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This carb-burning grain – jau or barley – is a boon because it actually helps in

burning fat as well! Once known as the “poor man’s wheat”, it is now popular due
to its hunger-fighting and cholesterol-lowering potential. The carbohydrates in
jau have a low glycemic index, meaning they raise the blood sugar level more
slowly as, compared to other foods. it also contains iron, calcium, proteins and
vitamin E. Jau can be eaten as cereal, rotis or any other preparation or consumed
in the form of barley water.


Quinoa may be extremely popular but have you tried home-grown ragi–or finger
millet? This super grain contains all three parts of the kernel – bran, germ and
endosperm – and is loaded with calcium and fiber. Rich in iron and vitamin D, it
can regulate blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of stroke, help you lose weight
and works as a natural relaxant.


The humble Indian gooseberry is the original superfood and it’s time to accord it
the recognition it deserves. The translucent green fruit has eight times
more vitamin C than an orange, twice the antioxidant power of acai berry and
around 17 times that of a pomegranate. Amla can help fight the common cold,
burn fat, improve eyesight, build immunity and manage chronic conditions and
relieve pain. Isn’t it reason enough to have amla every day?

Lotus Seeds
Puffed up like balls of cotton, lotus seeds are becoming a popular snack in
western wholefood shops. Commonly known as makhana in India, lotus seeds
are low in fat and sodium and high in protein, magnesium, fibre, potassium, zinc
and iron.

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