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NoSQL technologies

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NoSQL technologies

Modern NoSQL technologies ......................................................................................................... 3
Critical comparison of these two technologies ............................................................................... 9
Use Case........................................................................................................................................ 12
References ..................................................................................................................................... 13

NoSQL technologies

Modern NoSQL technologies

NoSQL is database design methods that may be accommodate a variety of data model, including

columns, key-values, document, and graphic formats. The NoSQL stand for "just not SQL", it is

a replacement for traditional relational database, where data is also place in tables or data

patterns are carefully design before building the databases. NoSQL databases are especially

helpful for processing large amounts of the distributed data (Aggarwal & Sonika, 2016).

More and more database choices are available to meet data processing needs. For example,

NoSQL technology is gaining a dominant position in relational databases that guarantee the

integrity of data and transactions, but often enforce strict SQL-based patterns to build and store

data. Now, with the company's view of options, the myriad NoSQL databases that have emerged

in recent years offer attractive features for managing a wide variety of data sets that change

frequently. At the same time, many mainstream RDBMS vendors are upgrading their database

products with NoSQL capabilities. Technology is changing every day, requiring people to master

them. The most recent advancement is the NoSQL database, which makes the company eager for

database management professionals. Combined with Hadoop, its growth trajectory is rising every

year (BUY, POLYAKOV & HRYSHKO, 2013).

Column Store NoSQL Database

Column-oriented databases are available for columns; depend on Google's Big Table paper. Each

column is processed separately. The values of a single column database are contiguously stored.

NoSQL technologies

They provide high performances on summary queries (such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, etc.)

because the information is easily available in the column. Column-base NoSQL database is

widely utilized to manage business intelligence, data warehouses, CRM and library card


HBase, HBase, Cassandra, and Hyper-table are some examples of the column-based databases.

In the column-oriented NoSQL technology, the data is store in a cells grouped by data columns,

not in rows. Columns are reasonably grouped into a column family. The Column families may

contain an almost infinite number of the columns that may also created at the runtime and

contain schema definitions. Use columns instead of rows to complete read and write operations

(Cattell, 2011).

NoSQL technologies

Ulike the relational DBMSs store information in rows, and the benefits of the data storing in

columns are fast access/search as well as data aggregations. A relational database stores

particular row as contiguous disk entry. The diverse rows are also stored in several locations on

the disk, and the columnar database stores every cells corresponding to the column as contiguous

disk entries, making search/access faster. Such as, querying a title from a million articles when

using a relational database can be a daunting task because it will iterate through each location to

get the project title. On the other hand, user can get the title of all their projects with just one disk


Data Model

Column Family: Column Family is the structure that easily group Columns or Super Columns.

Key: Permanent name of record. The Keys have a different number of columns; therefore the

databases can be scaled in an irregular manner.

Column: It simply has an order list of factors, a tuple whose name or value are defined.

The most famous examples are HBase&Cassandra and Google's BigTable, which are inspired by

BigTable. In the column-oriented NoSQL, information is also store in a cells grouped by data

columns, not in rows. Columns are generally grouped into a column family. The Column family

contain an almost unrestricted number of the columns that may be also created at the runtime or

when defining a schema. Use columns instead of rows to complete read and write operations.

Column families are similar groups of information that are generally accessed together. Such as,

we may often access the customer's name and profile data at same time period, other than do not

access the data on their order (Klemenkov, 2013).

NoSQL technologies

The main benefits of the storing data in a column through a relational databases are quick

access/fast search moreover data aggregation. A relational database stores single row because a

contiguous disk entry. Various rows are also store in different locations on the disk, while a

columnar database stores all cell corresponding to the column as contiguous disk entries, making

access/search faster. MS table, where the row identifies the line and there are multiple columns

in the row (KUMAR, 2014).

Use cases: All the developers mostly use columns databases in:

 Blogging platform

 System that properly maintain counter

 Service that have simply expiring usage

 System that need heavy write request

 Content management system

Users must avoid using a column store database if user must use highly complex queries or query

patterns to change frequently. An example of the column storage NoSQL database is Cassandra

moreover Apache Hadoop Hbase.

Graph Base NoSQL Database

The chart type database stores entities and the relationships among these entities. These Entities

are stored as nodes with edge relationships. The edges give the relationship among the nodes.

Each edge or node has a distinctive identifier.

NoSQL technologies

The Graph database is essentially a multi-relationship compared to a relational database with

loosely connected tables. The traversal relationship is fast because they have been captured into

database or there is a no requirement to compute them (M., H., M. & S., 2017).

Graph Base NoSQL Database, user will not find any rigid format of a SQL or in the Graph Base

NoSQL database, user won't find a strict SQL format or table and column representation, but a

flexible graphical representation, which is ideal for solving scalability problems. Graph structure

is utilized with nodes, edges and attributes to provide indexless adjacencies. Data can also be

simply converted from one single model to another using Graph Based NoSQL database.

i. Databases use nodes and edges to represent or store data.

ii. This node is organized by certain relationships between each other, and which are

represented by edges among all the nodes.

NoSQL technologies

iii. Relationships as well as Nodes have a few defined properties.

Following are few features of a graph based database such as:

a. Marked, Directed, Attributable Multi-Graphics: A graph contain nodes that are

properly labeled with attributes that have a relationship to each other and are

displayed by the direction edges. Such as: In following representation, the "Alice

know Bob" is displayed by edge with some attributes.

b. Although relational database model can also replicate graphical models, edges

need to be connected, that is a costly proposition ("NoSQL Database: Cassandra

is a Better Option to Handle Big Data", 2016).

The traditional data management method, the relational database, was developed in the 1970s to

help companies store structured information. Relational databases need to define their schema

(defining how the data is organized and how it relates) before adding any new information.

Today, however, mobile, social and Internet of Things (IoT) data is ubiquitous, and unstructured

real-time data piles up in a minute. In addition to processing large amounts of various data,

NoSQL graph databases do not need to redefine their schema before adding new data. This

makes graph databases more flexible, dynamic, and less expensive than relational databases in

integrating new data sources. The NoSQL graph database is capable of storing, retrieving,

integrating and analyzing high-speed data from many locations compared to medium data speeds

from one or several locations in a relational database (Patel, 2016).

In addition to representing proprietary enterprise data in a linked and meaningful way, NoSQL

graphical databases make content management and personalization easier because it integrates

NoSQL technologies

and combines huge amounts of the data in cost-effective manner. The rise of the Internet of

Things and social media, and the increasing use of big data analytics, make NoSQL graphical

databases the first choice for mastering large amounts of data, integrating heterogeneous data

from different sources, combining and analyzing. Highly interrelated data and gain the meaning

and insights of supporting decisions. The graph database is basically built on top of entity-

attribute-value models. The Entities are called nodes and have attributes. This is flexible method

to describe the relationship of data to another data. The node stores data about every entity in

database. The relationship describes the relationship between the nodes. The attribute is only the

node at the other end (Rouse, 2017).

Critical comparison of these two technologies

The column family database is a row-based database. In this kind of databases, data is also store

in rows with unique row IDs, rather than documents and "values" in a key-value store or

document store database, which are stored in the flexible columns. Main difference between the

Column Store and the Graph Base NoSQL Database is that user doesn’t have to maintain a

consistent column number in the Column-store. The Graph Base database is all about edge nodes

and graphical relationships. Users store data entities moreover allow users to easily add

relationships to such database entities. On the other hand, the database neither knows nor cares

about content or storage stored in the data entity. The database uses a complex graphical

structure and is capable of defining edge, node, along with node properties. This not just

provides greater ability to query relational data, but also provides an indexless search, which is a

problem that plagues the aforementioned NoSQL type (Samal & Panda, 2017). Graph-based

databases are very useful in applications with connected data, for example social networks,

NoSQL technologies

routing information centres, recommendation engine applications, spatial data and map

applications, and other applications that require a unique key relationship. A graphical database

is used to store information about the network, such as social connections. Some of the cxamples

are Neo4J as well as HyperGraphDB. The NoSQL databases are becoming more popular as

companies apply them to more and more use cases. Column storage, on the other hand, stores

data columns together in place of rows in addition to is optimized for queries on large data sets.

HBase and Cassandra are more wide-column databases.

The graphics store focuses on relationship. The good way to draw graph store are like a math

graph with vertices and edges. Use graphics to store data is also store as relationships and nodes.

Nodes are basically nouns, people, places, things, entities, etc. The relationship is the one-way or

two-way connectivity between the two nodes. The node can be a person and the relationship can

be a two-way friend. Users can have two nodes, a website's link and a user, which can be the

"same" way on the website by the user (Sipos, 2015).

Users can generally apply Meta data documents to relationships and labels moreover nodes.

Users can mark nodes as users, websites or pets, and more. Users can also add age, name,

gender, etc. to the user node, which is modeless and very flexible. Chart storage is good at

determining relationships and lookup patterns between nodes. For example, user can use a

graphics store to determine a friend's friend to nth degree. Users can find out that users are not

friends, users can find friends who like they to do the same thing, user can find people who work

with friend of friends, they like such things they do. There are pets.

The first type of NoSQL database is the columnar database, which is optimized for reading as

well as writing data columns instead of the data rows. The Column-oriented storage for database

NoSQL technologies

tables helps reduce database input/output requirements. The overall storage space is reduced due

to the reduced I/O configuration file. One of a main feature of Columnar Databases is their

capability to compress data. The Columnar database uses column orientation instead of writing

data in the traditional row direction. Each column will be associated with a column key. On the

other hand, the Graph database focuses on the relationship of data to other data points. The data

store from the Graph database is called a directed link between the data sets of the edges. These

edges are displayed in a graphical representation of the data (hence the name). SQL or other

NoSQL databases can serve as the base layer for the Graph database. For example, think about

how the app recommends the next movie. After the user scored several movies, it can be seen

that if people like "Star Wars", they may also like "lost in space (Višnjevac, Mihajlović, Šoškić,

Cvijetinović & Bajat, 2017)."

Cassandra and HBase are often referred to as column-oriented databases, but the better phrase is

"sparse row storage." In these databases, equivalent to relational "table" is a set of the rows

recognized by a key. Every row contains an infinite number of the columns; a column is

basically a key used to find values in a row. Columns can also be added at some time, or unused

columns in given row do not consume some storage. NULL does not exist. And as columns are

store contiguously or tend to have a similar information, compression may be efficient, moreover

searches along columns are equally effective. Neo4J is a dedicated database for maintaining

large graphics: data items are nodes' data, and edges represent connections among nodes. As

graphics are a very flexible data structure, a graphical database may emulate some other type of


Use cases: Graph based NoSQL databases are use in:

NoSQL technologies

 Fraud detections

 Graph base search

 IT and Network operations

 Social network, etc

Although there are several kinds of the databases, it’s not recommended to select a single

database or normal. More generally, it is also reasonable to use multiple databases to achieve this

goal. Now, as most of these databases are "applications" in a sense, utilizing them is like a

professional module integration effort than a strict database integration effort. The data I share

with user on this blogs is sufficient to make their thinking bulb shine to best meet their needs.

Don't be shy if decide to continue or contact the NoSQL databases expert before selecting and

deploying the databases. After all, security, not regret, is never a bad thing. Use these databases

from the very beginning and are very proficient in their conception, deployment, maintenance

and configuration.

Use Case
Use Case:

Some "recommended to rating an e-commerce site (book/video rental site) is usually derived by

considering how other user’s rate related products. Such a UseCase can be easily reached using

the Graph database.

Infinite Graph and InfoGrid are the popular graphics-depends database. InfoGrid allows multiple

edges (relationships) or nodes (Mesh Objects) to be connected, making it simpler to represent

hyperlinks and complex data sets.

InfoGrid provides two GraphDatabases, including the following:

NoSQL technologies

MeshBase - This is the perfect choice for a standalone deployment.

NetMeshBase – It’s ideal for huge distributed graphics and has an additional feature for

communicating with another NetMeshbase-like device.

As companies prepare to take advantage of alternative database systems that provide better and

better performance on big data platforms, the demand for database professionals has increased

dramatically. Now that the age of relational databases is long gone, NoSQL technology is

creating huge career opportunities for those who want to make a significant contribution in this

area. Therefore, it is very important to master it and take your career to a whole new level

(Rouse, 2017).


Aggarwal, D., & Sonika, R. (2016). Emerging Technologies For Big Data Processing: NOSQL

And NEWSQL Data Stores. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science. doi:


BUY, D., POLYAKOV, S., & HRYSHKO, I. (2013). Formal Specification of the NoSQL

Document-Oriented Data Model. Acta Electrotechnica Et Informatica, 13(4), 26-31. doi:


Cattell, R. (2011). Scalable SQL and NoSQL data stores. ACM SIGMOD Record, 39(4), 12. doi:


Klemenkov, P. (2013). Building real-time news recommendation service using NoSQL DBMS.

Informatics And Applications, 14-21. doi: 10.14357/19922264130302

KUMAR, G. (2014). Exploring the Different Types of NoSQL Databases Part ii. Retrieved from
NoSQL technologies

M., A., H., O., M., H., & S., A. (2017). NoSQL Racket: A Testing Tool for Detecting NoSQL

Injection Attacks in Web Applications. International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science

And Applications, 8(11). doi: 10.14569/ijacsa.2017.081178

NoSQL Database: Cassandra is a Better Option to Handle Big Data. (2016). International

Journal Of Science And Research (IJSR), 5(1), 24-26. doi: 10.21275/v5i1.nov152557

Patel, J. (2016). Operational NoSQL Systems: What's New and What's Next?. Computer, 49(4),

23-30. doi: 10.1109/mc.2016.118

Rouse, M. (2017). What is NoSQL (Not Only SQL database)? - Definition from

Retrieved from

Samal, B., & Panda, M. (2017). Real Time Product Feedback Review and Analysis Using

Apache Technologies and NOSQL Database. International Journal Of Engineering And

Computer Science, 6(10), 22551-22558. doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v6i10.04

Sipos, R. (2015). NoSQL technologies for the CMS Conditions Database. Journal Of Physics:

Conference Series, 664(4), 042050. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/664/4/042050

Višnjevac, N., Mihajlović, R., Šoškić, M., Cvijetinović, Ž., & Bajat, B. (2017). Using NoSQL

databases in the 3D cadastre domain. Geodetski Vestnik, 61(03), 412-426. doi:



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