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1-WEEK Diet Challenge

 1-WEEK Diet Challenge Roadmap . . . . . . . . .3

 25 Foods That Burn Fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

 Recipes – Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

 Recipes – Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

 Recipes – Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

 Recipes – Snacks and Treats . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Low-toxicity animal or plant-based protein such as: halibut,

mussels, wild salmon, sardines, sable, shrimp, scallops, grass-fed
beef, lamb, organic chicken, nuts and seeds.

Low-toxicity vegetables, Mushrooms, Eggplant, Asparagus, Onions,

Cabbage, including sweet potatoes and winter squash starches.

Low-toxicity fruits, Mangoes, Papayas, Grapefruit, Avocados,

Pineapples, Kiwi.

High-quality, full-fat organic dairy

High-quality fats and oils such as: Avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil
and expeller pressed sesame oil

None. Not even artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda or


Whole–kernel grains such as: black rice, brown rice, quinoa,

buckwheat. Avoid pasta and other flour-based products. Beans are
ok, if you tolerate them, however not sweetened baked beans

Purified water, unsweetened herbal tea, seltzer or mineral water (in

moderation) Taper off caffeinated beverages by cutting intake of
coffee/tea in half. No soda, diet soda, sports drinks, fruit juice or
1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Almonds are a great source

of mono and
polyunsaturated fats, which
can help lower your
cholesterol and keep you
They also contain fewer calories than most other varieties of nuts
(just 163 calories for 23), as well as plenty of fiber and vitamin E.
According to a study in the International Journal of Obesity,
people who added a daily serving of almonds to a low-calorie
diet lost more weight than those who followed the same diet but
ate a carb-heavy snack such as crackers instead.
To reap the benefits, you can use almonds to crust a lean protein
such as salmon or sprinkling them onto salads and cooked
veggies. You can also whip them into smoothies or use nut butter
as the base for a savory sauce seasoned with garlic and ginger.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Apples contain pectin, an

ingredient that naturally
slows digestion and
encourages feelings of
fullness. Studies show that
eating a whole apple with
your meal (as opposed to
apple juice or applesauce)
is a natural
appetite suppressant, helping you consume fewer overall calories
without feeling deprived. Using shredded apple in slaws and stir-
fry, or mixing them into burger patties to add moisture.
Apples are also a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and
fiber. Just be sure not to skip the skin, which contains much of
the fruit's nutritional benefits.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Artichokes are incredibly

filling—in fact, they are one
of the highest-fiber
vegetables. A single boiled
artichoke contains a
whopping 10.3 grams of
fiber—almost half the
recommended daily
amount for women.
To curb your appetite before a meal, enjoy the veggie as a pre-
dinner appetizer: try them in a refreshing salad with edamame
and asparagus, or make homemade salsa with artichoke hearts,
tomatoes, olives, and red onions.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Is there anything
avocados can't do? This creamy
superfood (loaded with
monounsaturated fats,
potassium, magnesium, folate,
and vitamins C and E) has been
linked to improved vision, good
heart health, and a reduced risk
of certain cancers.
And avocados can also help whittle your middle: according to
one study, people who regularly consume them weigh less and
have smaller waists than those who do not. Another study found
that women who eat half an avocado at lunchtime might
experience reduced food cravings later in the day.
There are countless ways to enjoy the fruit (yes, technically it is
one), but you can't beat the classic combination of whole-wheat
toast with mashed avocado, lemon juice, and sunflower seeds. I
recommend whipping avocado into a smoothie, pureeing it with
herbs and citrus juice to make a creamy salad dressing, or
adding it to a veggie omelet.
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Although they're best known

for containing potassium,
bananas are also a great
source of resistant starch, a
type of starch that's
important for weight loss.
Your body digests resistant
starch slowly—helping you
feel full for longer—while simultaneously encouraging your liver
to switch to fat-burning mode. And no need to wait for them to
become completely ripe; bananas actually contain more of this
calorie-torching ingredient when they're still a little green.
Even more reasons to add a bunch to your shopping cart:
Bananas can help regulate blood pressure, ease digestive
problems, replenish nutrients after a workout, and may even
help prevent strokes.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Black beans are a member of

the pulse family, a food group
that's been shown to help
burn calories, reduce belly fat,
and curb appetite.
Just one cup of black beans packs 15 grams of protein without
the saturated fat you often find in other high-protein sources,
such as red meat.
Black beans work great in both savory and sweet dishes. You've
probably had black bean soup, but you can also make black
bean brownies or whip them into puddings and smoothies.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

One cup of antioxidant-rich

blueberries contains just 80
calories and 4 grams of fiber,
which helps your body feel full
for longer. They're also a good
source of manganese,
which can speed up metabolism and make you feel energized.
More reasons to love them: blueberries contain a compound
that attacks cancer-causing free radicals, and research suggests
they may also help ward off UTIs, keep skin bright, and reduce
age-related memory loss

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

A great source of
calcium and important
compounds, broccoli
also has loads of filling
fiber and will set you
back only 30 calories
per serving.
If eating this cruciferous veggie makes you bloat, try steaming it
first, which makes it easier to digest while still preserving the
cancer-fighting ingredients that could be lost when you boil or
cook it in the microwave.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Coconut oil is having a

moment right now: it can be
used as a butter or olive oil
substitute in everything from
baked goods to salad
dressing, and can even be
used as an alternative to milk
in lattes (yes, really). I am a
of the heart-healthy oil whipped into smoothies, and you can
also use it to sauté veggies, sear fish, or as an olive oil
replacement in soups and stews. (It's also a must-add to your
beauty routine, and makes a wonderful natural moisturizer for
skin and hair.)
Luckily, trendy coconut oil is also good for your waistline.
Because it's a satisfying source of healthy fats, coconut oil fills
you up quickly and helps you consume fewer overall calories. It
also contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are easily
digestible and quickly converted into energy.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Good news for java lovers: The

caffeine in coffee could speed
up your metabolism and help
your body burn slightly more
calories (about 26 per cup). A
study in Physiology
& Behavior found that the average metabolic rate of people who
drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who drank
only decaf. Just be mindful of how much cream and sugar you
add to your cup, which could offset any health benefits the
beverage provides.
You may be surprised to learn that you can actually eat your
coffee, too. Whip coffee grounds into a smoothie, stir them into
oatmeal, or use them as a rub for meat.
Not a fan of the taste? Exfoliating your skin with coffee grounds
could help temporarily minimize the appearance of cellulite.
Because coffee is a diuretic, it draws fluid away from fat cells,
causing them to shrink in size.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

No other food on the planet

contains the unique natural
substances found in dark
chocolate. The sweet treat is
a good source of
monounsaturated fatty acids,
which could
could help speed up your metabolism. Research suggests that
dark chocolate might also help curb your cravings for sweet,
salty, and fatty foods.
I love to chop dark chocolate into squares and add them into a
smoothie. You can also melt it and season with cinnamon,
grated ginger, or fresh mint.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

You may not think of them as

a weight-loss food, but eggs are
packed with protein, which
helps curb your appetite. One
study found that overweight
women who ate eggs for
breakfast were able to lose twice as much weight as women who
started their days with bagels. And egg whites in particular are a
good source of branched-chain amino acids, which help keep
your metabolism running smoothly.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Craving something sweet?

Instead of fattening cookies or
cake, reach for fresh figs.
Thanks to their dense
consistency and high amount
of filling fiber, they can slow
the release of sugar into your blood. Pair with ricotta cheese,
melons, and prosciutto to make a satisfying fruit salad, or use as
a topping on whole-wheat pizza with crumbled feta and walnuts.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

A fat-burning superfood,
grapefruit contains a
compound that can lower
the fat-storage hormone
insulin, which in turn can
lead to weight loss. In fact,
eating half a grapefruit
before each meal could help
you lose up to a pound a week—even if you don't change
anything else about your diet. Because grapefruits are 90% water,
which fills you up, they also act as a natural appetite suppressant.
Bonus: Research suggests that this superfruit can also help
protect your heart and maintain firm, healthy skin.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

If you want to sip your way to

a faster metabolism, pour
yourself a cup of green tea.
The beverage is filled with
powerful antioxidants that
can help fight inflammation,
burn fat, and increase energy.
According to one studies, drinking five cups a day could help
you lose twice as much weight, mainly in your midsection. And
drinking green tea could also reduce risk of Parkinson's disease,
as well as ovarian, colorectal, skin, and prostate cancers.
For an extra boost, squeeze a slice of lemon or orange into your
tea before drinking it: research from Purdue University found
that citrus juice gives green tea's antioxidants staying power, so
they're digested slowly and benefit your body for longer.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

If you're trying to lose weight, skimping on protein could

make it more difficult for you to reach your goals. According
to a 2012 study, eating too little protein could cause you to
have too much body fat, while another 2014 study found that
eating small amounts of protein throughout the day might
improve muscle strength.
To feel full without adding a lot of saturated fat, opt for lean
proteins like chicken, turkey, pork loin, or 97% lean ground

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Pistachios may be small, but

these green-hued nuts
contain as much potassium
as a banana and are packed
with lutein, an antioxidant
that benefits your eyes and skin. They also have fewer calories
than any other nut variety.
For greater slimming potential, purchase them unshelled: the
process of removing the shells will force you to eat more slowly,
giving your brain additional time to determine whether or not
you're still hungry.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Quinoa contains a hearty

dose of the minerals iron
and magnesium, which
help give your body energy.
And a one-cup serving of
the grain boasts 8 grams of
protein and 5 grams
of fiber, increasing feelings of fullness. It's also gluten-free,
making it a safe choice for people with celiac disease.
Confused at how to actually cook quinoa? The pseudograin
(it's technically a seed!) is easy to prepare and extremely
versatile—it's delicious on its own or in a salad, can be used to
make burger patties or pancakes, or could even be baked into
cookies and muffins.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Good news, wine drinkers.

Thanks to resveratrol, an
antioxidant found in grape
skin, drinking red wine in
moderation can be part of a
healthy diet. Some
studies suggest that people
who drink wine have
smaller waists and less
abdominal fat than those who drink mainly liquor. And having
one glass of red wine can increase your body's calorie burn for
up to 90 minutes afterwards. The antioxidants in wine might
even help your body prevent cancer and improve heart health.
Just be sure to stick to no more than a glass a day—the calories
can add up fast.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Salmon is filled with

monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fatty
acids, which could help
speed up weight loss: a
2001 study found that
participants who ate more MUFAs lost an average of 9
pounds, while those who ate a primarily low-fat diet gained an
average of 6 pounds.
Selecting protein sources that are rich in PUFAs (like salmon)
instead of those that contain lots of saturated fat (such as red
meat) could also help reduce visceral fat in your belly,
according to a Swedish study.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

This dark, leafy green has a

long list of benefits: it's a rich
source of iron, folic acid,
vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein,
and powerful antioxidants that
can help fight diseases like
ovarian and breast cancer.
Spinach is also loaded with magnesium, which can lower blood
sugar and insulin levels (aiding your body in weight loss as a
result), according to a 2013 study.
Make spinach the base of a nutrient-packed salad, use it to top
pizza, mix into pasta, or sauté on its own with garlic and olive

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Like potatoes, sweet

potatoes are a great
source of slimming
resistant starch, which
triggers feelings of satiety.
But they also boast
nutritional benefits all of
their own: just one baked
sweet potato contains 438% of your daily vitamin A (versus 1% in
a white potato), 37% of your daily vitamin C, as well as calcium,
potassium, and iron.
They're also low-calorie (about 105 in a medium sweet potato)
and contain 4 grams of filling dietary fiber, 16% of the daily
recommended amount.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Going gluten-free may be a

popular trend, but unless
you're actually gluten-
intolerant or have celiac
disease, plenty of reasons
exist to continue eating
whole grains. They're a
tasty way to fill up on both
soluble and insoluble fiber,
which help you feel full for longer and keep bowel movements
regular (oats, barley, and bulgur are especially high sources).
Whole grains can also help prevent weight gain: in one study,
women who ate whole grains like wheat germ and dark bread
had a 49% lower risk of "major" weight gain over time.
Whole grains also boast a slew of other enviable health benefits:
2015 research found that older people who eat whole grains
could have longer lives. And another study found that women
who consumed two to three servings of whole grains everyday
were 30% less likely to suffer from a heart attack.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Pumpkin is packed with

filling fiber (containing more
than 20% of the daily
recommended amount per
serving) as well as potassium,
vitamin B, and beta-carotene.
And it's low in calories but
naturally sweet, making it the
perfect ingredient for guilt-
free baked goods.
As an added bonus, pumpkin is great for your skin. It contains
carotenoids, a plant pigment that fights wrinkles and helps
protect skin from signs of aging. The zinc found in pumpkin
seeds also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties,
which could help soothe sensitive or acne-prone skin.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Plantains are a slightly bigger, starchier, and less sweet member

of the banana family. Like their cousin, plantains are a great
source of resistant starch, containing nearly 3 grams in a half-
cup when cooked.
Haven't prepared plantains before? It couldn't be easier: Sauté
them in olive oil until they're slightly crispy to make plantain
‘chips' or bake with seasonings like lime juice and honey.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Your favorite childhood

snack is good for your
grown-up self, too.
Because peanut butter
is a great source of
protein and healthy fats,
it can curb hunger and
keep you feeling full long after you're finished eating. Having
small snacks during the day that include a lean protein such as
peanut butter with complex carbs (like an apple or banana) can
also help keep your metabolism running smoothly.
Another reason to indulge: Research suggests that eating peanut
butter as part of a healthy diet could benefit your heart and
maybe even lengthen your life. Just be sure to carefully read the
nutrition labels on the jar and choose a brand that doesn't have
any added sugar and contains only peanuts and salt.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Huevos rancheros or “ranch

eggs” is a classic Mexican dish
that is great for a quick dinner.
Traditionally, it's made with a red
tomato-based sauce. Here we use
tart and tangy green salsa instead.
Serve with: brown rice and slices
of avocado.

1½ cups very thinly sliced romaine 1 15-ounce can pinto beans, rinsed
lettuce ½ cup prepared green salsa , (see Tip)
1 scallion, sliced 8 6-inch corn tortillas
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro Canola oil cooking spray
3 teaspoons canola oil, divided ¾ cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
2 teaspoons lime juice 4 large eggs
¼ teaspoon salt, divided
¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper,

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

30min 30min
Preheat oven to 400°F.

Combine lettuce, scallion, cilantro, 1 teaspoon oil, lime juice, ⅛

teaspoon salt and ⅛ teaspoon pepper in a bowl; set aside.
Combine beans and salsa in another bowl.

Coat both sides of each tortilla with cooking spray. Place

tortillas on a large baking sheet in 4 sets of overlapping pairs.
(Each pair should overlap by about 3 inches.) Spread about ⅓ cup
of the bean mixture on top of each pair of tortillas and sprinkle
with 3 tablespoons cheese each. Bake until the beans are hot and
the cheese is melted, about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the remaining 2 teaspoons oil in a large

nonstick skillet over medium heat. Crack each egg into a small
bowl and slip them one at a time into the pan, taking care not to
break the yolks. Season the eggs with the remaining ⅛ teaspoon
salt and pepper. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook
undisturbed for 5 to 7 minutes for soft-set yolks. (For hard-set
yolks, cover the pan after 5 minutes and continue cooking until
the yolks are cooked through, 4 to 6 minutes more.)
1-WEEK Diet Challenge


To assemble, place an egg on top of each pair of tortillas and top with a
generous ¼ cup of the lettuce mixture.

Green salsa is made with tomatillos, green chiles and onions. Look for
it near other prepared salsa in large supermarkets.

Cut Down on Dishes: A rimmed baking sheet is great for everything

from roasting to catching accidental drips and spills. For effortless cleanup
and to keep your baking sheets in tip-top shape, line them with a layer of
foil before each use.

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 huevos rancheros

Per serving: 424 calories; 20 g fat(6 g sat); 8 g fiber; 42 g carbohydrates; 20 g

protein; 116 mcg folate; 208 mg cholesterol; 2 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 2,104 IU
vitamin A; 3 mg vitamin C; 272 mg calcium; 3 mg iron; 673 mg sodium; 475 mg

Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (42% daily value), Folate (29% dv), Calcium (27% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3

Exchanges: 2 starch, 1 vegetable, 2 medium-fat meat, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Blending vanilla
yogurt and reduced-fat
cream cheese creates
a topping that's as
virtuous as it is
delicious. Any fresh
berry can be used in
this recipe.


4 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese (Neufchâtel)

¾ cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
1 teaspoon honey
2 teaspoons freshly grated lemon zest
2 cups fresh blueberries

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

10min 10min
Using a fork, break up cream cheese in a medium bowl. Drain
off any liquid from the yogurt; add yogurt to the bowl along with
honey. Using an electric mixer, beat at high speed until light and
creamy. Stir in lemon zest.

Layer the lemon cream and blueberries in dessert dishes or

wineglasses. If not serving immediately, cover and refrigerate for
up to 8 hours.

Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 8 hours.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: ½ cup

Per serving: 144 calories; 5 g fat(3 g sat); 2 g fiber; 21 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein;

15 mcg folate; 18 mg cholesterol; 17 g sugars; 5 g added sugars; 217 IU vitamin A;
9 mg vitamin C; 126 mg calcium; 0 mg iron; 133 mg sodium; 230 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 1½

Exchanges: 1 fruit, 1 fat (saturated)

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

If you like apple pancakes and you

like bacon, you'll love the taste of
these sweet, smoky pancakes. Any
kind of apple works well. A quick
cider syrup drizzled on top
enhances the apple flavor.

½ cup apple cider ¼ teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoons packed light brown 1 large egg
sugar, divided 1 large egg white
1½ teaspoons lemon juice ½ cup nonfat buttermilk
1½ teaspoons cornstarch 1 medium apple, peeled and
½ cup whole-wheat pastry flour finely diced, (about 1 cup)
¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose 4 slices bacon, cooked and
flour crumbled
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon canola oil,
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

30min 30min

Combine cider, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, lemon juice and

cornstarch in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat,
whisking, and cook until thickened, 1 to 2 minutes. Set aside.

Whisk whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder,

baking soda and the remaining 1 tablespoon brown sugar in a
small bowl. Whisk egg, egg white and buttermilk in a large bowl.
Stir in the dry ingredients, apples and bacon until just combined.
(The batter will be thick.)

Brush a large nonstick skillet with ½ teaspoon oil and place over
medium heat until hot. Cooking 4 at a time, use about ¼ cup
batter for each pancake and gently spread it to make them about 3
inches in diameter. Cook until the edges are dry and bubbles
begin to form, about 2 minutes. Flip the pancakes and cook until
golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes more. Repeat with the remaining oil
and batter, reducing the heat as necessary to prevent burning.
Reheat the cider syrup, if desired, and serve with the pancakes.

Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate the syrup (Step 1) for
up to 1 week. Reheat on low before serving.
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 2 pancakes & 2 tablespoons syrup

Per serving: 222 calories; 3 g fat(0 g sat); 2 g fiber; 42 g carbohydrates; 6 g protein;

41 mcg folate; 47 mg cholesterol; 19 g sugars; 10 g added sugars; 83 IU vitamin A;
3 mg vitamin C; 51 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 278 mg sodium; 103 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 3

Exchanges: 1½ starch, ½ fruit, 1 other carbohydrate, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Smoked salmon and egg

whites on a toasted whole-
wheat English muffin is the
perfect power breakfast. For
a more substantial meal, pair
it with a piece of fruit or a
glass of 100% juice.

½ teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion
2 large egg whites, beaten
Pinch of salt
½ teaspoon capers, rinsed and chopped (optional)
1 ounce smoked salmon
1 slice tomato
1 whole-wheat English muffin, split and toasted
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready in

30min 30min

Heat oil in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add

onion and cook, stirring, until it begins to soften, about 1 minute.
Add egg whites, salt and capers (if using) and cook, stirring
constantly, until whites are set, about 30 seconds.

To make the sandwich, layer the egg whites, smoked salmon

and tomato on English muffin.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 sandwich

Per serving: 230 calories; 5 g fat(1 g sat); 5 g fiber; 29 g carbohydrates; 18 g protein;

40 mcg folate; 7 mg cholesterol; 7 g sugars; 2 g added sugars; 195 IU vitamin A; 3
mg vitamin C; 187 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 687 mg sodium; 358 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 2

Exchanges: 1½ starch, 2 lean meat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Make your own hot cereal mix

with this healthy recipe. Keep it
on hand and just cook up the
amount you need when you're
ready for a hot breakfast. One
serving of the warm cereal
contains 6 grams of fiber—almost
a quarter of your daily quota-
which helps stave off hunger
throughout the morning.

2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1 cup rolled wheat and/or barley flakes (see Tip)
1 cup quinoa
1 cup dried fruit, such as raisins, cranberries and/or chopped
½ cup chia and/or hemp seeds
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¾ teaspoon salt
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

30min 30min

To make the hot cereal dry mix: Combine oats, wheat and/or
barley flakes, quinoa, dried fruit, seeds, cinnamon and salt in an
airtight container.

To make 1 serving of hot cereal: Combine ⅓ cup Quinoa &

Chia Oatmeal Mix with 1¼ cups water (or milk) in a small
saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, partially cover and
simmer, stirring occasionally, until thickened, 12 to 15 minutes.
Let stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Stir in a sweetener of your
choice and top with nuts and/or more dried fruit, if desired.
Makes 1 cup.

To make ahead: Store airtight for up to 1 month.

Tips: Rolled barley and wheat flakes are steamed, dried and
rolled-flat whole grains. They can be cooked to make a hot cereal
and used in place of rolled oats in most recipes. They're usually
near other whole-grain cereals.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information
Serving size: ⅓ cup dry mix

Per serving: 196 calories; 4 g fat(1 g sat); 6 g fiber; 35 g carbohydrates; 6 g protein;

37 mcg folate; 0 mg cholesterol; 8 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 6 IU vitamin A; 0 mg
vitamin C; 59 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 149 mg sodium; 247 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 2½

Exchanges: 1½ starch, ½ fruit, ½ fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

A smaller cousin of the

breakfast burrito, the
breakfast taco made with
reduced-fat Cheddar and egg
substitute is a satisfying and
healthy breakfast option.


2 corn tortillas
1 tablespoon salsa
2 tablespoons shredded reduced-fat
Cheddar cheese
½ cup liquid egg substitute, such as Egg

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

15min 15min

Top tortillas with salsa and cheese. Heat in the microwave until
the cheese is melted, about 30 seconds.

Meanwhile coat a small nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat

over medium heat, add egg substitute and cook, stirring, until the
eggs are cooked through, about 90 seconds. Divide the scrambled
egg between the tacos.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 2 tacos

Per serving: 239 calories; 7 g fat(2 g sat); 3 g fiber; 24 g carbohydrates; 21 g protein;

23 mcg folate; 4 mg cholesterol; 2 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 559 IU vitamin A; 0
mg vitamin C; 169 mg calcium; 3 mg iron; 480 mg sodium; 558 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 1½

Exchanges: 1 starch, 2 lean meat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Reminiscent of a lemon
cheesecake, this healthy
breakfast recipe is easy to
throw together in the morning.
Or stir together the filling in a
jar the night before and top
with the fruit, nuts and seeds
when you get to work.

¾ cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
¼ cup part-skim ricotta
½ teaspoon lemon zest
¼ cup raspberries
1 tablespoon slivered almonds
1 teaspoon chia seeds

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

5min 5min

Combine yogurt, ricotta and lemon zest in a bowl. Top with

raspberries, almonds and chia seeds.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: about 1¼ cups

Per serving: 258 calories; 10 g fat(3 g sat); 4 g fiber; 21 g carbohydrates; 23 g

protein; 19 mcg folate; 19 mg cholesterol; 13 g sugars; 6 g added sugars; 251 IU
vitamin A; 9 mg vitamin C; 385 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 125 mg sodium; 398 mg
Nutrition Bonus: Calcium (38% daily value)

Carbohydrate Servings: 1½

Exchanges: ½ fruit, 1 fat-free milk, 1 medium-fat meat, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

White beans mashed with ripe

avocado and blended with sharp
Cheddar and onion makes an
incredibly rich, flavorful filling for
this wrap. The tangy, spicy slaw adds
crunch. A pinch (or more) of ground
chipotle pepper and an extra dash of
cider vinegar can be used in place of
the canned chipotles in adobo sauce.
Wrap these up to take as a healthy
and portable lunch for work.

2 tablespoons cider vinegar ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon canola oil 1 15-ounce can white beans, rinsed
2 teaspoons finely chopped canned 1 ripe avocado
chipotle chile in adobo sauce, ½ cup shredded sharp Cheddar
¼ teaspoon salt cheese
2 cups shredded red cabbage 2 tablespoons minced red onion
1 medium carrot, shredded 4 8-inch to 10-inch whole-wheat
wraps, or tortillas
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

25min 25min

Whisk vinegar, oil, chipotle chile and salt in a medium bowl.

Add cabbage, carrot and cilantro; toss to combine.

Mash beans and avocado in another medium bowl with a potato

masher or fork. Stir in cheese and onion.

To assemble the wraps, spread about ½ cup of the bean-avocado

mixture onto a wrap (or tortilla) and top with about ⅔ cup of the
cabbage-carrot slaw. Roll up. Repeat with remaining ingredients.
Cut the wraps in half to serve, if desired.

Tip: Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce are smoked jalapeños

packed in a flavorful sauce. Look for the small cans with the
Mexican foods in large supermarkets. Once opened, they'll keep
at least 2 weeks in the refrigerator or 6 months in the freezer.

Eat neat: Keeping the filling inside a wrap or burrito can be a

challenge, especially if you're on the go. That's why we
recommend wrapping your burrito in foil so you can pick it up
and eat it without losing the filling, peeling back the foil as you go.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 wrap, ½ cup bean-avocado mixture & ⅔ cup cabbage carrot slaw

Per serving: 346 calories; 17 g fat(4 g sat); 13 g fiber; 44 g carbohydrates; 12 g

protein; 55 mcg folate; 14 mg cholesterol; 3 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 3,220 IU
vitamin A; 27 mg vitamin C; 135 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 465 mg sodium; 488 mg
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (64% daily value), Vitamin C (45% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3

Exchanges: 2½ starch, 1 vegetable, 1 lean meat, 2 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Make a double batch of this

quick vegetarian chili, full of
black beans and sweet
potatoes, and eat it for lunch
the next day or freeze the
extras for another night. We
love the smoky heat from the
ground chipotle, but omit it if
you prefer a mild chili. Serve
with tortilla chips or cornbread
and coleslaw.
1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons extra- ½ teaspoon ground chipotle chile
virgin olive oil (see Note)
1 medium-large sweet potato, peeled ¼ teaspoon salt
and diced 2½ cups water
1 large onion, diced 2 15-ounce cans black beans, rinsed
4 cloves garlic, minced 1 14-ounce can diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons chili powder 4 teaspoons lime juice
4 teaspoons ground cumin ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

25min 40min

Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add sweet

potato and onion and cook, stirring often, until the onion is
beginning to soften, about 4 minutes. Add garlic, chili powder,
cumin, chipotle and salt and cook, stirring constantly, for 30
seconds. Add water and bring to a simmer. Cover, reduce heat to
maintain a gentle simmer and cook until the sweet potato is
tender, 10 to 12 minutes.

Add beans, tomatoes and lime juice; increase heat to high and
return to a simmer, stirring often. Reduce heat and simmer until
slightly reduced, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in

Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days or

freeze for up to 3 months.

Note: Chipotle peppers are dried, smoked jalapeño peppers.

Ground chipotle chile pepper can be found in the spice section of
most supermarkets or online at

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: about 2 cups

Per serving: 323 calories; 8 g fat(1 g sat); 16 g fiber; 55 g carbohydrates; 13 g

protein; 118 mcg folate; 0 mg cholesterol; 13 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 12,409 IU
vitamin A; 24 mg vitamin C; 163 mg calcium; 5 mg iron; 573 mg sodium; 1,072 mg

Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (248% daily value), Vitamin C (40% dv), Folate (30%
dv), Iron (28% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3½

Exchanges: 3 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 lean meat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

A creamy spread full of

Parmesan and fresh basil cozies
up to turkey and summer-ripe
tomato slices for a savory hot
sandwich that will quickly
become a go-to mealtime

3 tablespoons reduced-fat mayonnaise
2 tablespoons nonfat plain yogurt
2 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
8 ounces thinly sliced reduced-sodium deli turkey
8 tomato slices
8 slices whole-wheat bread
2 teaspoons canola oil
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

25min 25min

Have four 15-ounce cans and a medium skillet (not nonstick)

ready by the stove.

Combine mayonnaise, yogurt, Parmesan, basil, lemon juice

and pepper in a small bowl. Spread about 2 teaspoons of the
mixture on each slice of bread. Divide turkey and tomato slices
among 4 slices of bread; top with the remaining bread.

Heat 1 teaspoon canola oil in a large nonstick skillet over

medium heat. Place 2 panini in the pan. Place the medium
skillet on top of the panini, then weigh it down with the cans.
Cook the panini until golden on one side, about 2 minutes.

Reduce the heat to medium-low, flip the panini, replace the

top skillet and cans, and cook until the second side is golden, 1
to 3 minutes more. Repeat with another 1 teaspoon oil and the
remaining panini.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Per serving: 314 calories; 8 g fat(1 g sat); 5 g fiber; 37 g carbohydrates; 22 g protein;

10 mcg folate; 30 mg cholesterol; 6 g sugars; 495 IU vitamin A; 7 mg vitamin C;
135 mg calcium; 3 mg iron; 715 mg sodium; 139 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 2½

Exchanges: 2 starch, 1 lean meat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

This streamlined version of a

northern Italian idea is perfect
for a summer evening: no-
fuss, no-cook and big taste.
You can even make it ahead
and store it, covered, in the
refrigerator for several days. If
you do, use it as a wrap filling
for the next day's lunch.

2 6-ounce cans chunk light tuna, drained (see Note)
10 cherry tomatoes, quartered
4 scallions, trimmed and sliced
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
¼ teaspoon salt
1 15-ounce can small white beans, such as cannellini or great
northern, rinsed (see Ingredient note)
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

10min 10min

Combine tuna, beans, tomatoes, scallions, oil, lemon juice, salt

and pepper in a medium bowl. Stir gently. Refrigerate until ready
to serve.

Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days.

Notes: Chunk light tuna, which comes from the smaller skipjack
or yellowfin, has less mercury than canned white albacore tuna.
The FDA/EPA advises that women who are or might become
pregnant, nursing mothers and young children consume no more
than 6 ounces of albacore a week; up to 12 ounces of canned light
tuna is considered safe.

When you use canned beans in a recipe, be sure to rinse them

first in a colander under cold running water, as their canning
liquid often contains a fair amount of sodium.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 cup

Per serving: 199 calories; 9 g fat(1 g sat); 6 g fiber; 20 g carbohydrates; 16 g protein;

102 mcg folate; 17 mg cholesterol; 2 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 488 IU vitamin A;
11 mg vitamin C; 73 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 555 mg sodium; 549 mg potassium
Nutrition Bonus: Folate (26% daily value)

Carbohydrate Servings: 1½

Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 vegetable, 3½ lean meat, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

This wrap is stuffed with

chicken tenders and couscous
with a hit of lemon and a
healthy dose of fresh herbs.
Save any leftovers to wrap up
for an easy lunch. Serve with:
Mixed green salad and a glass
of crisp white wine.

½ cup water ¼ teaspoon salt, divided
⅓ cup couscous, preferably ¼ teaspoon freshly ground
whole-wheat pepper
1 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 pound chicken tenders
½ cup chopped fresh mint 1 medium tomato, chopped
¼ cup lemon juice 1 cup chopped cucumber
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive 4 10-inch spinach or sun-dried
oil tomato wraps or tortillas
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

40min 40min
Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. Stir in couscous and
remove from the heat. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Fluff
with a fork. Set aside.

Meanwhile, combine parsley, mint, lemon juice, oil, garlic, ⅛

teaspoon salt and pepper in a small bowl.

Toss chicken tenders in a medium bowl with 1 tablespoon of

the parsley mixture and the remaining ⅛ teaspoon salt. Place the
tenders in a large nonstick skillet and cook over medium heat
until cooked though, 3 to 5 minutes per side. Transfer to a clean
cutting board. Cut into bite-size pieces when cool enough to
Stir the remaining parsley mixture into the couscous along with
tomato and cucumber.

To assemble wraps, spread about ¾ cup of the couscous

mixture onto each wrap. Divide the chicken among the wraps.
Roll the wraps up like a burrito, tucking in the sides to hold the
ingredients in. Serve cut in half.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Eat neat: Keeping the filling inside a wrap or burrito can be a

challenge, especially if you’re on the go. That’s why we
recommend wrapping your burrito in foil so you can pick it up
and eat it without losing the filling, peeling back the foil as you go.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 wrap

Per serving: 510 calories; 18 g fat(3 g sat); 6 g fiber; 55 g carbohydrates; 32 g

protein; 192 mcg folate; 63 mg cholesterol; 5 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 2,027 IU
vitamin A; 33 mg vitamin C; 165 mg calcium; 6 mg iron; 726 mg sodium; 564 mg
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (55% daily value), Folate (48% dv), Vitamin A (41%
dv), Iron (33% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3½

Exchanges: 3 starch, 4 lean meat, 2 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Salsa and some pantry

staples give this vegetarian
bean burger recipe tons of
flavor. We use crushed
tortilla chips to bind the
burgers together, making
them a great vehicle for
using up those crumbs that
inevitably fall to the bottom
of the bag.

½ cup prepared salsa ¾ teaspoon salt
2 (15 ounce) cans low-sodium 3 tablespoons avocado oil or
black beans, rinsed canola oil, divided
1 cup well-crushed tortilla chips 8 whole-grain burger buns, toasted
½ cup grated white onion ½ cup prepared guacamole
1 large egg, beaten 8 slices tomato slices
3 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 cup sprouts
4 teaspoons chili powder ½ cup thinly sliced red onion
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In

20min 30min

Place salsa in a fine-mesh sieve and stir a few times to drain

excess liquid. Mash beans with a potato masher in a large bowl
until no whole ones remain. Stir in the drained salsa, tortilla chips,
grated onion, egg, mayonnaise, chili powder, cumin and salt. Let
stand 10 minutes.

Form the bean mixture into 8 burgers about 3 inches wide ( ⅓

cup each).

Heat 1½ tablespoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-

high heat. Reduce heat to medium, add 4 burgers and cook until
browned and heated through, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Repeat with
the remaining oil and burgers. Serve the burgers on buns with
guacamole, tomato slices, sprouts and red onion.

To make ahead: Individually wrap cooked burgers and

refrigerate for up to 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months.
Microwave to reheat.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 burger each

Per serving: 404 calories; 18 g fat(2 g sat); 11 g fiber; 50 g carbohydrates; 12 g

protein; 29 mcg folate; 25 mg cholesterol; 6 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 754 IU
vitamin A; 6 mg vitamin C; 127 mg calcium; 3 mg iron; 689 mg sodium; 584 mg

Carbohydrate Servings: 3½

Exchanges: 3 starch, ½ veg, 1 lean meat, 2½ fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Recipes for Dinner

Chicken Breasts with Mushroom
Cream Sauce

The secret to a good cream

sauce is always the same: not
too much cream or it can be
overpowering, masking the
more delicate flavors. Here it
contains a bountiful amount
of mushrooms and is served
over chicken breasts.

2 5-ounce boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed and tenders removed ½
teaspoon freshly ground pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 medium shallot, minced
1 cup thinly sliced shiitake mushroom caps
2 tablespoons dry vermouth, or dry white wine
¼ cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons heavy cream
2 tablespoons minced fresh chives, or scallion
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
30min 30min

Season chicken with pepper and salt on both sides.

Heat oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the chicken
and cook, turning once or twice and adjusting the heat to prevent
burning, until brown and an instant-read thermometer inserted
into the thickest part registers 165°F, 12 to 16 minutes. Transfer to
a plate and tent with foil to keep warm.

Add shallot to the pan and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30
seconds. Add mushrooms; cook, stirring occasionally, until
tender, about 2 minutes. Pour in vermouth (or wine); simmer until
almost evaporated, scraping up any browned bits, about 1 minute.
Pour in broth and cook until reduced by half, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir
in cream and chives (or scallions); return to a simmer. Return the
chicken to the pan, turn to coat with sauce and cook until heated
through, about 1 minute.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


It's difficult to find an individual chicken breast small enough for

one portion. Removing the thin strip of meat from the underside
of a 5-ounce breast—the “tender”—removes about 1 ounce of meat
and yields a perfect 4-ounce portion. Wrap and freeze the tenders
and when you have gathered enough, use them in a stir-fry or for
oven-baked chicken fingers.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 3 oz. chicken & ¼ cup sauce

Per serving: 274 calories; 15 g fat(5 g sat); 1 g fiber; 5 g carbohydrates; 25 g protein;

19 mcg folate; 83 mg cholesterol; 2 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 548 IU vitamin A; 4
mg vitamin C; 33 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 425 mg sodium; 403 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: ½

Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 3 lean meat, 2 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Summer Vegetable Crepes

Crêpes aren't just for dessert—
they make a quick and savory
weeknight dinner. Here they're
filled with ricotta cheese, green
beans, zucchini and corn and
topped with a chive-cream
sauce. Don't skip the step of
placing a piece of parchment or
wax paper under each crêpe as
you fill it—without it, the crêpes
are tricky to roll. Serve with: A
tossed salad.

⅓ cup reduced-fat sour cream 1¼ cups chopped green beans

½ cup chopped fresh chives, 1 cup fresh corn kernels, (from 1
divided, plus more for garnish large ear; see Tip)
3 tablespoons low-fat milk 1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese
2 teaspoons lemon juice ½ cup shredded Monterey Jack
¾ teaspoon salt, divided cheese
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2 cups chopped zucchini 4 9-inch “ready-to-use” crêpes
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
30min 30min
Stir sour cream, ¼ cup chives, milk, lemon juice and ¼ teaspoon
salt in a small bowl until combined. Set aside.

Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add

zucchini, green beans and corn and cook, stirring, until beginning
to brown, 6 to 8 minutes. Reduce heat to low; stir in ricotta,
Monterey Jack, the remaining ¼ cup chives, the remaining ½
teaspoon salt and pepper. Cook, stirring gently, until the cheese is
melted, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the heat.

To roll crepes, place one on a piece of parchment or wax paper

(or leave it on the piece of plastic separating the crepes in the
package). Spoon one-fourth of the vegetable-cheese mixture
(about ¾ cup) down the center of the crepe. Use the paper (or
plastic) to help you gently roll the crepe around the filling. Place
the crepe seam-side down on a dinner plate. Repeat with the
remaining crepes and filling. Serve each crepe topped with 2
tablespoons of the reserved sauce and more chives, if desired.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Tips: To remove kernels, stand a cob on its stem end in a bowl

and slice them off with a sharp, thin-bladed knife.
“Ready-to-use” crêpes are fast and convenient. Look for them in
the produce section of the market or near refrigerated tortillas.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 crepe

Per serving: 304 calories; 17 g fat(8 g sat); 3 g fiber; 25 g carbohydrates; 15 g

protein; 61 mcg folate; 46 mg cholesterol; 9 g sugars; 1,133 IU vitamin A; 21 mg
vitamin C; 341 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 687 mg sodium; 463 mg potassium
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (35% daily value), Calcium (34% dv), Vitamin A (23%

Carbohydrate Servings: 1½

Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 vegetable, 1½ medium-fat meat, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Skillet Gnocchi with Chard & White


In this one-skillet supper, we

toss dark leafy greens, diced
tomatoes and white beans with
gnocchi and top it all with
gooey mozzarella. Serve with a
mixed green salad with

1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided
1 16-ounce package shelf-stable gnocchi, (see Tip)
1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup water
6 cups chopped chard leaves, (about 1 small bunch) or spinach
1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes with Italian seasonings
1 15-ounce can white beans, rinsed
¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
½ cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
¼ cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
30min 30min

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium

heat. Add gnocchi and cook, stirring often, until plumped and
starting to brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a bowl.

Add the remaining 1 teaspoon oil and onion to the pan and
cook, stirring, over medium heat, for 2 minutes. Stir in garlic and
water. Cover and cook until the onion is soft, 4 to 6 minutes. Add
chard (or spinach) and cook, stirring, until starting to wilt, 1 to 2
minutes. Stir in tomatoes, beans and pepper and bring to a
simmer. Stir in the gnocchi and sprinkle with mozzarella and
Parmesan. Cover and cook until the cheese is melted and the
sauce is bubbling, about 3 minutes.

Tip: Look for shelf-stable gnocchi near other pasta in the Italian
section of most supermarkets.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 cup

Per serving: 326 calories; 7 g fat(2 g sat); 6 g fiber; 56 g carbohydrates; 14 g protein;

60 mcg folate; 9 mg cholesterol; 5 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 2,724 IU vitamin A;
28 mg vitamin C; 191 mg calcium; 4 mg iron; 610 mg sodium; 366 mg potassium
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (54% daily value), Vitamin C (47% dv), Iron (22% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3½

Exchanges: 3 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 lean meat, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


For this recipe, convenient

store-bought potato gnocchi
are tossed with delicate
ribbons of zucchini, shallots
and cherry tomatoes that have
all been sautéed in nutty
browned butter.

1 pound fresh or frozen gnocchi
2 tablespoons butter
2 medium shallots, chopped
1 pound zucchini, (about 3 small), very thinly sliced lengthwise
1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
20min 20min

Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Cook gnocchi until

they float, 3 to 5 minutes or according to package directions.

Meanwhile, melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat.

Cook until the butter is beginning to brown, about 2 minutes. Add
shallots and zucchini and cook, stirring often, until softened, 2 to 3

Add tomatoes, salt, nutmeg and pepper and continue cooking,

stirring often, until the tomatoes are just starting to break down, 1
to 2 minutes. Stir in Parmesan and parsley. Add the gnocchi and
toss to coat. Serve immediately.

Tip: To make “ribbon-thin” zucchini, slice lengthwise with a

vegetable peeler or a mandoline slicer.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1½ cups

Per serving: 426 calories; 11 g fat(6 g sat); 4 g fiber; 66 g carbohydrates; 17 g

protein; 52 mcg folate; 25 mg cholesterol; 7 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 1,741 IU
vitamin A; 47 mg vitamin C; 281 mg calcium; 4 mg iron; 752 mg sodium; 540 mg
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (78% daily value), Vitamin A (35% dv), Calcium (28%
dv), Iron (22% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 4½

Exchanges: 2½ starch, 2 vegetable, 1 medium-fat meat, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


For a satisfying last-minute

supper, it's hard to beat a
sweet potato zapped in the
microwave. The fragrant
filling of beans and tomatoes
adds protein. Be sure to eat
the skin, which is full of
fiber, as well.

4 medium sweet potatoes
1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed
2 medium tomatoes, diced
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
¾ teaspoon salt
¼ cup reduced-fat sour cream
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
15min 25min

Prick sweet potatoes with a fork in several places. Microwave on

High until tender all the way to the center, 12 to 15 minutes.
(Alternatively, place in a baking dish and bake at 425°F until
tender all the way to the center, about 1 hour.)

Meanwhile, in a medium microwaveable bowl, combine beans,

tomatoes, oil, cumin, coriander and salt; microwave on High until
just heated through, 2 to 3 minutes. (Alternatively, heat in a small
saucepan over medium heat.)

When just cool enough to handle, slash each sweet potato

lengthwise, press open to make a well in the center and spoon the
bean mixture into the well. Top each with a dollop of sour cream
and a sprinkle of cilantro.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 stuffed sweet potato

Per serving: 253 calories; 6 g fat(2 g sat); 10 g fiber; 43 g carbohydrates; 9 g protein;

72 mcg folate; 6 mg cholesterol; 13 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 22,547 IU vitamin
A; 34 mg vitamin C; 105 mg calcium; 3 mg iron; 575 mg sodium; 981 mg
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (451% daily value), Vitamin C (57% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3

Exchanges: 3 starch, 1 vegetable ½ fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Cheese steaks are a Philadelphia

tradition: thin slices from a rich
and very fatty slab of beef, fried
up and topped with a heavy
cheese sauce. We've cut down on
the fat considerably—but not on
the taste. All it needs is a cold
beer or a glass of pinot noir on
the side.

2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 medium onion, sliced ¼ cup vegetable broth, or reduced-
4 large portobello mushrooms, stems sodium chicken broth
and gills removed, sliced 1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 large red bell pepper, thinly sliced 3 ounces thinly sliced reduced-fat
2 tablespoons minced fresh oregano, provolone cheese
or 2 teaspoons dried 4 whole-wheat buns, split and toasted
½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
25m 25min

Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add

onion and cook, stirring often, until soft and beginning to brown, 2
to 3 minutes. Add mushrooms, bell pepper, oregano and pepper
and cook, stirring often, until the vegetables are wilted and soft,
about 7 minutes.

Reduce heat to low; sprinkle the vegetables with flour and stir to
coat. Stir in broth and soy sauce; bring to a simmer. Remove from
the heat, lay cheese slices on top of the vegetables, cover and let
stand until melted, 1 to 2 minutes.

Divide the mixture into 4 portions with a spatula, leaving the

melted cheese layer on top. Scoop a portion onto each toasted
bun and serve immediately.

Tip: The dark gills found on the underside of a portobello are

edible, but if you like you can scrape them off with a spoon.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 bun and ¾ cup vegetable mixture

Per serving: 258 calories; 8 g fat(3 g sat); 6 g fiber; 35 g carbohydrates; 12 g protein;

64 mcg folate; 12 mg cholesterol; 8 g sugars; 3 g added sugars; 1,439 IU vitamin A;
57 mg vitamin C; 234 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 537 mg sodium; 708 mg potassium

Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (95% daily value), Vitamin A (29% dv), Calcium (23%

Carbohydrate Servings: 2½

Exchanges: 2 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 high-fat meat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Sun-dried tomatoes and Romano

cheese pack a flavorful punch
along with the tantalizing aroma of
fresh marjoram in this rustic
Italian-inspired dish. Serve with
sautéed fresh spinach or steamed

8 ounces orzo, preferably whole-wheat 2 teaspoons plus 1 tablespoon extra-
1 cup water virgin olive oil, divided
½ cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes, 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts,
(not oil-packed), divided trimmed (1-1¼ pounds)
1 plum tomato, diced ¼ teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic, peeled ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
3 teaspoons chopped fresh marjoram, 1 9-ounce package frozen artichoke
divided hearts, thawed
1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar ½ cup finely shredded Romano cheese,
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Preparation Active Ready In
30min 30min

Cook orzo in a large saucepan of boiling water until just tender,

8 to 10 minutes or according to package directions. Drain and
Meanwhile, place 1 cup water, ¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes, plum
tomato, garlic, 2 teaspoons marjoram, vinegar and 2 teaspoons oil
in a blender. Blend until just a few chunks remain.

Season chicken with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat

remaining 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium-high
heat. Add the chicken and cook, adjusting the heat as necessary to
prevent burning, until golden outside and no longer pink in the
middle, 3 to 5 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate; tent with foil
to keep warm.

Pour the tomato sauce into the pan and bring to a boil. Measure
out ½ cup sauce to a small bowl. Add the remaining ¼ cup sun-
dried tomatoes to the pan along with the orzo, artichoke hearts
and 6 tablespoons cheese. Cook, stirring, until heated through, 1
to 2 minutes. Divide among 4 plates.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge


Slice the chicken. Top each portion of pasta with sliced chicken,
2 tablespoons of the reserved tomato sauce and a sprinkling of the
remaining cheese and marjoram.

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 3 oz. chicken & 1 cup pasta

Per serving: 455 calories; 12 g fat(3 g sat); 10 g fiber; 54 g carbohydrates; 36 g

protein; 140 mcg folate; 70 mg cholesterol; 4 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 536 IU
vitamin A; 5 mg vitamin C; 168 mg calcium; 4 mg iron; 377 mg sodium; 782 mg
Nutrition Bonus: Folate (35% daily value), Iron (22% dv)

Carbohydrate Servings: 3½

Exchanges: 3 starch, 1 vegetable, 3 lean meat, ½ fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

This carbohydrate-rich bar, full

of nuts, seeds, fruit and oats, was
adapted from Amy Harrison's
prize-winning submission in the
Plains (Georgia) Peanut Festival
recipe competition sponsored by
The Peanut Institute. It includes
a little protein, and is a great
grab-and-go pre-workout snack
on mornings when you don't
have time to digest a full meal.
½ cup dry roasted salted peanuts
½ cup roasted sunflower seeds, or other chopped nuts
2 cups raisins, or other chopped dried fruit
2 cups rolled or instant oats
2 cups toasted rice cereal, such as Rice Krispies
¼ cup toasted wheat germ, (optional)
½ cup creamy or crunchy natural peanut butter
½ cup packed brown sugar
½ cup light corn syrup, or honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

15min 1h 15min

Coat an 9-by-13-inch baking pan with cooking spray.

Combine peanuts, sunflower seeds (or other nuts), raisins (or

other dried fruit), oats, rice cereal and wheat germ (if using) in a
large bowl.

Combine peanut butter, brown sugar and corn syrup (or honey)
in a large microwaveable bowl; microwave on High until bubbling,
1 to 2 minutes. Add vanilla and stir until blended. Pour the peanut
butter mixture over the dry ingredients and stir until coated.

Transfer the mixture to the prepared pan. Press down firmly. (It
helps to coat your fingers with cooking spray.) Let stand for about
1 hour to harden. Cut into bars.

Make Ahead Tip: Individually wrap in plastic and keep at room

temperature for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 1 month. Thaw
at room temperature.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Nutrition Information

Per serving: 260 calories; 9 g fat(1 g sat); 3 g fiber; 43 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein;

56 mcg folate; 0 mg cholesterol; 27 g sugars; 138 IU vitamin A; 3 mg vitamin C; 21
mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 71 mg sodium; 242 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 3

Exchanges: 2 other carbohydrate, 1½ fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

This green smoothie is packed

with grapes, spinach, green tea
and avocado. A touch of honey
adds sweetness.

3 cups frozen white grapes
2 packed cups baby spinach
1½ cups strong brewed green tea (see Tip), cooled
1 medium ripe avocado
2 teaspoons honey

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

10min 10min

Combine grapes, spinach, green tea, avocado and honey in a

blender; blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Tip: To brew strong green tea, use twice the amount of tea (or
two tea bags), but do not over steep. Green tea should be steeped
for no longer than 3 minutes; over steeping will give the tea a bitter
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1¾ cups

Per serving: 345 calories; 15 g fat(2 g sat); 9 g fiber; 56 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein;

144 mcg folate; 0 mg cholesterol; 42 g sugars; 6 g added sugars; 3,109 IU vitamin
A; 26 mg vitamin C; 65 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 36 mg sodium; 1,110 mg potassium

Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (62% daily value), Vitamin C (43% dv), Folate (36%

Carbohydrate Servings: 3½

Exchanges: 3 fruit, 1 vegetable, 1½ fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Lemon-Parm Popcorn

Perk up your popcorn with a

bit of lemon pepper and
Parmesan cheese.


2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil

½ teaspoon lemon pepper
Pinch of salt
3 cups air-popped popcorn
1 tablespoon freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

5min 5min
Whisk oil, lemon pepper and salt in a small bowl. Drizzle over popcorn
and toss to coat. Sprinkle with Parmesan and serve immediately.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1½ cups

Per serving: 99 calories; 6 g fat(1 g sat); 2 g fiber; 10 g carbohydrates; 2 g protein; 4

mcg folate; 2mg cholesterol; 0 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 48 IU vitamin A; 0 mg
vitamin C; 22 mg calcium; 0 mg iron; 199 mg sodium; 44 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: ½

Exchanges: ½ starch, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

EatingWell reader Beverley

Sharpe of Santa Barbara,
California, contributed this
healthy chocolate chip cookie
recipe. She gave chocolate chip
cookies a healthy update by
cutting back on sugar and
incorporating whole grains. To
increase protein, Sharpe replaces
the rolled oats with 1 cup
almond meal.
¾ cup rolled oats ¼ cup canola oil
1 cup whole-wheat flour ⅓ cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon baking soda ⅓ cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt 1 large egg
¼ cup butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chocolate chips

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

10min 35min
Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat 2 baking sheets with cooking spray.

Grind oats in a blender or food processor. Transfer to a

medium bowl and stir in flour, baking soda and salt. Beat butter in
a large bowl with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add oil, granulated
sugar, brown sugar, egg and vanilla; beat until smooth and creamy.
With the mixer running, add the dry ingredients, beating on low
speed until just combined. Stir in chocolate chips.

Drop the dough by heaping teaspoonfuls, at least 1 inch apart,

onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake cookies, 1 sheet at a time,
until firm around the edges and golden on top, about 15 minutes.
Cool the cookies for 2 minutes on the baking sheets, then transfer
to wire racks to cool completely.

Make Ahead Tip: The cookies will keep in an airtight container

for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Storage smarts: To extend the life of your baked goods, store
them in an airtight container in a single layer or between layers of
parchment paper to prevent sticking.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 cookie

Per serving: 99 calories; 5 g fat(2 g sat); 1 g fiber; 12 g carbohydrates; 1 g protein; 3

mcg folate;10 mg cholesterol; 8 g sugars; 8 g added sugars; 57 IU vitamin A; 0 mg
vitamin C; 8 mg calcium; 0 mg iron; 64 mg sodium; 41 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 1

Exchanges: ½ starch, ½ other carbohydrate, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Double Nut & Date Tassies

The two-bite pecan tarts satisfy

the sweet tooth with far less
guilt than pecan pie.

Crust Filling
¼ cup whole-wheat pastry flour (see 4 ounces pitted dried dates (about ¾ cup)
Note) ¾ cup water
¼ cup packed light brown sugar ¼ cup packed light brown sugar
½ cup walnuts, coarsely chopped 2½ tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon cornstarch 4 tablespoons reduced-fat cream cheese
2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1¼ teaspoons vanilla extract
Pinch of salt ½ cup pecans, chopped
Confectioners' sugar for dusting or whipped
cream for garnish

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

50min 1h 10min

Preheat oven to 375°F. Coat 24 mini muffin cups with cooking


To prepare crust: Pulse flour, brown sugar, walnuts, cornstarch,

2 tablespoons butter and salt in a food processor (a mini food
processor works well) until the mixture resembles coarse meal.
Divide the crust mixture among the prepared mini muffin cups
(about 1¼ teaspoons per cup) and press evenly into the bottoms.

To prepare filling: Combine dates, water, brown sugar and 2½

tablespoons butter in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over
medium-high heat and cook, stirring frequently, until most of the
liquid has cooked away, 8 to 12 minutes. Let cool slightly, then
process the date mixture in a blender or food processor until
processed into a paste. Add cream cheese and vanilla; blend or
process to combine. Transfer to a medium bowl. Stir in pecans.
Divide the date-nut filling among muffin cups (1 generous
teaspoon each), gently pressing the filling down and smoothing the

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Bake until the crust is golden brown and the filling is lightly
cooked, 15 to 17 minutes. Let cool in the pans for 10 minutes.
Loosen the edges of the crust with a small spatula or butter knife
and transfer the tassies to a wire rack to cool. Sprinkle with
confectioners' sugar or serve with a dollop of whipped cream, if

Make Ahead Tip: Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days

or freeze for up to 3 months.

Equipment: 24-cup mini muffin pan or two 12-cup mini muffin


Ingredient Note: Whole-wheat pastry flour has less gluten-

forming potential than regular whole-wheat flour and helps ensure
tender baked goods.

Storage smarts: To extend the life of your baked goods, store

them in an airtight container in a single layer or between layers of
parchment paper to prevent sticking.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 cookie

Per serving: 92 calories; 6 g fat(2 g sat); 1 g fiber; 10 g carbohydrates; 1 g protein; 3

mcg folate; 7mg cholesterol; 8 g sugars; 4 g added sugars; 88 IU vitamin A; 0 mg
vitamin C; 13 mg calcium; 0 mg iron; 25 mg sodium; 59 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: ½

Exchanges: 1 other carbohydrate, 1 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Talk about a grab-and-go

breakfast: this bagel topped
with nut butter and banana
slices is ready in just 5
minutes and easy to eat on
the run.

2 tablespoons natural nut butter, such as almond, cashew or
1 teaspoon honey
Pinch of salt
1 whole-wheat bagel, split and toasted
1 small banana, sliced
1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

5min 5min

Stir together nut butter, honey and salt in a small bowl. Divide
the mixture between bagel halves and top with banana slices.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: ½ bagel

Per serving: 284 calories; 10 g fat(1 g sat); 7 g fiber; 43 g carbohydrates; 9 g protein;

45 mcg folate; 0 mg cholesterol; 15 g sugars; 6 g added sugars; 32 IU vitamin A; 4
mg vitamin C; 108 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 335 mg sodium; 302 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 3

Exchanges: 1½ starch, 1 fruit, 2 fat

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

These soft chocolate cookies have a

big peanut flavor since they use
peanut butter and peanut butter

1 cup chunky natural peanut butter ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ cup canola oil ¼ cup rolled oats
½ cup packed dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda
½ cup granulated sugar ½ teaspoon salt
2 large eggs ¼ cup semisweet chocolate chips
3 tablespoons low-fat plain yogurt ¼ cup trans-fat-free peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla extract chips, such as Sunspire
¾ cup all-purpose flour ¼ cup turbinado sugar

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Preparation Active Ready In

60min 1h 30min

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Beat peanut butter, oil, brown sugar and granulated sugar in a

large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until the
sugars are blended. Beat in eggs, yogurt and vanilla until

Whisk flour, cocoa, oats, baking soda and salt in a medium

bowl. With the mixer on low speed, gradually add the dry
ingredients to the peanut butter mixture until blended. (It will be
sticky.) Stir in chocolate and peanut butter chips.

Using a small cookie scoop or slightly rounded tablespoons of

dough, place cookies 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Dip the bottom of a glass in water and then in turbinado sugar.

Use the sugared glass to flatten the cookies slightly, leaving a thin
layer of sugar on top, rewetting the glass as needed.

Bake the cookies in batches until they are just set and the tops
appear cracked, 8 to 10 minutes. (Do not overbake or they will be
dry.) Cool on the baking sheet for 2 minutes before transferring to
a wire rack to cool.

Make Ahead Tip: Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days

or freeze for up to 3 months.

Ingredient Note: Turbinado sugar is steam-cleaned raw cane

sugar. It's coarse-grained and light brown in color, with a slight
molasses flavor. Find it in the natural-foods section of large
supermarkets or at natural-foods stores.

Storage smarts: To extend the life of your baked goods, store

them in an airtight container in a single layer or between layers of
parchment paper to prevent sticking.

1-WEEK Diet Challenge

Snacks and Treats

Nutrients Information

Serving size: 1 cookie

Per serving: 117 calories; 6 g fat(1 g sat); 1 g fiber; 13 g carbohydrates; 3 g protein;

10 mcg folate; 10 mg cholesterol; 9 g sugars; 8 g added sugars; 16 IU vitamin A; 0
mg vitamin C; 8 mg calcium; 0 mg iron; 95 mg sodium; 33 mg potassium

Carbohydrate Servings: 1

Exchanges: 1 other carbohydrate, 1 fat


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