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A is for ant, so small, so tiny.

B is for bee, buzzing busily.

C is for cat, meowing so softly.
D is for duck, that walks so wobbly.
E is for elephant, big and mighty.
F is for froggy, wet and slimy.
G is for giraffe with a long, long neck.
H is for hen on the ground that pecks.
I is for iguana that crawls up the tree.
J is for jaguar that growls at me.
K is for kitten, so soft, so cuddly.
L is for lion that doesn’t look friendly.
M is for monkey that looks so funny.
N is for newt, simply not ordinary.
O is for octopus that lives in the sea.
P is for peacock pretty as can be.
Q is for quail with small dotted eggs.
R is for rooster with a crown on his head.
S is for snake, so creepy and scary.
T is for turtle with a shell so shiny.
U is for unicorn with a horn on his head.
V is for vulture that feeds on the

W is for whale so large and tame.

X is for extra small fox that’s
never lame
Y is for yak with hair that’s long.
Z is for zebra, in the zoo it belongs.
Alphabet creatures so wonderful
to see.
I’ll name them again from A to Z.

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