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Active Listenins

l,How m.anxy anirnals did Moses take on the ark?

None i.t was lr{oah not Moses

2. Some nronths have 3l days, sotne have 30 days but lrcw t'tl.(ttly lnve 28
da.ys? AII nrcntlts hante 28 days

3. Is it against the law for a tnan to marry his widows si,ster? lt'lo, but to
have a widow, tlrc ntan rnust be dead.

4. You are driving a bus irtto the city centre. At the start you hatte 2
passerrgers. At tlrc next stop, 6 people get on and I gets oii. At the next, 2
get on and 4 off. Tbee stops l,ater a group of 12 children crowd onto the
bus forcing an elderly lady to leave. Just before the last stop I nun gets
otr, 3 chil.dren get off, but one child gets back on when tltey realised they
were a.t the wrong stop. The bus arrives at the destination still with a
nuntber of passengers. How old is the driver? Delegates age

5. Yoi two a.pples from 7 apples, how matxy apples do yott have ? 2

6. If you were alone in a deserted house at night a.nd lmd a lantlt, a fire
a.nd a. cand.le and only ha.d one ntatch, which would you light.first? None
of the three, you wou,ld light the match. first.

7. A rnan buil.ds a house with four sides of rectangular conslructiorL each

s/cle haling a. soutltern exposure. A bear comes along wlnt colour is the
bect.rT White his ltouse is al the north pole.

B. How m,uch. soil is there in a hole measuring one metre by one rnetre by
one nrclre? None it's a hole

9. How far can you walk i.nto the woodsT Halfway once you pass halfway
your wal,lcing out again.

I0. Johnrty's m.other had.four children. The April, lhe second

first was
wa,s Ma.y, and the third was June. What was the nam,e of her fourth child,?

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