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Compile CBT Block A.

6 Inter 14

1. Subunit antibody buat bunuh toxic, bacteria, virus : Ig brp?

2. Cytotoxic marker nya apa?

A. CD3+,CD4-,CD8+

B. CD3-, CD19

3. Mitochondria rusak itu naikin apa?


4. Cell damage -> cell swelling gara" apa?

A. Na pump

B. DNA damage

5. Diversity main cause?

A. Point mutation

6. HPV?

A. Cervics carcinoma

7. Autoinfuse?

A. Reabsorption from Interstitial fluid

8. Rbc destruction yg naik apa?

A. Bilirubin

9. Induce autoimmune?

A. Cell death

10. Protuding termasuk cara evasion siapa?

A. Lis Monocytogen

11. Respiratory naik krn apa?

A. Increase Venous return

B. PACO2 naik

12. GM CSF?

A. Myeloid precursor

13. Bawa Fe ke sel?


B. Transfferin receptor
14. Rbc development yg mulai g ada nuc?

A. Reticulocyte

15. Macrocytic?

A. Def folate and B12

16. Microcytic hypo. Anisopoi. Target cell?

A. Thalassemia

17. Pencil cell?


18. Selective positif t cell?

A. Cortex thymus

19. Extravascular hemolytic?


20. Hct efektif buat apa?

A. Microangiopathy

B. hemoglobinopenia

21. Hypoalbuminemia?

A. Turun osmotic pressure

22. Yg g msk epigenetic?

A. Gene mutation

B. modified RNA

23. Open chromatin pake apa?

A. Histon acetiltransferase

24. Afferent lymph node?

A. Lymphnode

25. Yg g vasocontric?

A. Jantung

26. Yg punya lymph. Vessel?

A. Muscle

27. Antigen lwt darah itu organ apa?

A. Spleen

28. Mucosal effector site?

A. Lam. Propria under FAE

29. Dna hypermethyasi normal physio?

A. Inactive X chromosome

30. Apa yg diaktivasi thrombin?

A. Fibrinogen

31. Mayor hb in adult?

A. Alpha 2 beta 2

32. Mycobacter tb evate gmn?

A. Inhibit Phagosome acidity

33. Caseous?

A. Tb

34. Rheumatoid principle nya apa?

A. Precipitated principle

35. Terminal b cell differentation?

A. Plasma cell

36. Dna replication rusak?

A. Arrested on S phase

37. Mastiin anaphase bisa lanjut next phase apa?

A. Ubiquintilasi securin

38. Yg disebut TSG and guardian of genome?

A. Tp53

39. Hemophilia ciri"nya?

A. Ciri utamanya sendi dan muscle bleeding

40. Resesive X-link mother itu menular ke anak brp persen?

A. 50 persen

41. Sperm itu brp?

A. 23,X

B. 22,Y

42. M-Rna editing ada di?

A. Post-transcription

43. Feature Cis activator?

A. Enhancer

44. Cor-promotor mamalian?

A. Dpg island

45. Cell injury dengan ciri" Watery and protein-less fluid itu tanda dr apa?

A. Serous

46. Myelofibrosis?

A. Leucocytosis dan Tear drop cell

47. Pleotropic?

A. One gene banya phenotip

48. Berubah epitel?

A. Metaplasia

49. Eosinofil ciri"?

A. Acid granules

50. Natural antigen?

A. Anti B

51. Ciri" chronic lymphoid leukemia with aiha?

A. Microspherocytosis

52. Tranfusi utk detect hemolisis anemja in vitro?

A. Indirect choomb test

53. Vein thrombosis disebabkan oleh?

A. Immobility

54. Menghambat factor 2?

A. Warfarin

55. Aptt memanjang doang?

A. Hemofili

56. Hypercoagulable state?

A. surgery or trauma

57. Bleeding time buat apa?

A. Platelet function

58. First defense epithel?

A. Tight junction
59. Enveloped virus dikenali lewat apa?

A. Enveloped Glycoprotein

60. Antibody 2 minggu doang?

A. IgE

61. 46,XX, 45 XO?

A. Turner syndrome

62. Baroreceptor kalo blood lost?

A. Vasoconstriction

63. Urutan alergi?

A. 2341 (Sensitized, ige ke mast cell, antigen ke ige, symptoms)

64. Yg paling banyak polymor?

A. Single Nucleated Polymorphism

65. Yang bs oral?

A. Polio

66. Beta thalasemia?

A. Excess alpha

B. Excess delta

C. Jadi Soluble

67. Ductus lymphaticus sinister dimana asalnya?

A. Cisterna chylli

68. Yg buat fever dgn ningkatin prostaglandin d hypothalamus?


69. Hallmark of antiviral defense?

A. Cytotoxic sama IL4

B. Cytotoxix sama IFn gamma

C. Lectin pathway sama IgM

70. Aneuloidy?

A. Turner

71. Autoantibody receptor disease?

72. Immune deficiency primer?

73. Immune deficiency secunder oleh HIV?

A. TH1

74. TH1 buat apa?

A. Activation of macrophage

75. Tumor evasion pake substance apa?

A. TGF alpha

B. Supression of T-reg

76. Kromatid retract oleh microtubules?

A. Kinetochore

77. PAMP itu apa aja?


78. Bacteri gram positif?

A. Lipotheico...

79. Receptor berubah?

A. Antigenic shift

B. Antigenic drift

80. APC di bawah skin?

A. Langerhan cells

81. Hypoxia bikin apa?

A. EPO increase

82. Mucosal bacteria buat apa?

A. Bawa antigen sampe subepithel

83. Venous thrombus cause?

A. Embolism pulmonary

84. Tugas buat kill tp very low Mh1?

A. NK cell

85. Yg termasuk innate?

A. NK cell

86. Ngubah kodon tp ga asam amino?

A. Silence mutation

87. Kelebihan attenuated vaccine?

A. Safe to everybody regardless their antibody

B. Less potent

C. Virus origin

88. Immunoassay yg paling efektif?

A. Ligand

89. Adjuvant targetnya apa?

A. Dendritic cell

90. Inhibit aggregation platelets by naikin camp?

A. Prostacyclin

91. Peripheral blood smear ada reticulocyte?

A. Compensation of blood lost by bone marrow

92. Rbc lifespan turun nyebabin apa yg naik?

A. Reticulocyte

93. Antigen signal g ada tp ada co stimulator?

A. No effect

94. Asam amino buat heme?

A. Glycin

95. Key player saat cancer?

A. T cytotoxic

96. Mr. T survive from infection, penandanya apa?

A. MHC1 and CD 8

97. Blood sample selain bonemarrow?

A. Sternum

B. Pelvis

98. Turner syndrome gara" apa?

A. Maternal meiosis 2

B. Maternal meiosis 1

99. B-glucan fungi?

A. Dectin 1

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