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Artificial Intelligence:

Representasi Pengetahuan
Muhammad Ihsan Zul – Politeknik Caltex Riau

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Base
 Knowledge Engineering
 Collecting and Organizing the Knowledge
 Knowledge Representation
 How knowledge is represented to knowledge base (Process)
 Knowledge: Fact and condition based on understandings
or experiencess

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge (Pengetahuan)
 Knowledge is a theoretical or practical understanding
of a subject or a domain. Knowledge is also the sum of
what is currently known, and apparently knowledge is
 Those who possess knowledge are called experts.
 Domain expert if he or she has deep knowledge (of
both facts and rules) and strong practical experience in
a particular domain. The area of the domain may
be limited.
 In general, an expert is a skilful person who can do
things other people cannot.

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Acquisition
 knowledge engineer gathers information form:
experts, books, technical manuals, research papers
 Must be understandable by both machines and humans.
 Convert the acquired knowledge into an appropriate
structured format that a computer program can utilise.
 An important characteristic of knowledge is that is
constantly changing.
 Knowledge engineers have devised specialised techniques
to extract and store information in an efficient and
expedient manner.

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Expert System Dev Team

Project Manager

Domain Expert Knowledge Engineer Programmer

Expert System


2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Representasi Pengetahuan
 Representasi: ketentuan yang dilakukan untuk
mendiskripsikan kelas sesuatu.
 Mengapa? Agar sistem cerdas dapat melakukan penalaran
 Teknik-teknik
 Logika (Paling Tua)
 Jaringan Semantik (Semantic Network)
 Rule Base
 Conceptual Graph
 Ontolgy
 etc.

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
 Penalaran
 deduktif : Umum menjadi kesimpulan (khusus)
 contoh
 Premis Mayor: Jika skait saya tidak akan berangkat kuliah
 Premis Minor: Hari ini saya sakit
 Konklusi (Kesimpulan): Hari ini saya tidak berangkat kuliah
 Induktif: Fakta khusus menjadi kesimpulan (umum)
 Contoh
 Premis 1: Machine Learning adalah matakuliah sulit
 Premis II: Data Mining adalah mata kuliah yang sulit
 Konklusi: Artificial Intelligence adalah matakuliah yang sulit

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Logika Preposisi
 Menggunakan Operator Logika
 AND : konjungsi
 OR : disjungsi
 NOT : Negasi
 Implication : Implikasi
 Association : Asosiasi

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Jaringan Semantik (Semantic Network)
 Collins and Quillian (1969):
 Concepts can be represented as hierarchies of inter-connected
concept nodes (e.g. animal, bird, canary)
 Any concept has a number of associated attributes at a given
level (e.g. animal > has skin; eats etc.)
 Some concept nodes are superordinates of other nodes (e.g.
animal > bird) and some are subordinates (canary < bird)
Bird adalah
Can fly, Has Canary
Wings, Has
Feather adalah
termasuk Can swim, adalah
etc. Salmon
2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Rule Based
 If .. Else ..
 If (premise or condition), else (consequent)
 If …
 Else …
 Multiple Condition (using logics)
 If ….
 And …
 And …
 Then …

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Rule Based Structured

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
Complete Structured of Rule Based
 Input
 External DB and External
 Inference Engine
 Knowledge Base and
Database is generated
(think) to reach
 Expl. Facilities, explain
 How conclusion reached
 Why fact is needed
 Reasoning, analysis etc.

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence
 Inference engine describes the mean of fw and bw

2 TI - Artificial Intelligence

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