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ENGL201 - Speech Communication 1

Ch 3 - Short Quiz 1
1. When it comes to non-verbal communication, it is essential to understand how it works
and how to leverage on it to be able to communicate effectively. - true

2. Words are not only symbols. - false

3. Words always have the same meaning. - false

4. Words have denotative meanings only. - false

5. Clarity is enhanced when using specific terms like dog, cat, and horse. - true

6. It refers to the words specifically intended to impose a desirable mental attitude on those
using them. - doublespeak

7. It refers to the most commonly used language of a community. - Dialect

8. It refers to the situation where the communication process takes place. - Context

9. It focuses on the correctness of the sound we produce and the accent with which words
are uttered. - Pronunciation

10. It is the melodious pattern that is placed on a syllable, word, phrase or sentence. –

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