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Submited To The Assigment Of English






CLASS: Health Analyst 1E

TP 2018/2019


A spectrophotometer is a device or instrument for measuring the transmission or

absorbent of an example as a function of a wavelength (Chairns 2009). While
spectrophotometry is one method in analytical chemistry that is commonly used in
determining the composition of a sample quantitatively and qualitatively based on the
interaction between matter and light. The spectrophotometer produces light from a spectrum
with a certain wavelength and the photometer is a measuring device for the intensity of the
transmitted light or adsorbed. So the spectrophotometer is used to measure energy relative if
the energy is transmitted, reflected or emitted as a function of wavelength (Khopkar 2007).

The spectrophotometer usually uses ultraviolet, infrared, or visible light. Measurement of

absorbance or transmittance of a system in the ultra violet (UV) area is used by deuterium
lamps which produce light with a wave length of 190-380 nm. The measurement using
visible light using iodide lamp which is capable of producing light from 380-1000 nm (Huda
2001). Complementary colors or contrast colors are memorable colors against one another.
Contrast color can be obtained from the opposite color and consists of primary and secondary
colors. Complementary contrast colors are absorbed by spectrophotometers in the form of
monochramatic light, ie two colors opposite each other (having a 180 degree angle) with the
strongest contrast (Goethe 1995). The purpose of this practicum is to know the various ways
of using a UV / Vis spectrophotometer by using various methylene blue samples, finding the
maximum transmittance value, creating a standard curve and determining its concentration.
Chapter II


Spectrophotometry is one method in analytical chemistry used to determine the composition

of a sample both quantitatively and qualitatively based on the interaction between matter and
light. The light in question can be visible light, UV and infrared, while the material can be in
the form of atoms and molecules but the more important is valence electrons.

Principle of Spectrophotometer

In principle, this tool is the result of a combination of spectrometer and photometer. A

spectrometer is a device that produces light from a spectrum with a certain wavelength. The
spectrometer has a decomposer like a prism that can select wavelengths from white light.

The Function of each Tool

1.Source of polycromatic light function as a source of polycromatic light with various lengths
of gewave.
2.The monochromator functions as a wavelength selector that is changing light that comes
from a polycromatic light source become light monokromatis.On the picture above is referred
to as disperser or spreader light. with the presence of dispersers only one type of light or light
with a single wavelength affecting the sample cell. In the picture on for only the green light
that passes through the exit.
Probsession or dispersion spread of light as shown in the picture.

2. Process
Dispersion light
3. Sample cells function as a place to place samples
-UV, VIS and UV
-VIS uses the cuvette as a sample place. Kuvet usually made of quartz or glass, but a quartz
cuvette made from silica has better quality. This is due to being made from 6 glass and plastic
can absorb UV so its use is only on spectro Visible light meter (VIS). Kuvet bias I am
with a width of 1 cm.
-IR, for liquid and solid samples (in the form of paste) is usually applied to
two sodium chloride plates. For samples in the form of a solution, enter it in sodium chloride
cells. This cell will be solved to take it back the solution analyzed, if the sample is owned by
him at a little and the price expensive.
4. The detector functions to capture the light transmitted from the sample and
turn it into an electric current.
Kind of
-type of detector that is
Phot detectoro
(Photo detector), Photocell, for example CdS, Phototube, photo delivery
, Photo diodes,
Heat detector
5. Read out is a reading system that captures the amount of electrical signals
which derive from detector.
As for things
-things that must be considered in spectrofotometry is:
a.At the time of dilution the dilution device must be correct
-really clean without
presence of impurities
b.In the use of tools
-the tool must be correct
-really sterile
c.The amount of substance used must be in accordance with what has been determined
d.In the use of spect UV rofotometry, the sample must be clear and not cloudy
e.In the use of UV spectrophotometry
-vis, the sample must be colored.
Uptake can occur if the photons / radiation that hit the snippet have the same energy
with the energy needed to cause it to occur power change. If monochromatic light is passed
through a layer of solution
with thickness(db), then decreased intensity of light (dl)because it passes through layers
the solution is proportionaldirectly with radiation intensity.
species that absorb (c), and with the thickness of the solution layer (db)

How to use :

1. The polycromatic light source enters the monochromator (here the light spreads)
2. From the monochromator then goes out to the sample cell, in this sample cell occurs the
process of absorption of light by substances in the sample cell (where the incoming light is
brighter compared to light after exiting)
3. Then the light is captured by the detector and changes it


Through this practical activity, several techniques can be identified in the use of UV / Vis
spectrophotometers by measuring samples in various concentrations, finding the maximum
transmittance value, creating a standard curve and determining its concentration. The
spectrophotometer produces light from a spectrum with a certain wavelength and the
photometer is a measuring device for the intensity of the transmitted light or adsorbed. So a
spectrophotometer is used to measure energy relative if the energy is transmitted, reflected or
emitted as a function of wavelength.

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