unless you can kill it before it gets there). A sniper with decent speed and patk can assault 
burst the rat to prevent it from getting to the circle if you don’t want to get displaced. High sustain 
characters like Roxanne and Chloe can also be used to survive through the onslaught of holy knights. 
Rangers won’t appear until after you’ve taken out the last holy knight, so try to kill diablo/rat/chihaya 
before that to prevent the water rangers from appearing at all.  
Recommended unit jobs: water and thunder units, specifically a Sniper, and something tanky or high 
Some examples: Caris, Shayna 
Floor 29:  
Basic strategy: Bring a heightless unit to take out Seida early (Zangetsu, Celleris, Vivi, Noctis, Roy are 
some usable examples, though Roy and Vivi requires a bit of situational positioning. Roy and celleris can’t 
oneshot her either so you might want a Chronomancer with them). End your turns on the blue circles to 
lower your time until your next turn and ignore the jams, just try to kill Monzein and Basheeny as soon as 
possible. A wind HB works great against Monzein. 
Full gimmick: Try to get Seida as early as possible by any means. Once she’s dead, Monzein and 
Basheeny will spawn. Monzein can easily be taken out by a wind holy brawler charge up + sbt. Then you 
just have to whittle down Basheeny. Ignore the jams. You can use the blue circles to have the time it takes 
to get your next turn if you land on them. Units with unlimited height abilities can take out seida at the 
beginning, especially if they are fire units (e.g Rudra/Zangetsu, Roy Mustang, magia gunslingers/Vivi, and 
Noctis). Apparently you are able to get to the cliff she is on, the others will spawn, even if you aren’t able 
to kill her right away. This includes point warping with Noctis. (Thanks to reddit users sonsofhades23, 
Zgounda, and Grim200 for the height info) 
Recommended unit jobs: wind holy brawler (ideally one that can charge up and sbt with just hat), magia 
gunslinger (ideally Vivi) or Rudra dragon cavalier (Zangetsu) 
Some examples: Yomi, Lucian, Zangetsu 
Floor 30:  
Basic strategy: Bring a Dragon Cav Garuda (preferably Spica but Aruba and Zahar work too), and 
Carol/fast merchant for each side of the map. If you don’t have them, then read the Gimmick section and 
try your best. 
Full gimmick: This map has so many gimmicks, it can be difficult to account for all of them. Firstly, you 
don’t want to end your turn in the poisonous water. You will get poisoned for a few turns. The major issue 
with this poison is that you’ll be unable to heal or remove it once it’s there until it wears off on its own. 
There will also be a plant that provides magic resistance buffs periodically to all enemies (it is standing in 
the poison though, so it’ll eventually kill itself). Once enough units have been killed, a group of telekinetic 
artists will spawn on the right side of the map and cast “instant shield” which will halve physical damage 
three times. On top of all that, all the units on this map do major damage. Unless you and your partner 
have maxed out Spicas and Carols, then you’ll probably have to do this a few times to get a good strategy 
going. I’ll add a video of how to complete this mission with two Spicas and two Carols later, but aoe 
damage dealers are a big help on this map plus anything that can support them. (will add more details 
Recommended unit jobs: Dragon Cavalier Garuda, Merchant, or a high sustain unit (two Roxanne’s with 
some support are viable. There are plenty of alternatives but they are more difficult to use) + support 
(dancer works well for this stage, since there are many fast units). 
Some examples: Spica/Aruba/Zahar, Carol 
Floor 31+ preparation: 
While these floors are not in global yet, it seems that there are a few guides and videos out already based 
off Japan’s version of these floors. Once they come to global I will give more details on how to complete 
them. However, if you wish to prepare for these upcoming floors, there are a few units that seem to be 
particularly useful. Keep in mind that these units might change a bit once the Mobius floors become live 
in global. Here are a few of the ones that seem the most useful: Rahu, Zangetsu, Spica, Albea, Balt, 
Ravina, Rosa (mostly Dragon Cavaliers) 
General useful units to have: 
● A Dragon Cavalier of each element is ideal, though not necessary (at least a Rudra and a Garuda 
are really useful to have) 
● Zangetsu (though other Dragon Cavalier Rudras work) 
○ If you are worried about Zangetsu’s speed, but wish to use a Rudra unit for your teleporter 
on floors like 11, Celleris ninja with rudra sub can be a usable substitute. He is not nearly 
as powerful though. 
● Spica (though other Dragon Cavalier Garudas work) 
● Carol  
● Caris (though Justin works as a discount version) 
● Hayate or Roxanne (floor 14) 
● Magnus or Setsuna (floor 26) 
● Lupinus (though other summoners and sages work) 
● Polin, Minerva, or any diviner 
● Any chronomancer (Lofia, Rahu or Fiona preferred) 
● Any veiler 
● Any wind Holy Brawler (you have plenty to choose from) 
● Any water tank (though this can be substituted for light tanks) 
● Any 3hit unit  
○ This includes Twinblade swordsman, Siegfried, Holy Brawler senju, and a few other jobs 
● Any magia gunslinger (Ravina and Vivi are ideal) 
Most important jobs = Professor/Merchant, Chronomancer, Twinblade (or another multihit job), 
Diviner/Polin+ (optional, but helpful), Spy/Ninja/Pirate, Dragon Cav (ideally Zangetsu and/or Spica), Sage, 
wind Holy Brawler, and Sniper/Ranger (preferably thunder sniper and wind ranger). This will get you 
through most of it, though some you will still need an ally to help you. 
Important elemental notes: 
Since many of the floors are monoelemental, you’ll need to have damage and tank unit for each element. 
Alternatively, Light and Dark will always work for damage (and usually for tanking) but they will rarely be 
the “ideal” element to use. That being said, if you’re new and looking to raise some generic units to use in 
Mobius, then Light and Dark are probably the elements to go with. Especially for damage dealers, since 
you never have to worry about being resisted. Supports are the exception to this, as even stages where 
supports are of the weak element, they can still do their job well. The only thing you have to watch out for 
is that they may die quickly if they are on a map of an element that they are weak to (but they will still do 
better than a damage dealer in the same situation). 
Limited unit notes: 
I tried to exclude limited units from my recommendations and examples, since they are much harder for 
newer players to obtain. That being said, there are many limited units that can help with a variety of 
stages. Particularly, Noctis, Roy, Roxanne, and Minerva all have unique abilities that make them especially 
helpful on specific stages. Additionally, all four of these units are usable in almost any stage that isn’t 
primarily made up of their enemy weakness (aside from a few specific gimmicks like Floor 13). 

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