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Writing a process paragraph

Some students have difficulties with paragraphs, but it is not difficult to write if you
follow the instructions. First of all, you need to place a topic sentence at the beginning of your
written assignment. It is a sentence that summarizes the main idea of paragraph. It is very
important and should be understable for the reader. In this step we can use words such as
”steps,” ”procedure,” ”directions”. Then we have to support the main idea of the paragraph. In
this case, we use supporting sentences. These sentences contain details that help describe or
explain the main idea of the paragraph. Supporting sentences can also give examples, to
illustrate the point made in the topic sentence. The sentences can be preceded by facts, statistics
etc. These sentences should fit the context. At the end we write the concluding sentence. This
sentence comes at the end of a paragraph. It is a summary and restates the main idea of the
paragraph. We can use the following phrases: ”finallly”, ”lastly”, ”as a result”, ”therefore” etc.
If you follow these instructions, then writing a process paragraph will be a pleasure for you.

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